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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1976

Haz Y Envés del Cuento Risible En El Siglo de Oro: Estudio Y Antología by Soons, Alan C.
Pierre Reverdy: A Bibliography by Bishop, Michael
Benjamin Disraeli in Spain, Malta and Albania, 1830-32: A Monograph by Sultana, Donald
The Myth of Icarus in Spanish Renaissance Poetry by Turner, John H.
The Comic Spirit of Federico Garcia Lorca by Higginbotham, Virginia
Das Junge Wien: Österreichische Literatur- Und Kunstkritik 1887 - 1902 by
Kalifornien by
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Studies in Early Hebrew Meter by Stuart, Douglas K.
Heine in Deutschland by
Theoretische Linguistik in Osteuropa: Originalbeiträge Und Erstübersetzungen by
Elementare Literatursoziologie: Ein Essay Über Literatursoziologische Grundprobleme by Sörensen, Peer E.
The Dying Shepherd: Die Tradition Der Englischen Ekloge Von Pope Bis Wordsworth by Borgmeier, Raimund
Figures of Repetition in the Old Provençal Lyric: A Study in the Style of the Troubadours by Smith, Nathaniel B.
The Drama of Self in Guillaume Apollinaire's Alcools by Stamelman, Richard Howard
Historia Y Bibliografía de la Crítica Sobre El Poema de Mío Cid (1750-1971) by Magnotta, Miguel
Samuel Beckett: The Art of Rhetoric by Morot-Sir, Edouard, Harper, Howard, McMillan, Dougald
Un Tríptico del Perú Virreinal: El Virrey Amat, El Marqués de Soto Florido Y La Perricholi by
The War of the Mice and the Crabs by Leopardi, Giacomo
The Novels of Mme Riccoboni by Stewart, Joan Hinde
Style and Structure in Gracián's El Criticón by Welles, Marcia L.
An Anatomy of Poesis: The Prose Poems of Stéphane Mallarmé by Franklin, Ursula
Chrétien's Jewish Grail: A New Investigation of the Imagery and Significance of Chrétien de Troyes's Grail Episode Based on Medieval Hebraic So by Weinraub, Eugene J.
Fire and Ice: The Poetry of Xavier Villaurrutia by Forster, Merlin M.
Poetry and Antipoetry: A Study of Selected Aspects of Max Jacob's Poetic Style by Thau, Annette
Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism by
A Critical Edition of Le Régime Tresutile Et Tresproufitable Pour Conserver Et Garder La Santé Du Corps Humain: With the Commentary of Arnoul de Ville by
A Critical Edition of La Passion Nostre Seigneur: From Manuscript 1131 from the Bibliothèque Saint-Geneviève, Paris by Gallagher, Edward Joseph
Pneumatica Et Automata: Accedunt Heronis Fragmentum de Horoscopiis Aquariis, Philonis de Ingeniis Spiritualibus, Vitruvii Capita Quaedam AD Pn by Heron Alexandrinus
Von Platon Zum Platonismus Ein Bruch in Der Überlieferung Und Seine Überwindung: 208. Sitzung Am 17. Dezember 1975 in Düsseldorf by Dörrie, Heinrich
Mechanica Et Catoprica by Heron Alexandrinus
Rationes Dimetiendi Et Commentatio Dioptrica by Heron Alexandrinus
Heronis Definitiones Cum Variis Collectionibus. Heronis Quae Feruntur Geometrica by Heron Alexandrinus
Heronis Quae Feruntur Stereometrica Et de Mensuris by Heron Alexandrinus
A Structural Analysis of Pound's Usura Canto by Brooke-Rose, Christine
Afro-American Poetics Afro-American Poetics Afro-American Poetics: Revisions of Harlem and the Black Aesthetic Revisions of Harlem and the Black Aesth by Baker, Houston a.
The Final Years of Thomas Hardy, 1912-1928 by Orel, Harold
Contemporary British Drama 1950-1976: An Annotated Critical Bibliography by Mikhail, E. H.
Maurice Scève: Concordance de la Délie by Nash, Jerry C.
