• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1969

Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England: Newman, Arnold, and Pater by Delaura, David
Tristrant: Synoptischer Druck Der Ergänzten Fragmente Mit Der Gesamten Parallelüberlieferung by Eilhart Von Oberg
The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VII: 1838-1842 by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Shakespeare: Julius Caesar by Ure, Peter
D.H.Lawrence: The Rainbow and Women in Love by Clarke, Colin
Dickens: Bleak House by
Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice by
Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies: The Development of Their Form and Meaning by Phialas, Peter G.
Der galante Stil 1680-1730 by
Studies in Spenser's Historical Allegory by Greenlaw, Edwin
The Peregrine Muse: Studies in Comparative Renaissance Literature by Clements, Robert J.
Today the Struggle: Literature and Politics in England during the Spanish Civil War by Hoskins, Katharine Bail
Hemingway's Nonfiction: The Public Voice by Stephens, Robert O.
The Mythmaker: A Study of Motif and Symbol in the Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges by Wheelock, Carter
Rousseau and His Reader: The Rhetorical Situation of the Major Works by Ellrich, Robert J.
The Myth of Paraguay in the Fiction of Augusto Roa Bastos by Foster, David William
Adnotationes Super Lucanum by
Hierarchy and the Definition of Order in the Letters of Pseudo-Dionysius: A Study in the Form and Meaning of the Pseudo-Dionysian Writings by Hathaway, Ronald F.
Documents of the Spanish Vanguard by
Arthur de Gobineau and the Short Story by Valette, Rebecca M.
Other Voices: A Study of the Late Poetry of Luis Cernuda by Coleman, Alexander
The Artificial Paradises in French Literature by Mickel, Emanuel J.
Poems of Endre Ady by Nyerges, Anton N.
Emily Brontë: A Critical and Biographical Study by Hewish, J.
Das Archiv Des Petaus: (P. Petaus) by Hagedorn, Dieter, Youtie, Louise C., Hagedorn, Ursula
Henry James by Swan, Michael
D. H. Lawrence by Young, Kenneth
William Morris by Henderson, Philip
Charles Dickens by Fielding, K. J.
John Galsworthy by Mottram, R. H.
Samuel Johnson by Roberts, Sydney Castle
C. Day Lewis by Dyment, Clifford
Robert Browning by Bryson, John
Cavalier Poets by Skelton, Robin
Langland: Piers Plowman by Coghill, Nevill
John Keats by Blunden, Edmund
William Hazlitt by Priestley, J. B.
Angus Wilson by Gransden, K. W.
Der junge Goethe und Spinoza by Bollacher, Martin
Frauenzimmer Gesprächsspiele Teil 5 by
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer: Frauenzimmer Gesprächsspiele. Teil 7 by
[Set Vier Erzählungen] by Herrand Von Wildonie
Bulgarische Volkskunde by Vakarelski, Christo
de la Natural Hystoria de Las Indias by de Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández
Der junge Hebbel by Wittkowski, Wolfgang
On Extended Wings: Wallace Stevens' Longer Poems by Vendler, Helen
Porphyry on Plotinus. Ennead I by Plotinus
Illuminations: Essays and Reflections by Benjamin, Walter
Philologus. Band 112, Heft 3/4 by
Philologus. Band 112, Heft 1/2 by
Johannes Zonaras: Ioannis Zonarae Epitome Historiarum. Vol. 1 by Zonaras, Johannes
Maxim Gorki in Deutschland: Bibliographie 1899 Bis 1965 by
Pseudo-Homer: Der Froschmäusekrieg. Theodoros Prodromos: Der Katzenmäusekrieg by Prodromus, Theodorus, Homerus
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Russischen Literatur Des 18. Jahrhunderts, Band 3 by
Lieder Und Fragmente by Bakchylides
(Λ-Π) by
The Books in My Life by Miller, Henry
From Karamzin to Bunin: An Anthology of Russian Short Stories by
La Jalousie by Robbe-Grillet, Alain
A Glossary of John Dryden's Critical Terms by Jensen, H. James
Der Mißtrauische by Cronegk, Johann F. Von
Praefationem Et Scholia AD Libros a - D Continens by
Das Künzelsauer Fronleichnamspiel by
Märchen und Schwänke aus Oberösterreich by Haiding, Karl
The True Country: Themes in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor by Martin, Carter W.
My World - And Welcome to It Pa by Thurber, Thurber, James
A Walker in the City by Kazin, Alfred
Deutsches Wörterbuch by Weigand, Friedrich L.
Sämtliche Schriften, Bd 3, Tragedi vom Großen Abentmal by Seitz, Alexander
Die Gandersheimer Reimchronik by
Maria: Bruchstücke Und Umarbeitungen by
Dichtung des Rokoko by
Mark Twain's Hannibal, Huck, and Tom: Volume 5 by Twain, Mark
Judith by
Mark Twain's Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893-1909: Volume 4 by Twain, Mark
Deutsche Dramaturgie, Band 2, Deutsche Dramaturgie des 19. Jahrhunderts by
Die Lieder Walthers von der Vogelweide by
The Dramas of Christian Dietrich Grabbe by Nicholls, Roger A.
The Field of Yiddish: Studies in Language, Folklore, and Literature. Third Collection by
A Study of John Webster by Murray, Peter B.
