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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

The Elements of Style by Strunk, William
Vocabulary Of The Shoshone Language by Hill, George W.
Complete Bulgarian-English Dictionary (including a Lexicon of Geographical, Historical, Proper, etc., Names, a List of the English Irregular Verbs, We by Stephanove, Constantine
English-Arabic Dictionary: For the Use of Both Travellers and Students by Steingass, Francis Joseph
A School Manual of English Composition: For Advanced Grammar Grades, and for High Schools, Academies, Etc by Swinton, William
Rob Roy by Scott, Walter
The Illusion of the First Time in Acting by Gillette, William
A Concise Dictionary of the Persian Language by Palmer, Edward Henry
A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms ... With an Appendix Embracing a Dictionary of Briticisms, Americanisms, Colloquial Phrases, Etc by Fallows, Samuel
Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete, With Special Reference to The Archives of Knossos; Volume 1 by Evans, Arthur
An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language by Macbain, Alexander
A Dictionary of English Etymology by Hensleigh, Wedgwood
A School Manual of English Composition: For Advanced Grammar Grades, and for High Schools, Academies, Etc by Swinton, William
The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits: With an Essay On Charity and Charity-Schools by Mandeville, Bernard
Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue: Revised and Corrected With the Addition of Numerous Slang Phrases Collected From Tried Authorities by Egan, Pierce, Grose, Francis
Over the Top by Empey, Arthur Guy
Glossographia Anglicana Nova: Or, a Dictionary, Interpreting Such Hard Words of Whatever Language, As Are at Present Used in the English Tongue, Wit by Blount, Thomas
Norwegian Grammar and Reader With Notes and Vocabulary by Olson, Julius Emil
Die Edda by Simrock, Karl Joseph
Semantics: Studies in the Science of Meaning by Breal, Michel
English Grammar for Beginners by Kinard, James Pinckney
A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary: For the Use of Students by Hall, John R. Clark
Readings in Literature for Upper Grades by
Ten Great Events in History by Johonnot, James
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Based Upon the St. Petersburg Lexicons by Cappeller, Carl
Elementary Modern Armenian Grammar by Gulian, Kevork H.
The Illusion of the First Time in Acting by Gillette, William
The Sciences: A Reading Book for Children: Astronomy, Physics--heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, Magnetism--chemistry, Physiography, Meteorology by Holden, Edward Singleton
The New Testament: In an Improved Version Upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's new Translation, With a Corrected Text, and Notes Critical and Explan by Belsham, Thomas, Newcome, William
The New Testament: In an Improved Version Upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's new Translation, With a Corrected Text, and Notes Critical and Explan by Newcome, William, Belsham, Thomas
Practical Philosophy of Social Life: Or, the Art of Conversing With Men: After the German of Baron Knigge by Knigge, Adolf, Will, Peter
For the Children's Hour by Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin
Appendix to the Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language by Holman, Bentley William
An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: Or, A Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases Employed in the Construction, Equipment, Furniture by Falconer, William
The Wrong Box by Stevenson, Robert Louis, Osbourne, Lloyd
A Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language With Dialogues and Vocabulary by Barker, William Burckhardt
Manual for the Solution of Military Ciphers by Parker, Hitt
The Manx Dictionary by Gill, William, Cregeen, Archibald, Kelly, John
A New Latin-english Dictionary: To Which Is Prefixed An English-latin Dictionary by Young, William
Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary by Hepburn, James Curtis
Shropshire Word-Book: A Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Etc., Used in the County by Jackson, Georgina Frederica
Readings in Literature for Upper Grades by
Our Young Folk's Plutarch by
English Words With Native Roots and With Greek, Latin, or Romance Suffixes by Nicholson, George Albert
English Grammar and Analysis by Davidson, Joseph Crosby Alcock William
A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language: From the Semi-Saxon Period of A.D. 1250 to 1300. Consisting of an Alphabetical Inve by Coleridge, Herbert 1830-1861
The English Dialect Dictionary by Wright, Joseph
Letter-Writing: Its Ethics and Etiquette, With Remarks On the Proper Use of Monograms, Crests and Seals by Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton
An English-Dakota Dictionary: Wasicun ka Dakota Ieska Wowapi by Poage Williamson, American Tract Soci
English Words With Native Roots and With Greek, Latin, or Romance Suffixes by Nicholson, George Albert
Handbook of Composition; a Compendium of Rules Regarding Good English, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Paragraphing, Manuscript Arrangement, Punctuation, by Woolley, Edwin C.
