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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2020

Ministère de la Guerre. Instruction Pour l'Enseignement de la Gymnastique Dans Les Corps de Troupes: Et Les Établissements Militaires by Collectif
Your Voice Speaks Volumes: It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It by Setter, Jane
The Elusive Case of Lingua Franca: Fact and Fiction by Nolan, Joanna
Bagels, Bumf, and Buses: A Day in the Life of the English Language by Horobin, Simon
On Formants by McGowan, Richard S.
Master the Arabic Alphabet, A Handwriting Practice Workbook: Perfect Your Calligraphy Skills and Dominate the Modern Standard Arabic Script by Workbooks, Lang
Alif Baa Arabic Alphabet Write Learn and Color Activity workbook: Learn How to Write the Arabic Letters from Alif to Ya - Read and trace for kids ages (Large Print Edition) by Arabic, Cracking
Morphodynamics in Aesthetics: Essays on the Singularity of the Work of Art by Caliandro, Stefania
Semantics and Truth by Woleński, Jan
Iran's Language Planning Confronting English Abbreviations: Persian Terminology Planning by Akbari, Fatemeh
Fuzzy Boundaries in Discourse Studies: Theoretical, Methodological, and Lexico-Grammatical Fuzziness by
Dialetheism and Its Applications by
The Palgrave Handbook of Romani Language and Linguistics by
Variation in P: Comparative Approaches to Adpositional Phrases by
Non-Native English-Speaking Engineers' Writing at the Workplace by Du, Juan
Foreign Languages in Advertising: Linguistic and Marketing Perspectives by Hornikx, Jos, Van Meurs, Frank
Cognitive Linguistics for Linguists by Winters, Margaret E., Nathan, Geoffrey S.
Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner by Vetchinnikova, Svetlana
Variation in English Worldwide: Registers and Global Varieties by Bohmann, Axel
Third Language Acquisition and Linguistic Transfer by Rothman, Jason, González Alonso, Jorge, Puig-Mayenco, Eloi
English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective by Kecskes, Istvan
Sign Language Phonology by Brentari, Diane
Categories, Constructions, and Change in English Syntax by
O uso de computadores portáteis nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa by Teixeira, Adriana Gouvea Dutra
Die persuasive Funktion sprachlicher Mittel in der Werbung. Charakteristische Merkmale der Arzneiwerbung by Krotoszynska, Monika
ABC Learning Coloring Book: alphabet coloring with different color combinations, Learning with fun. by Publishing, Mnt
Die Bucheinbände zu Terry Pratchetts und Neil Gaimans "Ein gutes Omen" und Walter Moers' "Der Schrecksenmeister": Eine komparative linguistische Texta by Martin, Tobias
Realizing [χ] for /r/ in Eifel German and Corresponding Attitudes: "... man klingt dann halt schon irgendwie wie ein Bauer" by Grasberger, Katja
Cases on Communication Disorders in Culturally Diverse Populations by
Eine kritische Betrachtung der Metapherntheorien der kognitiven Linguistik und der Relevanztheorie by Dolman, Anna Lynn
Yucatec Maya Language Revitalization Efforts Among Professional Educators in the State of Yucatán, México by Acosta-Munoz, Felipe
Sprache und mathematische Textaufgaben: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu leser- und textseitigen sprachlichen Einflussfaktoren auf den Lösungsprozess by Stephany, Sabine
Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences by
Modality Across Syntactic Categories by
Universal Grammar and the Initial State of Second Language Learning: Evidence of Chinese Multidialectal Children's Acquisition of English at the Synta by Han, Weifeng
The Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes by
The Handbook of Linguistics by
Don't Believe a Word: The Surprising Truth about Language by Shariatmadari, David
Multi-verb constructions in Eastern Indonesia by Unterladstetter, Volker
ABC Coloring Book and Latter Writing for toddlers: High-quality black&white Animal Alphabet coloring book for kids, Big and simple illustrations (Large Print Edition) by Journal, Second Language
ABC Coloring Book and Latter Writing for kids: High-quality black&white Animal Alphabet coloring book for kids, Big and simple illustrations (Large Print Edition) by Journal, Second Language
Brain and the Lexicon: The Neural Basis of Inferential and Referential Competence by Calzavarini, Fabrizio
On Invisible Language in Modern English: A Corpus-Based Approach to Ellipsis by Gandón-Chapela, Evelyn
The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics by
Sociolinguistic Styles by Hernández-Campoy, Juan Manuel
Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition by Benati, Alessandro G., VanPatten, Bill, Smith, Megan
