• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1967

The Stacions of Rome by
»Gnade« Bei Cynewulf Und Seiner Schule: Semasiologisch-Onomasiologische Studien Zu Einem Semantischen Feld by Faiß, Klaus
Fragmenta by Caecilius Calactinus
Modern Indonesian Literature by Teeuw, A.
The Tragic Mask: A Study of Faulkner's Heroes by Longley, John L.
Katherine Anne Porter & the Art of Rejection by Nance, William L.
Le Livre du Roy Rambaux de Frise by
Pontus de Tyard, Modèles de Phrases Suivis d'Un Recueil de Modèles de Lettres d'Amour: Edition Critique Avec Introduction Et Commentaire by Tyard, Pontus de
The Portuguese Book of Joseph of Arimathaea by
Sir Thomas Malory by Bradbrook, M. C.
John Stuart Mill by Cranston, Maurice
Sir Philip Sidney by Muir, Kenneth
William Congreve by Dobrée, Bonamy
The English Short Story: V. 2 by Beachcroft, T. O.
Libri XVI-XXII by Gaius Plinius Secundus
Der altdeutsche Physiologus by
Goethes Sonette - Lyrische Epoche Und Motivische Kontinuität by Müller, Joachim
Wörterbuch Zu Goethes Werther by
Die Oracula Sibyllina by Geffcken, Joh
Ritter Galmy by Wickram, Georg
Wandlungen des Paradiesischen und Utopischen by
Stil und Bedeutung des Gesprächs im Werke Jeremias Gotthelfs by Reber, Alfred
The Works of John Dryden, Volume IX: Plays: The Indian Emperour, Secret Love, Sir Martin Mar-All Volume 9 by Dryden, John
Re-Appraisals: Some Commonsense Readings in American Literature by Green, Martin
Kira Georgievna by Nekrasov
Dramatische Dichtungen: (Irenaromachia. Perseus) by
Gabriotto Und Reinhart by Wickram, Georg
Die Apologie Des Apuleius Von Madaura Und Die Antike Zauberei: Beiträge Zur Erläuterung Der Schrift de Magia by Abt, Adam
1777-1785 by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Verserzählungen II by
Verserzählungen I by Der Stricker
Ludi theatrales by Bidermann, Jakob
Der Todesgedanke in Der Deutschen Dichtung Vom Mittelalter Bis Zur Romantik by Rehm, Walther
Eros and the Romantics: Sexual Love as a Theme in Coleridge, Shelley and Keats by Enscoe, Gerald
"Fromm" bei Goethe by Niggl, Günter
Vergleichende Syntax der indogermanischen Sprachen by Delbrück, B.
Ludi theatrales by Bidermann, Jakob
Die alt- und mittelenglische Periode by Schubel, Friedrich
Lebensbeschreibung Der Ertzbetrügerin Und Landstörtzerin Courasche [Trutz Simplex] by
Ernest Dowson by Longaker, Mark
Vices and Virtues (from British Museum MS Stowe 240): Vol. I: Text and Translation by
Tales 1812 and Selected Poems by Crabbe
Goethes Gedankenform by Koch, Franz
A Year from Monday: New Lectures and Writings by Cage, John
Aeneis II by Vergil
Goethe: A Critical Introduction by Gray, Ronald
Robert Graves by Stade, George
Racine Or, the Triumph of Relevance by Mourgues, de, de Mourgues, Odette
Wegsperre und Lösung by Dünninger, Dieter
Aeneas to Augustus: A Beginning Latin Reader for College Students, Second Edition by Amory, Anne, Hammond, Mason
The English Della Cruscans and Their Time, 1783-1828 by Hargreaves-Mawdsley, W. N.
John Keats by Mayhead, Robin, Mayhead
The South English Legendary, Corpus Christi College Cambridge Ms. 145 and British Museum Ms. Harley 2277, with Variants from Bodley Ms. Ashmole 43 and by
The Poetics of Aristotle by
English Verse: Voice and Movement from Wyatt to Yeats by Barnes, T. R., Barnes, Rudol, Jr.
Intermediate Reader in Modern Chinese by Mills, Harriet C.
From Jane Austen to Joseph Conrad by
Der Ingeborgpsalter by Deuchler, Florens
The Theory of the Novel by Stevick, Philip
Thomas Mann Studies, Volume 2: A Bibliography of Criticism by
Two Scots Chaucerians: Robert Henryson and William Dunbar by Wood, Harriet Harvey
Apostelspiel. Knaben Spiegel by Wickram, Georg
Shakespeare's Stagecraft by Styan, J. L.
A Study of Old English Literature by Wrenn, C. L.
Studies in the Modern Russian Language: 4. the Expression of the Passive Voice, and 5. Agreement of the Verb-Predicate with a Collective Subject by Harrison, B. D. Ed, Harrison, W., Mullen, J.
Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson by Thomas, Clara
Euripidean Drama: Myth, Theme and Structure by Conacher, Desmond
Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms by Culley, Robert
Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts by Robson, John
The Nibelungenlied: An Interpretative Commentary by Mowatt, D. G., Sacker, Hugh
The Comic Art of Laurence Sterne by Stedmond, John M.
The Harmony of Verse by Morton, W. C.
Giuseppe Ungaretti by Cambon, Glauco
Shakespeare Modern Essays in Criticism by
Indische Romane: Eine Ideologische Untersuchung, Band 2: Probleme Der Liebe Und Des Freiheitskampfes in Indischen Romanen Aus Den Jahren 1937-1961 by Ruben, Walter
Indische Romane: Eine Ideologische Untersuchung, Band 3 by Ruben, Walter
Die Slawistischen Studien Des Johann Leonhard Frisch: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Slawistik by Eichler, Ernst
Zwischen Diffamierung Und Widerhall: Tschechische Poesie Im Deutschen Sprachgebiet, 1815-1867 by Jähnichen, Manfred
Die Russische Volksdichtung in Deutschland Bis Zur Mitte Des 19. Jahrhunderts by Hexelschneider, Erhard