• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1966

Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Milton by Daiches, David
The Variorum Edition of the Plays of W.B.Yeats by Yeats, W. B.
"Wahnsinn" in Shakespeares Dramen by Böse, Petra
Die Entwicklung Und Die Funktion Der Nebenhandlung in Der Tragödie VOR Shakespeare by Reichert, Günter
Sidelights on Elizabethan Drama by Sykes, H. D.
La Chançun de Willame: With an Etymological Glossary by Iseley, Nancy
The Literary Perspectivism of Ramón Pérez de Ayala by Weber, Frances Wyers
The Romance of Floire and Blanchefleur: A French Idyllic Poem of the Twelfth Century by
Antonio de Guevara Una Década de Césares by
Studies on the Cancionero de Baena by Fraker, Charles F.
Victor Hugo: A Select and Critical Bibliography by Grant, Elliott M.
Scholia in Theocritum Vetera by
Slavic Epic Studies by Jakobson, Roman
La Chanson de Willame: A Critical Study by Robertson, Howard S.
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo Y Valdés: An Annotated Bibliography by Turner, Daymond
Tragic Theory and the Eighteenth-Century French Critics by Davis, James Herbert
Hispanic Studies in Honor of Nicholson B. Adams by
Modern Literature and the Death of God by Glicksberg, Charles I.
Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century by Herford, Charles H.
John Dryden by Dobrée, Bonamy
Kenneth Slessor by Semmler, Clement
Moralia: Volume VI/Fasc 3 by Plutarchus
George Chapman: A Critical Study by Maclure, Millar
Shakespeare Thy Name Is Marlowe by Williams, David Rhys
Pegnesisches Schäfergedicht: 1644 - 1645 by
Anleitung Zur Deutschen Poeterey. Poet by Buchner, Augustus
Erkenntnistheorie Und Prophetie: Hermann Brochs Romantrilogie Die Schlafwandler by Kreutzer, Leo
Poems of Gongora by Gongora
The Goldfinch and the Hawk: A Study of Lope de Vega's Tragedy, El Caballero de Olmedo by McCrary, William C.
Seven Contemporary Authors: Essays on Cozzens, Miller, West, Golding, Heller, Albee, and Powers by
The Modernist Movement in Brazil: A Literary Study by Nist, John
The Modern American Political Novel: 1900-1960 by Blotner, Joseph
Nld 17: Newman: Letters & Diaries Nld 17 C by Dessain
Russian Pronunction Illustrated by Ward, Dennis, Ward, Peter Ed
Antonius Und Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
Liebenswürdig Bis Übel by
Aus Den Anfängen Der Sozialistischen Dramatik II by
Ovid - Die Liebeselegien by Ovidius Naso, Publius
Aus Den Anfängen Der Sozialistischen Dramatik II by
Beiträge Zur Sprachwissenschaft, Volkskunde Und Literaturforschung: Wolfgang Steinitz Zum 60. Geburtstag Am 28. Februar 1965 Dargebracht by Steinitz, Wolfgang
Properz Gedichte by Helm, Rudolf
Ovid: Die Liebeselegien by
ACTA Pauli: Aus Der Heidelberger Koptischen Papyrushandschrift Nr. 1 by
Euripides Orestes by Biehl, Werner
Minna Kautsky, Auswahl Aus Ihrem Werk by
The William Carlos Williams Reader by Williams, William Carlos
Seven Types of Ambiguity by Empson, William
Abinger Harvest by Forster, E. M.
Ovid and the Canterbury Tales by Hoffman, Richard L.
Three Voyagers in Search of Europe: A Study of Henry James, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot by Holder, Alan
Der Nibelunge Nôt: In Auswahl Mit Kurzem Wörterbuch by
The Ballads by Hodgart, M. J. C.
Shakespeares Dramen by Lüthi, Max
Virginia Woolf by Woodring, Carl R., Forrester, Viviane
Der arme Heinrich by Hartmann
Der Aufbau des Pindarischen Epinikion by Schadewaldt, Wolfgang
Iwein by Hartmann
Sens and Conjointure in the Chevalier de la Charrette by Kelly, F. Douglas
Dichtung und Sprache des jungen Gryphius by Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Die Dichtungen der Frau Ava by
Joyce Cary by O'Connor, William Van
Melancholie und Melancholiker in den medizinischen Theorien der Antike by Flashar, Hellmut
Erzählungsgut aus Südost-China by
The Variorum Edition of the Plays of W.B.Yeats by Yeats, W. B.
The Cave and the Mountain: A Study of E. M. Forster by Stone, Wilfred
Some Traces of the Pre-Olympian World in Greek Literature and Myth by Butterworth, E. A. S.
Myth and Literature: Contemporary Theory and Practice by
George Farquhar by Farmer, A. J.
Walther von der Vogelweide by
Das Wirken des Werkes, 2 by Groth, Otto
Epicoene or the Slient Woman by Jonson, Ben, Beaurline, L. A.
Orcherd Syon 1 Eetso: C 258 C by Hodgson
Cursor Mundi 5 Eetso: C 68 C by Morris
Friedrich Maximilian Klinger by Hering, Christoph
Geschichte der altdeutschen Literatur (800 bis 1600) by Neumann, Friedrich
Twenty Years of Stanford Short Stories by
Mark Twain's Satires and Burlesques: Volume 3 by Twain, Mark
Liederbuch der Clara Hätzlerin by
Bäurischer Macchiavellus by Weise, Christian
Das Mädchen Aus Der Feenwelt Oder Der Bauer ALS Millionär: Romantisches Originalzaubermärchen Mit Gesang in Drei Aufzügen by Raimund, Ferdinand J.
Geschichte der deutschen Poetik, Band 5, Das zwanzigste Jahrhundert by Markwardt, Bruno
The World of Dante: Six Studies in Language and Thought by
The Sixth Sense: Individualism in French Poetry, 1686-1760 by Finch, Robert
Dualities in Shakespeare by Bodwell Smith, Marion
Editing Sixteenth Century Texts: Papers given at the Editorial Conference, University of Toronto October, 1965 by
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare: Other 'Classical Plays' by Bullough, Geoffrey
Memoires by Aubert de Gaspé, Philippe
Dantes Bemühungen Um Die Geltung Und Formung Der Italienischen Literatursprache by Bahner, Werner
Quellen Und Zeugnisse Zur Druckgeschichte Von Goethes Werken, 1. Gesamtausgaben Bis 1822 by
Antioch Dmitrievič Kantemir Und Westeuropa: Ein Russischer Schriftsteller Des 18. Jahrhunderts Und Seine Beziehungen Zur Westeuropäischen Literat by Grasshoff, Helmut
Der Gottschedkreis Und Russland: Deutsch-Russische Literaturbeziehungen Im Zeitalter Der Aufklärung by Lehmann, Ulf
Aus Dem Schaffen Früher Sozialistischer Schriftstellerinnen by
Structure Sociale Et Fortune Dans La Campagne Proche de Grenoble En 1847 by Ibarrola, Jésus
Claude Le Beau: Aventures Du Sr. C. Le Beau, Avocat En Parlement, Ou Voyage Curieux Et Nouveau, Parmi Les Sauvages de l'Amérique Septentrionale. Part by Le Beau, Claude