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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2021

Human Rights, Iranian Migrants, and State Media: From Media Portrayal to Civil Reality by Moinipour, Shabnam
The Lexical Domain of Beauty and its Metaphors in the Anglo-Saxon Formulaic Style by Minaya Gómez, Francisco Javier
Mysteries of English Grammar: A Guide to Complexities of the English Language by Bauer, Laurie, Calude, Andreea S.
Upper-class English in Natural and Audiovisual Dialogue by Valleriani, Luca
Translation and Hegel's Philosophy: A Transformative, Socio-Narrative Approach to A.V. Miller's Cold-War Retranslations by Charlston, David
Mentoring and Co-Writing for Research Publication Purposes: Interaction and Text Development in Doctoral Supervision by Matzler, Pascal Patrick
English Language in India: A Dichotomy between Economic Growth and Inclusive Growth by Bedi, Jaskiran
From the Conquest of the Desert to Sustainable Development: The Representation of the Negev in Public Discourse in Israel by Ben-Dor Derimian, Ilanit
Apollonius Dyscolus and Priscian: Transmission, Translation, Interpretation by
Approaches to Discourse Analysis by
Approaches to Discourse Analysis by
Video Game Legends Alphabet by Feiner, Beck
Catalogue de livres de la bibliothèque de feu M. le chevalier de Lamarck by Collectif
De l'instruction publique, mémoire by Collectif
Biblioteca storica Andrea Ponti, fondata in Ravenna 1897. Série 2 by Pasolini Ponti, Maria
Catalogue de livres Modernes d'histoire et de littérature, ouvrages de Victor Hugo avec dédicaces by Collectif
Administration et enseignement dans les écoles des arts et métiers by Guigon, Éloi
Enseignement simultané de la lecture, de l'écriture et de l'orthographe. 2e édition by Chollet, Florimond
La Lecture apprise sans maître by Chapelle, F.
L'École. Méthode Néel, lecture, écriture, leçons de choses by Neel, P.
Catalogue de la bibliothèque publique de la ville de Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne by Collectif
L'Émile réalisé ou Plan d'éducation générale by Fèvre Du Grandvaux
Méthode Cuissart. Livret 1 by Cuissart, Eugène
Botanique. Résumé d'un mémoire sur les éléments corticaux by Étienne, Victor
Sur Les Travaux d'Inventaire Et de Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Rapport: Au Ministre de l'Instruction Publique Et Des Beaux-Arts by DeLisle, Léopold
Plaidoyer pour l'enseignement populaire by Bouglé, Célestin
Premières leçons de lecture, à l'usage des écoles et des familles by Morer, Sauvaire
Superhero Legends Alphabet: Women by Feiner, Beck
Hip-Hop Legends Alphabet by Feiner, Beck
A Reference Grammar for Teaching Chinese: Syntax and Discourse by Cui, Songren, Sung, Kuo-Ming
Translating and Transmediating Children's Literature by
Mots français d'origine numide et arabe by Boutammina, Nas E.
Adversative and Concessive Conjunctions in EFL Writing: Corpus-Based Description and Rhetorical Structure Analysis by Zhang, Yan
Translation Education: A Tribute to the Establishment of World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (Witta) by
Translator and Interpreter Education Research: Areas, Methods and Trends by Abdel Latif, Muhammad M. M.
Dictionnaire Onomasiologique de l'Ancien Gascon (Dag). Fascicule 23 by
L'expression du manque à travers les langues by
La Identidad Mexicana En Libros Escolares Y Narrativas: Un Enfoque Crítico Y Sociocognitivo by García Agüero, Alba Nalleli
Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch by
Les Normes de Prononciation Du Français: Une Étude Perceptive Panfrancophone by Chalier, Marc
Polyhistorizität im öffentlichen Raum by Bendl, Christian
Spanische Grammatik im Fokus by Radatz, Hans-Ingo
Handbuch der Deutschen Grammatik by Weydt, Harald, Hentschel, Elke
Stolpersteine bei russischen Kindern beim Erwerb der Schriftsprache Deutsch by Kleemann, Mayleen
African-American English: Structure, History, and Use by
The Book of Nonexistent Words by Massini, Stefano
African-American English: Structure, History, and Use by
Kontrastive Analyse der Somatismen. Phaseologismen mit Komponenten wie Gesicht, Auge, Nase und Mund in der deutschen und in der polnischen Sprache by Anonym
Multilingual Phone Recognition in Indian Languages by Manjunath, K. E.