Japanese Writing Practice Book: Genkouyoushi Paper, Japanese Character Kanji Hiragana Katakana Language Workbook Study, Kanji Writing Practice, Tsuchi by Factory, Red
Sütterlin: leeres Schreibheft by Antonius, Berger
Reconceptualizing Connections Between Language, Literacy and Learning by
Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore: Concerns and Visions by Soh, Kaycheng
The Palgrave Handbook of Motivation for Language Learning by
Cursive For Kids: Make your kids write pretty by Cursive, Kids
Schriftart Kurrent - leeres Schreibheft by Berger, Antonius
Schriftart Offenbacher - leeres Schreibheft by Berger, Antonius
Language and Strategic Inference by Parikh, Prashant
Das Frauenbild im Märchen "Hänsel und Gretel" der Brüder Grimm by Brand, Marcel
Sociolinguistic analysis of Mexican-American bilingualism: Spanglish as a sociocultural phenomenon by Pawliszko, Judyta
Palenquero. Beschreibung einer auf dem Spanischen basierenden Kreolsprache by Duch, Jakub
Theatrical Speech Acts: Performing Language: Politics, Translations, Embodiments by
Der Gebrauch offener Subjektpronomina von Spanglish-Sprechern: Eine Untersuchung anhand des Otheguy-Corpus by Duch, Jakub
Urban Multilingualism in East-Central Europe: The Polish Dialect of Late-Habsburg Lviv by Fellerer, Jan
Oxford Handbook of English Grammar by
Tod, Angst und die Unterwelt im Eneasroman von Heinrich von Veldeke by Brand, Marcel
Trace and Learn Handwriting Russian Alphabet: Russian Alphabet Tracing Workbook by Patel, Harshish
Tracing Letters and Numbers: Learn How to Write Alphabet Upper and Lower Case and Numbers 1-10 for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Kids Ages 3-5 by Grundy, Jennifer
Una lingua morta per letterature vive: il dibattito sul latino come lingua letteraria in età moderna e contemporanea: Atti del convegno internazionale by
Intercultural Transitions in Higher Education: International Student Adjustment and Adaptation by Schartner, Alina, Young, Tony Johnstone
Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon by Heinrichsmeier, Rachel
Probability Designs: Literature and Predictive Processing by Kukkonen, Karin
African Multilingualisms: Rural Linguistic and Cultural Diversity by
Textual Patterns of the Eight-Part Essays and Logic in Ancient Chinese Texts by Jin, Chunlan
Die Herkunft der russischen Sprache: Wie aus Indogermanisch das moderne Russisch entstanden ist by Reichardt-Hitzler, Margarete
Multilingual Code Mixing in Sasak Language in Karang BuyukAmpenan by Aristiawan, Danul
Cursive handwriting workbook for teens: cursive writing practice workbook for teens, tweens and young adults (beginners cursive workbooks / cursive te by Scholdeners
New Trends in Language Acquisition Within the Generative Perspective by
Kannada Vowels Letter Tracing: Learn Kannada Alphabets Kannada alphabets writing practice Workbook with words and pictures by Alphabets, Kannada
Las habilidades de procesamiento fonológico en niños de 5 años de distintos contextos socioeconómicos by Villa, María Paula
Der definite Artikel im Dialekt: Empirische Untersuchung zu den Artikelparadigmen des definiten Artikels im bairischen Dialekt by Stangassinger, Josepha
[Set Lemmata Linguistica Latina] by
Composizione Italiana in Diacronia: Le Parole Composte Dell'italiano Nel Quadro Della Morfologia Delle Costruzioni by Micheli, M. Silvia
Semantische Und Diskurstraditionelle Komplexität: Linguistische Interpretationen Zur Französischen Kurzprosa by Meier, Kerstin
Wahrnehmen, Fühlen, Verstehen: Metaphorisieren Und Audiovisuelle Bilder by Schmitt, Christina
English for Business Communication by Chan, Mable
Formulaic Language and New Data: Theoretical and Methodological Implications by
Augustine's Theory of Signs, Signification, and Lying by Gramigna, Remo
Morpheme-Internal Recursion in Phonology by
Experimental Insights Into the Syntax of Romanian Ditransitives by Tigău, Alina
Irish Identities: Sociolinguistic Perspectives by
Dictionary of Italian-Turkish Language (1641) by Giovanni Molino: Transcripted, Reversed, and Annotated by
Information Structure Within Interfaces: Consequences for the Phrase Structure by Gürer, Asli
A Typological Approach to Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: East Meets West by
Pithanologie: Exemplarische Studien Zum Überzeugenden by
Languages - Cultures - Worldviews: Focus on Translation by
Teenagers' Everyday Literacy Practices in English: Beyond the Classroom by Rothoni, Anastasia
The Meaning of Language, second edition by Ebbers, Melissa, Martin, Robert M., Savage, Heidi
The Struggle for a Multilingual Future: Youth and Education in Sri Lanka by Davis, Christina P.
