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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1970

The Works of Allan Ramsay: Volume IV: A Biographical and Critical Introduction to the Works of Allan Ramsay: Letters: Prose: Poems Not Hitherto C by
Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge V: Manuscripts, II. Modern by Knighton, C. S.
Los Celos Hacen Estrellas by Varey, J. E., Guevara, Juan Vélez de
Galdós Studies by
Memory in 'la Celestina' by Severin, Dorothy S.
Imán' Y La Novela Histórica de Sender by Sender, Prologue By Ramón J., Carrasquer, Francsico
Borges Y La NADA by Ferrer, Manuel
The Luck of Barry Lyndon by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Comicae Dictionis Index: Pars 1: A - I. Pars 2: K - Omega by
Fragmenta Poetarum Comoediae Novae by
Poetry of Keats by Pettet
E.M.Forster: A Passage to India by
Shakespeare: Henry IV, Parts I and II by
Henry Fielding: Tom Jones by
Neue Sachlichkeit 1924-1932: Studien Zur Literatur Des Weissen Sozialismus by Lethen, Helmut
Theorie und Technik des Romans im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert by
Funktion und Wertung des Romans im frühviktorianischen Roman by Breuninger, Margarete
Drei Richtungen der Literaturwissenschaft by Salm, Peter
The Poetry of Inspiration: Agrippa d'Aubigné's Les Tragiques by Regosin, Richard L.
La Coronica Troyana: A Medieval Spanish Translation of Guido de Colonna's Historia Destructionis Troiae by
Traditionalism in the Works of Francisco de Quevedo Y Villegas by Baum, Doris L.
The Major Themes of Existentialism in the Work of José Ortega Y Gasset by Díaz, Janet Winecoff
Liturgische Feiern und geistliche Spiele by Stemmler, Theo
Germania, Agricola, Dialogus de Oratoribus by Cornelius Tacitus
Oratio in Leocratem by Lycurgus
Olympiodori in Platonis Gorgiam Commentaria by Olympiodorus
Briefe 1831-1841 by
The Love Play of Antony and Cleopatra: A Critical Study of Shakespeare's Play by Traci, Philip J.
The Marguerite Poetry of Guillaume de Machaut by Wimsatt, James I.
Jacques de la Taille's La Manière: A Critical Edition by
Ugo Foscolo's Ultime Lettere Di Jacopo Ortis: A Translation by Foscolo, Ugo
The Circus Animals: Essays on W. B. Yeats by Jeffares, A. Norman
E. M. Forster by Warner, Rex
George Eliot by Cooper, Lettice
Jane Austen by Warner, Sylvia Townsend
Katherine Mansfield by Gordon, Ian A.
Macaulay by Potter, George R.
Shakespeare's Verbal Art in Th' Expense of Spirit by Jakobson, Roman, Jones, Lawrence G.
Shelley by Matthews, G. M.
L. P. Hartley by Bloomfield, Paul
Function Of Criticism: Problems and Exercises by Winters, Yvor
The Author of the Prometheus Bound by Herington, C. J.
Ruben Dario Centennial Studies by
Rhyme and Meaning in the Poetry of Yeats by Perloff, Marjorie
Libro de Buen Amor Studies by
Chaucer's Language and the Philosophers Tradition by Burnley, J. a.
Symbolic Stories: Traditional Narratives of the Family Drama in English Literature by Brewer, Derek
Syntax and Style in Chaucer's Poetry by Roscow, G. H.
The Early Plays of Robin Hood by Wiles, David
Essays in Honor of Louis Francis Solano by
The Structure of Leaves of Grass by Crawley, Thomas Edward
Historia Critica Comicorum Graecorum by
Language and Lewis Caroll by Sutherland, Robert D.
Romantische Poesie by Belgardt, Raimund
Literaturkritik by Haller, Albrecht Von
M. Tvlli Ciceronis Scripta Qvae Manservnt Omnia; Fasc. 4 Brutus by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Fastnachtspiele by Sachs, Hans
Indices by Gaius Plinius Secundus
Kritische Studien Zur Wertphilosophie Hermann Brochs by Menges, Karl
Fabulae Aesopicae Soluta Oratione Conscriptae, Fasciculus 1 (Large Print Edition) by Aesopus
Geschichte Der Neulateinischen Lyrik in Den Niederlanden Vom Ausgang Des Fünfzehnten Bis Zu Beginn Des Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts by Ellinger, Georg
Fragmenta Poetarum Comoediae Mediae by
Cents, Frequenz, Periode: Umrechnungstabellen Für Musikalische Akustik Und Musikethnologie by Reinecke, Hans-Peter
The Chameleon and the Dream: The Image of Reality in Cexov's Stories by Kramer, Karl D.