Speaking of Silence in Heidegger by Torres Gregory, Wanda
Mapping the Origins of Figurative Language in Comparative Literature by Trim, Richard
Implicatures by Reboul, Anne, Zufferey, Sandrine, Moeschler, Jacques
A History of African Linguistics by
Die Hebräische und isländische Sprache. Ein Vergleich nationalistischer, ideologische Einflüsse in der jüngeren Sprachgeschichte by Hollerung, Karl
Die Funktion von Phrasemen in der Textsorte Horoskop by Sonnenberg, Maike
The Suspect's Statement by Komter, Martha
Mexican American English by
Arapaho Stories, Songs and Prayers: A Bilingual Anthology by Cowell, Andrew
The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics by
From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness by
Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony: Prolegomena to an Interpretation of the Word Stimmung by Spitzer, Leo
Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony: Prolegomena to an Interpretation of the Word Stimmung by Spitzer, Leo
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning by
Understanding Nonverbal Communication: A Semiotic Guide by Danesi, Marcel
From Words to Wisdom: Supporting Academic Language Use in Prek-3rd Grade by Grifenhagen, Jill F., Dickinson, David K., Barnes, Erica M.
From Words to Wisdom: Supporting Academic Language Use in Prek-3rd Grade by Barnes, Erica M., Grifenhagen, Jill F., Dickinson, David K.
Antonyms in Mind and Brain: Evidence from English and German by Kotzor, Sandra
Building a National Corpus: A Welsh Language Case Study by Arman, Laura, Knight, Dawn, Morris, Steve
Interpreter Training in Context: European and Chinese Models Reconsidered by Liu, Jie
Speech Etiquette in Slavic Online Communities by
Alpha 2 Zulu: Military Alphabet Coloring Book by Laing, David L.
Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Linguistic Pragmatism by Devitt, Michael
Why Do English Second Language Students Have Speaking Problems? by Peterson, Kevin
Comprehension Strategies in the Acquiring of a Second Language by Winitz, Harris
Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching in the Neo-Nationalist Era by
Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners: Preparing Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers by
Online Sex Talk and the Social World: Mediated Desire by Myketiak, Chrystie
Dante, l'italiano by Frosini, Giovanna, Polimeni (a Cura Di), Giuseppe
Voice Attractiveness: Studies on Sexy, Likable, and Charismatic Speakers by
From Signal to Symbol: The Evolution of Language by Sterelny, Kim, Planer, Ronald
New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies by
Sprachliche Kreativität und Grammatikalisierung. Das Beispiel des "bekommen-Passiv" by Zuo, Yuting
Polynesian Syntax and Its Interfaces by
The Crime Without a Name: Ethnocide and the Erasure of Culture in America by Pitner, Barrett Holmes
The Routledge Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish by
Wiener Slawistischer Almanach Band 86/2021: Tamizdat: Publishing Russian Literature Across Borders by
From Fra Angelico to Frankie One Eye: An Examination of Italian American Nicknames and Identity in the 21st Century by Guerriero, Alfonso
Kenyan English: Domains of Use, Forms, and Users' Attitudes by
The Linguistics Wars: Chomsky, Lakoff, and the Battle Over Deep Structure by Harris, Randy Allen
Introducing English for Research Publication Purposes by Habibie, Pejman, Flowerdew, John
Introducing English for Research Publication Purposes by Flowerdew, John, Habibie, Pejman
Script Effects as the Hidden Drive of the Mind, Cognition, and Culture by Pae, Hye K.
