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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2018

Insights from Practices in Community-Based Research: From Theory to Practice Around the Globe by
Zur Diachronie der Negation in der französischen Sprachgeschichte und zum Problem der Absenz des Negationselements "ne" in der Gegenwartssprache by Anonymous
Translation as Metaphor by Guldin, Rainer
Arabische Sprache im Kontext: Festschrift zu Ehren von Eckehard Schulz by
Learn Paleo Hebrew Alef-Bet (For Mother's & Daughters) by Israelites, Hebrew
Language Breakdown: - Decrypting Spanish - by Rodriguez, Jose R.
Learn Paleo Hebrew Alef-Bet (For Mothers & Daughters): Color Edition by School, Zion Law, Israelites, Hebrew, Yachaana, Mba Yasapa
Language in the New Millennium: Applied-linguistic and Cognitive-linguistic Considerations by
Diskurslinguistische Perspektiven auf Soziale Repraesentationen: Kognitiv-semantische Untersuchungen von Vorstellungsfeldern zur Straßburger Neustadt by Dahm, Johannes
The Handbook of Chinese Linguistics by
Researching edTPA Promises and Problems: Perspectives from English as an Additional Language, English Language Arts, and World Language Teacher Educat by
Researching edTPA Promises and Problems: Perspectives from English as an Additional Language, English Language Arts, and World Language Teacher Educat by
Entstehung und Merkmale der spanischen Kreolsprachen by Tseytlina, Regina
Die strukturelle Semantik als Teildisziplin des Strukturalismus. Erschließung der Wortbedeutung anhand der Semanalyse: Welche Vor- und Nachteile ergeb by Haas, Juliane
Die Wortstellung in der chinesisch-deutschen Übersetzung. Die Informationsstruktur und die Passivkonstruktionen: Eine Untersuchung anhand des Werks "W by May, Valeria
Flexionsmorphologie. Gesamtbau des verbalen Paradigmas: Zusammenfassung zur Flexionsmorphologie in der Linguistik by Kuhlmann, Anna
Die linguistische Gesprächsanalyse by Jirschitzka, Linda
Die objektive Hermeneutik und "Ich bin dann mal weg" von Hape Kerkeling by Diße, Corinna
Kognitive Linguistik. Relevanz der Aphasien und wie sie helfen können das Mentale Lexikon zu verstehen: Neuere Forschung zu lexikalischen Störungen by Ruser, Kevin
Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 - Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Band 10 by Zhu, Jianhua, Szurawitzki, Michael
Second Language Acquisition in Action: Principles from Practice by Nava, Andrea, Pedrazzini, Luciana
On Writtenness: The Cultural Politics of Academic Writing by Turner, Joan
Lehren an Der Hochschule by Osterroth, Andreas
The Role of Corpus Linguistics in the Ethnography of a Closed Community: Survival Communication by Harrington, Kieran
Language for Teaching Purposes: Bilingual Classroom Discourse and the Non-Native Speaker Language Teacher by Riordan, Emma
Eil Education for the Expanding Circle: A Japanese Model by Hino, Nobuyuki
Second Language Processing: An Introduction by Jiang, Nan
The English Language: A Very Short Introduction by Horobin, Simon
Principles of Banking Law by Avgouleas, Emilios, Van Zwieten, Kristin, Cranston, Sir Ross
Cursive handwriting workbook for kids: workbook cursive, workbook tracing, cursive handwriting workbook for teens, cursive handwriting workbook for ki by Akaishi, Cornelia
Stilistische Variation des deutschen Wortschatzes in Wörterbüchern der Gegenwart: Vergleich zwischen bedeutenden Wörterbüchern der Gegenwart by Alekic, Adela
Blended Basic Language Courses: Design, Pedagogy, and Implementation by Anderson, Hope M.
Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality by
Björn Höcke, ein Hassredner? Eine linguistische Analyse seiner Dresdner Rede vom 17. Januar 2017 by Busch, Catrin
Language, Vernacular Discourse and Nationalisms: Uncovering the Myths of Transnational Worlds by Ndhlovu, Finex
Evidence for Multiattachment in K'ekchi Mayan by Berinstein, Ava
Theoretical Implications of Some Global Phenomena in Syntax by Fauconnier, Gilles
Morphology and Universals in Syntactic Change: Evidence from Medieval and Modern Greek by Joseph, Brian D.
Interaction of Morphology and Syntax in American Sign Language by Padden, Carol a.
Mojave Syntax by Munro, Pamela
The Syntax of the Albanian Verb Complex by Hubbard, Philip L.
An Introduction to Transformational Syntax by Fowler, Roger
Topics in the Syntax and Semantics of Infinitives and Gerunds by Chierchia, Gennaro
Theory of Complementation in English Syntax by Bresnan, Joan
On Syntax of Negation by Laka, Itziar
Essentials of Grammatical Theory: A Consensus View of Syntax and Morphology by Allerton, D. J.
Thematic Theory in Syntax and Interpretation by Clark, Robin
Descriptive Syntax and the English Verb by Kilby, David
Comparative Constructions in Spanish and French Syntax by Price, Susan
Welsh Syntax: A Government-Binding Approach by Sadler, Louisa
Reflexivization: A Study in Universal Syntax by Faltz, Leonard M.
Modern Chinese Lexicology by Benyi, Ge
Cursive handwriting workbook for kids: workbook cursive, workbook tracing, cursive handwriting workbook for teens, cursive handwriting workbook for ki by Akaishi, Cornelia
Cursive handwriting workbook for kids: workbook cursive, workbook tracing, cursive handwriting workbook for teens, cursive handwriting workbook for ki by Akaishi, Cornelia
Some Syntactic Rules in Mohawk by Postal, Paul Martin
Syntactic Issues in the English Imperative by Potsdam, Eric
The Syntax of Coordination by Van Oirsouw, Robert R.
The Syntax and Semantics of Wh-Constructions by
Topics in French Syntax by Legendre, Geraldine
Studies in the Syntax of Relative and Comparative Causes by Andrews III, Avery D.
Kopula, Auxiliar, Praedikativ: Zur Satzstruktur in nordslavischen Sprachen by Pitsch, Hagen
Modern Scots: An Analytical Survey by Millar, Robert McColl
The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning: The Tornado Effect by Griffiths, Carol
The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning: The Tornado Effect by Griffiths, Carol
Get Through MRCOG Part 2: SBAs by Kalidindi, Madhavi, Hollingworth, Tony, Wuntakal, Rekha
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork by Meakins, Felicity, Green, Jennifer, Turpin, Myfany
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork by Turpin, Myfany, Meakins, Felicity, Green, Jennifer
La traducción jurada de certificados de registro civil: Manual para el Traductor-Intérprete Jurado by Lobato Patricio, Julia, Granados Navarro, Adrián
Linguistic and Cultural Representation in Audiovisual Translation by
Second Language Processing: An Introduction by Jiang, Nan
The Influence of Latin to the English Language. Morphological and Lexical Features by Damas Quiles, Rafael
Handout zur Nominalphrase aus dem Seminar "Wortstellung im Deutschen" by Kuhlmann, Anna
Heidegger's Path to Language by Torres Gregory, Wanda
Beitraege zum Islamischen Recht XII by
Competing Structures in the Bilingual Mind: A Psycholinguistic Investigation of Optional Verb Number Agreement by Bamyacı, Elif
Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 - Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Band 9 by Zhu, Jianhua, Szurawitzki, Michael
Modern Scots: An Analytical Survey by Millar, Robert McColl
Un(intended) Language Planning in a Globalising World: Multiple Levels of Players at Work by Chua Siew Kheng, Catherine
An Introduction to Bilingualism: Principles and Processes by
Corpus Triangulation: Combining Data and Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies by Malamatidou, Sofia
The Promised Landing: A Gateway to Peaceful Dying by Windrum, Bart
What the F: What Swearing Reveals about Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves by Bergen, Benjamin K.