Masks or Faces a Study in the Pdychology of Acting by Archer, William
Syntax of Classical Greek From Homer to Demosthenes by Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau
Grammatik der EWE-Sprach by Westermann, Diedrich
Fijian And English Practical Dictionary, With Hand-book And Grammar by Them, One Amongst, Rougier, Emmanuel
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Skeat, Walter William
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Skeat, Walter William
A Shakespearian Grammar: An Attempt to Illustrate Some of the Differences Between Elizabethan and M by Abbott, E. A.
A Short Grammar Of The English Tongue With Three Hundred And Thirty Exercises by
A Short Grammar Of The English Tongue With Three Hundred And Thirty Exercises by
An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary: (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language.) by Batchelor, John
The Chautauqua Movement by Vincent, John Heyl, Miller, Lewis
Best Short Stories by Various, Mason, Thomas L.
El Gitanismo, Historia, Costumbres Y Dialecto De Los Gitanos. Con Un Epítome De Gramática Gitana, Y Un Diccionario Caló-Castellano, Por Francisco Quin by De Mayo, Francisco Sales
Handbook of Composition; a Compendium of Rules Regarding Good English, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Paragraphing, Manuscript Arrangement, Punctuation, by Woolley, Edwin C.
Ten Great Events in History by Johonnot, James
The Sciences: A Reading Book for Children: Astronomy, Physics--heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, Magnetism--chemistry, Physiography, Meteorology by Holden, Edward Singleton
A Compendium of Molesworth's Marathi and English Dictionary by Molesworth, James Thomas
Morphologie Historique du Latin by Ernout, Alfred
An Introduction to the Korean Spoken Language by Underwood, Horace Horton, Underwood, Horace Grant
A Modern Syriac-English Dictionary ..; Series 1 by Yohannan, Abraham
English and Muskokee Dictionary by Hodge, David M., Loughridge, Robert McGill
A Kannada-English School-dictionary: Chiefly Based on the Labours of the Rev. Dr. F. Kittel by Bucher, J., Kittel, F.
A Dictionary and Glossary of the Kor-Ân: With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text: Arabic-English by Penrice, John
Webster's Elementary-School Dictionary: Abridged From Webster's New International Dictionary, 900 Illustrations by Webster, Noah
Our Young Folk's Plutarch by
The Standard Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Vaidya, Lakshman Ramachandra
The Hebraic Tongue Restored: And the True Meaning of the Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved by Their Radical Analysis by Redfield, Nayán Louise, Fabre D'Olivet, Antoine
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Based Upon the St. Petersburg Lexicons by Cappeller, Carl
A Dictionary of the Päli Language by Childers, Robert Cæsar
English-Hungarian Dictionary; Volume 1 by Bizonfy, Ferencz
The First Book of Etymology by Lynd, James
The Standard Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Vaidya, Lakshman Ramachandra
Graphology; how to Read Character From Handwriting; Studies in Character Reading, a Text-book of Graphology for Experts, Students and Laymen by Hagen, Hugo J. Von
The Manx Dictionary by Cregeen, Archibald, Kelly, John, Gill, William
Practical Philosophy of Social Life: Or, the Art of Conversing With Men: After the German of Baron Knigge by Will, Peter, Knigge, Adolf
Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch: 2 by Pokorny, Julius
The Hebraic Tongue Restored And The True Meaning Of The Hebrew Words Re-established And Proved By Their Radical Analysis, Volumes 1-2 by D'Olivet, Antoine Fabre
Hebräisches Wurzelwörterbuch by Meier, Ernst Heinrich
Folclóir Gaedhilge Agus Béarla = An Irish-English Dictionary, Being a Thesaurus of the Words, Phrases and Idioms of the Modern Irish Language, With Ex by
Noctes Ambrosian by Wilson, John
Die Bedauye-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika by Reinisch, Leo
The Hallamshire Glossary by Hunter, Joseph
Ancient inscriptions in Ceylon; collected and published for the Government; 1 by Müller, Edward
Chrestomathia Aethiopica by August, Dillmann
Das Tier Im Spiegel Der Sprache: Ein Beitrag Zur Vergleichenden Bedeutungslehre by Riegler, Richard
English Spelling and Spelling Reform by Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford
Reading-Literature: Seventh Reader by Treadwell, Harriette Taylor
William Bullokar the Amendment of Orthographie for English Speech by Bullokar, William
Graded Spelling Lists by Thompson, George E.