Language, Identity Online and Running by Kurtoğlu-Hooton, Nur
Multilingualism across the Lifespan by
A dictionary and grammatical sketch of Ruruuli-Lunyala by Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena, Namyalo, Saudah, Kiriggwajjo, Anatole
Reflections on language evolution by Boeckx, Cedric
Phonology in the Twentieth Century by Anderson, Stephen
Arabic Political Discourse in Transition by Lahlali, El Mustapha
Putting Crisis in Perspective: Analyses of Past and Present Crises in Literature, Culture, and Foreign Language Teaching by
Discovering Intercultural Communication: From Language Users to Language Use by Kim, Hyejeong, Penry Williams, Cara
Individual differences in early instructed language learning by
The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta Stone by Dolnick, Edward
Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions by Rampton, Ben
Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions by Rampton, Ben
Speak (Khu-luma) Siswati: Learn to Speak Siswati for Beginners by Dlamini, Phelelisiwe
Learning Japanese Kanji: The 520 Most Essential Characters (with Online Audio and Bonus Materials) by Grant, Glen Nolan
Memory Speaks: On Losing and Reclaiming Language and Self by Sedivy, Julie
V Puti: Student Activities Manual: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
V Puti: Student Activities Manual: Russian Grammar in Context by Miller, Frank, Kudyma, Anna, Kagan, Olga
Vocabulary Theory, Patterning and Teaching by
Vocabulary Theory, Patterning and Teaching by
The Alphabet of Discord: The Ideologization of Writing Systems on the Balkans Since the Breakup of Multiethnic Empires by Selvelli, Giustina
A Tsilhqút'ín Grammar by Cook, Eung-Do
Speak Not: Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language by Griffiths, James
Norm and Ideology in Spoken French: A Sociolinguistic History of Liaison by Hornsby, David
Mehrsprachigkeit im Kindesalter: Betrachtung der frühkindlichen Sprachentwicklung im bilingualen Erstspracherwerb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung de by Scharler, Hannes
Language and Nationality: Social Inferences, Cultural Differences, and Linguistic Misconceptions by Bortone, Pietro
Language and Revolutionary Magic in the Orinoco Delta by Rodriguez, Juan Luis
Process Drama for Second Language Teaching and Learning: A Toolkit for Developing Language and Life Skills by Baldwin, Patrice, Galazka, Alicja
The Emergence of 'Extremism': Exposing the Violent Discourse and Language of 'Radicalisation' by Walker, Rob Faure
The Bloomsbury Companion to Contemporary Peircean Semiotics by
A Cross-Cultural Study of Commercial Media Discourses: From the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics by Yang, Wenhui
Fankultur und Fankommunikation in nationalen und transnationalen Diskursen / Дискурс фут&# by
Nationalsozialistische Sprach- und Sprachenpolitik 1933 bis 1945: Europaeische Sprachen aus ideologischer Sicht und sprachliche Wirklichkeit by Schaller, Helmut
Multimodality, Digitalization and Cognitivity in Communication and Pedagogy by
Fundamentos acústico-perceptivos de la escisión prestigiosa de /θ/: Estudio sociofonético en Málaga by Molina García, Álvaro
Current Issues in Medieval England by
Hässliche Wörter: Hatespeech ALS Prinzip Der Neuen Rechten by Scharloth, Joachim
Professionalizing Your English Language Teaching by
Intercultural Studies from Southern Chile: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches by
Educational Perspectives on Mediality and Subjectivation: Discourse, Power and Analysis by
Building Confianza: Empowering Latinos/As Through Transcultural Health Care Communication by Magaña, Dalia
Building Confianza: Empowering Latinos/As Through Transcultural Health Care Communication by Magaña, Dalia
Sünebote - Übersterben by
Introduction to Classical Chinese by Vogelsang, Kai
Differences, Similarities and Meanings: Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena by
[Buben]trätzer - [Kürzer]dreier by
(Afro)Deutschsein by Klug, Nina-Maria
Humanistennamen by Kroiß, Daniel
Principles of Historical Linguistics by Hock, Hans Henrich
Sprachpflegediskurse in Deutschland und Frankreich by Neusius, Vera
Ay-Inversion in Tagalog: Information Structure and Morphosyntax of an Austronesian Language by Nuhn, Patrick
Convergence and Divergence in Ibero-Romance Across Contact Situations and Beyond by
Bēl Lišāni: Current Research in Akkadian Linguistics by
The Oxford Handbook of Event Structure by
The size of things I by
Introduction to Classical Chinese by Vogelsang, Kai
English-Tigrinya-Amharic Dictionary: Tigrinya-English-Amharic & Amharic-English-Tigrinya by Debessai, Woldu T.
