• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1962

Ben Jonson's Poems: A Study of the Plain Style by Trimpi, Wesley
John Donne's Lyrics: The Eloquence of Action by Stein, Arnold
The Art of Faulkner's Novels by Swiggart, Peter
Romanische Märchen by
Collected Verse Plays by Eberhart, Richard
Simplicii in Libros Aristotelis de Anima Commentaria by Simplicius Cilicius
Pierre Gringore's Les Fantasies de Mère Sote by
Rutebeuf and Louis IX by Ham, Edward B.
A Critical Edition of Lope de Vega's Las Paces de Los Reyes Y Judía de Toledo by Castañeda, James A.
Simplicii in Aristotelis de caelo commentaria by
Letzte Erzählungen, Band 2 by Hoffmann, E. T. a.
A Vision by Yeats, W. B.
Literary Criticism, Pope to Croce by
The Powys Brothers by Churchill, R. C.
George Herbert by Eliot, T. S.
The Works of John Dryden, Volume VIII: Plays: The Wild Gallant, the Rival Ladies, the Indian Queen Volume 8 by Dryden, John
Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries by McCulloch, Florence
Song of the Nibelungs: A Verse Translation from the Middle High German Nibelungenlied by
The Songs of Bernart de Ventadorn by
The Missal of the New Minster Winchester: (Le Havre, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 330) by Turner, D. H.
Spanische Verslehre auf historischer Grundlage by Baehr, Rudolf
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis Metaphysica Commentaria by Alexander Aphrodisiensis
Pars I: Ammonius in Aristotelis Categorias commentarium. Pars II: Ammonius in Aristotelis de interpretatione commentarius. Par by
Pars I: Themistii Analyticorum Posteriorum Paraphrasis. Pars II: Themistii in Aristotelis Physica Paraphrasis. Pars III: Themi by
Simplicii in Aristotelis physicorum libros quattuor posteriores commentaria by Simplicius Cilicius
Pars I: Olympiodori prolegomena et in Categorias commentarium. Pars II: Olympiodori in Aristotelis Meteora commentaria by
Prooemium. Iberica. Annibaica. Libyca. Illyrica. Syriaci. Mithridatica. Fragmenta by Appianus
Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis de anima libros commentaria by
Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Physicorum libros tres priores commentaria by
Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Physicorum libros quinque posteriores commentaria by
Pars I: Aspasii in Ethica Nicomachea quae supersunt commentaria. Pars II: Heliodori in Ethica Nicomachea paraphrasis by
Eustratii in Analyticorum Posteriorum librum secundum commentarium by
Indices by Sextus Empiricus
Germanische Heldensage, Band 1 / Buch 1, Deutsche Heldensage by Schneider, Hermann
Die Stimmen der Meister by
Studien Zum Ruodlieb: Ritterideal, Erzählstruktur Und Darstellungsstil by Braun, Werner
The Poetic Edda by
English Satire by Sutherland, James, Sutherland, Peter, James, Sutherland
Ostmitteldeutsche Chrestomathie by
Zur Karolinger- Und Ottonenzeit, Zum Hohen Und Späten Mittelalter, Zur Literaturgeschichte by Lintzel, Martin
Briefe 1804-1808 by
Geschichte Des Agathon by Wieland, C. M.
Die Schwedischen Volksmärchen: Herkunft Und Geschichte by Liungman, Waldemar
Das Evangelistar Der Berliner Handschrift Ms. Germ. 4° 533 by Feudel, Günter
Zur Altsächsischen Stammesgeschichte by Lintzel, Martin
Eben Bis Gräßlich by Merker, Erna
Das Rauhbein (Dyskolos): Komödie in Fünf Akten by Menander
Hausens Scheltliet (Mf 47,33) Und Der Sumer Von Triere by Kienast, Richard
Die Altarmenische "Zenon"-Schrift by Schmidt, Ernst Günther
Untersuchungen Zum Lautstand in Den Schriften Nicolaus Gryses: Ein Beitrag Zur Mecklenburgische Sprachgeschichte by Scharnhorst, Jürgen
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare: Later English History Plays by Bullough, Geoffrey
Two Cheers for Democracy by Forster, E. M.
F. M. Dostoevsky: His Image of Man by Sajkovic, Miriam T.
Weltenzweiung Und Weltversöhnung in Hofmannsthals Griechischen Dramen by Rey, William H.
Das Werden des Werkes, 2 by Groth, Otto
Winsbeckische Gedichte Nebst Tirol Und Fridebrant by
Iwein by Hartmann, Von Aue
Der guote Gêrhart by
Dichtung und Musik im Werk Richard Wagners by Stein, Herbert Von
Die Lieder Oswalds von Wolkenstein by Wolkenstein, Oswald
Kleinere Schriften Zur Germanischen Heldensage Und Literatur Des Mittelalters by Schneider, Hermann
Deutsche Volkslieder aus Hohenlohe mit ihren Weisen by
Der Witzling: Ein deutsches Nachspiel in einem Aufzug. Die stumme Schönheit: Ein Lustspiel in einem Aufzug by Gottsched, Luise A., Schlegel, Johann E.
The Icelandic Saga by Hallberg, Peter
Spiegelungen der Schweiz in der deutschen Literatur by Bettex, Albert
Der Libellus Scolasticus des Walther von Speyer by Vossen, Peter
Humanistic Existentialism: The Literature of Possibility by Barnes, Hazel E.
Nathanael West - American Writers 21: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Hyman, Stanley Edgar
John DOS Passos - American Writers 20: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Davis, Robert Gorham
Aristophanes: Four Comedies by Aristophanes
Goethe's Faust by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Mirror of Minds: Psychological Beliefs in English Poetry by Bullough, Geoffrey
The Renaissance and English Humanism by Bush, Douglas
Tennyson Laureate by Pitt, Valerie
Pan Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithuania by Mickiewicz, Adam
Epistola AD Joannem Millium by Bentley, Richard
Tradition in Exile: A Comparative Study of Social Influences on the Development of Australian and Canadian Poetry in the Nineteenth Century by Matthews, John Pengwerne
Karl Goedeke: Grundriss Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Dichtung. Band 1, [Lieferung 3] by
Rabindranath Tagores Weltbedeutung by Ruben, Walter
Lesefrüchte Und Verwandtes by
Yvan Goll Im Deutschen Expressionismus by Müller, Joachim
Studien Zum West-Östlichen Divan by Mommsen, Momme
Theodore Haak, F.R.S. (1605-1690): The First German Translator of Paradise Lost by Barnett, Pamela R.
Tischreden by Luther, Martin
A - L by Schmidt, Alexander
M - Z by Schmidt, Alexander