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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2021

Slurs and Expressivity: Semantics and Beyond by
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World by Bergstrom, Carl T., West, Jevin D.
7 Secretos para Verdaderamente Hablar Inglés by Rozo, Luis Enrique
Лексикографування лекс&# by Dubichynskyi, Volodymyr, Reuther, Tilmann
Lingüística del castellano chileno / Chilean Spanish Linguistics: Estudios sobre variación, innovación, contacto e identidad / Studies on variation, i by
Frühkindliche Mehrsprachigkeit. Doppelter Erstspracherwerb oder früher Zweitspracherwerb? by Ören, Tansu
Alltagssprachlichkeit in Dithmarschen: Eine empirische Studie im ländlichen Raum by Anonymous
Multilingual Memories: Monuments, Museums and the Linguistic Landscape by
Digital Games and Language Learning: Theory, Development and Implementation by
Multilingual Environments in the Great War by
Teaching and Researching Motivation by Ushioda, Ema, Dörnyei, Zoltán
Antiracist Discourse by Van Dijk, Teun A.
Letter Hunt for Kindergarten: Letter Hunt for Kids by Barraez, C. R.
The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language: Foundations and New Developments by Long, Avizia Y., Solon, Megan, Geeslin, Kimberly L.
Political, Public and Media Discourses from Indyref to Brexit: The Divisive Language of Union by Douglas, Fiona M.
The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language: Foundations and New Developments by Long, Avizia Y., Solon, Megan, Geeslin, Kimberly L.
Die Krise Des Französischunterrichts in Der Diskussion: Empirische Forschung Zur Frankoromanistik - Lehramtsstudierende Im Fokus by
Practice Thai Writing Using Cheesy Thai Pick-Up Lines phrase: Learning Thai language extremely fast and stress-free using a great collection of succes by Mapho, Adisak
Life After Literature: Perspectives on Biopoetics in Literature and Theory by
Cosubordinación en español by
A Companion to Chomsky by
The Routledge Handbook of Language, Gender, and Sexuality by
Automating Linguistics by Léon, Jacqueline
The Handbook of Speech Perception by
Modern Gaulish in 20 Lessons by Hansen, Steve Gwiríu Mórghnath
Language, Learning, and Disability in the Education of Young Bilingual Children by
Language, Learning, and Disability in the Education of Young Bilingual Children by
Practice Thai Writing Using Cheesy Thai Pick-Up Line Phrase: Learning Thai language extremely fast and stress-free using a great collection of success by Mapho, Adisak
Deutsch uebersetzen und dolmetschen: Sprachvergleichende Perspektiven mit Blick auf die Didaktik by
Wort- und Formenvielfalt: Festschrift fuer Christoph Koch zum 80. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von Daniel Petit by
Corpus y estudio diacrónico del discurso especializado en español by
Sprachliche Kontextualisierung von globalen und lokalen Popkulturen: Hip Hop Linguistics, Resistance Vernacular und italienischsprachiger Rap by Schreiber, Paula Rebecca
Sociolinguistic Approaches to Sibilant Variation in Spanish by
Diálogos de serie: Una aproximación a la construcción discursiva de personajes basada en corpus by Chierichetti, Luisa
Prosody and Conceptional Variation by
Wege zu einer erklaerungsorientierten Linguistik im systemtheoretischen Paradigma: Grundlagentheoretische Untersuchungen by Kindt, Walther
Antisemitism in Reader Comments: Analogies for Reckoning with the Past by Becker, Matthias J.
Temporalités khmères: de près, de loin, entre îles et péninsules by
Revitalizing Endangered Languages by
Briefe an den Orientalisten Julius Klaproth (1783-1835) von britischen Gelehrten: George Thomas Staunton, Viscount Kingsborough und William Huttmann by
Interculturalidade e plurilinguismo nos discursos e práticas de educação e formação: Contextos pós-coloniais de língua portuguesa by
Rethinking Intercultural Competence: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Issues by
The Translation Studies Reader by
Intercultural Communication: An Advanced Resource Book for Students by Holliday, Adrian
Contact, Structure, and Change: A Festschrift in Honor of Sarah G. Thomason by
The Pragmatics of Revision: George Moore's Acts of Rewriting by Chapman, Siobhan
Facing Diversity in Child Foreign Language Education by
The Case System of Eastern Indo-Aryan Languages: A Typological Overview by Lahiri, Bornini
Hyphens & Hashtags*: *The Stories Behind the Symbols on Our Keyboard by Cock-Starkey, Claire
Die Sprache der Politik. Sprachfunktionen und Sprachhandeln by Hannott, Niklas
The Translation Studies Reader by
Intercultural Communication: An advanced resource book for students by Holliday, Adrian
Contours of the Flesh: The Semiotics of Pain by Juschka, Darlene M.