East Anglian English by Trudgill, Peter
Current Trends in Nigerian Pidgin English: A Sociolinguistic Perspective by
Diaspora Language Contact: The Speech of Croatian Speakers Abroad by
Gecco - German-English Contrasts in Cohesion: Insights from Corpus-Based Studies of Languages, Registers and Modes by Martínez Martínez, José Manuel, Kunz, Kerstin, Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina
Measurements of Grammaticalization: Developing a Quantitative Index for the Study of Grammatical Change by Correia Saavedra, David
Individuality in Language Change by Anthonissen, Lynn
Tastes We Live by: The Linguistic Conceptualisation of Taste in English by Bagli, Marco
Layers of Modality: On Double Modal Constructions by the Example of Croatian by Werkmann Horvat, Ana
Phonetik Und Phonologie Des Italienischen: Eine Einführung Für Studierende Der Romanistik by Schmid, Stephan, Heinz, Matthias
Explaining Russian-German code-mixing by Hakimov, Nikolay
Language Change, Variation, and Universals by Culicover, Peter W.
Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks by
Spaces of Multilingualism by
Enacting and Envisioning Decolonial Forces While Sustaining Indigenous Language: Bilingual College Students in the Andes by Kenfield, Yuliana Hevelyn
The Early Greek Alphabets: Origin, Diffusion, Uses by
Powerful Prose: How Textual Features Impact Readers by
Strategies for Knowledge Elicitation: The Experience of the Russian School of Field Linguistics by
Dialogical Approaches and Tensions in Learning and Development: At the Frontiers of the Mind by
Radicalizing Literacies and Languaging: A Framework Toward Dismantling the Mono-Mainstream Assumption by Stewart, Mary Amanda, Babino, Alexandra
Hablar Español En Estados Unidos: La Sociopolítica del Lenguaje by Leeman, Jennifer, Fuller, Janet M.
Nonfinite supplements in the recent history of English by Bouzada-Jabois, Carla
The Foundations of Gentry Life: The Multons of Frampton and Their World 1270-1370 by Coss, Peter
Inferior Politics: Social Problems and Social Policies in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Innes, Joanna
Hablar Español En Estados Unidos: La Sociopolítica del Lenguaje by Leeman, Jennifer, Fuller, Janet M.
Back to the Future: English from Past to Present by
The Language of Violent Jihad by Vessey, Rachelle, McEnery, Tony, Baker, Paul
Linguistic Ecology and Language Contact by
Phonological Tone by Wee, Lian-Hee
Approaches to New Trends in Research on Catalan Studies: Linguistics, Literature, Education and Cultural Studies by
Language, the Singer and the Song by Andres Morrissey, Franz, Watts, Richard J.
Language, Culture, and Education by
Learning through Language by
The Limits of Expression by Kolaiti, Patricia
Rhyme over Reason by Benczes, Réka
Lexical Layers of Identity by Sipka, Danko
Pretrained Transformers for Text Ranking: Bert and Beyond by Nogueira, Rodrigo, Yates, Andrew, Lin, Jimmy
Transcultural Voices: Narrating Hip Hop Culture in Complex Delhi by Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Transcultural Voices: Narrating Hip Hop Culture in Complex Delhi by Singh, Jaspal Naveel
Cultural and Social Diversity in Language Teacher Education by Komorowska, Hanna, Krajka, Jaroslaw
La frase pseudoscissa in italiano e in tedesco: Definizione, tipologia e analisi delle sue manifestazioni nella prosa giornalistica online by Agar Marco, Rocío
Nominal Pluralization and Countability in African Varieties of English by Mohr, Susanne
Journal of Language Relationship 18/3-4 by
Caminando Por La Literatura: Reflexiones sobre la literatura como fuente para el turismo cultural by
Frequency in the Dictionary: A Corpus-Assisted Contrastive Analysis of English and Italian by Stewart, Dominic
Invisible Empire: The Natural History of Viruses by Lal, Pranay
A Reference Grammar for Teaching Chinese: Syntax and Discourse by Cui, Songren, Sung, Kuo-Ming
Neulateinisches Jahrbuch: Band 23 / 2021. Journal of Neo-Latin Language and Literature by
Collins Reception Phonics Targeted Practice Workbook: Covers Letter and Sound Phrases 1 - 4 by Collins Preschool
Collins Year 1 Phonics Targeted Practice Workbook: Covers Letter and Sound Phrases 5 - 6 by Collins Ks1
Gramatica Funcional del Espanol En Los Ee.Uu by Colombi, Maria Cecelia
Palabras Mayores by Antonio, Martín
De l'instruction publique sous Napoléon et de l'Université by Le Brun, Isidore-Frédéric-Thomas
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