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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2021

Le Premier livre du petit lecteur français ou Nouveau principe de lecture by Dumarché, Hte-O
Anciens collèges de la province d'Anjou by Uzureau, François
Une éducation de jeune fille. Une première leçon d'histoire de France by Legouvé, Ernest
Rapport Sur Les Modifications de l'Organisation de la Bibliothèque Impériale, 27 Mars 1858 by Mérimée, Prosper
Le Journal de classe, juin 1892. Fascicule 9 by Ducoudray, Gustave
Conférence Ozanam, séance solennelle de clôture de l'année 1882-1883, 19 juin 1883 by Conférence Ozanam, Cercle Catholique Du Luxembourg
Les deux élèves ou L'éducation particulière, comédie-vaudeville en 1 acte by Dittmer, Adolphe, Langlé, Ferdinand, Cavé, Hygin-Auguste
Les écoles techniques et professionnelles by Marjolin, René
La réforme de l'enseignement secondaire expliquée aux familles by Vuibert, Henry
Eléments d'histoire naturelle pour l'instruction et l'amusement des enfants by Collectif
Catalogue de la bibliothèque royale de Luang-Prabang by Meillier, Bibliothèque Royale, Finot, Louis
Leçons enfantines de vocabulaire français. Cours élémentaire et moyen. 2e semestre. 2e édition by Nguyên, Van Tuyên
Catalogue de journaux illustrés, périodiques, revues de la bibliothèque de feu M. Ch. Malherbe by Collectif
Nouvelle méthode de lecture sans épellation. Lecture, écriture, orthographe by Cuir, A. -F, Loez, F.
Catalogue des livres de feu M. Doyen, avocat au Parlement by Collectif
Nouvelle méthode simultanée de lecture et d'écriture. Livret de lecture by Collectif
L'ancien collège du Havre, 1579-1865. Origine et organisation by Vesque, Charles-Théodore
Le Journal de classe, février 1892. Fascicule 5 by Ducoudray, Gustave
Réflexions générales sur le mode d'enseignement suivi à l'École polytechnique by Laurent, Alphonse
Analysing Representations of Social Media in European News Media Discourse by Develotte, Christine, Potolia, Anthippi, Suomela-Salmi, Eija
Crosslinguistic Influence and Second Language Learning by McManus, Kevin
Crosslinguistic Influence and Second Language Learning by McManus, Kevin
Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence -- Nlpinai 2021 by
Exploring Business Language and Culture by
The Language of Thieves: My Family's Obsession with a Secret Code the Nazis Tried to Eliminate by Puchner, Martin
Indonesian Stories for Language Learners: Traditional Stories in Indonesian and English (Online Audio Included) by Davidsen, Katherine, Cuandani, Yusep
Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching: Issues and Challenges by Liu, Kanglong
(Re)Creating Language Identities in Animated Films: Dubbing Linguistic Variation by Minutella, Vincenza
Celebrating 50 years of ACAL by
The Babel Message: A Love Letter to Language by Kahn-Harris, Keith
Variational Translation Theory by Huang, Zhonglian, Zhang, Yongzhong
The Richness of the Spanish Language by Bynum, Forest D.
Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring by Sessarego, Sandro
Names and Context: A Use-Sensitive Philosophical Account by Rami, Dolf
The Illustrated Etymologicon: A Circular Stroll Through the Hidden Connections of the English Language by Forsyth, Mark
The Big Five in Sla by Piechurska-Kuciel, Ewa
Translation, Semiotics, and Feminism: Selected Writings of Barbara Godard by
Translation, Semiotics, and Feminism: Selected Writings of Barbara Godard by
Hebrew For Couples 3: How a Man and Woman Speak by Israel, Yeshiah And Sarai
Critical Issues in Teaching English and Language Education: International Research Perspectives by
Interjektionen. Ein integraler Bestandteil unserer Sprache: Klassifikation sowie Funktion der Intonation bei Interjektionen by Hamburger, Anne
The Genius of Chinese Characters by
Trends in South Asian Linguistics by
Clausal Complementation in South Slavic by
Empirical Multimodality Research: Methods, Evaluations, Implications by
Ausstellungskommunikation by Kesselheim, Wolfgang
Selbstreparaturen in der schriftlichen Interaktion by Mostovaia, Irina
Valency Over Time: Diachronic Perspectives on Valency Patterns and Valency Orientation by
Il glossario latino-bergamasco (sec. XV) della Biblioteca Universitaria di Padova (ms. 534) by Aresti, Alessandro
Manual del español en América by
The Syntax of Argument Structure: Empirical Advancements and Theoretical Relevance by
A Grammar of Ngardi: As Spoken by F. Tjama, M. Yinjuru Bumblebee, D. Mungkirna Rockman, P. Yalurrngali Rockman, Y. Nampijin, D. Yujuyu Nampijin, M. Ma by Ennever, Thomas
Verb-Second as a Reconstruction Phenomenon: Evidence from Grammar and Processing by Freitag, Constantin
Experimental investigations on the syntax and usage of fragments by Lemke, Robin