Graded Spelling Lists by Thompson, George E.
Den Grønlandske Ordbog, Omarb by Kleinschmidt, Samuel
Über die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java, nebst einer Einleitung über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues. Erster Band. by Humboldt, Wilhelm, Buschmann, Johann Karl Eduard
Swedish Self-Taught by Geiger, E. G.
History of the European Languages; or, Researches Into the Affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic by Scot, David, Murray, Alexander
The Morphology of the Hupa Language by Goddard, Pliny Earle
Filipino-English Vocabulary With Practical Examples of Filipino English Grammers by Daluz, Eusebio T.
Thoughts on the Origin and Descent by Grant, James
Troilus and Cressida by Anonymous
A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer: Comprising Ancient and Modern Military Technical Terms, Historical Accounts of All North American Indians, As Wel by Wilhelm, Thomas
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: A Practical Exposition by Gore, Charles
An Introduction to Poetry by Beaty, John Owen, Hubbell, Jay Broadus
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: A Practical Exposition by Gore, Charles
The Ten Nequdoth of the Torah: Or, the Meaning and Purpose of the Extraordinary Points of the Pentateuch (Massoretic Text) a Contribution to the Hist by Talmon, Shemaryahu, Butin, Romain François
La Langue Verte: Dictionnaire D'argot Et Des Principales Locutions Populaires by La Rue, Jean
A Grammar of Late Modern English; Volume 5 by Poutsma, Hendrik
Handbuch Der Litauischen Sprache, Von August Schleicher ... by Schleicher, August
A Grammar of the Punjabee Language by Carey, William
Swedish Self-Taught by Geiger, E. G.
Merchant of Venice by Anonymous
The Scholar's Companion, Or, a Guide to the Orthography, Pronunciation, and Derivation of the English Language: Containing, Beside Several Other Impor by Green, Richard W., Butter, Henry
Grundriss Der Neupersischen Etymologie by Horn, Paul
The Urdu Self-instructor or Ataliq--i-Urdu by Laiq Ahmad, Maulavi
The Teacher: A Supplement to the Elementary Spelling Book by Webster, Noah
A Manual of Analysis and Parsing: Consisting of Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences by Orne, Martha Russell
A Dictionary of the Suahili Language by Krapf, Johann Ludwig
Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature by Bardsley, Charles Wareing Endell
The Principles of Rhetoric by Hill, Adams Sherman
An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, in Which the Words Are Explained in the Order of Their Natural Affinity, Independent of Alphabetical by Booth, David
Everyday Classics: Third Reader by Thorndike, Ashley Horace, Baker, Franklin Thomas
The Camel by Leslie, Madeline
The Sheffield Dialect by Bywater, Abel
The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges; Their Invention and Development by Kingsbury, John E.
An Introduction to English Grammar by Speers, Adam
A Complete Graded Course In English Grammar And Composition by Conklin, Benjamin Young
6000 Chinese characters with Japanese pronunciation and Japanese and English renderings by Jones, J. Ira
The Gradual Reader, First Step; Or, Exercises in Articulation by Tower, David Bates
The Queen's English: A Manual of Idiom and Usage by Alford, Henry 1810-1871
The English Irish Dictionary by O'Beaglaoich, Conchobhar
The Modern Language Journal; Volume 2 by
Chronik des edlen En Ramon Muntaner, Erster Theil by Muntaner, Ramón
A Complete Graded Course In English Grammar And Composition by Conklin, Benjamin Young
A Dictionary of Synonyms by Gray, Austin Kayingham
An English And Welsh Dictionary, Wherein, Not Only The Words, But Also, The Idioms And Phraseology Of The English Language, Are Carefully Translated I by Walters, John, Walters, Hannah
A Grammar of the Bakele Language, With Vocabularies. by Preston, Missionary
Chronik des edlen En Ramon Muntaner, Erster Theil by Muntaner, Ramón
Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca: Adapted From the Third Book of the Primary Schools of Athens, Greece by Homer
Japanese Fairy Tales by Williston, Teresa Peirce
Epictetus and the New Testament by Sharp, Douglas S.
The Sentence Method of Teaching Reading Writing, and Spelling by Farnhan, George L.
Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca: Adapted From the Third Book of the Primary Schools of Athens, Greece by Homer
A Phraseological Dictionary of Commercial Correspondence in the English, German, French & Spanish by Scholl, Charles
The Study and Practice of Writing English by Richard, Lomer Gerhard
Advanced Lessons in English by Hyde, Mary Frances
The Place Names of Fife and Kinross by William John Norbray, Liddall
Venus and Adonis, a Study in Warwickshire Dialect by Morgan, James Appleton
Pronouncing Handbook of Words Often Mispronounced by Soule, Loomis Joseph Campbell Richard
A Phraseological Dictionary of Commercial Correspondence in the English, German, French & Spanish by Scholl, Charles
Jackanapes by Ewing, Juliana Horatia, Caldecott, Randolph
Contributions Towards a Glossary of the Glynne Language by Lyttelton, George William
The Accusative With Infinitive, and Some Kindred Constructions in English by Zeitlin, Jacob
A Manual of Anglo-Saxon for Beginners by Shute, Samuel Moore
An American Book of Golden Deeds by Baldwin, James
A Companion to the Higher English Grammar by Bain, Alexander
Allen's Synonyms and Antonyms by Allen, Frederic Sturges
Mcguffey Second Reader by McGuffey, William Holmes
Grundriss Der Neupersischen Etymologie by Horn, Paul
History of English: A Sketch of the Origin and Development of the English Language With Examples, Down to the Present Day by Champneys, Arthur Charles
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in all Departments of Knowledge With a new Atlas of the World; Volume 10 by Smith, Benjamin E. 1857-1913, Whitney, William Dwight
An Easy English Grammar by Meiklejohn, John Miller D.
An Introduction to English Grammar by Speers, Adam
A Manual of Analysis and Parsing: Consisting of Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences by Orne, Martha Russell
A Treatise On the Etymology and Syntax of the English Language by Crombie, Alexander
Synonyms and Antonyms by Smith, Charles John
A History of English Versification by Schipper, Jakob
Grammaire Comparée Des Làngues Indo-Européennes: Comprenant Le Sanscrit, Le Zend, L'arménien, Le Grec, Le Latin, Le Lithuanien, L'ancien Slave, Le Got by Meunier, Francis, Bopp, Franz
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon by Long, Frederick J.
Johnson's Dictionary, With Additions, Ed. by J.H. Murray by Johnson, Samuel
The Nature and Origin of the Noun Genders in the Indo-European Languages; a Lecture Delivered on the Occasion of the Sesquicentennial Celebration of P by Brugmann, Karl, Robbins, Edmund Yard
Epictetus and the New Testament by Sharp, Douglas S.
Grimm's Law: A Study: Or Hints Towards an Explanation of the So-Called "Lautverschiebung"; to Which Are Added Some Remarks On the P by Le Douse, Thomas Marchant
Word-Book of English Spelling, Oral and Written: Designed to Attain Practical Results in the Acquisition of the Ordinary English Vocabulary, and to Se by Swinton, William
A Companion to the Higher English Grammar by Bain, Alexander
Reading-literature by Treadwell, Harriette Taylor, Richardson, Frederick
The Principles of Rhetoric by Hill, Adams Sherman
Le langage: Introduction linguistique à l'histoire by Vendryes, J. 1875-1960
A Military Dictionary and Gazetteer: Comprising Ancient and Modern Military Technical Terms, Historical Accounts of All North American Indians, As Wel by Wilhelm, Thomas
A Dictionary of the Kalispel Or Flat-Head Indian Language, Part 2 by Giorda, Joseph, Mengarini, Gregory
Manual of Composition and Rhetoric by Kittredge, George Lyman, Gardiner, John Hays, Arnold, Sarah Louise
The Story of a Mine by Harte, Bret
Über die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java, nebst einer Einleitung über die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues. Erster Band. by Humboldt, Wilhelm, Buschmann, Johann Karl Eduard
Grammaire Comparée Des Làngues Indo-Européennes: Comprenant Le Sanscrit, Le Zend, L'arménien, Le Grec, Le Latin, Le Lithuanien, L'ancien Slave, Le Got by Meunier, Francis, Bopp, Franz
The Mother Goose Primer by Wiley, Belle
William Bullokar the Amendment of Orthographie for English Speech by Bullokar, William
The Acts of the Apostles by Knox, Ellen Mary
The Camel by Leslie, Madeline
An Arabic-English Dictionary On a New System; Volume 2 by Salmoné, Habib Anthony
Troilus and Cressida by Anonymous
A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages; Volume 2 by Bopp, Franz, Eastwick, Edward Backhouse
Positivismus Und Idealismus in Der Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Sprach-Philosophische Untersuchung by Vossler, Karl
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