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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1971

Comparative History of Slavic Literatures by Tschizewskij, Dmitrij, Porter, Richard Noel, Rice, Martin P.
Critical Approaches to Six Major English Works: From Beowulf Through Paradise Lost by
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Prophet in the Wilderness: The Works of Ezequiel Martínez Estrada by Earle, Peter G.
Entstehung und Geschichte der literarischen Gattungen by Fubini, Mario
The Rape of the Lock by Pope, Alexander
Light from Heaven: Love in British Romantic Literature by Beaty, Frederick
Critical Reactions and the Christian Element in the Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard by Whitney, Mark S.
Racine and Seneca by Tobin, Ronald W.
A Critical and Annotated Edition of Lope de Vega's Las almenas de Toro by Case, Thomas E.
Lope de Vega's Lo Que Pasa En Una Tarde: A Critical, Annotated Edition of the Autograph Manuscript by
Objective Methods for Testing Authenticity and the Study of Ten Doubtful Comedias Attributed to Lope de Vega by Clark, Fred M.
The Italian Verb: A Morphological Study by Jensen, Frede
Francisco Rodrigues Lobo: Dialogue and Courtly Lore in Renaissance Portugal by Preto-Rodas, Richard A.
Shelley: A Critical Reading by
Studies and Further Studies by Caudwell, Christopher
Libri XXI-XXII by Titus Livius
Moralia: Volume II by Plutarchus
Ellen Glasgow's Development as Novelist by Richards, Marion K.
Shakespeare and the Ambiguity of Love's Triumph by Lyons, Charles R.
The Rev. John Bowle: The Genesis of Cervantean Criticism by Cox, Ralph Merritt
The Four Interpolated Stories in the Roman Comique: Their Sources and Unifying Function by de Armas, Frederick Alfred
Le Rommant de Guy de Warwik Et de Herolt d'Ardenne by
The Old Portuguese Vida de Sam Bernardo: Edited from Alcobaça Manuscript CCXCI/200 by
Raimon Vidal, Poetry and Prose: Volume II: Abrile Issia by
Religious Elements in the Secular Lyrics of the Troubadours by Gay-Crosier, Raymond
Proper Names in the Lyrics of the Troubadours by Chambers, Frank M.
Molière: Traditions in Criticism, 1900-1970 by Romero, Laurence
The 'Poetria Nova' and Its Sources in Early Rhetorical Doctrine by Gallo, Ernest
The Brontë Sisters by Bentley, Phyllis
Robert Louis Stevenson by Stern, G. B.
Coleridge by Raine, Kathleen
Evelyn Waugh by Hollis, Christopher
Christopher Fry by Stanford, Derek
James Joyce by Stewart, J. I. M.
Edmund Blunden by Hardie, Alec M.
Sir Walter Scott by Jack, Ian
Ben Jonson by Bamborough, J. B.
Elizabeth Gaskell by Allott, Miriam
Shakespeare: The Histories by Knights, L. C.
The Restoration Court Poets by de Sola Pinto, Vivian
Sean O'Casey by Armstrong, William a.
R. K. Narayan by Walsh, William
Faulkner's Revision of Absalom, Absalom!: A Collation of the Manuscript and the Published Book by Langford, Gerald
Charles Nodier: His Life and Works by Bell, Sarah Fore
Lope de Vega, El Peregrino En Su Patria by De Vega, Lope
Moralia: Volume IV by Plutarchus
A Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts by Riches, Anne, Barber, Richard
Le Chastoiement d'Un Père À Son Fils: A Critical Edition by Alphonsi, Petrus
Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism by Frye, Northrop
Briefwechsel 1930-1951 by Brody, Daniel, Broch, Hermann
Cajetan's Notion of Existence by Reilly, John P.
A Bibliographical Catalogue of Seventeenth-Century German Books Published in Holland by Bruckner, J.
Scholia in Ciceronis Orationes Bobiensia by
Dichtungstheorien Der Aufklärung by
Russian Formalism and Anglo-American New Criticism: A Comparative Study by Thompson, Ewa M.
Representative Short Story Cycles of the Twentieth Century: Studies in a Literary Genre by Ingram, Forrest L.
History of Russian Literature: From the Eleventh Century to the End of the Baroque by Cizevskij, Dmitrij
Moralia, Volume V/Fasc 2/Pars 1, Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana by Plutarchus
Libros I-VI Continens by
Mimesis als Problem by Schaffnit, Hans Wolfgang
Deutsch Namenkunde by Gottschald, Max
A Critical Edition of the Old Provençal Epic Daurel Et Beton: With Notes and Prolegomena by
The Significance of Diderot's Essai Sur Le Mérite Et La Vertu by Walters, Gordon B.
Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality by Mariátegui, José Carlos
Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays by Walcott, Derek
Philologus. Band 114, Heft 3/4 by
Ein Mecklenburgischer Volkserzähler: Die Geschichten Des August Rust by Neumann, Siegfried
Französische Drucke Des 18. Jahrhunderts in Den Bibliotheken Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Bibliographie by
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Russischen Literatur Des 18. Jahrhunderts, Band 4 by
Briefe, 1815-1831 by
Arabische Volksmärchen by
Briefe, 1831-1841 by
Die Frau Im Modernen Hindi-Roman Nach 1947 by Ansari, Dagmar
Die Literatur Der Jahre 1940-1945, Lieferung 3 by
Liber de Diversis Medicin Eetso: C 207 C by Ogden
The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941 by Pound, Ezra
Primal Vision: Selected Prose & Poetry by Benn, Gottfried
E.M. Forster: Critical Guidebook by Trilling, Lionel
The Man Outside: Play & Stories by Borchert, Wolfgang
Alt 5 the Novel in Africa: African Literature Today: An Annual Review by
Szenen aus griechischen Dramen by Snell, Bruno
Transparenz der Wirklichkeit by Sonderegger-Kummer, Irène
Hofmannsthals Weg Zur Oper Die Frau Ohne Schatten: Rücksichten Und Einflüsse Auf Die Musik by Knaus, Jakob
My Thirty Years' War: An Autobiography by Anderson, Margaret C.