Kinderfilm in Europa: Darstellung Der Geschichte, Struktur Und Funktion Des Spielfilmschaffens Für Kinder in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, by Wolf, Steffen
The Subconscious in Gogol' and Dostoevskij, and Its Antecedents by Kent, Leonard J.
Throne und Klinen by Kyrieleis, Helmut
Homeric Vocabularies by Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, Homer, William Bishop
Manifestoes of Surrealism by Breton, André
Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake by Frye, Northrop
Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. V1 by Gilbert, Hiram F.
Deutsche Mystik zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit by Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Naming-Constructions in Some Indo-European Languages by Hahn, E. Adelaide
Der Justizirrtum als literarische Problematik by Holdheim, W. Wolfgang
Kleinere Schriften Zur Deutschen Philologie by
Pietro Aretinos Werk by Hösle, Johannes
Marlowe: Doctor Faustus by
Täuschungsszenen in den Tragödien des Sophokles by Parlavantza-Friedrich, Ursula
Somerset Maugham by Brophy, John
Sprachliche Untersuchungen Zu Herondas: Mit Einem Kritisch-Exegetischen Anhang by Schmidt, Volkmar
Codrus by Kerckmeister, Johannes
Earth House Hold by Snyder, Gary
Lybeaus Desconus by
The Epistle of Othea Translated from the French Text of Christine de Pisan by Stephen Scrope by
Gower and Lydgate by Pearsall, Derek
Von Guten Und Bosen Nachbaurn by Wickram, Georg
Menandri Aspis et Samia I. by Menander
Sprachgeschichte. Verskunst by
Literary Figures in French Drama (1784-1834) by Kadler, Eric H.
Andreas Heusler: Kleine Schriften. Band 1 by
Kleinere Schriften zur Literatur- und Geistesgeschichte Kleine Schriften by
Dante's Craft: Studies in Language and Style by Cambon, Glauco
The Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War by Kagan, Donald
William Wordsworth by Durrant, Geoffrey H.
Die kleinbürgerliche Familie im 18. Jahrhundert by Möller, Helmut
Tragedy by Leech, Clifford
The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance; Wisdom; Mankind by
Fifty Letters of Pliny by Pliny the Younger
Ezechas. Zorabel. Joseph. Beel by Birck, Sixt
A Rhetoric of Motives by Burke, Kenneth
Der Hofmeister Und Die Gouvernante: Ein Lustspiel in 5 Aufzügen by
The Book of American Negro Poetry: Revised Edition by
Die neulateinische Lyrik Deutschlands in der ersten Hälfte des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts by Ellinger, Georg
Kudrun by
Sprachgeschichte by
Geschichte der serbischen Kunst by Radojčič, Svetozar
Lexicon to Pindar by
The Works of John Dryden, Volume III: Poems, 1685-1692 Volume 3 by Dryden, John
An Annotated Bibliography of Smollett Scholarship 1946-68 by Korte, Donald
The Narreme in the Medieval Romance Epic: An Introduction to Narrative Structures by Dorfman, Eugene
Verlaine: A Study in Parallels by Carter, A. E.
Hawthorne as Myth-Maker by McPherson, Hugo
The Garden and the City: Retirement and Politics in the Later Poetry of Pope 1731-1743 by Mack, Maynard
Browning's Voices in the Ring and the Book: A Study of Method and Meaning by Sullivan, Mary Rose
Wordsworth as Critic by Owen, W. J. B.
Texte Und Dokumente Zur Französischen Sprachgeschichte: 16. Jahrhundert by
Robert Penn Warren: The Dark and Bloody Ground by Unknown, Casper, Leonard
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 28: Schillers Briefe 1795-1796. by
Res Gestae Divi Augusti The Achievements of the Divine Augustus by Augustus Caesar
Der Junge Goethe Im Zeitgenössischen Urteil by
Slawisch-Deutsche Wechselbeziehungen in Sprache, Literatur Und Kultur by
Kritische Und Erklärende Beiträge Zu Den Dionysiaka Des Nonnos by Peek, Werner
Übersetzungsprobleme Antiker Tragödien by
A. N. Radisčev Und Deutschland: Beiträge Zur Russischen Literatur Des Ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts by
Erzählformen Im Frühwerk L. N. Tolstojs, 1851-1857 by Dieckmann, Eberhard
Agnes-Bernauer-Dichtungen III: Entwürfe by Ludwig, Otto
Zur Gegenwartsliteratur in Den Romanischen Ländern. Teil 3/4 by
Ivan Gundulic "Osman" in Deutschland by Peukert, Herbert
Literarische Analogien in Heinrich Von Kleists Novelle "Der Zweikampf" by Müller, Joachim
Ivan Fedorovs Griechisch-Russisch/Kirchenslawisches Lesebuch Von 1578 Und Der Gothaer Bukvar' Von 1578/1580: Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Besitzer Des by
Leo the Physician: Epitome on the Nature of Man by
Führer Durch Die Französische Literatur Des Mittelalters by Kukenheim, Louis, Roussel, Henri
Deutsche Sagen Demokratischen Charakters, Band 2: Historische Volkssagen Zwischen Elbe Und Niederrhein by
Ernst Preczang. Auswahl Aus Seinem Werk by
Alexej Tolstoi, Erkenntnis Und Gestaltung by Jünger, Harri