Fine in the World: Lumbee Language in Time and Place by Knick, Stanley, Wolfram, Walt, Dannenberg, Clare
Diversity and Rabbinization: Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE by
Work and Labor in World Languages, Literatures, and Film: Selected Proceedings of the 24th Southeast Conference on Languages, Literatures, and Film by Clemmen, Yves-Antoine
The Bilingual Brain: And What It Tells Us about the Science of Language by Costa, Albert
Diversity and Rabbinization: Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE by
E-Research Y Español Le/L2: Investigar En La Era Digital by
E-Research Y Español Le/L2: Investigar En La Era Digital by
Japanese Hiragana Alphabet Book.Learn Japanese Beginners Book.Educational Book, Contains Detailed Writing and Pronunciation Instructions for all Hirag by Publishing, Cristie
De l'essence du rire: et généralement du comique dans les arts plastiques by Baudelaire, Charles
Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A Primer for the Non-English Speaker by Lövei, Gábor L.
Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A Primer for the Non-English Speaker by Lövei, Gábor L.
Multimodal Composing in K-16 ESL and EFL Education: Multilingual Perspectives by
Analysing Digital Interaction by
New Perspectives on Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language by
Language and State: An Inquiry into the Progress of Civilization, Second Edition by Yu, Xing
Language and State: An Inquiry into the Progress of Civilization, Second Edition by Yu, Xing
A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics by
Negotiating Translation and Transcreation of Children's Literature: From Alice to the Moomins by
My First Albanian Alphabet Book: Alfabeti Shqip - ABC: Easy learning Bilingual Albanian Alphabet Flashcards Coloring Book for toddlers, babies & child by Maxim, Linda
Asking and Telling in Conversation by Pomerantz, Anita
The Language of Feminine Beauty in Russian and Japanese Societies by Konstantinovskaia, Natalia
Focus on Form by Benati, Alessandro
My First Hungarian Alphabets Words & Picture Book: 44 Hungarian Alphabets with Hungarian word phonetics Picture with English Translations Magyar ábécé by Margaret, Mamma
Tolkien as a Literary Artist: Exploring Rhetoric, Language and Style in the Lord of the Rings by Siepmann, Dirk, Kullmann, Thomas
Between Worlds, Fourth Edition: Second Language Acquisition in Changing Times by Freeman, David E., Freeman, Yvonne S., Soto, Mary
Practicing Hiragana: For Beginners and Kids. Simple format by S, Jbb
A Social View on the Chinese Language by Packard, Jerome L.
Arabic Made Easy: تيسير العربية Learn Arabic reading from A to Z by Khadra, Abdallh
Monster ABCs: ABC Learning Book for Children by Conklin, Laci
Discourse Processes Between Reason and Emotion: A Post-Disciplinary Perspective by
American Sign Language Book For Beginners.Educational Book, Suitable for Children, Teens and Adults.Contains the Alphabet, Numbers and a few Colors. by Publishing, Cristie
Einführung - Grundbegriffe - 14. Bis 16. Jahrhundert by
Ten Studies in Dependency Syntax by Mel'cuk, Igor
Language Rights in a Changing China: A National Overview and Zhuang Case Study by Grey, Alexandra
Names as Metaphors in Shakespeare's Comedies by Smith, Grant W.
The 1903 Lowell Lectures by
Preschool Tracing Volume 1 by James, Laquita
Nominalisierte Infinitive Im Spanischen by Schirakowski, Barbara
Statistics for Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction by Gries, Stefan Th
Reframing Reformulation: A Theoretical-Experimental Approach: Evidence from the Spanish Discourse Marker "o sea" by Salameh Jiménez, Shima
Aprende Italiano: Gramática, verbos, vocabulario, frases, ejercicios by Emd, Edición
Fact and Fiction in Contemporary Narratives by
English Translations of Shuihu Zhuan: A Narratological Perspective by Wang, Yunhong
Syntactic Features and the Limits of Syntactic Change by
Fostering Linguistic Equality: The Sise Approach to the Introductory Linguistics Course by Hercula, Sarah E.
Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework by
Language, Mobility and Study Abroad in the Contemporary European Context by
Learning-Oriented Language Assessment: Putting Theory Into Practice by
Posthumanist World Englishes by Wee, Lionel
The Languages of Mainland Southeast Asia by Enfield, N. J.
