• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1972

The Almost World by Koning, Hans
History and Vision: The Figural Structure of the 'Libro del Cavallero Zifar' by Burke, James F.
Mexico in Its Novel: A Nation's Search for Identity by Brushwood, John S.
A Shavian Guide to the Intelligent Woman by Watson, Barbara Bellow
The Prose of Sir Thomas Browne by Browne, Thomas
Moses in Greco-Roman Paganism by Gager, John G.
Reisen und Literatur by Possin, Hans Joachim
Der Typus des "man of feeling" by Gassenmeier, Michael
Kleinere deutsche Gedichte des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts by
Himmlische Libes-Küsse by
Studies in Honor of Mario A. Pei by
El cronista Pedro de Escavias: Una vida del siglo XV by Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista
Studies in Theatre and Drama: Essays in Honor of Hubert C. Heffner by
Alfonso Reyes and Spain: His Dialogue with Unamuno, Valle-Inclán, Ortega Y Gasset, Jiménez, and Gómez de la Serna by Aponte, Barbara Bockus
Arethae Archiepiscopi Caesariensis Scripta Minora: Volumen II by Arethas Caesariensis
Briefe 1842-1849 by
Briefe 1850-1856 by
Über Deutschland 1833-1836. Aufsätze Über Kunst Und Philosophie by
Ingeld and Christ: Heroic Concepts and Values in Old English Christian Poetry by Cherniss, Michael D.
D. H. Lawrence's Bestiary: A Study of His Use of Animal Trope and Symbol by Inniss, Kenneth
The Teachings of Saint Louis: A Critical Text by O'Connell, David
Higher, Hidden Order: Design and Meaning in the Odes of Malherbe by Rubin, David Lee
Camus' Hellenic Sources by Archambault, Paul
Studies in Honor of Alfred G. Engstrom by
Li Romans de Witasse Le Moine: Roman Du Reiziéme Siécle by
A Bibliography of Modern Irish Drama 1899-1970 by
Gil Vicente's Floresta de Enganos: A Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes by Vicente, Gil
One Rare Fair Woman: Thomas Hardy's Letters to Florence Henniker 1893-1922 by
Sean O'Casey: A Bibliography of Criticism by
Thomas Hardy and Rural England by Williams, Merryn
Literary Portraits in the Novels of Henry Fielding by Shesgreen, Sean
Stephen Crane in Transition by
Milton by Tillyard, E. M. W.
Aldous Huxley by Brooke, Jocelyn
John Bunyan by Talon, H.
Christopher Marlowe by Henderson, Philip
Arnold Wesker by Leeming, Glenda
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XVII: Prose, 1668-1691: An Essay of Dramatick Poesie and Shorter Works Volume 17 by Dryden, John
From Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal by Jensen, Frede
Faulkner's Revision of Sanctuary: A Collation of the Unrevised Galleys and the Published Book by Langford, Gerald
Don Manuel Cañete, Cronista Literario del Romanticismo Y del Posromanticismo En España by Randolph, Donald Allen
The Legend of the Siete infantes de Lara by Lathrop, Virginia Terrell
Golden Age Drama in Spain: General Consideration and Unusual Features by Leavitt, Sturgis E.
Das literarische Kunstwerk by Ingarden, Roman
Text by
A History of Bulgarian Literature 865-1944 by Moser, Charles A.
Die Schillerbearbeitungen Bertolt Brechts: Eine Untersuchung Literarhistorischer Bezüge Im Hinblick Auf Brechts Traditionsbegriff by Schulz, Gudrun
Band I by Arendt, Dieter
Theoretical Semics by Eaton, Trevor
Critical Path Analysis for Development Administration by Packard, Philip C.
The Village in the Turkish Novel and Short Story 1920-1955 by Rathbun, Carole
Vladimir Ivanovič Dal' as a Belletrist by Baer, Joachim T.
Archimedes,; Heiberg, Johan Ludvig; Stamatis, Evangelos S.: Archimedis opera omnia. Volumen I by Archimedes
Archimedes,; Heiberg, Johan Ludvig; Stamatis, Evangelos S.: Archimedis opera omnia. Volumen II by Archimedes
Jean de la Mote: Le Parfait Du Paon: Edition Critique by
Structure and Ideology in Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato by Di Tommaso, Andrea
A Companion to Greek Tragedy by Ferguson, John
The Cyrurgie of Guy de Chauliac: Volume I - Text by Ogden
Narrative Consciousness: Structure and Perception in the Fiction of Kafka, Beckett, and Robbe-Grillet by Szanto, George H.
Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism by Burkert, Walter
Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective by Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Philologus. Band 115, Heft 1/4 by
Glaube Und Sage by
Die Entwicklung Der Russischen Erzählung (1800-1825): Eine Gattungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung by Städtke, Klaus
Leopold Jacoby, Auswahl Aus Seinem Werk by Jacoby, Leopold
Klassische Griechische Poesie by
Hellenistische, Spätgriechische Und Lateinische Poesie by
Nicht-Kanonische Beschwörungen Und Sonstige Literarische Texte by Dijk, J. Van
Briefe, 1850-1856 by
Die Frühen Elegiker by
Opus Postumum. Zweite Hälfte (Convolut VII Bis XIII) by Kant, Immanuel
The Pop Culture Tradition by White, Edward M.
Transcendentalism in New England by Frothingham, Octavius Brooks
Der Text der aristotelischen Rhetorik by Kassel, Rudolf
Das Stadtrechtsbuch von Sillein by Piirainen, Ilpo T.
Diltheys Erlebnisbegriff by Sauerland, Karol
Werke - Briefe - Gespräche - Übersetzungen - Vertonungen by
Mittelhochdeutsche Glossare und Vokabulare in schweizerischen Bibliotheken bis 1500 by Hänger, Heinrich
Sämtliche Werke, Band 8, Die sieben Hauptlaster by Wickram, Georg
Dramatische Dichtungen: (Das Friedewünschende Teutschland. Das Friedejauchtzende Teutschland) by
Die geistlichen Lieder des Mönchs von Salzburg by
Teufelbücher in Auswahl, Band 2, Kleiderteufel. Tanzteufel. Hurenteufel. Hausteufel. Zehn Teufel by Daul, Florian, Hoppenrod, Andreas, Strauss, Johannes
The Dybbuk: A Play in Four Acts by Ansky, S.
Deutsche Fachprosa des Mittelalters by
Intermediate Cambodian Reader by Huffman, Franklin E.
Nld 21: Newman: Letters & Diaries Nld 21 C by Dessain
Nld 22: Newman: Letters & Diaries Nld 22 C by Dessain
Paradise Lost: Introduction by Broadbent, John
Spieltexte der Wanderbühne, Band 4, Schau-Bühne englischer und frantzösischer Comoedianten (1670) by
Kleinere deutsche Gedichte des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts by
Erec by Hartmann Von Aue
French Epic Poetry in the Sixteenth Century: Theory and Practice by Hagiwara, Michio Peter
Der arme Heinrich by Hartmann Von Aue
The Saga of Prayer: The Poetry of Dylan Thomas by Burdette, Robert K.
La Leyenda de Yusuf: Ein Aljamiadotext; Edition Und Glossar by Klenk, Ursula
A Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton: The Minor English Poems by Weismiller, Edward, Woodhouse, A. S. P., Bush, Douglas
Early Chinese Literature by Watson, Burton
A Study of Literature for Readers and Critics by Daiches, David
Folk Literature of the Sephardic Jews, Vol. I: The Judeo-Spanish Ballad Chapbooks of Yacob Abraham Yoná by Armistead, Samuel G., Silverman, Joseph H.
Demosthenes: Six Private Speeches by Demosthenes
Frankreichs Kultur by Mönch, Walter
Allen Tate and His Work: Critical Evaluations by
A Nestorian Collection of Christological Texts: 2: Volume 2, Introduction, Translations, Indexes: Introduction, Translation and Indexes by
Plato's Philebus by Plato
Herman Melville: Cycle and Epicycle by Arvin, Newton, Unknown
Kleine Schriften, Band 3, Namenforschung. Sonstiges by
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache by Polenz, Peter
Ramón del Valle-Inclán by Lima, Robert
Pilgrims Through Space and Time: Trends and Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fiction by Bailey, James Osler, Unknown, Bailey, James O.