Millennials Talking Media: Creating Intertextual Identities in Everyday Conversation by Sierra, Sylvia
Intermediate Chinese Characters: Learn 300 Mandarin Characters and 1200 Words (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Cards) Ideal for Hsk + AP Exam Pr by Liao, Haohsiang, Zhou, Kang
A Multimodal Approach to Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Children's Picture Books by
A Grammar of Akajeru: Fragments of a traditional North Andamanese dialect by Zamponi, Raoul, Comrie, Bernard
News Media Translation by Zanettin, Federico
Speaking English as a Second Language: Learners' Problems and Coping Strategies by
National Conceptualisations of the Body Politic: Cultural Experience and Political Imagination by Musolff, Andreas
Reading of Shāng Inscriptions by Song, Zhenhao, Liu, Yuan, Chen, Kuang Yu
News Media Translation by Zanettin, Federico
Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects: A Computational Perspective by
Introducing Morphology by Lieber, Rochelle
Unpacking Creativity: The Power of Figurative Communication in Advertising by Pérez Sobrino, Paula, Littlemore, Jeannette, Ford, Samantha
The Routledge Handbook of the Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching by
Sentence Comprehension as a Cognitive Process by Vasishth, Shravan, Engelmann, Felix
European Language Matters by Trudgill, Peter
European Language Matters by Trudgill, Peter
The Systemic View as a Basis for Philological Thought by Denisenko, Vladimir, Preobrazhenskii, Sergey, Valentinova, Olga
Introducing Morphology by Lieber, Rochelle
La Globalisation communicationnelle: Les enjeux linguistiques by
Patchworkdeutsch - Sprachlich-kulturelle Interferenz in den Songtexten von Haftbefehl by Derecka, Malgorzata
Noneist Explorations II: The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 3 by Routley, Richard, Routley, Val
Where Centering Meets Chinese Discourse by Wuyun, Saina
Automated Essay Scoring by Madnani, Nitin, Klebanov, Beata Beigman
Metaphors of Coronavirus: Invisible Enemy or Zombie Apocalypse? by Charteris-Black, Jonathan
Discourse and Affect in Postsocialist Bosnia and Herzegovina: Peripheral Selves by Majstorovic, Danijela
Dual Learning by Qin, Tao
The Goddess Dictionary of Words and Phrases: Introducing a New Core Vocabulary for the Women's Spirituality Movement by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Dire le silence: Insécurité linguistique en Acadie 1867-1970 by Boudreau, Annette
Paroimia: Brusantino, Florio, Sarnelli, and Italian Proverbs From the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by D'Eugenio, Daniela
Paroimia: Brusantino, Florio, Sarnelli, and Italian Proverbs From the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by D'Eugenio, Daniela
Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education, VOL 1 by
Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education, VOL 2 by
Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education, VOL 3 by
Transformative Translanguaging Espacios: Latinx Students and Their Teachers Rompiendo Fronteras Sin Miedo by
Transformative Translanguaging Espacios: Latinx Students and Their Teachers Rompiendo Fronteras Sin Miedo by
Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students by Zhang-Wu, Qianqian
Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students by Zhang-Wu, Qianqian
Mediation and Multimodal Meaning Making in Digital Environments by
Higher Education, Language and New Nationalism in Finland: Recycled Histories by Saarinen, Taina
Espacios de contacto en la hispanofonía: Español y lenguas indígenas en el mundo globalizado by
Discursive Approaches to Sociopolitical Polarization and Conflict by
Language Teacher Agency by Tao, Jian, Gao, Xuesong (Andy)
Intersubjective Plateaus in Language and Communication by
Exploring Identity Work in Chinese Communication by Chen, Xinren
The Discourse of Conflict and Crisis: Poland's Political Rhetoric in the European Perspective by Cap, Piotr
Telecinematic Stylistics by
The Discourse of Customer Service Tweets: Planes, Trains and Automated Text Analysis by Lutzky, Ursula
An Introduction to English Lexicology: Words, Meaning and Vocabulary by Jackson, Howard, Zé Amvela, Etienne
Video Enhanced Observation for Language Teaching: Reflection and Professional Development by
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies by
Smart-TV aus datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive: Anforderungen und Gestaltungsoptionen fuer den rechtskonformen Einsatz intelligenter Fernsehgeraete by Maaske, Inga
Discourse Analysis: An Introduction by Paltridge, Brian
Advances in Cognitive Translation Studies by
Kamba Proverbs from Eastern Kenya: Sources, Origins & History by Kitunda, Jeremiah M.
