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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1974

Galdós Studies II by
Teatros Y Comedias En Madrid: 1666-1687: Estudio Y Documentos by
History of Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature: Volume II: The Realistic Period by Tschizewskij, Dmitrij
The Lyfe of Syr Thomas More, by R. Ba. by Reed, A. W.
Psyche and Symbol in the Theater of Federico Garcia Lorca: Perlimplin, Yerma, Blood Wedding by Allen, Rupert C.
American and British Writers in Mexico, 1556-1973 by Gunn, Drewey Wayne
Amorous Games: A Critical Edition of Les adevineaux amoureux by
A Short History of Shakespearean Criticism by Eastman, Arthur M.
The Marriage of Contraries: Bernard Shaw's Middle Plays by Wisenthal, J. L.
Black Fiction by Rosenblatt, Roger
Escape Into Siege: Survey of Israeli Literature Today by Yudkin, Leon I.
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by
Browning: Men and Women and Other Poems by
Vom Laienurteil Zum Kunstgefühl: Texte Zur Deutschen Geschmacksdebatte Im 18. Jahrhundert by
Russische Literatur in Deutschland by
Gottfried Von Bulljon Oder Das Erlosete Jerusalem (1626) by
Itinerario di amore: dialettica di amore e morte nella Vita Nuova by Templer, Margherita de Bonfils
Jardín de Nobles Donzellas by Fray Martín de Córdoba: A Critical Edition and Study by Goldberg, Harriet
Studies in Tirso: The Dramatist and His Competitors, 1620-26 by Kennedy, Ruth Lee
Las Memorias de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo: Volumen I by Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista
Estudios de Literatura Hispanoamericana En Honor a José J. Arrom by
Don Quijote (1894-1970): A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Volume 1 by Drake, Dana B.
Boarding the Ship of Death: D.H. Lawrence's Quester Heroes by Eisenstein, Samuel A.
Eckenlied by
Stag of Love: The Chase in Medieval Literature by Thiébaux, Marcelle
Lehrgedicht by Wernher Von Elmendorf
Diophanti quae exstant omnia continens by Diophantus Alexandrinus
Continens Pseudepigrapha; Testimonia Veterum; Pachymerae Paraphrasin; Planudis Commentarium; Scholia Vetera; Omnia Fere Adhuc Inedita; Cum Prolegomeni by Diophantus Alexandrinus
Procli Diadochi Hypotyposis Astronomicarum Positionum by Proclus Diadochus
Apollonii Pergaei Quae Graece Exstant Cum Commentariis Antiquis: Volumen I by Apollonius Pergaeus
Apollonii Pergaei Quae Graece Exstant Cum Commentariis Antiquis: Volumen II by Apollonius Pergaeus
Poetries: Their Media and Ends: A Collection of Essays by I. A. Richards Published to Celebrate His 80th Birthday by Richards, I. a.
Canadian Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists, Warsaw, August 21-27, 1973 by
Narrative Purpose in the Novella by Leibowitz, Judith
Frequency Dictionary of Chinese Words by Liu, Eric Shen
Narrative Technique in the Lais of Marie de France: Themes and Variations by Rothschild, Judith Rice
The Vibrant Silence in Jorge Guillén's Aire Nuestro by Yudin, Florence L.
The Hispano-Portuguese Cancioneiro of the Hispanic Society of America: Edition and Notes by Askins, Arthur Lee-Francis
Los Sonetos de Calderón En Sus Obras Dramáticos: Estudio Y Edición by Osuna, Rafael
The Technique of T. S. Eliot: A Study of the Orchestration of Meaning in Eliot's Poetry by Rees, Thomas R.
Christopher Marlowe Poet and Playwright: Studies in Poetical Method by Meehan, Virginia M.
Die Gattungen in der vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft by
Reader, I Married Him: A Study of the Women Characters of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot by Beer, Patricia
Coleridge's Variety: Bicentenary Studies by
Las Memorias de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo: Volumen II by Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista
Peter Shaffer by Taylor, John Russell
The Romantic Period by Tschizewskij, Dmitrij
A Window on Russia: For the Use of Foreign Readers by Wilson, Edmund
Die Entwicklung des bürgerlichen Dramas im 18. Jahrhundert by
Theoretische Positionen Zur Konkreten Poesie: Texte Und Bibliographie by
Heinrich von Kleist by Schmidt, Jochen
Der Münchner Oswald by
Art and Idea in the Novels of Bernard Malamud: Toward the Fixer by DuCharme, Robert
The Discourse of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century Fiction by Dussinger, John
This Our Caesar: A Study of Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra by Couchman, Gordon W.
The Marlovian World Picture by Godshalk, William L.
