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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1973

Teatros Y Comedias En Madrid 1651-65: Estudio Y Documentos by
El No Importa de España Y La Verdad En El Potro by Santos, Francisco, Puértolas, Julio Rodríguez
Poor Pearl, Poor Girl!: The Murdered-Girl Stereotype in Ballad and Newspaper by Cohen, Anne B.
Proteus: His Lies, His Truth by Adams, Robert M.
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Nachgelassene Schriften: Auswahl Und Nachlese by Tieck, Ludwig
Shakespeare: Richard II by
Donne: Songs and Sonnets by
Milton: Paradise Lost by
James Joyce: Dubliners and a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Beja, Morris
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Window on an Age by
Revolution der Literatur by Bleibtreu, Carl
Schriften Zur Literatur Und Politik by Prutz, Robert
Der gute Outlaw by Benecke, Ingrid
Speculum, Mirror und Looking-Glass by Grabes, Herbert
Studies on the Testament of Moses by
A Jane Austen Companion: A Critical Survey and Reference Book by Pinion, F. B.
An Edition of the First Italian Translation of the Celestina by Kish, Kathleen V.
L'Imagination Poétique Chez Du Bartas: Élements de Sensibilité Baroque Dans La Création Du Monde by Braunrot, Bruno
Narradores Hispanoamericanos de Hoy: Simposio by Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista
The Auto Sacramental and the Parable in Spanish Golden Age Literature by Dietz, Donald Thaddeus
A Concordance to the Roman de la rose of Guillaume de Lorris by Danos, Joseph R.
A Study of Rhythmic Structure in the Verse of William Butler Yeats by Dougherty, Adelyn
Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre and Villette by
Literary Transcendentalism: Style and Vision in the American Renaissance by Buell, Lawrence
Verzeichnis der althochdeutschen und altsächsischen Glossenhandschriften by Bergmann, Rolf
The Evolution of Shakespeare's Comedy: A Study in Dramatic Perspective by Champion, Larry S.
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
The Flaming Heart: Essays on Crashaw, Machiavelli, and Other Studies of the Relations Between Italian and English Literature from Chaucer by Praz, Mario
Slavic Poetics: Essays in Honor of Kiril Taranovsky by
Des produits et des hommes by Mauro, Frédéric
The English Verb System by Juilland, Alphonse, Macris, James
Molière Mocked: Three Contemporary Hostile Comedies by
C.-A. Sainte-Beuve: Chateaubriand Et Son Groupe Littéraire Sous l'Empire by Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustine
The Origins of the Baroque Concept of Peregrinatio by Hahn, Juergen S.
Francisco de Osuna and the Spirit of the Letter by Calvert, Laura
Artus Désiré: Priest and Pamphleteer of the Sixteenth Century by Giese, Frank S.
Towards the Romantic Age: Essays on Sentimental and Preromantic Literature in Russia by Neuhäuser, Rudolf
Luther: A Profile by Koenigsberger, H. G.
Ferdinand de Saussure: Origin and Development of His Linguistic Thought in Western Studies of Language by Koerner, Ernst F. K.
Harold Pinter by Taylor, John Russell
Muriel Spark by Stubbs, Patricia
Doris Lessing by Thorpe, Michael
The Stylistic Development of Edgar Allan Poe by Fletcher, Richard M.
Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique: Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts by West, Martin L.
Geheimpoetik: Die Continuatio Des Abentheurlichen Simplicissimi Interpretiert ALS Grimmelshausens Verschlüsselter Kommentar Zu Seine by Gersch, Hubert
Illusion and Reality: A Study of Descriptive Techniques in the Works of Guy de Maupassant by Dugan, John Raymond
Renaissance Landscapes: English Lyrics in a European Tradition by Richmond, H. M.
Patterning in Shakespearean Drama by Godshalk, William L.
Molière as Ironic Contemplator by Eustis, Alvin
Studies in Lucian by Baldwin, Barry
Shakespeare's Grammatical Style: A Computer-assisted Analysis of Richard II and Anthony and Cleopatra by Burton, Dolores M.
Theological Tractates. the Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
Laughter and Despair: Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era by Knoepflmacher, U. C.