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained by Milton, John
Researching Urban Youth Language and Identity by Drummond, Rob
A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Clark-Hall, J. R.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An Introduction by
Live on Tape: The Art of the Interview by Dranda, Darlene
The Discourse of ADHD: Perspectives on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Horton-Salway, Mary, Davies, Alison
Neologismen und Okkasionalismen. Wortschatzentwicklung und Wortneubildungen in der deutschen Sprache by Jirschitzka, Linda
Das paraguayische Spanisch und seine charakteristischen linguistischen Merkmale: Phonetik, Morphologie, Syntax und Phonologie by Anonymous
The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics by
Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers: Trace Letters Of The Alphabet and Number: Preschool Practice Handwriting Workbook: Pre K, Kindergarten and Kids by Publishing, Plant
Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers: Trace Letters Of The Alphabet and Number: Preschool Practice Handwriting Workbook: Pre K, Kindergarten and Kids by Publishing, Plant
Letter Tracing Book for Preschoolers: : Trace Letters Of The Alphabet and Number: Preschool Practice Handwriting Workbook: Pre K, Kindergarten and Kid by Publishing, Plant
Criticality, Teacher Identity, and (In)Equity in English Language Teaching: Issues and Implications by
Religious Talk Online: The Evangelical Discourse of Muslims, Christians, and Atheists by Pihlaja, Stephen
Bilingualism in the Community by Cacoullos, Rena Torres, Travis, Catherine E.
Quantifiers and Cognition: Logical and Computational Perspectives by Szymanik, Jakub
Multilingual Education Yearbook 2018: Internationalization, Stakeholders & Multilingual Education Contexts by
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
The Adventures of AlphaBete by Stevens, Lucy
Morphological Processing and Literacy Development: Current Issues and Research by
Wissenschaftssprache praxistheoretisch by Niemann, Robert
Beleidigungswörter by Technau, Björn
Narratives of Conflict, Belonging, and the State: Discourse and Social Life in Post-War Ireland by French, Brigittine M.
Phonological Typology by
Epistemic Modalities and Evidentiality in Cross-Linguistic Perspective by
Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda by
El ADN del Euskera (en 1500 partículas) by Goitia Blanco, Javier
Multimodality, Poetry and Poetics by Andrews, Richard
Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda by
Deletion phenomena in comparative constructions: English comparatives in a cross-linguistic perspective by Bacskai-Atkari, Julia
Letter Tracing Books for Kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter Tracing Books for Kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Supportive Conversations on Facebook Timelines: Discourse Topic Management by Wahab, Zanirah, Yunus, Kamariah, Ab Rashid, Radzuwan
The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between American and British English by Murphy, Lynne
Mini Korean Dictionary: Korean-English English-Korean by
How to Swear: An Illustrated Guide by Wildish, Stephen
Mini Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-English English-Chinese by
Emerging Hispanicized English in the Nuevo New South: Language Variation in a Triethnic Community by Callahan, Erin
Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik: Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle by Höhle, Tilman
Moderation und verschiedene Moderationstechniken an einem konkreten Beispiel by Schmidt, Ines
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Second revised and extended edition. Vol. II. by Müller, Stefan
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Second revised and extended edition. Vol. II. by Müller, Stefan
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Letter Tracing Books for Kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Second revised and extended edition. Vol. I. by Müller, Stefan
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Second revised and extended edition. Vol. I. by Müller, Stefan