Foreign Language Pedagogy in the Light of Cognitive Linguistics Research by
Global Insights Into Public Service Interpreting: Theory, Practice and Training by
Understanding Corpus Linguistics by Schnell, Stefan, Barth, Danielle
Understanding Corpus Linguistics by Barth, Danielle, Schnell, Stefan
La presencia de los pronombres personales sujeto en el español puertorriqueño by Scarpinati, Alessia
Power and Ideology in South African Translation: A Social Systems Perspective by Botha, Maricel
Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited by
Amniotic Empire: Death of the Sublime in World-Historic Culture by Spano, Andrew John
Bilderverrätselung in der Werbung by Güthlein, Elias
Die Macht des Definierens by Schnedermann, Theresa
Productive Patterns in Phraseology and Construction Grammar: A Multilingual Approach by
Grammaticalization and Variation: The Case of Mayan Motion Verbs by Hober, Nicole
Differential Object Marking in Romance: The Third Wave by
Truth and Norms: Normative Alethic Pluralism and Evaluative Disagreements by Ferrari, Filippo
The Changing Face of the "Native Speaker": Perspectives from Multilingualism and Globalization by
Introduction to the Semiotics of the Text by Marrone, Gianfranco
Figurative Language: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Perspectives by Dobrovol'skij, Dmitrij, Piirainen, Elisabeth
Gardantoj de lingvo. Dudek voĉoj tra la historio by Coulmas, Florian
Beckett and the Cognitive Method: Mind, Models, and Exploratory Narratives by Bernini, Marco
Exploring (Im)Mobilities: Language Practices, Discourses and Imaginaries by
Exploring (Im)Mobilities: Language Practices, Discourses and Imaginaries by
A Guide to Old Spanish by Dworkin, Steven N.
Musique urbaine camerounaise: Étude de contenu, alternance codique et transculturalité by Owono Zambo, Nanga Mbé, Gérard
El significado procedimental: construcciones seriales, marcadores del discurso by Sainz González, Eugenia
Exploring Identity Across Language and Culture: The Psychological, Emotional, Linguistic, and Cultural Changes Following Migration by Panicacci, Alex
An Eye-Tracking Study of Equivalent Effect in Translation: The Reader Experience of Literary Style by Walker, Callum
Complexity, Emergence, and Causality in Applied Linguistics by Bouchard, Jérémie
Handbook of Research on Effective Online Language Teaching in a Disruptive Environment by
Language Standardization and Language Variation in Multilingual Contexts: Asian Perspectives by
Sustainability of Blended Language Learning Programs: Technology Integration in English for Academic Purposes by Palikat, Cynthia Nicholas, Gruba, Paul
Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary by Edwards, Owen
Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity by
Syntactic Change in Late Modern English by Smitterberg, Erik
Analyse du discours et comparaison: enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques by
Law, Language and the Courtroom: Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges by
Critical Discourse in Odia by
Word from the Mother: Language and African Americans by Smitherman, Geneva
Word from the Mother: Language and African Americans by Smitherman, Geneva
Language and Intercultural Communication in Tourism: Critical Perspectives by
The Relevance of Metaphor: Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop and Seamus Heaney by O'Donoghue, Josie
Gesture in Language: Development Across the Lifespan by
Journal of Language Relationship 19/1-2 by
An Introduction to English Lexicology by Bauer, Laurie
Arbeitswelten von gestern bis heute: Neue Studien in der Germanistik, Uebersetzungswissenschaft und DaF by
Selected Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society: In Honor of Peter Kosta by
Gewalt und Dissoziation in der neueren deutsch- und russischsprachigen Lyrik: Exemplarische Analysen: Sergej Stratanovskij, Ulrike Draesner, Jaroslav by Tkatschenko, Emilia
Verbale Aspekte Deutsch-Kirgisischer interkultureller Kommunikation by Kadyrbekova, Pamira
Poetik der Demenz - Gedaechtnis, Gender und Genre in Demenz-Erzaehlungen der Gegenwart by Leipelt-Tsai, Monika
Symmetrizing Syntax: Merge, Minimality, and Equilibria by Fukui, Naoki, Narita, Hiroki