The English Mummers and Their Plays: Traces of Ancient Mystery by Brody, Alan
Deutscher Helicon (1641) by Zesen, Philipp Von
Shakespearean Metadrama: The Argument of the Play in Titus Andronicus, Love's Labour's Lost, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Richard by Calderwood, James L.
George Eliot by Jones, R. T.
Studia Semitica: Volume 2, Islamic Themes by Rosenthal, Erwin I. J.
Literaturgeschichte by
Walther von Wartburg (1888-1971) by
The Anglican Tradition in Eighteenth-Century Verse by Sampson, H. Grant
Fünfhundert Gemainer Newer Teutscher Sprüchwörter by Agricola, Johannes
Drevnjaj russkaja istorija do mongolskogo iga, T. 3 by Pogodin, Michail Petrovi
Auguste Blanqui au début de la IIIe République (1871-1880) by Dommanget, Maurice
Die Quellenangaben bei Herodot by Fehling, Detlev
Dostoevsky by Peace, Richard A.
Phantasies of a Love Thief: The Caurapañcasika Attributed to Bilha?a by
Papyri from Karanis, Third Series: Michigan Papyri, Volume IX by
Die mittelalterlichen griechisch-lateinischen Übersetzungen der aristotelischen Rhetorik by Schneider, Bernd
Concordance to the Plays of W. B. Yeats by
Sämtliche Werke, Band 11, Der verlorene Sohn. Tobias by Wickram, Georg
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary, Vol. 1: Volume 1 by Schmidt, Alexander
Geschichte der deutschen Poetik, Band 3, Klassik und Romantik by Markwardt, Bruno
Kunst- Und Dichtungstheorien Zwischen Aufklärung Und Klassik by Nivelle, Armand
Modusprobleme bei Notker by Furrer, Dieter
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary, Vol. 2: Volume 2 by Schmidt, Alexander
Solzhenitsyn by Lukacs, Georg
Sämtliche Werke, Band 1, Von der Musica. Singschul by Spangenberg, Wolfhart
The Mirror of Salvation: A Moral Play of Everyman C. 1490 by Barnouw, Adriaan J.
P. Ovidii Nasonis, Epistulae Heroidum by Ovid
Die Sprichwörtersammlungen I/II by Agricola, Johannes
Das deutsche Drama des Mittelalters by Michael, Wolfgang F.
Das Leben des Heiligen Ulrich by Albert Von Augsburg
Jorge Luis Borges by Alazraki, Jaime
Das fremde Ich by Güntert, Georges
The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition by Abrams, Meyer Howard, Abrams, M. H.
The Anatomy of Love: The Tristan of Gottfried Von Strassburg by Jackson, W. T. H.
Emily Dickinson by Chase, Richard Volney
Writing on the Wall & Other Lit Essays by McCarthy, Mary
The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature; Revised Edition by Rand, Ayn
Persian Literature - A Biobibliographical Survey: E. Medicine. (Volume II Part 2) by Storey, C. A.
The Poetry of Stephen Crane by Hoffman, Daniel
Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture by Ong, Walter J.
Die Geographie Des Älteren Plinius in Ihrem Verhältnis Zu Varro: Versuch Einer Quellenanalyse by Sallmann, Klaus Günther
Zur Theorie der vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft by
Scholia AD Libros E - I Continens by
Dostoevsky: His Life and Work by Mochulsky, Konstantin
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 1: Poems by Valery, Paul
The Playwright's Art: Stage, Radio, Television, Motion Pictures by Unknown, Busfield, Roger M.
Theory of Fiction: Henry James by
Das Wirken des Werkes, 3 by Groth, Otto
Et Multum et Multa by
George Eliot: Her Life and Books by Unknown, Bullett, Gerald William
The Nibelungenlied: A Literary Analysis by Bekker, Hugo
Naturalisme Pas Mort: Lettres Inédites de Paul Alexis À Emile Zola, 1871-1900 by
Thackeray: The Major Novels by McMaster, Juliet
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature by Culverwell, Nathaniel
French Individualist Poetry 1686-1760: An Anthology by
Calderon de la Barca Studies, 1951-69: A Critical Survey and Annotated Bibliography by
Diderot the Satirist: Le Neveu de Rameau & Related Works / An Analysis by O'Gorman, Donal
A Bibliography of James Joyce, 1882-1941 by Slocum, John J.
The Babar-Nama by Beveridge, Annette
Goethe. Die Schriften Zur Naturwissenschaft (Leopoldina): Erste Abteilung: Texte.Band 11: Aufsätze, Fragmente, Studien Zur Naturwissenschaft Im Allgem by
Johannes R. Becher Und Die Sowjetische Literaturentwicklung (1917-1933) by Weiss, Edgar
Über Literatur Und Gesellschaft: (1837-1841) by Herwegh, Georg
Beiträge Zur Französischen Aufklärung Und Zur Spanischen Literatur: Festgabe Für Werner Krauss Zum 70. Geburtstag by
El Aprender: Psicología de Aprendizaje by Haseloff, O. W., Jorswieck, E.
Die Gestalt Des Kindes Und Des Jugendlichen in Der Deutschen Literatur Von Goethe Bis Thomas Mann by Müller, Joachim