Milton and the Drama of the Soul: A Study of the Theme of the Restoration of Men in Milton's Later Poetry by
Chaucer's Dream Poetry: Sources and Analogues by
Light on the Path: And an Essay on Karma by
Philologus. Band 113, Heft 1/2 by
Philologus. Band 113, Heft 3/4 by
Griechische Prosa by
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Deutsch-Ungarischen Literarischen Beziehungen by
Johannes Zonaras: Ioannis Zonarae Epitome Historiarum. Vol. 2 by Zonaras, Johannes
Ovid. Die Liebeskunst by Publius, Ovidius Naso
Die Literatur Der Jahre 1940-1945, Lieferung 2 by
Die Literatur Der Jahre 1940-1945, Lieferung 1 by
One Hundred More Poems from the Chinese: Love and the Turning Year by
Introduction to Polish Versification by Giergielewicz, Mieczyslaw
The Ballad as Song: by Bronson, Bertrand H.
Hoccleve's Works: The Minor Poems: Vol. I (Ed. F. J. Furnivall) and Vol. II (Ed. I. Gollancz) by Mitchell, Jerome
The Jerusalem Palimpsest of Euripides: A Facsimile Edition with Commentary by
The Dialects of Ancient Gaul: Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects by Whatmough, Joshua
Miguel de Unamuno by Basdekis, Demetrios
The Englishman's Italian Books, 1550-1700 by Lievsay, John L.
Tolstoy: A Critical Introduction by Christian, Deborah, Christian, Christian, R. F.
Shakespeare and the Tempest by Neilson, Francis
Brazilian Literature: an Outline by Verissimo, Erico
Sämtliche Dramen by
Sämtliche Dramenübertragungen by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Sämtliche Schriften, Band 1, Medizinische Schriften by Seitz, Alexander
Hugo von Hofmannsthal by Kobel, Erwin
John Brent by Winthrop, Theodore
Hölderlin's Hyperion: A Critical Reading by Silz, Walter
An Introduction to Scandinavian Literature: From the Earliest Time to Our Day by Unknown, Bredsdorff, Elias
Wulfstan's Canons of Edgar by
Anthologie Herrn von Hoffmannswaldau und anderer Deutschen auserlesener und bißher ungedruckter Gedichte by Neukirch, Benjamin
William Cowper: A Critical Life by Quinlan, Maurice James
Die Goten und Skandinavien by Hachmann, Rolf
The Rhetoric of Religion by Burke, Kenneth
James Thurber. His Masquerades: A Critical Study by Black, Stephen A.
Structure du dialecte basque de Maya by N'Diaye-Correard, Geneviève
Theorie Und Kritik Der Deutschen Novelle Von Wieland Bis Musil by
Dichterische Prosa um 1900 by
Deutsche Dramaturgie Vom Naturalismus Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Theorie und Technik des Romans im 19. Jahrhundert by
Die Neuen Audio-Visuellen Systeme: Begriffsbestimmung Und Rechtliche Beurteilung Insbesondere Des Sog. "Kassettenfernsehens" Und Der "Bildplatte" by Brugger, Gustav
Hugo Von Trimberg: Der Renner. Band 1 by Trimberg, Hugo Von
Hugo Von Trimberg: Der Renner. Band 4 by Hugo Von Trimberg
Hugo Von Trimberg: Der Renner. Band 3 by Trimberg, Hugo Von
Hugo Von Trimberg: Der Renner. Band 2 by Trimberg, Hugo Von
Hollands Leaguer: A Critical Edition by Goodman, Nicholas
Von Der Renaissance Bis Zur Aufklärung by Schubel, Friedrich
Blameth Nat Me: A Study of Imagery in Chaucer's Fabliaux by Richardson, Janette
Konrads Von Würzburg Partonopier Und Meliur by Konrad Von Würzburg
Edgar Allan Poe - American Writers 89: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Asselineau, Roger
Spieltexte der Wanderbühne, Band 3, Schau-Bühne englischer und frantzösischer Comödianten (1670) by
Sizilianische Volkslieder by Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Die Wanderschaft: Dokumente Aus Den Jahren 1815-1819, Hauptsächlich Aus Tübingen Und Iferten by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Die Heimkehr: Das Jahr 1820 by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Der Kampf: Die Mediascher Zeit 1821-1836 by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Die Schriften der Jahre 1842/1843 by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Der Predigtstuhl Der Zeit: Aufsätze Aus Den Jahren 1842-1848 by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Der Schwabenkönig, Briefe, Tagebücher Und Reden Aus Den Jahren 1837-1847 by Roth, Stephan Ludwig
Engelische Comedien und Tragedien by
Die Volksmärchen der Magyaren im südlichen Burgenland by Gaal, Karoly
Dylan Thomas' Early Prose: A Study in Creative Mythology by Pratt, Annis
Yuan Mei: Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet by Waley, Arthur
Geschichte der deutschen Poetik, Band 2, Aufklärung, Rokoko, Sturm und Drang by Markwardt, Bruno
Frühromantische Dichtungstheorie by Nivelle, Armand
The Tale of Li-Youcai's Rhymes by MacDonald, Susan S. H., Shu-Li, Chao, Zhao, Shuli
Zu Den Ältesten Berührungen Zwischen Römern Und Germanen, Die Franken by Gamillscheg, Ernst
Three Stories by Hs N., Lu, Lu, Xun, Hsun, Lu
Wordsworth: The Prelude the 1805 Text by Wordsworth, William
Ivy Compton-Burnett by Nevius, Blake
Copp'd Hills Towards Heaven Shakespeare and the Classical Polity by White, Howard B.