Aelfric's Lives of Three English Saints by
Philip Larkin by Brownjohn, Alan
Jonathan Swift by Jeffares, A. Norman
D. H. Lawrence 1: 1885-1914 by Littlewood, J. C. F.
John Keats by Allott, Miriam
Hugh MacDiarmid by Morgan, Edwin
Traditional Romance and Tale: How Stories Mean by Wilson, Anne
Spiritus Mundi: Essays on Literature, Myth, and Society by Frye, Northrop
Iris Murdoch by Byatt, A. S.
The Controversial Sholem Asch: An Introduction to His Fiction by Siegel, Ben
Dorothei Sidonii Carmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus Sidonius
Yvain (Der Löwenritter): Nach Wendelin Försters Letzter Ausgabe in Auswahl Bearbeitet Und Mit Einleitung Und Glossar Versehen by Chrétien de Troyes
Lyrik des Expressionismus by
Ibsen auf der deutschen Bühne by
Der Ausgang der Moderne by Lublinski, Samuel
Persönlichkeitszerstörung und Weltuntergang by Metzner, Joachim
A Century of Change in Eastern Africa by
Untersuchungen Zum Serapiontischen Prinzip E.T.A. Hoffmanns by Winter, Ilse
The Metaphysics of Byron by Ehrstine, John W.
Personae and Poiesis: The Poet and the Poem in Medieval Love Lyric by Saíz, Próspero
Essays on Karamzin: Russian Man-Of-Letters, Political Thinker, Historian, 1766-1826 by
The Strong Necessity of Time by Waller, G. F.
The Reader's Art: Virginia Woolf as a Literary Critic by Goldman, Mark
Anton Čexov as a Master of Story-Writing: Essays in Modern Soviet Literary Criticism by
Nibelungen Prosody by Wakefield, Ray M.
Libri XXIII-XXV by Titus Livius
Gegenstand und Aufgaben der Literaturwissenschaft by Ingarden, Roman
One Hundred More Poems from the Japanese by
One Hundred Books about Bookmaking: A Guide to the Study and Appreciation of Printing by Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, Unknown
Mark Twain's Notebooks and Journals, Volume II: 1877-1883 Volume 8 by Twain, Mark
Literatur Einer Sozialistischen Gemeinschaft: Zur Herausbildung Und Entwicklung Der Multinationalen Sowjetliteratur (1917-1941) by Timofejew, Leonid I., Lomidse, Georgi J.
Funktion Der Literatur: Aspekte, Probleme, Aufgaben by
Zur Genesis Des Sozialistischen Realismus: Erfahrungen Und Leistungen Süd- Und Westslawischer Literaturen in Den Zwanziger Und Dreißigerjahren by Markov, Dmitrij Fedorovič
"... der Kurs auf die Realität" by
Historische Volkssagen Aus Dem 13. Bis 19. Jahrhundert by
Sowjetliteratur Und Wissenschaftlich-Technische Revolution by Hiersche, Anton
"... der Kurs auf die Realität" by Wagner, Frank
Spiegel, Doppelspiegel und Spiegelungen - Eine "Wunderliche Symbolik" Goethes by Brednow, Walter
Verteidigung Der Menschheit: Antifaschistischer Kampf Und Aufbau Der Sozialistischen Gesellschaft in Der Multinationalen Sowjetliteratur Und in Lit by
(P-Ω) by
Briefe 1831-1841. Kommentar by
Briefe 1815-1831. Kommentar by
Zur Genesis Des Sozialistischen Realismus: Erfahrungen Und Leistungen Süd- Und Westslawischer Literaturen in Den Zwanziger Und Dreißiger Jahren by Markov, Dmitrij Fedorovič
Kalendergeschichten by
Mark Twain's Notebooks & Journals, Volume I: (1855-1873) Volume 8 by Twain, Mark
The Salisbury Plain Poems of William Wordsworth by Wordsworth, William
Sowjetliteratur Und Wissenschaftlich-Technische Revolution by Hiersche, Anton
Autobiography by Cardus, Neville, Unknown
Man Who Had His Hair Cut by Thiery, Daisne, Johan, Unknown
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park by
The Art of D. H. Lawrence by Sagar, Keith
Alt 8 Drama in Africa: African Literature Today: A Review by
Folk Music in the United States: An Introduction (Revised) by Nettl, Bruno
Lateinische Osterfeiern Und Osterspiele. Teil 5 by
The Gaping Pig: Literature and Metamorphosis by Massey, Irving
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Neo-Classical Dramatic Criticism 1560 1770 by Jones, Thora Burnley, Jones, T. B., Nicol, Bernard de Bear
German Poetry by Gray, Ronald D., Gray, Murray
Hamlet and Oedipus by Jones, Ernest
The Assault on French Literature, and Other Essays. by Jones, Percy Mansell, Unknown
Fifty-Five t'Ang Poems: A Text in the Reading and Understanding of t'Ang Poetry by Stimson, Hugh M.