Der Umgang mit Mehrsprachigkeit in den audiovisuellen Filmübersetzungen in die Zielsprachen Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch anhand der spanischen by Neumann, Sina
How Yiddish Changed America and How America Changed Yiddish by
The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian Versus Greek in Late Antiquity by Fournet, Jean-Luc
What's Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She by Baron, Dennis
Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research: Papers in Honour of Dr Jeffrey L. Kallen by
Die Verwendung von jugendsprachlichen Ausdrücken im Film. Zeitgemäße Wahrheit oder überspitzte Inszenierung?: Eine Darstellung der Jugendsprache im Ra by Pri, Bianca
Vorschulische Schriftspracherfahrungen und narrative Fähigkeiten von Kindern by Kern, Robin
Moving Beyond the Grammatical Syllabus: Practical Strategies for Content-Based Curriculum Design by Martel, Jason
Mehrsprachigkeit in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Bedeutung für Kinder, die Deutsch als Zweitsprache erlernen by Özgül, Dilan
English for Specific Purposes Instruction and Research: Current Practices, Challenges and Innovations by
The Prosody of Dubbed Speech: Beyond the Character's Words by Sánchez-Mompeán, Sofía
Der Deutscherwerb bei russischen Muttersprachlern. Linguistische Analyse und Bewertung des Zweitspracherwerbs by Pri, Bianca
Die Rolle der Sprachen Guaraní und Spanisch in der Gesellschaft Paraguays by Anonymous
Shakespeare's Common Language by Kolentsis, Alysia
Understanding Chinese Multilingual Scholars' Experiences of Writing and Publishing in English: A Social-Cognitive Perspective by Mu, Congjun
Introduction to Multimodal Analysis by Ledin, Per, Machin, David
Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces by
Contrastive Studies in Morphology and Syntax by
Multimodale Textanalyse zweier Werbespots am Beispiel von Nokia Lumia 930 by Molnar, Marina
Introduction to Multimodal Analysis by Machin, David, Ledin, Per
ESP Symbols: An Entire Language For Psychic Spies?: A Key for Decoding the Secrets of the Ages by Conley, Craig
Structuralism in Tahira Naqvi's "The Notebook". Narration Mode, Focalization Technique, Time and Mood by Perveen, Saima
Kannada Vowels Coloring & Letter Tracing Book: Learn Kannada Alphabets Kannada alphabets writing practice Workbook with words and pictures by Alphabets, Kannada
Indus Script Primer: karṇika 'scribes' convey wealth account ledgers by Kalyanaraman, S.
Roads to Reference: An Essay on Reference Fixing in Natural Language by Gomez-Torrente, Mario
Indus Script, Rgveda, Susa connections: Archaeology & Traditions by Kalyanaraman, S.
Introduction à la linguistique by Garric-N
Inquiry into the nature of subscription to the thirty-nine articles by Dyer, George
Alphabetisierung in der Berufsausbildung by Lunke, Oyungerel
The Cross-Cultural Pragmatics of Humor by Duch, Jakub
Ideology and Hegemony of English Foreign Language Textbooks: Globally and Locally Written Practices by Ulum, Ömer Gökhan, Köksal, Dinçay
EFL Pedagogy as Cultural Discourse: Textbooks, Practice, and Policy for Arabs and Jews in Israel by Awayed-Bishara, Muzna
EFL Pedagogy as Cultural Discourse: Textbooks, Practice, and Policy for Arabs and Jews in Israel by Awayed-Bishara, Muzna
Sprechakttheorie nach John Langshaw Austin und John Rogers Searle by Yang, Yuelin
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Digital Communication by
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew, Volume 1 by Khan, Geoffrey
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew, Volume 1 by Khan, Geoffrey
Indonesian Picture Dictionary: Learn 1,500 Indonesian Words and Expressions (Ideal for IB Exam Prep; Includes Online Audio) by Hibbs, Linda
Funktionen von Kontamination in der Werbesprache by Pangritz, Katharina
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew, Volume 2 by Khan, Geoffrey
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew, Volume 2 by Khan, Geoffrey
40 Pre-K Sight Words: Flash Card Book by Scholar, Grace
Write English with Tengwar: A Workbook for English General Use by Jallings, Fiona
Exploring Student Loneliness in Higher Education: A Discursive Psychology Approach by Oakley, Lee
Language Before Stonewall: Language, Sexuality, History by Leap, William L.
Code-Switching: Unifying Contemporary and Historical Perspectives by Keller, Mareike L.
Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Migration Control: Language Policy, Identity and Belonging by
Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Migration Control: Language Policy, Identity and Belonging by
Mapping Ultima Thule; Representations of North Greenland in the Expedition Accounts of Knud Rasmussen by Lubowicka, Agata
The Social Status of Languages in Finland and Lithuania: A Plurimethodological Empirical Survey on Language Climate Change by
Current Perspectives on the TESOL Practicum: Cases from Around the Globe by
Cours de Philosophie Chimique. Facultés de Paris, 14 Avril-14 Mai 1836 by Dumas, Jean-Baptiste
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de l'Abbaye de Saint-Victor Au Xvie Siècle by Rabelais, François
Nos Grandes Écoles Militaires Et Civiles (3e Édition) by Rousselet, Louis
Handbuch Sprachkritik by
The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design by
Scaffolding Academic Literacy with Low-Proficiency Users of English by Green, Simon
World Literature and Hedayat's Poetics of Modernity by Azadibougar, Omid
Write English with Tengwar: A Workbook for English General Use by Jallings, Fiona Albini
Analysing Scientific Discourse from A Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective: A Framework for Exploring Knowledge Building in Biology by Hao, Jing
Informationsstruktur und Bildung von Kohärenz im Türkischen sowie die Besetzung der Vorfeldposition by Schmitt, Johanna
Current Developments in Slavic Linguistics. Twenty Years After (based on selected papers from FDSL 11) by
Unexpressed Subjects in English: An Empirical Analysis of Narrative and Conversational Discourse by Lindstrom, Amy M.
Communication Across Cultures: The Linguistics of Texts in Translation by Hatim, Basil
Communication Across Cultures: The Linguistics of Texts in Translation by Hatim, Basil
Language Variation and the Internet. A New English? by Trede, Julia
Cases on Communication Disorders in Culturally Diverse Populations by
Chinese Characters with Associations: Easily Memorize 300 Chinese Characters through Pictures (HSK Level 2) by Torosyan, Lusine
Language and Concept Acquisition from Infancy Through Childhood: Learning from Multiple Exemplars by
Sanskrit Past Participles Nishtha by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching by
Kritische Diskursanalyse des Korpus BILD und FAZ zum Thema NPD-Verbotsverfahren und Urteilsverkündung des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes am 17.01.2017: Le by Haas, Annika
Feministische Sprachkritik. Ein theoretischer Überblick by Binder, Verena
ABC coloring book: Letters and Word Tracing Notebook for Kindergarten and Preschool Kids: Coloring book for kids, Cute Cartoon Forest Ani by Bratton, Jessica, Bratton
Sanskrit Past Participles Nishtha by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
Essential Thai Phrasebook & Dictionary: Speak Thai with Confidence! (Revised Edition) by Rattanakhemakorn, Jintana
Arabs: A 3,000-Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires by Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
Interkulturelle Zeitkonzepte. Vergleich der Zeitkonzepte der Hopi-Indianer und der Aymara-Indianer by Kutzner, Steffen
Fun Food ABC: My first Alphabet for Toddler and Preschool with famous food by Happy Little-One Book
Rewriting Language: How Literary Texts Can Promote Inclusive Language Use by Luck, Christiane
Somatismos fraseológicos en español y alemán con respecto a la estabilidad y variabilidad: Análisis contrastivo by Dursun, Antonia
Translating in Town: Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century by
Wittgenstein's Secret Diaries: Semiotic Writing in Cryptography by Gorlée, Dinda L.
Essential Statistics for Applied Linguistics: Using R or Jasp by Loerts, Hanneke, Lowie, Wander, Seton, Bregtje
The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes by
Positioning and Stance in Political Discourse: The Individual, the Party, and the Party Line by
Interjections and Other Parts of Speech by Libert, Alan Reed
The Oxford Handbook of Language Contact by
When Conversation Lapses: The Public Accountability of Silent Copresence by Hoey, Elliott M.
Language Rights and the Law in the European Union by Faingold, Eduardo D.
The Semantic Theory of Knowledge by Olech, Adam
The English of Francophone Speakers in Cameroon by Kouega, Jean-Paul
Introduction to Interlinguistics by Gobbo, Federico
Speech Accommodation in Student Presentations by Zareva, Alla
Langmaker: Celebrating Conlangs by Henning, Jeffrey
La «Chirurgia Magna» Di Bruno Da Longobucco in Volgare: Edizione del Codice Bergamo Ma 501, Commento Linguistico, Glossario Latino-Volgare by Ventura, Emanuele
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache by Polenz, Peter Von
Flexibility in the Parts-Of-Speech System of Classical Chinese by Sun, Linlin
A Grammar of Southern Min: The Hui'an Dialect by Chen, Weirong
Construcciones Causativas Y Labilidad En Español by Lara Bermejo, Víctor
L'Adjectivité by
Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives by
Recontextualizing Humor: Rethinking the Analysis and Teaching of Humor by Tsakona, Villy
Über Wissenschaft Reden: Studien Zu Sprachgebrauch, Darstellung Und Adressierung in Der Deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsprosa Um 1800 by
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