Digital Pedagogies and the Transformation of Language Education by
Idiomatic Mastery in a First and Second Language by Karlsson, Monica
Sociocultural and Power-Relational Dimensions of Multilingual Writing: Recommendations for Deindustrializing Writing Education by Kalan, Amir
Sociocultural and Power-Relational Dimensions of Multilingual Writing: Recommendations for Deindustrializing Writing Education by Kalan, Amir
(M)Othering Labeled Children: Bilingualism and Disability in the Lives of Latinx Mothers by Cioè-Peña, María
(M)Othering Labeled Children: Bilingualism and Disability in the Lives of Latinx Mothers by Cioè-Peña, María
Blue Haïku: ... in the green spring by Montigny, Lydia
Understanding the Financial Industry Through Linguistics: How Applied Linguistics Can Prevent Financial Crisis by Robinson, Richard C.
The Future Conditional by Henry, Eric S.
The Future Conditional by Henry, Eric S.
Understanding the Financial Industry Through Linguistics: How Applied Linguistics Can Prevent Financial Crisis by Robinson, Richard C.
Elsass und Lothringen: Zwei nationale Minderheiten Frankreichs im Vergleich by Koppenberger, Marion
Creoles, Revisited: Language Contact, Language Change, and Postcolonial Linguistics by
New worlds for old words / Mundos nuevos para viejas palabras: The impact of cultured borrowing on the languages of Western Europe / El impacto de los by
My First Animal Alphabet Book by Ballester, Aimee
社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume I by Yang, Zhengrong, Ning, Yi, Shao, Wei
Kinesic Humor: Literature, Embodied Cognition, and the Dynamics of Gesture by Bolens, Guillemette
Essays on the Evolutionary-Synthetic Theory of Language by Koshelev, Alexey
On the Genesis of Thought and Language by Koshelev, Alexey
社会视角 Social Perspective: An Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Course: Volume I by Yang, Zhengrong, Ning, Yi, Shao, Wei
Les fables d'orthographe by Voyer, Jean-Vincent
Categorización de los errores ortográficos en zonas de contacto lingueístico entre inglés y español by Mariscal, Alicia
International Perspectives on CLIL by
Der Einfluss Von Individuation, Suffigierung Und Silbenbau Auf Das Niederländische Nominale Genus: Eine Quantitative Untersuchung by Mulkens, Davy Henri
Language: The Last Homestead of Human Beings by Qian, Guanlian
The Language and Imagery of Coma and Brain Injury: Representations in Literature, Film and Media by Colbeck, Matthew
The Linguistic Condition: Kant's Critique of Judgment and the Poetics of Action by Brodsky, Claudia
Analysing Health Communication: Discourse Approaches by
Intercultural Crisis Communication: Translation, Interpreting and Languages in Local Crises by
Experiencing Speech: A Skills-Based, Panlingual Approach to Actor Training: A Beginner's Guide to Knight-Thompson Speechwork(R) by Foh, Julie, Parker, Jeffrey, Caban, Andrea
Kiezdeutsch. Emergente Varietät des Deutschen oder sozialer Stil? by Guth, Robert
TESOL Teacher Education: A Reflective Approach by Farrell, Thomas S. C.
TESOL Teacher Education: A Reflective Approach by Farrell, Thomas S. C.
Tysk(a) - saksa - vācu - vokiečių - Þýska 2020. Teil 1: Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachdidaktik: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege zum XI. by
Asian Research on English for Specific Purposes: Proceedings of the First Symposium on Asia English for Specific Purposes, 2017 by
Indian To Fluent English: 106 Common Errors that Indians make while speaking in english and their solutions by Philip, Sarah
Teaching and Learning to Co-Create by
The Oxford History of Romanian Morphology by Dragomirescu, Adina, Maiden, Martin
From Tragic to Magic: A Phonological Fairy Tale and Guide to Prepare Children for Literacy by Cooney, Georgie
Extensive Reading: The Role of Motivation by Leather, Sue, Uden, Jez
From Tragic to Magic: A Phonological Fairy Tale and Guide to Prepare Children for Literacy by Cooney, Georgie
Narrating Stance, Morality, and Political Identity: Building a Movement on Facebook by Zentz, Lauren
Extensive Reading: The Role of Motivation by Uden, Jez, Leather, Sue
Narrating Stance, Morality, and Political Identity: Building a Movement on Facebook by Zentz, Lauren
Romance Object Clitics: Microvariation and Linguistic Change by Pescarini, Diego
The Impact of Tourism in East Africa: A Ruinous System by Storch, Anne, Mietzner, Angelika
The Impact of Tourism in East Africa: A Ruinous System by Storch, Anne, Mietzner, Angelika
Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm by McGowan, Mary Kate
Multilingual Singapore: Language Policies and Linguistic Realities by
Multilingual Singapore: Language Policies and Linguistic Realities by
Babel of the Atlantic by
Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland: Linguistic Practice and Ideology by Dunmore, Stuart S.