Once by Walker
Change of Weather. by Scott, Winfield Townley, Unknown
The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Early Essays and Miscellanies. by Thoreau, Henry David
The Literature of the Spanish People: From Roman Times to the Present Day by Brenan, Brenan, Gerald
Die Lutherische Pamphlete gegen Thomas Müntzer by
Epische Dichtungen: (Die Alleredelste Erfindung. Die Alleredelste Zeitverkürzung) by
Orpheus in Brooklyn by Mathieu, Bertrand
The Jewish Expression by Goldin, Judah
Die Allegorie im französischen Theater des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts by Helmich, Werner
Epik und Ethik by Mieth, Dietmar
Le dialogue philosophique dans la littérature française du seizième siècle by Bénouis, Mustapha K.
Deutsche Wanderer-, Vagabunden- und Vagantenlyrik in den Jahren 1910 bis 1933 by Spicker, Friedemann
Deceit, Desire, and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure by Girard, Rena(c), Girard, Rene, Girard, Ren?
The Ignoble Savage: American Literary Racism, 1790-1890 by Barnett, Louise K., Unknown
Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature by Shackleton Bailey, D. R.
Tom Stoppard by Bigsby, Christopher
V.S. Naipaul by Thorpe, Michael
The Triple Thinkers: Twelve Essays on Literary Subjects by Wilson, Edmund
Edward Bond by Trussler, Simon
Nine Troubled Years. by Templewood, Samuel John Gurney Hoa
The English Epic and Its Background. by Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall, Unknown
Literature and Revolution in Soviet Russia, 1917-62: A Symposium by Hayward, Max, Unknown
Joseph Conrad: A Commemoration by
Contemporary British Drama 1950-1976: An Annotated Critical Bibliography by Mikhail, E. H.
Zeit und Zeiterlebnis in den Werken Max Frischs by Dahms, Erna M.
Aristotelis Ars rhetorica by Aristoteles
The Novels of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Study by Pizer, Donald
Sodoms in Eden: The City in American Fiction Before 1860 by Stout, Janis P., Unknown
Philosophies of Beauty from Socrates to Robert Bridges: Being the Source of Aesthetic Theory by Unknown, Carritt, E. F.
Chinese Stories from Taiwan, 1960-1970 by
Silence to the Drums: A Survey of the Literature of the Harlem Renaissance by Perry, Margaret, Unknown
The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb: 1801-1809 by Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Mary Anne
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, Magdalene College Cambridge MS Pepys 2498 by
Burgundio of Pisa's Translation of Galen's Peri kraseon, "De complexionibus" by
Shakespeare's Rival: A Study in Three Parts by Unknown, Gittings, Robert
In the Driver's Seat: The Automobile in American Literature and Popular Culture by Dettelbach, Cynthia Golomb, Unknown
Hamlet's Castle: The Study of Literature as a Social Experience by Mills, Gordon H.
Biblische Dramen V by Weise, Christian
Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English, Volume III (Second Edition) by
Die Fragmente Des Grammatikers Philoxenos by
Geschichte der spät- und neusyrischen Literatur by Macuch, Rudolf
Doxographi Graeci by
Text- Und Variantenkonkordanz Zu Schillers "Kabale Und Liebe" by Lappe, Claus O., Daly, Peter M.