Letter tracing books for kids ages 3-5: letter tracing preschool, letter tracing, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing preschool, letter tracing w by Akaishi, Cornelia
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics by
Study Abroad Contexts for Enhanced Foreign Language Learning by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Witness Between Languages: The Translation of Holocaust Testimonies in Context by Davies, Peter
Linguistic Mysteries of Ethnonyms in Inner Asia by Wang, Penglin
L'Adjectif En Français Et Sa Définition Lexicographique by Frassi, Paolo
An Introduction to Bilingualism: Principles and Processes by
Einfluss des Quechua auf das Spanische in Peru by Wegener, Selina
1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Grose, Francis
Bell's New Pantheon; or, Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-gods, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Antiquity: ... of 2; Volume 2 by Bell, John
The Works of Laurence Sterne. Complete in Eight Volumes. ... of 8; Volume 8 by Anonymous
The Battle of Ramillia: Or, the Power of Union. A Poem. In Five Books. By Mr. Dennis by Anonymous
The Thistle and the Rose. Vertue and Vyce. Two Antient Allegorical Scots Poems by Dunbar, William
The Incas: Or, the Destruction of the Empire of Peru. By M. Marmontel. In two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 1 by Marmontel, Jean-François
The art of Pleasing in Conversation: In French and English. Written by the Famous Cardinal Richelieu by Vaumorière, M. de
A Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal. The Second Edition. To Which is Added, an Appendix, Containing a Variety of Undoubt by Anonymous
A Philosophical Amusement Upon the Language of Beasts and Birds. Written Originally in French by Father Bougeant, ... The Second Edition Corrected by Bougeant, G. -H
The History of English Poetry, From the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To Which are Prefixed, two Dissertations. by Warton, Thomas
Poems Upon Several Occasions. By Mr. Smith by Smith
The Hermit of Snowden: Or Memoirs of Albert and Lavinia. Taken From a Faithful Copy of the Original Manuscript, Which was Found ... by the La by Ryves, Elizabeth
An Ess[ay] i[n] Defe[nce] of the Female sex. Interspersed With Reflections Upon Love and Taste. Written for the Honour of the Fair sex. By a Lady by Lady
Choirochorographia: Sive, Hoglandiæ descriptio. by Richards, Thomas
The Children's Friend. Translated From the French of M. Berquin; Complete in Four Volumes. Ornamented With Frontispieces. A new Corrected Edition; Wit by Berquin, M.
The Children's Friend. Translated From the French of M. Berquin; Complete in Four Volumes. Ornamented With Frontispieces. A new Corrected Edition; Wit by Berquin, M.
Exercitia Latina: Or, Latin for Garretsons's English exercises for school-boys to translate syntactically. ... By N. Bailey, ... The fif by Bailey, N.
The Fair Syrian. A Novel. In two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 2 by Bage, Robert
Ovid's art of Love, in Three Books. Together With his Remedy of Love. Translated Into English Verse by Several Eminent Hands. To Which are Added, the by Ovid
A Critical Dissertation Upon Homer's Iliad. Where, Upon Occasion of This Poem, A new System of the art of Poetry is Attempted, ... By Abbé Terraçon, . by Terrasson, Jean
Blank Verse, by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb by Lloyd, Charles
Pindar's ode to Prosperina. Translated From the French of Monsieur de la Motte. ... By R. Cruttenden by La Motte, M. De
Sigevart, a Tale. Translated From the German, by H. L. ... of 2; Volume 2 by Miller, Johann Martin
Lettres a son altesse monseigneur le prince de **** sur Rabelais & sur d'autres auteurs accusés d'avoir mal parlé de la religion chrêtienne. by Voltaire
Reflections on a Flower-garden. In a Letter to a Lady. By James Hervey, A.B by Hervey, James
The Female Spectator. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. The Seventh Edition. In Four Volumes. of 4; Volume 1 by Haywood, Eliza Fowler
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope. ... The Sixth Edition. of 6; Volume 1 by Homer