Arabic Corpus Linguistics by
Reported Speech in Chinese and English Newspapers: Textual and Pragmatic Functions by Bin, Xin, Xiaoli, Gao
Wie können Lehrkräfte ihren Fachunterricht sprachsensibel aufbereiten? Checkliste zur Entwicklung sprachsensibler Unterrichtsmaterialien by Bach, Vanessa
Studien zum fruehen Slavischen und zu aelteren slavischen Texten: Unter Mitarbeit von Hanna Niederkofler by
British English Phonetic Transcription by Mees, Inger M., Carley, Paul
British English Phonetic Transcription by Carley, Paul, Mees, Inger M.
American English Phonetic Transcription by Carley, Paul, Mees, Inger M.
American English Phonetic Transcription by Carley, Paul, Mees, Inger M.
Creoles, Revisited: Language Contact, Language Change, and Postcolonial Linguistics by
Language Use in English-Medium Instruction at University: International Perspectives on Teacher Practice by
Changing Paradigms and Approaches in Interpreter Training: Perspectives from Central Europe by
Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South by
Assessing Academic English for Higher Education Admissions by
Language Use in English-Medium Instruction at University: International Perspectives on Teacher Practice by
Aramaic: A History of the First World Language by Gzella, Holger
Assessing Academic English for Higher Education Admissions by
The History of Late Modern Englishes: An Activity-Based Approach by Johnson, Keith
The History of Late Modern Englishes: An Activity-Based Approach by Johnson, Keith
Warrior Talk: A study of war, peace and politics by Watson, Sally
An Anatomy of Chinese Offensive Words: A Lexical and Semantic Analysis by Carson, Lorna, Jiang, Ning, Tien, Adrian
Syntactic architecture and its consequences III by
Simultaneous Interpreting from a Signed Language Into a Spoken Language: Quality, Cognitive Overload, and Strategies by Wang, Jihong
El "Nuevo chico diccionario judeo-español-francés" de Selomó Yisrael Sereślí (Jerusalén, 1898-1899): Edición anotada, estudio preliminar e índice by García Moreno, Aitor, Fernández Martín, Elisabeth
Concepts, Frames and Cascades in Semantics, Cognition and Ontology by
Discourse Constructions in English: Meaning, Form, and Hierarchies by Iza Erviti, Aneider
A Pragmatic Perspective of Measurement by Torres Irribarra, David
Language and Ethnicity Among the K'Ichee' Maya by Romero, Sergio
Data Visualization and Analysis in Second Language Research by Garcia, Guilherme D.
Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: The Post-Structuralist Approach by
Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book by
Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes: A Practical Resource Book by
Linguistic Description in English for Academic Purposes by Basturkmen, Helen
Grammaticalization by Narrog, Heiko, Heine, Bernd
Language and Truth in North Korea by Ryang, Sonia
Cartilha - Caminho das letras by Caputo, Ruth Rozendo
Cartilha Crescer - Alfabeto by Ciranda Cultural
A grammar of Gyeli by Grimm, Nadine
Data Visualization and Analysis in Second Language Research by Garcia, Guilherme D.
The Oxford Latin Syntax: Volume II: The Complex Sentence and Discourse by Pinkster, Harm
Majority Quantification and Quantity Superlatives: A Crosslinguistic Analysis of Most by Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, Giurgea, Ion
Majority Quant & Quant Super Ostl P by Dobrovie-Sorin
Grammaticalization by Narrog, Heiko, Heine, Bernd
Learn to Write Welsh ALPHABETS: Welsh Alphabets Letter Tracing Workbook with English Translations and Pictures Alphabets Cymru Learn the Welsh Alphabe by Margaret, Mamma
Kleine Schriften Antike - Spaetantike - Neuzeit - Fachdidaktik: Analysen griechischer und roemischer Texte, Aspekte ihrer Rezeption und Transformation by Schmitz, Dietmar
From Far and Wide: German Studies in Canada by
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