On Medieval and Renaissance Slavic Writing: Selected Essays by Birnbaum, Henrik
From Story to Stage by Bluestone, Max
Slavic Forum: Essays in Linguistics and Literature by
An Uncommon Poet for the Common Man: A Study of Philip Larkin's Poetry by Kuby, Lolette
The Myth of America: Essays in the Structures of Literary Imagination by Sachs, Viola
D. H. Lawrence and the Psychology of Rhythm: The Meaning of Form in the Rainbow by Balbert, Peter
Die "historischen Memoires" by
Universalgeschichte by
Spiel Und Konversation Im Barock: Untersuchungen Zu Harsdörffers "Gesprächspielen" by Zeller, Rosmarie
Visual Variety and Spatial Grandeur: A Study of the Transition from the Sixteenth to the Seventeenth Century in France by Winter, John F.
Gide's Art of the Fugue: A Thematic Study of Les Faux-Monnayeurs by Ciholas, Karin Nordenhaug
The Boat of Longing by Rlvaag, Ole Edvart
The Art of Drama. by Peacock, Ronald
Die Fibeln Vom Kleinen Gleichberge Bei Römhild by Neumann, Gotthard
1968-1972, Nebst Nachträgen (1946-1967): [7. International Congress of Slavists, Warschau, 1973] by Pohrt, Heinz
Frühe Deutsche Arbeiterautobiographie by Münchow, Ursula
Brechts Verhältnis Zur Tradition by Mittenzwei, Werner
E - K by
Das Erste Jahrzehnt: Literatur Und Kulturrevolution in Der Sowjetunion by Thun, Nyota
Ovid, Heilmittel Gegen Die Liebe. Die Pflege Des Weiblichen Gesichtes by Ovidius Naso, Publius
Agrapha: Aussercanonische Schriftfragmente by
Some Versions of Pastoral: Literary Criticism by Empson, William
Readings in Medieval Rhetoric by
The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries by Bolgar, R. R.
Nachgelassene Schriften: Auswahl Und Nachlese by Tieck, Ludwig
Phrynichos' Ekloge by
Die Musikerromane by Printz, Wolfgang Caspar
The Everlasting Man by Chesterton, G. K.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Literary Travelogue: A Comparative Study with Special Relevance to Russian Literature from Fonvizin to Pushkin by Wilson, R. K.
Medieval Romance: Themes and Approaches by Stevens, John E.
Prose Writers of World War I by Greicus, M. S.
Vorgeschichte Der Iranischen Sprachen, Awestasprache Und Altpersisch, Mittelpersisch by
Litteratur, Geschichte Und Kultur, Register Zum II. Band by
The Tightrope Walkers: Studies of Mannerism in Modern English Literature by Unknown, Melchiori, Giorgio
Virginia Woolf: A Biography Pa by Briggs, Julia, Bell, Quentin, Bell, Chris
The Jacobite's Journal and Related Writings by Fielding, Henry, Fielding, William
The Story of the Stone, Volume I: The Golden Days, Chapters 1-26 by Cao Xueqin
Iwein: [Urtext Und Übersetzung] by Hartmann
Orendel: Ein Deutsches Spielmannsgedicht by
Die Lieder Walthers von der Vogelweide by
Pantaleon by
Summarium Heinrici, Band 1, Textkritische Ausgabe der ersten Fassung, Buch I-X by
Handbuch der Islam-Literatur by Pfannmüller, Gustav
The Invention of Dante's Commedia by Demaray, John G.
Russian Literary Criticism: A Short History by Stacy, R. H.
Erzählende Prosa der klasischen Periode by
Deutsche Dramaturgie, Band 4, Deutsche Dramaturgie der Sechziger Jahre by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band IV, Psychologie und Menschenbildung by Spranger, Eduard
Thomas Dekker's a Knights Conjuring (1607): A Critical Edition by Robbins, Larry M.
A Babble of Ancestral Voices: Shakespeare, Cervantes and Theobald by Frazier, Harriet C.
Christian Theology and Old English Poetry by Wilson, James H.
Russia's Lost Literature of the Absurd by Gibian, George, Kharms, Daniil, Vvedensky, Alexander
Henry B. Fuller of Chicago: The Ordeal of a Genteel Realist in Ungenteel America by Unknown, Bowron, Bernard R.
Cristân der Kuchimaister. Nüwe Casus Monasterii Sancti Galii by Nyffenegger, Eugen
The Greek Prothetic Vowel by Wyatt, William F.
A Season in Hell the Illuminations by Rimbaud, Arthur
Marxism and Form: 20th-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature by Jameson, Fredric
Towards the Romantic Age: Essays on Sentimental and Preromantic Literature in Russia by Neuhauser, R.
An Essay on King Lear by Goldberg, S. L.
William Styron by Friedman, Melvin J.
Epische Dichtungen: (Die Alleredelste Torheit. Die Alleredelste Belustigung) by
The Echo of Our Song: Chants and Poems of the Hawaiians by
Joachim Ringelnatz by Pape, Walter
American Puritan Imagination: Essays in Revaluation by Bercovitch, Sacvan, Bercovitch, S.