Marci Hieronymi Vidæ, cremonensis, Albæ episcopi, De arte poetica libri tres. Autoris vitam præmisit, & annotationes adjecit Tho. Tristram, ... Editio by Vida, Marco Girolamo
Goetz of Berlichingen, With the Iron Hand: A Tragedy. Translated From the German of Goethé, ... By Walter Scott, by Anonymous
A Short Introduction to English Grammar: With Critical Notes. A new Edition Corrected. By Robert Lowth, by Lowth, Robert
Mad man of the Mountain. A Tale. In two Volumes. By Henry Summersett, ... of 2; Volume 2 by Summersett, Henry
The Dragon of Wantley, a Burlesque Opera. As Perform'd at the Theatres With Universal Applause. Set to Musick by Mr. John-Frederick Lampe by Carey, Henry
The Life and Real Adventures of Hamilton Murray. Written by Himself. In Three Volumes. of 3; Volume 2 by Murray, Hamilton
The Travels of Cyllenius. A Poem. In Sixty-six Cantos. ... of 2; Volume 2 by Dickinson, Charles
A Vocabulary, or Pocket Dictionary. To Which is Prefixed, a Compendious Grammar of the English Language by Baskerville, John
Alexander's Feast: Or, the Power of Musick. An ode. Wrote in Honour of St. Cecilia, Written by Mr. Dryden. And an Additional new act, Cal by Anonymous
Il Decamerone. One Hundred Ingenious Novels: Written by John Boccacio, ... Now Done Into English, ... of 2; Volume 2 by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Blunt to Walpole: A Familiar Epistle in Behalf of the British Distillery by Bockett, Elias
A Short Introduction to English Grammar: With Critical Notes. By the Right Reverend Robert Lowth, D.D. Lord Bishop of London. A new Edition, Corrected by Lowth, Robert
Mémoires d'Anne de Gonzagues, princesse palatine. by Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel
The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton. With the Life of the Author by Fenton, Elijah
Parsing Lessons for Elder Pupils: Resolved Into Their Elements for the Assistance of Parents and Teachers. By Mrs. Lovechild by Lovechild
Poems on Several Occasions, Together With a Pastoral. By Mrs. S. F by Egerton, Sarah Fyge
A Compendious Dictionary of the French Language, Chiefly Designed to Teach the Pronunciation of it; ... With General Tables of the French Pronunciatio by Peyton, V. J.
An Easy and Entertaining Selection of German Prose and Poetry. With a Small Dictionary, and Other Aids for Translating. By George Crabb, by Crabb, George
Marian: A Comic Opera, in two Acts. Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By Mrs. Brookes by Brooke, Frances
The Happy Prescription; or, the Lady Relieved From her Lovers: A Comedy, in Rhyme. Written for A Private Theatre, by William Hayley, Esq by Hayley, William
Gortz of Berlingen, With the Iron Hand. An Historical Drama, of the Fifteenth Century. Translated From the German of Goethe, by Anonymous
The English Grammar: Or, an Essay on the art of Grammar, Applied to and Exemplified in the English Tongue. By Michael Maittaire by Maittaire, Michael
The Wandering Patentee; or, a History of the Yorkshire Theatres, From 1770 to the Present Time: Interspersed With Anecdotes Respecting Most of the Per by Anonymous
The Puritan: Or, the Widow of Watling-Street by W S
The Rape of Proserpine, From Claudian. In Three Books. With the Episode of Sextus and Erichtho, From Lucan's Pharsalia, Book VI. Translated by Mr. Jab by Claudianus, Claudius
The Spanish Rogue, or, the Life of Guzman de Alfarache. ... In two Parts. by Aleman, Mateo
The Twins; or, Which is Which? A Farce. In Three Acts. Altered From Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. By W. Woods. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Roy by Woods, W.
Various Poems. The Wanderer, a Moral Poem. The Triumph of Mirth and Health. And The Bastard. By the Late Richard Savage, Esq. To Which is Prefixed a P by Savage, Richard
Poems on Several Occasions. With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition by Tollet, Elizabeth
The Phoenix; or, the History of Polyarchus and Argenis. Translated From the Latin, by a Lady. In Four Volumes. ... of 4; Volume 4 by Barclay, John
The bee; or, a Companion to the Shakespeare Gallery: Containing a Catalogue Raisonné of all the Pictures; With Comments, Illustrations, and Remarks by Repton, Humphry
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