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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2017

The Elements Of Style by Strunk, William
Talking Back, Talking Black: Truths About America's Lingua Franca by John McWhorter
Alphabet Chrétien Divisé Par Syllabes . Nouvelle Édition, Augmentée de la Prière Pour: L'Évêque Du Diocèse by Sans Auteur
Alphabet En Français, Divisé Par Syllabes . Nouvelle Édition, Augmentée de la Prière Pour: L'Evêque Du Diocèse by Sans Auteur
Première Partie de la Méthode de Lecture, Par Un Instituteur de l'Arrond.T de Péronne by V. Seur-J-F
Dictionnaire Français-Arabe 2e Édition by Bocthor, Ellious
The Elements Of Style by Strunk, William
Anna's Ice Cream Hebrew Edition by Davis, Jasmine C.
Cognitive Literary Science: Dialogues Between Literature and Cognition by
Introduction to the Languages of the World by Kessler, Brett, Leben, William, Lyovin, Anatole
Network Society; How Social Relations Rebuild Space(s) by Iannone, Roberta, Ferreri, Emanuela, Marchetti, Maria Cristina
Optical Character Recognition Systems for Different Languages with Soft Computing by Mandaviya, Krupa, Badelia, Pratixa, Chaudhuri, Arindam
Macedonian Discourses: Text Linguistics and Pragmatics by Kawka, Maciej
Talking at Work: Corpus-Based Explorations of Workplace Discourse by
Language, Normativity and Europeanisation: Discursive Evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest by Motschenbacher, Heiko
Stolen Language?: Plagiarism in Writing by Angelil-Carter, Shelley
Fachlexeme in Konstruktion: Linguistischer Beitrag zur Erkenntnisarbeit by Pawlowski, Grzegorz
Causatives and Causation: A Universal -typological perspective by Song, Jae Jung
Negotiating Elite Talk: Language, Race, Class and Identity Among African American High Schoolers by Taggart Clark, John
Engaged Language Policy and Practices by Davis, Kathryn A., Phyak, Prem
A Student's Dictionary of Language and Linguistics by Trask, Larry
Teaching and Researching Speaking: Third Edition by Hughes, Rebecca, Reed, Beatrice Szczepek
Teaching and Researching Speaking by Hughes, Rebecca, Reed, Beatrice Szczepek
Semiotics and Verbal Texts: How the News Media Construct a Crisis by Gravells, Jane
Internationalizing Teaching, Localizing Learning: An Examination of English Language Teaching Reforms and English Use in China by McPherron, Paul
Autonomy in Second Language Learning: Managing the Resources by
La ĉina - mitoj kaj realo; Le chinois - idées reçues et réalité: Dulingva eldono by Piron, Claude
Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies: Self-Regulation in Context, Second Edition by Oxford, Rebecca L.
Pronunciation Learning Strategies and Language Anxiety: In Search of an Interplay by Szyszka, Magdalena
The Fluency Construct: Curriculum-Based Measurement Concepts and Applications by
Questions by Dayal, Veneeta
The Perfect English Grammar Workbook: Simple Rules and Quizzes to Master Today's English by McLendon, Lisa
Sprache und Beziehung by
Bedeutungsverschiebung und Sinnerzeugung durch Text-Bild-Relationen in der Werbung by Poschen, Stefanie
Towards a New Standard: Theoretical and Empirical Studies on the Restandardization of Italian by
Introducing Language and Cognition: A Map of the Mind by Sharwood Smith, Michael
Human Issues in Translation Technology by
Collaborative Translation: From the Renaissance to the Digital Age by
Pedagogies for Internationalising Research Education: Intellectual Equality, Theoretic-Linguistic Diversity and Knowledge Chuàngxīn by Han, Jinghe, Singh, Michael
Research in Clinical Pragmatics by
Discourse and Social Life by Sarangi, Srikant, Coulthard, Malcolm
Applied Discourse Analysis: Popular Culture, Media, and Everyday Life by Berger, Arthur Asa
Process and Experience in the Language Classroom by Thomas, Howard, Candlin, Christopher N., Legutke, Michael
Adverbs and Modality in English by Hoye, Leo