Heritage Language Teaching: Critical Language Awareness Perspectives for Research and Pedagogy by
An Introduction to English Lexicology by Bauer, Laurie
Celebrar ritos a través de las palabras: Análisis contrastivo de los ritualismos lingueísticos en español y en polaco by Urbaniak, Ewa
Corpus Exploration of Lexis and Discourse in Translation by
Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research: Papers in Honour of Dr Jeffrey L. Kallen by
Prinzip Perspektivierung: Germanistische und polonistische Textlinguistik - Entwicklungen, Probleme, Desiderata: Teil II: Polonistische Textlinguistik by Bilut-Homplewicz, Zofia
Teaching and Learning Second Language Pragmatics for Intercultural Understanding by
Globalization and English Education in Taiwan: Curriculum, Perceptions, and Pedagogies by Ke, I-Chung
Critical Discourse in Telugu by
Corpus Linguistics and Cross-Disciplinary Action Research: A Study of Talk in the Mathematics Classroom by Baumgart, Joanna
The Routledge Handbook of Conference Interpreting by
Heritage Language Teaching: Critical Language Awareness Perspectives for Research and Pedagogy by
Translating and Interpreting in Australia and New Zealand: Distance and Diversity by
Passeurs: La letteratura italiana del Secondo Novecento fuori d'Italia: ricezione e immaginario (1945-1989) by
Multimodal Literacies Across Digital Learning Contexts by
Metonymies and Metaphors for Death Around the World by Wachowski, Wojciech, Sullivan, Karen
Analysing English-Arabic Machine Translation: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Sakhr by Almahasees, Zakaryia
Language in Popular Fiction by Nash, Walter
An Uncommon Tongue: The Uses and Resources of English by Nash, Walter
Pierre l'Ébouriffé, Joyeuses Histoires Et Images Drôlatiques Pour Les Enfants de 3 À 6 ANS: Traduit de l'Allemand by Hoffmann, Heinrich
Méthodes et instructions sures et faciles pour apprendre, en peu de tems et sans maître by Collectif
L'Auxiliaire de Toutes Les Méthodes de Lecture, Le Répétiteur Phonique: Recueil d'Images Spéciales Dont Chacune Rappelle La Forme, La Valeur d'Un Élém by Mottot, J.
Catalogue d'ouvrages divers, de journaux, caricatures, beaux-arts, théâtre et musique by Collectif
Essais sur l'éducation des hommes et particulièrement des princes par les femmes by Du Crest Comtesse de Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité
Essai en forme de mémoire sur l'éducation de la jeunesse by Adam, Nicolas
Instructions et règlement d'une maison d'éducation. 2e édition. Tome 2 by Gachet, Édouard
Cours Gradué de Versions Anglaises Choisies Dans Les Ouvrages Indiqués Par Les Programmes Officiels: À l'Usage Des Classes Moyennes by Mousseigne, Abbé
Sténographie, mnémotechnie, pasigraphie. Combinaison unitaire by Taillian, Wilhelm-Léo
La lecture sans épellation enseignée au tableau noir, nouvelle méthode de lecture illustrée by Ferrier, H.
Méthode Martin et Lemoine by Martin, Jean-Baptiste-Aristide, Lemoine, Alcide, Fenard, A.
Grammatikalisierung im Deutschen am Beispiel neuer Präpositionen. Eine Korpusanalyse by Marx, Félice
New Perspectives on Gender and Translation: New Voices for Transnational Dialogues by
The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language by Salomone, Rosemary
Verbal Behavior by Skinner, B. F.
Epistolary Constructions of Post-World War I Identity: The Invisibility of Minority Groups by Herat, Manel
Demystifying Bilingualism: How Metaphor Guides Research Towards Mythification by Higuera del Moral, Sonja, Barzen, Jessica Stefanie, Jansen, Silke
The Lingua Franca by Operstein, Natalie
Modelling Paralanguage Using Systemic Functional Semiotics: Theory and Application by Ngo, Thu, Hood, Susan
The Societal Codification of Korean English by Baratta, Alex
Glossary of Morphology by
New worlds for old words / Mundos nuevos para viejas palabras: The impact of cultured borrowing on the languages of Western Europe / El impacto de los by
The Segmentation and Representation of Translocative Motion Events in English and Chinese Discourse: A Contrastive Study by Zheng, Guofeng
A Life in Cognition: Studies in Cognitive Science in Honor of Csaba Pléh by
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