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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1975

Alonso de Ercilla Y Zuñiga: A Basic Bibliography by Aquila, August J.
El Duelo de la Virgen, Los Himnos, Los Loores de Nuestra Señora, Los Signos del Juicio Final (Obras Completas III) by Berceo, Gonzalo de, Dutton, Brian
Alfonsina Storni: From Poetess to Poet by Phillips, Rachel
The Positive Hero in Russian Literature by Mathewson, Rufus W.
Prose Fiction of the Cuban Revolution by Menton, Seymour
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Webster: The White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi by
Mortals & Others V1 by
Distance and Control in Don Quixote: A Study in Narrative Technique by El Saffar, Ruth
A Bronte Companion: Literary Assessment, Background and Reference by Pinion, F. B.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 15, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1975) by
Rhetorik der Affekte by Plett, Heinrich Franz
Ausführliche Redekunst. Erster Allgemeiner Theil by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Althochdeutsche Glossen Zum Alten Testament: Genesis - Deuteronomium - Numeri - Josue - Judicum by
Studies on the Testament of Joseph by
The Dramatic Works of Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón by Whitaker, Shirley B.
Luis Vélez de Guevara: A Critical Bibliography by Hauer, Mary G.
Voltaire and the French Academy by Racevskis, Karlis
The Epistrategos in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt: The Ptolemaic Epistrategos by Thomas, J. David
Dmitri Sergeevich Merezhkovsky and the Silver Age: The Development of a Revolutionary Mentality by Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer
Palladii Rutilii Tauri Aemiliani Viri Inlustris Opus Agriculturae. de Veterinaria Medicina. de Insitione by Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus
La Contre-Bible de Melville: Moby-Dick Déchiffré by Sachs, Viola
Le Blanc Et Le Noir Chez Melville Et Faulkner by
Perspectives of Irony on Medieval French Literature by Rossman, Vladimir R.
Robert Graves: Peace-Weaver by Mehoke, James S.
Puskin and His Sculptural Myth by Jakobson, Roman
Mythe et Psychologie chez Marie de France dans Guigemar by Knapton, Antoinette
Charles d'Orléans and the Allegorical Mode by Harrison, Ann Tukey
The Theater of Arthur Adamov by McCann, John J.
J. M. Synge: A Bibliography of Criticism by Mikhail, Edward Halim
Setting in the American Short Story of Local Color, 1865-1900 by Rhode, Robert D.
Vida U Obra de Petrarca by Rico, Francisco
The Elizabethan Theatre V: Papers Given at the Fifth International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, by
Discoveries and Reviews: From Renaissance to Restoration by Rowe, Alfred Lestie
Thomas Hardy: The Forms of Tragedy by Kramer, Dale
Francis Petrarch, Six Centuries Later: A Symposium by
The Renaissance Chaucer by Miskimin, Alice S.
Doubting Conscience: Donne and the Poetry of Moral Argument by Cathcart, Dwight
Christopher Isherwood by King, Francis
Arnold Bennett by Young, Kenneth
Samuel Beckett by Mayoux, Jean-Jacques
William Golding by Medcalf, Stephen
Casiodoro de Reina: Spanish Reformer of the Sixteenth Century by Kinder, A. Gordon
Dinarchi Orationes Cum Fragmentis by Dinarchus
Geistliche Poemata (1638) by
Weltliche Poemata: 1644: Erster Teil by
Mit einem Anhang by
Das Übersetzen Aus Dem Mittelhochdeutschen by Saran, Franz
The English Existential by Jenkins, Lyle
Der Todesgenius in der deutschen Literatur by Uhlig, Ludwig
Ohne Eigenschaften: Eine Erläuterung Zu Musils Grundbegriff by Schmidt, Jochen
Folklore: Performance and Communication by
The Study of Russian Folklore by
Très brève relation sur la destruction des Indes by Las Casas, Bartolomé de
Dostoevskij and Schiller by Lyngstad, Alexandra H.
Craftmanship in Context: The Development of Ben Jonson's Poetry by Gardiner, Judith Kegan
The Old Church Slavonic Translation of the Andron Hagion Biblos: In the Edition of Nikolaas Van Wijk by
Littérature Et Spectacle by Kowzan, Tadeusz
Russian Romanticism: 2 Essays by Leighton, Lauren G.
Russian Cubo-Futurism, 1910-1930: A Study in Avant-Gardism by Barooshian, Vahan D.
Shakespeare and the Uses of Ideology by Shanker, Sidney
Shakespeare's Bad Quartos: Deliberate Abridgments Designed for Performance by a Reduced Cast by Burkhart, Robert E.
La Sologne: Documents de littérature traditionnelle by Edeine, Bernard
Henry James's Psychology of Experience: Innocence, Responsibility, and Renunciation in the Fiction of Henry James by Jones, Granville H.
African Dilemma Tales by Bascom, William
Bertolt Brecht and Rudyard Kipling: A Marxist's Imperialist Mentor by Lyon, James K.