Knowledge & Discourse: Towards an Ecology of Language by Bruce, Nigel, Nunan, David, Barron, Colin
Generative Grammar by Horrocks, Geoffrey
Writing: Texts, Processes and Practices by
La Sintaxis de la Literatura by Flecha Fernandez, Miguel, Cortes Moreno, Patricia
Diversity in African languages by Payne, Doris L., Pacchiarotti, Sara, Bosire, Mokaya
My Arabic House 4: Rayanatullugha4 by Dabboussi, Fatima
The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology by
Revisiting EFL Assessment: Critical Perspectives by
Essential Japanese Kanji Volume 2: (Jlpt Level N4 / AP Exam Prep) Learn the Essential Kanji Characters Needed for Everyday Interactions in Japan by Kanji Research Group
Japanese Kanji for Beginners: (Jlpt Levels N5 & N4) First Steps to Learn the Basic Japanese Characters [Includes Online Audio & Printable Flash Card by Stout, Timothy G., Hakone, Kaori
Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry by Maran, Timo
Bilingual and Multilingual Education by
Debates, Rhetoric and Political Action: Practices of Textual Interpretation and Analysis by Haapala, Taru, Palonen, Kari, Wiesner, Claudia
Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use by
Reflections on Qualitative Research in Language and Literacy Education by
Speech Recognition Using Articulatory and Excitation Source Features by Rao, K. Sreenivasa, K. E., Manjunath
Bilingual and Multilingual Education by
Future Research Directions for Applied Linguistics by
Future Research Directions for Applied Linguistics by
Mind The Gap: Ellipsis and Stylistic Variation in Spoken and Written English by Wilson, Peter
For Better or for Worse: Translation as a Tool for Change in the South Pacific by Fenton, Sabine
The English Infinitive by Duffley, Patrick Joseph
Technology for the Language Classroom: Creating a 21st Century Learning Experience by Mercado, Leo
Phonetics, Phonology & Pronunciation for the Language Classroom by Hastings, Christopher, Hall, Charles
108 Word Search Puzzles with the American Sign Language Alphabet, Volume 05: ASL Fingerspelling Word Search Games by
108 Word Search Puzzles with the American Sign Language Alphabet Volume 04: ASL Fingerspelling Word Search Games by
Das Althochdeutsche aus textlinguistischer Sicht by Braun, Christian
Diatopische Variation Im Wörterbuch: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Sutter, Patrizia
Grundlagen der Übersetzungswissenschaft by Schreiber, Michael
The ORCA Method (TM): 9 Simple Steps To Transform Your English Accent by Miziniak, Andrew
Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 - Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Band 6 by
Der Ausdruck der Konzessivitaet im heutigen Franzoesisch und Italienisch: Mit einem Vorwort von Wilhelm Poetters by Detti, Tommaso
Assessment in the Language Classroom: Teachers Supporting Student Learning by Cheng, Liying, Fox, Janna
Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics: The State of the Art in China Today by
Exploring Discourse in Context and Action by Crichton, Jonathan, Candlin, Christopher N., Professor, Moore, Stephen H.
A Study of Attitudes of Dialect Speakers Towards the Speak Mandarin Campaign in Singapore by Ng, Patrick Chin Leong
World Englishes and Culture Wars by Kachru, Braj B.
Die Rezeption der tuerkischen Literatur im deutschen Sprachraum: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung aktueller Uebersetzungsvorhaben by Dikici, Christine
Music as Multimodal Discourse: Semiotics, Power and Protest by
Contemporary Critical Discourse Studies by
Translating Holocaust Lives by
Research Methods for Language Teaching: Inquiry, Process, and Synthesis by Avineri, Netta
Language and Migration in a Multilingual Metropolis: Berlin Lives by Stevenson, Patrick
Confessions of a Lapsed Neo-Davidsonian: Events and Arguments in Compositional Semantics by Bayer, Samuel L.