Philologus. Band 116, Heft 1 by
Leben Und Lieder Der Provenzalischen Troubadours: II. Lieder Verschiedener Gattung by Lommatzsch, Erhard
Der Weg Zur Anerkennung: Tschechische Literatur Im Deutschen Sprachgebiet 1861-1918 by Jähnichen, Manfred
Leben Und Lieder Der Provenzalischen Troubadours: I. Minnelieder by Lommatzsch, Erhard
Aus Den Anfängen Der Sozialistischen Dramatik III by
Frühes Leipziger Arbeitertheater by Bosse, Friedrich
Philologiegeschichte. Pädagogik Und Verschiedenes Nachlese Zu Den Bänden I Und II. Nachträge Zur Bibliographie by
Johann Christoph Gottsched: Eine Kritische Würdigung Seines Werkes by Rieck, Werner
Briefe, 1842-1849 by
Brechts Verhältnis Zur Tradition by Mittenzwei, Werner
Brechts Verhältnis Zur Tradition by Mittenzwei, Werner
Archilochos, Semonides, Hipponax by
Die Literatur Der Jahre 1940-1945, Lieferung 4 by
Aus Den Anfängen Der Sozialistischen Dramatik I by
A Concordance to the Poems of Jonathan Swift by
Selected Prose 1909-1956 by Pound, Ezra
How to Write and Sell Non-Fiction by Borland, Hal, Unknown
Terror and Decorum: Poems, 1940-1948 by Viereck, Peter
Alt 6 Poetry in Africa: African Literature Today: A Review by
Individualisiertes Sprechen by Gockel, Heinz
The Plays of Samuel Beckett by Webb, Eugene
Die feindlichen Brüder von Aeschylus bis Alfieri by Beyerle, Dieter
Thomas Wolfe: A Biography by Nowell, Elizabeth, Unknown
Injustice to Tou O (Tou O y An): A Study and Translation by Chung-Wen, Shih, Shih, Chung-Wen
The Rise of the Russian Novel: Studies in the Russian Novel from Eugene Onegin to War and Peace by Freeborn, Freeborn, Richard
The Raven and the Whale: The War of Words and Wits in the Era of Poe and Melville by Miller, Perry
The Metrical Version of Mandeville's Travels: From the Unique Manuscript in the Conventry Corporation Record Office by
Variantenverzeichnis by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Die Sprache Von Schillers Wallenstein by Lange, Barbara
Nicetae Choniatae Orationes et Epistulae by
Revolutionary Petunias & Other Poems Pa by Walker, Alice, Walker, Lawrie
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare: Major Tragedies by Bullough, Geoffrey
A Classified Bibliography of the Periodical Literature of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1811-1967 by Unknown, Winther, Oscar Osburn, Van Orman, Richard A.
Swinburne by Fletcher, Ian
William Blake by Gillham, Bill, Gillham, D. G.
Franz Kafka by Gray, Murray, Gray, Dave, Gray, Ronald D.
Walter Scott by Mayhead, R., Mayhead, Robin
Psychoanalyse und Literaturwissenschaft by
The Social Functions of Avoidances and Taboos Among the Zulu by Raum, Otto F.
Moriz von Craûn by
Altenglisches Elementarbuch: Einführung, Grammatik, Texte Mit Übersetzung Und Wörterbuch by Lehnert, Martin
The Influence of Richard Rolle and of Julian of Norwich on the Middle English Lyrics by Knowlton, Mary Arthur
Sprache, Dichtung, Musik: Texte Zu Ihrem Gegenseitigen Verständnis Von Richard Wagner Bis Theodor W. Adorno by
The Novelist as Historian: Essays on the Victorian Historical Novel by Simmons, James C.
La géographie humaine du monde musulman jusqu'au millieu du 11e siècle, [1], Géographie et géographie humaine dans la litterature arabe des origenes à by Miquel, André
Gregorius by Hartmann Von Aue
Shakespeare's Comic Theory: A Study of Art and Artifice in the Last Plays by Nelson, Thomas Allen
Myths and Motifs in Literature by Burrows, David J.
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature by
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature by
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Volume IV: Romantic Poetry and Prose by Golding, William
The Song of Roland: Formulaic Style and Poetic Craft by Duggan, Joseph J.
Dante's Vita Nuova, New Edition: A Translation and an Essay by Dante Alighieri
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Two-Volume Editionvolume I: The Middle Ages Through the Eighteenth Century by
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: 1800 to the Present by
Die Kindheit Jesu: Kritische Ausgabe by Konrad Von Fussesbrunnen
Shakespeares 'Coriolanus' in Deutscher Bearbeitung: Sieben Beispiele Zum Literaturästhetischen Problem Der Umsetzung Und Vermittlung Shakespeares by Brunkhorst, Martin
Sämtliche Werke, Band 7, Das Rollwagenbüchlein by Wickram, Georg
Hofkritik Im England Des Mittelalters Und Der Renaissance: Studien Zu Einem Gemeinplatz Der Europäischen Moralistik by Uhlig, Claus
Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures Volume 40 by Kirk, G. S.
The Politics of a Literary Man: William Gilmore SIMMs by Unknown, Wakelyn, Jon L.
Chaucer and Medieval Estates Satire by Mann, Mann, Jill
Parzival by
A Variorum Edition of Tennyson's Idylls of the King by Pfordresher, John
What Is Man? and Other Philosophical Writings: Volume 19 by Twain, Mark
Livres Saisis À Paris Entre 1678 Et 1701: D'Après Une Étude Préliminaire de Motoko Ninomiya by Sauvy, A.
The Language of the Parker Chronicle: Volume II Word-Formation and Syntax by Sprockel, C.
Johann Wilhelm Ritter by Wetzels, Walter D.
Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature by Abrams, M. H., Abrams, Meyer Howard
The Moral Measure of Literature. by Unknown, McKean, Keith F.
Aesthetics and Criticism. by Osborne, Harold, Unknown
An African Popular Literature: A Study of Onitsha Market Pamphlets by Obiechina, Emmanuel, Obiechina, Emmanuel N.
More Poems for People by Acorn, Milton
Validity in Interpretation by Hirsch, E. D.
Tercera Parte de la Tragicomedia de Celestina by Toledo, Gaspar Gómez de
Paideia: Die Formung Des Griechischen Menschen by Jaeger, Werner
Untersuchungen Zu Gorgias' Schrift Über Das Nichtseiende by Newiger, Hans J.
Mardi: And a Voyage Thither by Melville, Herman
Sincerity and Authenticity by Trilling, Lionel
Interviews with Black Writers by
Collected Plays: Volume 1 by Soyinka, Wole
Classical Myth and Legend in Renaissance Dictionaries: A Study of Renaissance Dictionaries in Their Relation to the Classical Learning of Contemporary by Unknown, Starnes, DeWitt T., Talbert, Ernest William
Under Pretext of Praise: Satiric Mode in Erasmus' Fiction by Thompson, Geraldine
Obsessive Images: Symbolism in Poetry of the 1930's and 1940's by Unknown, Beach, Joseph Warren
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, British Museum MS Cotton Cleopatra C. VI by
Le Roman de Renart by
The Classic Vision: The Retreat from Extremity in Modern Literature by Krieger, Murray
Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta in papyris reperta by
Wortbildung Der Homerischen Sprache by Risch, Ernst
Kierkegaard Anthology by
Hippolytos by Euripides
Corneille and Racine: Problems of Tragic Form by Pocock, Gordon, Pocock, Gordon J.
Teufelbücher in Auswahl, Band 3, Joachim Westphal: Hoffartsteufel by
Die althochdeutschen Glossen der Handschrift Leipzig Rep. II. 6 by Frank, Irmgard
Spraach-Übung. Rosen-Mand. Helikonische Hechel. Sendeschreiben an den Kreutztragenden by Zesen, Philipp Von
Sixteen Modern American Authors: A Survey of Research and Criticism by
Scholia AD Libros K - Ξ Continens by
Fécondité d'Emile Zola: Roman À Thèse, Évangile, Mythe by Baguley, David
Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness: 'English-Canadian Literature' and 'French-Canadian Literature' by Bourinot, John George, Marquis, Thomas Guthrie
The U.E.: A Tale of Upper Canada by Kirby, William
A Theatre for Spenserians: Papers of the International Spencer Colloquium Fredericton, New Brunswick October 1969 by
Awake the Courteous Echo: The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogu by Kirkconnell, Watson
The Letter Bag of the Great Western;: Or, Life in a Steamer by Haliburton, Thomas
The Advocate by Heavysege, Charles
Count Filippo; Or the Unequal Marriage: A Drama in Five Acts by Heavysege, Charles
The Cromaboo Mail Carrier: A Canadian Love Story by Jones, James Thomas
Poems and Essays by Howe, Joseph
Edgar Allan Poe: Sa Vie Et Ses Ouvrages by Baudelaire, Charles
The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon (Miss R.E. Mullins) by Leprohon, Rosanna Eleanor
The Civil War by Cowley, Abraham
Narrative Modes in Czech Literature by Dolezel, Lubomir
Paul Claudel's 'le Soulier de Satin': A Stylistic, Structuralist, and Psychoanalytic Interpretation by Freilich, Joan S.
Jean Baptiste: A Story of French Canada by Le Rossignol, J. E.
Petrarch to Pirandello: Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan by
An Unamuno Source Book: A Catalogue of Readings and Acquisitions with an Introductary Essay on Unamuno's Dialectical Enquiry by Valdes, Mario, de Valdes, Maria Elena
The Letters of Thomas Hood by
A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953 with Biographical Index (2e) by
John Milton: Introductions by Broadbent, J. B., Broadbent, John Barclay
Wir Und Der Expressionismus: Studien Zur Auseinandersetzung Der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Literaturwissenschaft Mit Dem Expressionismus by Weisbach, Reinhard
Studien Zum Russischen Realismus Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Zum Verhältnis Von Weltbild Und Epischer Struktur by Städtke, Klaus
Theodor Gomperz: Griechische Denker. Band 1 by Gomperz, Theodor
Tale Without a Hero and Twenty-Two Poems by Anna Axmatova by Eng-Liedmeier, Jeanne Van Der, Verheul, Kees
Russische Literatur in Deutschland Im Zeitalter Der Aufklärung: Die Propagierung Russischer Literatur Im 18. Jahrhundert Durch Deutsche Schriftsteller by Grasshoff, Helmut
Die Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung Des Antiken Dramas Für Seine Und Für Unsere Zeit: Protokoll Der Karl-Marx-Städter Fachtagung Vom 29. Bis 31. 10. 1969 by
Konkordanz Zu Goethes Werken by