• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1961

Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Formulaic Diction and Thematic Composition in the Chanson de Roland by Nichols, Stephen G.
The Paradox of George Orwell by Voorhees, Richard J.
Swift by Middleton Murry, John
Christopher Smart by Grigson, Geoffrey
The Reappearing Characters in Balzac's Comédie Humaine by Canfield, Arthur Graves
Adversus mathematicos by Sextus Empiricus
Der metaphorische Kosmos der modernen spanischen Lyrik (1936-1956) by Lorenz, Erika
Worte und Werte by
Eustratii et Michaelis et anonyma in Ethica Nicomachea commentaria by
Alexandri in Librum de Sensu Commentarium by
The Capsule of the Mind: Chapters in the Life of Emily Dickinson by Ward, Theodora Van Wagenen
Image of Britain 1 by
Image of Britain 2 by
Aristotle's Poetics by Aristotle
Paradise Lost: And Its Critics by Waldock, A. J. a., Waldock
W. B. Yeats: His Poetry and Thought by A. G., Stock, Stock, A. G., Stock
A. E. Housman: Selected Prose by Housman, Housman, A. E.
Ovid, Heilmittel Gegen Die Liebe. Die Pflege Des Weiblichen Gesichtes by Lenz, Friedrich Walter
Vollständiges Lateinisch-Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch Zur Althochdeutschen Isidor-Übersetzung by Eggers, Hans
Briefe 1800-1804 by
Griechische Grabgedichte by Peek, Werner
Beispiele Den Alten Weisen: Des Johann Von Capua Übersetzung Der Hebräischen Bearbeitung Des Indischen Pañcatantra Ins Lateinische by
Römische Literatur Der Augusteische Zeit: Eine Aufsatzsammlung by
Die Literatur Der Jahre 1878-1894 by
Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung Des Galenkommentars Zu Hippokrates de Articulis by Kudlien, Fridolf
Ein Neugefundenes Griechisches Drama by Zucker, Friedrich
Goethe Und 1001 Nacht by Mommsen, Katharina
"Ostforschung" und Slawistik by Ziegengeist, Gerhard
Bibliographie 1940-1945 by
Ovid, Heilmittel Gegen Die Liebe. Die Pflege Des Weiblichen Gesichtes: Lateinisch Und Deutsch by Lenz, Friedrich Walter
The Cosmological Eye by Miller, Henry
Aristotle: Texts and Commentaries to 17 in the University of Pennsylvania Library by Riley, Lyman W.
Fielding's Art of Fiction: Eleven Essays on Shamela, Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, and Amelia by Johnson, Maurice
Studies in Medieval Literature: In Honor of Albert Croll Baugh by
Religion in Modern English Drama by Weales, Gerald
Die russische Sowjetliteratur by Dox, Georg
Prinzessin Brambilla - Meister Floh by Hoffmann, E. T. a.
Parzival Buch I bis VI by
Corpus Fabularum, Band 1: Die Sagen Der Monathlichen Unterredungen Otto Von Grabens Zum Stein: [Nachricht Von Den Monathlichen Unterredungen Von Dem R by Graben Zum Stein, Otto
Grundlagen der antiken und orientalischen Musikkultur by Husmann, Heinrich
Trois fabliaux by Walters-Gehrig, Martha
Cesare Pavese by Hösle, Johannes
Scholia in Aristotelem: Supplementum Scholiorum Syriani in Metaphysica Commentaria. Accedit Vita Marciana by
Sammlung Göschen Geschichte der griechischen Literatur by Nestle, Wilhelm
Essays and Introductions by Yeats, W. B.
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis Praeter Commentaria Scripta Minora: Pars I: de Anima Liber Cum Mantissa. Pars II: Quaestiones. de Fato. de Mixtion by Alexander Aphrodisiensis
The Heart of Thoreau's Journals by
Essays and Introductions by Yeats, W. B.
Excerptorum Constantini de Natura Animalium Libri Duo. Pars I: Aristophanis Historiae Animalium Epitome. Pars II: Prisciani Lydi Quae Extant: Pars I: by
Pars I: Anonymi Londinensis Ex Aristotelis Iatricis Menoniis Et Aliis Medicis Eclogae. Pars II: Aristotelis Res Publica Atheniensium by
Index Aristotelicus by
Symmetry and Sense: The Poetry of Sir Philip Sidney by Montgomery, Robert L.
Das Werden des Werkes, 1 by Groth, Otto
Die Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts by Oehlmann, Werner
A New Introduction to Greek: Third Edition Revised and Enlarged by Chase, Alston Hurd, Phillips, Henry
Twentieth Century French Drama by Grossvogel, David I.
Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser: Selected Papers from the English Institute by
The Poetry of History: The Contribution of Literature and Literary Scholarship to the Writing of History Since Voltaire by Neff, Emery
Prometheus Bound and Other Plays: Prometheus Bound, the Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, the Persians by Aeschylus
Mark Twain & Me by Quick, Dorothy
Der Besuch Der Alten Dame by Dürrenmatt, Friedrich
Letzte Erzählungen, Band 1 by Hoffmann, E. T. a.
The American Short Story - American Writers 14: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Ross, Danforth
Drama & Religion in the English Mystery Plays: A Re-Evaluation by Prosser, Eleanor
Aus meinen Tagen und Träumen by Breysig, Kurt
The Hungarian Revolt: October 23 - November 4, 1956 by
The Early H.G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances by Bergonzi, Bernard
The University as Publisher by
The Valley of Vision: Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary by Fisher, Peter
The Universal Self: A Study of Paul Valery by MacKay, Agnes
Goethe. Die Schriften Zur Naturwissenschaft (Leopoldina): Zweite Abteilung: Ergänzungen Und Erläuterungen.Band 3: Beiträge Zur Optik Und Anfänge Der F by
A - N by
"Aus Meinem Leben": Erinnerungen, Aufsätze, Predigten by Grüner, Viktor
Goethe Und Diez: Quellenuntersuchungen Zu Gedichten Der Divan-Epoche by Mommsen, Katharina
Serbokroatische Und Makedonische Volkslyrik: Gestaltuntersuchungen by Peukert, Herbert
Vergleichende Epenforschung I by Schirmunski, Viktor
Goethe Und Die Moallakat: Wolfgang Schadewaldt Zum 60. Geburtstag by Mommsen, Katharina
Lukian Von Samosata Und Das Neue Testament: Religionsgeschichtliche Und Paränetische Parallelen. Ein Beitrag Zum Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti by Betz, Hans Dieter
Agnes-Bernauer, Dichtungen, I: 1837-1847 by Ludwig, Otto
Voltaire-Studien by Ljublinski, W. S.
The Divine Comedy: Volume 3: Paradiso by Sinclair, John D., Dante Alighieri
A Preface to Paradise Lost: Being the Ballard Matthews Lectures Delivered at University College, North Wales, 1941 by Lewis, C. S.
The Divine Comedy: Volume 2: Purgatorio by Dante Alighieri, Sinclair, John D.
The Divine Comedy: Volume 1: Inferno by Dante Alighieri, Sinclair, John D.