Sämtliche Dramen by Murer, Jos
The Papyrus Fragments of Sophocles by Carden, Richard
Music of the Ancient Near East by Polin, Claire C. J., Polin Schaff, Claire
Math, Symbol, and Culture by
Chaff Before the Wind by Christiansen, Sigurd Wesley, Unknown
A Thomas Merton Reader by Merton, Thomas
The Letters of Charles Dickens: The Pilgrim Edition, Volume 3: 1842-1843 by Dickens, Charles
The Craft of Letters in England: A Symposium by Unknown, Lehmann, John
Neo-Classic Drama in Spain: Theory and Practice by Cook, John A.
The Philosophy of Literary Form by Burke, Kenneth
Dostoevskijs Ideendialektik by Müller-Lauter, Wolfgang
The Psychology of Art by Vygotsky, Lev S.
Ezra Pound's Mauberley: A Study in Composition by Espey, John H.
Renaissance Concepts of the Commonplaces: An Historical Investigation of the General and Universal Ideas Used in All Argumentation and Persuasion with by Lechner, Joan Marie, Unknown
The Works of John Dryden, Volume IV: Poems, 1693-1696 Volume 4 by Dryden, John
The Emigrants. by Unknown, Bojer, Johan, Louis Gt 19 a., Halvard
John Betjeman by Press, John
Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus by West, Martin L.
Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent by Booth, Wayne C.
The Death of the Moth and Other Essays by Woolf, Virginia
A Middle High German Reader by Walshe, M. O'c
Chaucer Criticism, Volume 1: The Canterbury Tales by
Eleusis Und Die Orphische Dichtung Athens in Vorhellenistischer Zeit by Graf, Fritz
Concordance to the Poetry of Thomas Traherne by Guffey, George R.
Nightmare and Dawn. by Aldanov, Mark Aleksandrovich, Unknown
A History of the German Novelle by Bennett, Edwin Keppel, Bennett, E. K., Bennett, Stephen
Cinematic Techniques in the Prose Fiction of Beatriz Guido by Gibson, Christine Mary
H.G. Wells by Young, Kenneth
Sämtliche Werke, Band 1/Teil 1, Dramen I: Tragoedia nova Pammachius by Naogeorg, Thomas
Briefe an Heine 1837-1841 by
Briefe an Heine 1823-1836 by
Lutezia. Berichte Über Politik, Kunst Und Volksleben by
Foma Gordeyev. by Unknown, Gorkii, Maksim, Gorky, Maxim
AB Urbe Condita by Livy
Voltaire's Candide: Etude Quantitative by Ducretet, Pierre, Ducretet-Powell, Marie-Paule
The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan by
Medieval Celtic Literature: A Select Bibliography by Bromwich, Rachel
Some Facets of King Lear: Essays in Prismatic Criticism by
Old English Studies in Honour of John C. Pope by
Browning's Lyrics: An Exploration by Cook, Eleanor
Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío by Ellis, Keith
Selected Poetry and Critical Prose Charles G.D. Roberts by
Old Man Savarin Stories: Tales of Canada and Canadians by Thomson, Edward William
Balzac's Recurring Characters by Pugh, Anthony R.
Goethe's Poetry for Occasions by Oppenheimer, Ernest
The Imagination of Maurice Barres by Ouston, Philip
Althochdeutsche Glossen: Nachtrage / Old High German Glosses by Mayer, Hartwig
The Poems of Archibald Lampman by Lampman, Archibald
The Rural Tradition: A Study of the Non-Fiction Prose Writers of the English Countryside by Keith, William
Morality and Social Class in Eighteenth-Century French Literature and Painting by Roberts, Warren
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 6: Don Karlos. Erstausgabe 1787. Thalia-Fragmente 1785-1787. by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 7, Teil I: Don Karlos. Hamburger Bühnenfassung 1787. Rigaer Bühnenfassung 1787. Letzte Ausgabe 1805. by
A Bronte Companion: Literary Assessment, Background and Reference by Pinion, F. B.
Künstlermoral: Das Formalismus-Programm Spätbürgerlicher Dichtung in Gottfried Benns "Gereimter Weltanschauung" by Reichel, Peter
Max Kegel. Auswahl Aus Seinem Werk by
Sir John Mandevilles Reisebeschreibung: Nach Der Stuttgarter Papierhandschrift Cod. Hbv 86 by
Analysen, Argumente, Anregungen: Aufsätze Zur Deutschen Literatur by Kaufmann, Hans
Wissenschaft ALS Interdisziplinäres Problem, Teil 1 by
Der Messias. Text by
Der Messias. Text by
Die Entwicklung Progressiver Und Sozialistischer Literatur in Den USA: Fortschrittliche Schriftstellerorganisationen Und Ihr Einfluß Auf Den Nationale by Brüning, Eberhard
Goethes "Campagne in Frankreich": Epochenkritik, Umweltanalyse Und Kontraststruktur by Müller, Joachim
Die Literarische Rezeption Des Darwinismus: Das Problem Der Vererbung Bei Émile Zola Und Im Drama Des Deutschen Naturalismus by Schmidt, Günter
Lancelot, III by