Interaction in the Language Curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy and Authenticity by Lier, Leo Van
Typography & Language in Everyday Life: Prescriptions and Practices by Walker, Sue
Language and Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Mills, Sara
Learner English on Computer by Granger, Sylviane
Language - The Loaded Weapon: The Use and Abuse of Language Today by Bolinger, Dwight
English Historical Syntax by Denison, David
Lingva Komunikado / Communication Linguistique: Kompara Esploro Farita Surloke. Dulingva Eldono: Étude Comparative Faite Sur Le Terrain by Piron, Claude
Diversity in African languages by
Benito Mussolini retore: Un caso di persuasione politica by Siennicka, Adrianna
Language and Culture at Work by Schnurr, Stephanie, Zayts, Olga
The Dynamics of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Development by Kowal, Iwona
Language and Peace by Wenden, Anita L., Schäffne, Christina
The Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation by Cheng, Le, Sin, King Kui
Tuttle Compact Mandarin Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-English English-Chinese [All Hsk Levels, Fully Romanized] by Dong, Li
Gradability in Natural Language: Logical and Grammatical Foundations by Burnett, Heather
Sociolinguistics in Wales by
Meanings and Other Things: Themes from the Work of Stephen Schiffer by
Étude Sur Les Causes Des Variations de l'Urée Dans Quelques Maladies Du Foie by Valmont, Félix
Le Cri Suprême, Ou Le Bleu, Le Blanc Et Le Rouge. 1°, de la Déclaration Des Droits de l'Homme: 2°, de la Constitution Du 24 Juin 1793 3°, de la Consti by de Verbrie-A
Méthode de Lecture, Par Éd. Gachet Nouvelle Édition by Gachet, Édouard
Un Voyage À Paris, Ou Le Paris Des Enfants, Avec Ses Environs: Album Composé de 32 Sujets: Dessinés d'Après Nature, Avec Introduction by Sans Auteur
Vernetzter Sprachunterricht. Die Schulfremdsprachen Englisch, Französisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Latein, Russisch und Spanisch im Dialog. Akten ein by
Gradability in Natural Language: Logical and Grammatical Foundations by Burnett, Heather
Distributed Agency by
A Harmony of the Spirits: Translation and the Language of Community in Early Pennsylvania by Erben, Patrick M.
Studies in the Phonology of Colloquial English by Lodge, K. R.
Speaking Canadian English: An Informal Account of the English Language in Canada by Orkin, Mark M.
Cockney Past and Present: A Short History of the Dialect of London by Matthews, William
Questions of Intonation by Kenworthy, Joanne, Currie, Karen L., Brown, Gillian
Anaphoric Relations in English and French: A Discourse Perspective by Cornish, Francis
Cleft and Pseudo-Cleft Constructions in English by Collins, Peter C.
Studies in the Pronunciation of English: A Commemorative Volume in Honour of A.C. Gimson by
The Elements of English: An Introduction to the Principles of the Study of Language by Branford, William
The Grammar of English Reflexives by Helke, Michael
Syllable-Based Generalizations in English Phonology by Kahn, Daniel
A Comparative Typology of English and German: Unifying the Contrasts by Hawkins, John a.
Grammatical Gender in English: 950 to 1250 by Jones, Charles
Pronouns and Word Order in Old English: With Particular Reference to the Indefinite Pronoun Man by Van Bergen, Linda
Human Geography: A History for the Twenty-First Century by
The Textual Life of Savants: Ethnography, Iceland, and the Linguistic Turn by Pálsson, Gisli
Towards a Contextual Grammar of English: The Clause and its Place in the Definition of Sentence by Winter, Eugene
An Historic Tongue: Studies in English Linguistics in Memory of Barbara Strang by
An Advanced English Syntax: Based on the Principles and Requirements of the Grammatical Society by Onions, C. T.
The Pseudo-Cleft Construction in English by Higgins, F. R.
The Phonology of a South Durham Dialect: Descriptive, Historical, and Comparative by Orton, Harold
The Phrase Phonology of English and French by Selkirk, Elisabeth O.
Definiteness and Indefiniteness: A Study in Reference and Grammaticality Prediction by Hawkins, John a.
A History of English (Rle: English Language) by Strang, Barbara M. H.
A Structural Atlas of the English Dialects by Anderson, Peter
Talking the Talk: Language, Psychology and Science by Harley, Trevor A.
Tense in English: Its Structure and Use in Discourse by Declerck, Renaat
Psycholinguistik: Eine Einführung by Gerwien, Johannes, Dietrich, Rainer
Bibliography of Translation Studies: 2000 by Kenny, Dorothy, Jennifer Pearson, Bowker, Lynne
Vocabulary by Bauer, Laurie
Experiential Learning in Foreign Language Education by Jaatinen, Riitta, Kaikkonen, Pauli, Kohonen, Viljo
Introducing Second Language Acquisition by Saville-Troike, Muriel, Barto, Karen
Syntactic Analysis: An Hpsg-Based Approach by Levine, Robert D.
On Shell Structure by Larson, Richard K.
Translation and Localisation in Video Games: Making Entertainment Software Global by Bernal-Merino, Miguel Á.
Researching Identity and Interculturality by
Hacia Un Enfoque Múltiple de la Polisemia: Un Estudio Empírico del Verbo Multimodal «Sentir» Desde Una Perspectiva Sincrónica Y Diacrónica by Jansegers, Marlies
Translation and Web Searching by Enríquez Raído, Vanessa
Onomastik Des Rolandsliedes: Namen ALS Schlüssel Zu Strukturen, Welthaltigkeit Und Vorgeschichte Des Liedes by Beckmann, Gustav Adolf
Hong Kong English: Exploring Lexicogrammar and Discourse from a Corpus-Linguistic Perspective by Wong, May
Comprehending and Speaking about Motion in L2 Spanish: A Case of Implicit Learning in Anglophones by Navarro Ortega, Samuel A.