Galens Exzerpte Aus Älteren Pharmakologen by Fabricius, Cajus
The Edges of Augustanism: The Aesthetics of Spirituality in Thomas Ken, John Byrom and William Law by Hoyles, John
Sämtliche Werke, Band 6, Der irr reitende Pilger by Wickram, Georg
Mark Twain's Fables of Man: Volume 7 by Twain, Mark
The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf by Fleishman, Avrom
Prefatory Epistles of Jacques Lefèvre d'Etaples: And Related Texts by Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques
Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Garden of Cyrus by Browne, Thomas
Studien zur Minne und Ehe in Wolframs Parzival und Hartmanns Artusepik by Wiegand, Herbert Ernst
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Bettine Brentano und Max Prokop von Freyberg by Brentano, Bettina, Freyberg, Max P. Von
Englische Literaturgeschichte Der Romantik Und Des Viktorianismus by Schubel, Friedrich
Epische Dichtungen: (Das Alleredelste Nass. Das Alleredelste Leben) by
Ariel by Rodo, Josi Enrique, Rod?, Josi Enrique, Rodi, Josi Enrique
Windows and Stones: Selected Poems by Transtromer, Tomas
Meister Eckhart und seine Jünger by
Der Teutsche Don Quichotte oder Die Begebenheiten des Marggraf von Bellamonte by Neugebauer, Wilhelm E.
Haqani als Dichter by Reinert, Benedikt
Shakespeare: Twelfth Night by
Understanding Chekhov: A Critical Study of Chekhov's Prose and Drama by Rayfield, Donald
Laughter in the Next Room by Sitwell, Robert, Sitwell, Osbert
Mark Twain and Southwestern Humor. by Lynn, Kenneth Schuyler
The Nature of the Gods by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 6/Tl 1, Erster allgemeiner Theil by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 6/Tl 2, Anderer besonderer Theil by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
The Works of John Dryden, Volume II: Poems, 1681-1684 Volume 2 by Dryden, John
Guide to Studies in Spanish American Literature by Weisinger, Weisinger, Nina Lee, Unknown
Hemingway: The Writer as Artist by Baker, Carlos
Das Todesverständnis Bei Simone de Beauvoir: Eine Theologische Untersuchung by Schmalenberg, Erich
Die afrikanische Sofonisbe by Zesen, Philipp Von
Wörterbuch Zum St. Trudperter Hohen Lied: Ein Beitrag Zur Sprache Der Mittelalterlichen Mystik by Sauer-Geppert, Waldtraut-Ingeborg
James Joyce-Finnegans Wake: A Symposium by Joyce, James
Miscellanies by Henry Fielding, Esq: Volume One by Fielding, Henry
Collected Poems by Crawford, Isabella Valancy
Comparative Studies in Republican Latin Imagery by Fantham, Elaine
Browning's Experiments with Genre by Hair, Donald
Tuscan and Etruscan: The Problem of Linguistic Substratum Influence in Central Italy by Izzo, Herbert
Crispin Ier: La Vie Et l'œuvre de Raymond Poisson Comédien-Poète Du Xviie Siècle by
'Romantic' and Its Cognates: The European History of a Word by
The St Lawrence and the Saguenay and Other Poems: Hesperus and Other Poems and Lyrics by Sangster, Charles
Russian Literature in the Hispanic World: A Bibliography by Schanzer, George O.
Shakespeare 1971: Proceedings of the World Shakespeare Congress Vancouver, August 1971 by
The First Falls on Monday by Murphy, Arthur
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 36, Teil I: Briefe an Schiller 1795-1797. Text. by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 11: Demetrius. by
A Jane Austen Companion: A Critical Survey and Reference Book by Pinion, F. B.
Über Die Natur Der Dinge by Lukrez
Medeia by
Tradition in Der Literaturgeschichte: Beiträge Zur Kritik Des Bürgerlichen Traditionsbegriffs Bei Croce, Ortega, Eliot, Leavis, Barthes U. A. by
Individuum Und Gesellschaft Im Englischen Drama Der Gegenwart: Arnold Wesker Und Harold Pinter by Klotz, Günther
Geschichte Des Politischen Gedichts in Deutschland Von 1815 Bis 1840 by Werner, Hans-Georg
Impressionen Und Reflexionen: Ein Lebensbild in Aufsätzen, Reden Und Stellungnahmen by Tillich, Paul
Gibt Es Eine "Slawische" Volksdichtung? by Peukert, Herbert
Zur Motivstruktur Von Goethes "Faust" by Müller, Joachim