Wissenschaft ALS Interdisziplinäres Problem II by
Joachim von Watt (Vadianus) - Bartholomäus Schobinger - Melchior Goldast by Hertenstein, Bernhard
Ausführliche Redekunst. Besonderer Theil by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Andrew Crawfurd's Collection of Ballads and Songs: Volume 1 by Lyle, E. B.
S/Z by Barthes, Roland
The Lyric Poems of Jehan Froissart: A Critical Edition by
Forms of Modern British Fiction by
The Pleasure of the Text by Barthes, Roland
Eine Mecklenburgische Märchenfrau: Bertha Peters Erzählt Märchen, Schwänke Und Geschichten by Neumann, Siegfried
(Λ-Π) by
Brechts Verhältnis Zur Tradition by Mittenzwei, Werner
Jean Pauls Revolutionsdichtung: Versuch Einer Neuen Deutung Seiner Heroischen Romane by Harich, Wolfgang
The Art of Rhetoric in Alexandria: Its Theory and Practice in the Ancient World by Smith, R. W.
Alt 7 Focus on Criticism: African Literature Today: A Review by
Old French: A Concise Handbook by Einhorn, E. C., E, Einhorn
Voices of Melancholy: Studies in Literary Treatments of Melancholy in Renaissance England by Lyons, Bridget Gellert
The Hungry Lions: Poems by Unknown, De Longchamps, Joanne
The Red Umbrellas. by Lindemann, Kelvin, Unknown
The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism by Jameson, Fredric
John Donne's Poetry by Sanders, Wilbur, Sanders, J. Wilbur
Sämtliche Werke, Band 1, Trauerspiele I: Theodoricus Veronensis. Mariamne by Hallmann, Johann Ch
Spieltexte der Wanderbühne, Band 2, Liebeskampff (1630) by
A Dream of Arcadia: Anti-Industrialism in Spanish LIterature, 1895-1905 by Litvak, Lily
When the Gods Are Silent. by Unknown, Soloviev, Mikhail
The Classical Drama of India: Studies in Its Values for the Literature and Theatre of the World by Anon, Wells, Henry Willis
Disinherited Mind: Essays in Modern German Literature and Thought by Heller, Erich
Iridion Translated from Polish by F Noyes by Krasinski, Krasinski, Zygmunt, Unknown
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare: Romances by Bullough, Geoffrey
The Country and the City by Williams, Raymond
King Arthur and His Knights: Selected Tales by Malory, Thomas
Literary Transcendentalism: Style and Vision in the American Renaissance by Buell, Lawrence
Literary Diseases: Theme and Metaphor in the Italian Novel by Biasin, Gian-Paolo
Wigoleis by Füetrer, Ulrich
La vie du prince noir by Chandos
Le morte Arthur by
The Throne and the Chariot by Cohen, Kitty
Shelley and Nonviolence by Young, Art
The Theatre of Jean Mairet: The Metamorphosis of Sensuality by Kay, Burf
An Idle Singer and His Audience: A Study of William Morris's Poetic Reputation in England, 1858-1900 by Gardner, Delbert R.
Literaturwissenschaft und Geschichtsphilosophie by
Erfundene Biographien by Grabes, Herbert
Entwurf einer Theorie des literarischen Gebildes by Gerigk, Horst-Jürgen
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XVIII: Prose: The History of the League, 1684 Volume 18 by Dryden, John
Many Minds by Van Doren, Carl
A Concordance to the Sermons of Bishop Zeno of Verona by Packard, David W., Löfstedt, Bengt M.
The Etymology and Usage of Peirar in Early Greek Poetry: A Study in the Interrelationship of Metrics, Linguistics and Poetics by Bergren, Ann L.
The Dark Dove: The Sacred and Secular in Modern Literature by Webb, Eugene
Göttliche Komödie und Exegese by Bambeck, Manfred
Three Authors of Alienation: Bombal, Onetti, Carpentier by Adams, M. Ian
Selected Writings of Daniel Defoe by Boulton, Mary Ed, Defoe, Daniel
English Drama Excluding Shakespeare: Select Bibliographical Guides by
Thomas Norton's Ordinal Eetso: C 272 C by Reidy
Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre by Todorov, Tzvetan
Die Tupari: Ein Indianerstamm in Westbrasilien by Caspar, Franz
Scholia AD Libros O - T Continens by
Die Burgunder, Schlußwort by Gamillscheg, Ernst
Modern Hebrew Literature by Alter, Robert
Movements in English Literature by Gillie, Christopher, Gillie
Two Living and One Dead by Christiansen, Sigurd, Christiansen, Sigurd Wesley, Unknown
Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas, 1415-1815: Some Facts, Fancies, and Personalities by Boxer, C. R.
Dryden and the Tradition of Panegyric: by Garrison, James
The Innocent Ambassadors by Wylie, Philip, Unknown
Voices from an Empire: A History of Afro-Portuguese Literature by Hamilton, Russell G.