Challenging Boundaries in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Perspectives by
Genre Changes and Privileged Pedagogic Identity in Teaching Contest Discourse by Irwin, Derek, Liu, Ning
An Introduction to Field Phonetics by McKinney, Carol V., McKinney, Norris P.
A Grammar of Aguaruna (Iiniá Chicham) by Overall, Simon E.
An Introduction to Field Phonetics by McKinney, Norris P., McKinney, Carol V.
Language and Culture at Work by Zayts, Olga, Schnurr, Stephanie
Teachers' Guide to 'A Magdalen Islands Alphabet' Undo by Turnbull, Roma
Coordinating Information and Communications Technology Across the Primary School: A Study in the Adjectives of English by Ferris, Connor
Subjectivity and Perspective in Truth-Theoretic Semantics by Lasersohn, Peter
How to write clearly by Abbott, Edwin A.
Metaphern und Dramapaedagogik im muttersprachlichen Grammatikunterricht des Deutschen by Wilms, Anne-Kathrin
In mehreren Sprachen studieren: Repraesentationen und Praktiken von Mehrsprachigkeit in dreisprachigen Studienprogrammen an der Universitaet Luxemburg by Stoike-Sy, Rahel
Stories, Grammar and Prosody in a Berber Language: : Demonstration of Grammar Discovery by McClelland Phd, C. W.
Subjectivity and Perspective in Truth-Theoretic Semantics by Lasersohn, Peter
Task-Based Language Learning in a Real-World Digital Environment: The European Digital Kitchen by
Linguanomics: What Is the Market Potential of Multilingualism? by Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle
Kognitive Psychologie: Problemlösen, Komplexität Und Gedächtnis by Tobinski, David A.
Linguanomics: What Is the Market Potential of Multilingualism? by Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle
What Is Cultural Translation? by Maitland, Sarah
Sprache in Rede, Gespraech und Kommunikation: Linguistisches Wissen in der Kommunikationsberatung by
Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language by Stewart Sr, David Grant, Smith Jr, Joseph
Controlling Language in Industry: Controlled Languages for Technical Documents by Crabbe, Stephen
Alternative Sets in Language Processing: How Focus Alternatives Are Represented in the Mind by Gotzner, Nicole
Modern Perspectives in Type-Theoretical Semantics by
Norm-Focused and Culture-Related Inquiries in Translation Research: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2014 by
A Dictionary of Abbreviations: With Especial Attention to War-Time Abbreviations by Partridge, Eric
Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning by
Willingness to Communicate in Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Combining a Macro- And Micro-Perspective by Pawlak, Miroslaw, Mystkowska-Wiertelak, Anna
Die Sprache in zentralen militaerischen Dienstvorschriften der Bundeswehr by Arsan, Christian F.
Conjunct Consonants in Sanskrit by Stiehl, Ulrich
The Wonders of Language by Roberts, Ian
The Assessment of Emergent Bilinguals: Supporting English Language Learners by Mahoney, Kate
Dangerous Language: Esperanto and the Decline of Stalinism by Lins, Ulrich
Phonographie by Mahrer, Rudolf
Dangerous Language -- Esperanto Under Hitler and Stalin by Lins, Ulrich
The Interfaces of Chinese Syntax with Semantics and Pragmatics by Wu, Yicheng
ABCs in Politics & Policies by Lyn, E. R.
Getting at Get in World Englishes: A Corpus-Based Semasiological-Syntactic Analysis by Bruckmaier, Elisabeth
Pragmatics at Its Interfaces by
The Assessment of Emergent Bilinguals: Supporting English Language Learners by Mahoney, Kate
Indigene Bevölkerungsgruppen Brasiliens. Sprache und Volk der Botokuden by Nitsch, Matthias
Das Wörterbuch der Botokuden-Sprache. Entstehung, Rezeption und metalexikographische Analyse by Nitsch, Matthias
Die Besiedlung Brasiliens. Indigene Ethnien und Sprachen by Nitsch, Matthias
Social Interaction and Teacher Cognition by Li, Li
The Fall of Language in the Age of English by Mizumura, Minae
SAT Vocabulary: A New Approach by Meltzer, Erica L.
Beginner's Mandarin Chinese Dictionary: The Ideal Dictionary for Beginning Students [Hsk Levels 1-5, Fully Romanized] by Dong, Li
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