Marxism and Literary Criticism by Eagleton, Terry
Hesiod and Theognis: Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies by Hésiode, Theognis
An Anthology of Modern French Poetry (1850 1950) by
The Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (1850 1950) by Chesters, Graham, Broome, P., Broome, Peter
Christian Weise Sämtliche Werke 11. Band: Lustspiele II by Weise, Christian
Stoff- Und Motivgeschichte Der Deutschen Literatur by Schmitt, Franz Anselm
Contemporary Writers: Essays on Twentieth-Century Books and Authors by Woolf, Virginia
Selected Essays by Unknown, Holberg, Ludvig
Medea by Euripides
Alexander Pope by Gooneratne, Yasmine
E.M. Forster: The Endless Journey by Martin, John Sayre, Martin, S. J., John Sayre, Martin
Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy by Salingar, Leo G.
The Gawain-Poet: A Critical Study by Spearing, A. C., Spearing
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XV: Plays: Albion and Albanius, Don Sebastian, Amphitryon Volume 15 by Dryden, John
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 9/Tl 1, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Band 9/Teil 1 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 9/Tl 2, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Band 9/Teil 2 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Dante by Bergin, Thomas Goddard
King Harald's Saga: Harald Hardradi of Norway: From Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla by Sturluson, Snorri
Shakespeare in His Own Age by Nicoll, Allardyce, Nicoll
Bibliographie Der Deutschen Und Der Niederländischen Jagdliteratur: Von 1480-1850 by Lindner, Kurt
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 10: Hoch-deutscher Helikon (1656). Bd 10/Tl 1 by Zesen, Philipp Von
Medieval Dream-Poetry by Spearing, A. C.
The Widening Circle by
The Cely Letters, 1472-1488 by
A Question of Quality: Popularity and Value in Modern Creative Writing by
Briefe 1850-1856. Kommentar by
Briefe 1815-1831. Kommentar by
Briefe 1831-1841. Kommentar by
Briefe 1842-1849. Kommentar by
Briefe an Heine 1852-1856 by
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 10: Hoch-deutscher Helikon (1656). Bd 10/Tl 2 by Zesen, Philipp Von
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams Volume V: The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore, Kingdom of Earth, Small Craft Warnings, the Two-Character Play by Williams, Tennessee
Science and the Human Comedy: Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis by Brown, Harcourt
Bibliographie de la Critique Sur Emile Zola, 1864-1970 by Baguley, David
The Haunted Wilderness: The Gothic and Grotesque in Canadian Fiction by Northey, Margot
Sémantique Synchronique: Synonymie, Homonymie, Polysémie by Schogt, Henry
Saul and Selected Poems: Including Excerpts from Jephthah's Daughter and Jezebel: A Poem in Three Cantos by Heavysege, Charles
Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English (Second Edition) Volume I by
Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English (Second Edition) Volume II by
The First Day of Spring: Stories and Other Prose by Knister, Raymond
Milton and the Puritan Dilemma, 1641-1660 by Barker, Arthur
New Provinces: Poems of Several Authors by
Modern Japanese Haiku: An Anthology by Ueda, Makoto
Japanese Literature in Chinese: Poetry and Prose in Chinese by Japanese Writers of the Later Period by
A Handbook on Old High German Literature by Bostock, J. Knight
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 36, Teil II: Briefe an Schiller 1795-1797. Anmerkungen. by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 18: Historische Schriften. Zweiter Teil. by
Doktor Faustus Und Doktor Schiwago: Versuch Über Zwei Zeitromane Aus Exilsicht by Birnbaum, Henrik
Proto-Romance and Sicilian by Mazzola, Michael Lee
Nijhoff, Van Ostaijen, de Stijl: Modernism in the Netherlands and Belgium in the First Quarter of the 20th Century. Six Essays by Bulhof, F.
Die Sprache Skakespeares Und Das Amerikanische Englisch by Lehnert, Martin
Auseinandersetzung Mit Shakespeare: Texte Zur Deutschen Shakespeare-Aufnahme Von 1740 Bis Zur Französischen Revolution by
Die Beziehungen Lunačarskijs Zur Deutschen Literatur by Angres, Dora
Kollationen Zu Den Sumerischen Literarischen Texten Aus Nippur in Der Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena by Wilcke, Claus
Fragmente Tantrischer Werke in Uigurischer Übersetzung by Kara, Georg, Zieme, Peter
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