St John of the Cross: His Life and Poetry by Brenan, Gerald, Brenan
Virginia Woolf by Bennett, Stephen, Bennett, Joan
Teilnahme und Spiegelung by
A Colder Fire: The Poetry of Robert Penn Warren by Strandberg, Victor H., Unknown
Whitehead's American Essays in Social Philosophy. by Whitehead, Alfred North, Unknown
A Rhetoric of Irony by Booth, Wayne C.
Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature by Widdowson, H. G.
Malcolm Lowry: His Art and Early Life: A Study in Transformation by Bradbrook, M. C., Bradbrook
Mimesis und Poiesis by Schrader, Monika
Die Darstellung Der Landschaft in Der Griechischen Dichtung by Elliger, Winfried
The Spanish American Novel: A Twentieth-Century Survey by Brushwood, John S.
Structuralism in Literature: An Introduction by Scholes, Robert
English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism by
A Man Survives by Maksimov, Vladimir Emel'ianovich, Unknown
Ausführliche Redekunst. Anhang, Variantenverzeichnis, Nachwort by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Kunst als Gesellschaftsanalyse und Gesellschaftskritik bei Heinrich Mann by Trapp, Frithjof
Skookum Wawa: Writings of the Canadian Northwest by
Salomon. Glückswechsel. Wie gewunnen so zerrunnen. Mammons Sold. Saul by
Danzig Trilogy of Gunter Grass: A Study of the Tin Drum, Cat and Mouse, and Dog Years by Reddick, John
Gescheiterte Sprachkritik by Kühn, Joachim
Lateinische Osterfeiern Und Osterspiele. Teil 1 by
An Honest Thief by Garnett, Constance
Granite and Rainbow: Essays: The Virginia Woolf Library Authorized Edition by Woolf, Virginia
The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama by Raglan, Fitzroy
The Writer and Commitment. by Mander, John, Unknown
Dostoevsky by Peace, Richard A.
Dynamics of Literary Response by Holland, Norman Norwood, Jr.
Die verbale Klammer bei Notker by Bolli, Ernst
Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther: Lateinisch by
The Life of the Book: How the Book Is Written, Published, Printed, Sold and Read by Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, Unknown
Pushkin: A Comparative Commentary by Bayley, John
Picked-Up Pieces by Updike, John
Relativist and Absolutist: The Early Neoclassical Debate in England by Unknown, Marks, Emerson R.
Jane Austen: Bicentenary Essays by John, Halperin, Halperin
Latin American Poetry: Origins and Presence by Brotherston, Gordon
Briefwechsel Und Tagebucher 1837-1845 by
Sämtliche Schriften, Band 2, Politische und theologische Schriften. Monucleus Aureus. Briefe by Seitz, Alexander
Briefe an Heine 1842-1851 by
El Estilo Literario de Marx by Silva, Ludovico
Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther: Lateinisch by
Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther; Lipphardt, Walther: Lateinisch by
Die deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Nicholas Karamzin and Russian Society in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Russian Political and Historical Thought by Black, J. L.
The Search for English-Canadian Literature: An Anthology of Critical Articles from the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries by
Babylonian Historical-Literary Texts by Grayson, Albert Kirk
The Owl and the Nightingale: The Poems and Its Critics by Hume, Kathryn
The White Savannahs: The First Study of Canadian Poetry from a Contemporary Viewpoint by Collin, W. E.
A Variorum Commentary of the Poems of John Milton: Paradise Regained by Mackellar, Walter
The Works of Stephen Crane: Poems and Literary Remains Volume 10 by Crane, Stephen
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 38, Teil I: Briefe an Schiller 1798-1800. Text. by
Goethe: Dichter Und Denker: Essays Ueber Goethe by
Output Conditions in Word Formation? by Schultink, H.
Culture Groups and Language Groups in Native North America by Driver, Harold E.
Die Homerischen Und Die Altindischen Epen by Ruben, Walter
Die Tendenz in der reinen Kunst by Seghers, Anna
(Lieferung 47 Des Gesamtwerkes) by Goedeke, Karl
(Bogen 14-28) by
Models of Simultaneity and Sequentiality in Human Cognition by Durbin, Marshall
The Ash Wednesday Supper by Bruno, Giordano
Zum Problem Der "Wirkungsästhetik" in Der Literaturtheorie by Naumann, Manfred
Poetisch-Dramatische Gestaltungsprinzipien in Shakespeares Werken by Lehnert, Martin
The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb: 1796-1801 by Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Mary Anne
Schriftsteller, Weltanschauung, Kunstfortschritt by Chraptschenko, Michail B.
Zur Geschichte Der Russischen Erzählung: (1825-1840) by
Bibliographie Zur Jüdisch-Hellenistischen Und Intertestamentarischen Literatur: 1900-1970 by
Friedrich Wolf und Wsewolod Wischnewski by Düwel, Gudrun