The Sexual Revolution in Modern American Literature by Glicksberg, I.
Die Komposition Der Reden in Der Ilias by Lohmann, Dieter
1825-1836 by
Die Götter - Vorstellungen über den Kosmos - Der Untergang des Heidentums by Vries, Jan de
Einführung in Homer by Codino, Fausto
A Pagan Hero: An Interpretation of Mersault in Camus' the Stranger by Champigny, Robert
Teufelbücher in Auswahl, Band 1, Ludwig Milichius: Zauberteufel. Schrapteufel by
Samuel Beckett: A Study of His Novels by Webb, Eugene
Untersuchungen Zu Senecas Fragmenten by Lausberg, Marion
Menandri Aspis et Samia II. by
Somnium Vitae Humanae by Hollonius, Ludwig
Simson by Zesen, Philipp Von
Dickens, Dali and Others by Orwell, George, Crwell, George
Thinking about Women by Ellmann, Mary
A Collection of Essays by Orwell, George
William Carlos Williams' Paterson: Language and Landscape by Conarroe, Joel Osborne
Aelfric's de Temporibus Anni by
Poetry and Humanism by Mahood, M. M.
Plotin by Roloff, Dietrich
The Works of John Dryden, Volume X: Plays: The Tempest, Tyrannick Love, an Evening's Love Volume 10 by Dryden, John
Literaturgeschichte. Heldensage Und Heldendichtung. Religions- Und Sittengeschichte. Recht Und Gesellschaft by Kuhn, Hans
Die Entstehung Des Lyrischen Ich: Studien Zum Motiv Der Erhebung in Der Lyrik by Pestalozzi, Karl
Cambridge Book of English Verse 1900 1939 by
Dramatic Providence in Macbeth: A Study of Shakespeare's Tragic Theme of Humanity and Grace. with a Supplementary Essay on King Lear. by Elliott, George Roy, Unknown
Samuel Johnson: A Survey and Bibliography of Critical Studies by Clifford, James L., Greene, Donald J.
Reisebilder I 1824-1828 by
Briefe 1815-1831 by
Marlowe: A Critical Study by Steane, J. B.
Jane Austen by Gooneratne, Malini Yasmine, Gooneratne, Gooneratne, Yasmine
Butterfly on a Rock: A Study of Themes and Images in Canadian Literature by Jones, D. G.
Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age by
The Grasping Imagination: The American Writings of Henry James by Buitenhuis, Peter Martinus
The Origins of Culture & Anarchy: Matthew Arnold & Popular Education in England by Walcott, Fred G.
Milton & English Art by Pointon, Marcia R.
Nietzsche in England 1890-1914: The Growth of a Reputation by Thatcher, F. S.
Chinese History and Literature: Collection of Studies by Prusek, J.
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 17: Historische Schriften. Erster Teil. by
Mittelbabylonische Kleidertexte Der Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena: Mit Einem Anhang: Fünf Alt-, Mittel- Und Neubabylonische Texte Verschiedenen Inhalts Aus by Aro, Jussi
Literatursoziologie Und Epische Struktur Der Deutschen "Spielmanns"- Und Heldendichtung by Bräuer, Rolf
Deutschland Und Die Russische Literatur, 1800-1848 by Reissner, Eberhard
Französische Druckedes 18. Jahrhunderts. in Den Bibliotheken Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Register by
Lucilius: Satiren. Teil 1 by Lucilius
Lucilius: Satiren. Teil 2 by Lucilius
Zur Gegenwartsliteratur in Den Romanischen Ländern. Teil 5/6 by
Theater Und Gesellschaft in Der Shakespeare-Kritik: Methoden Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by Weimann, Robert
Heinrich Heine: Chronik Seines Lebens Und Werkes by Mende, Fritz
Offenbarung Und Glaube: Schriften Zur Theologie II by