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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1977

James Watson's Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems: Volume I by Wood, Harriet Harvey
Antología de la Poesía Mexicana Moderna: Selección, Introducción, Comentarios Y Notas by
Galdós and Beethoven: 'Fortunata Y Jacinta': A Symphonic Novel by Chamberlin, Vernon A.
The Kharjas: A Critical Bibliography by Hitchcock, Richard
The 'Comedia Lacrimosa' and Spanish Romantic Drama (1773-1865) by Pataky-Kosove, Joan
The Art of Life: Studies in American Autobiographical Literature by Blasing, Mutlu Konuk
The E.J. Pratt Symposium by
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Die Inschriften Des Kantons Wallis Bis 1300 by
Montaigne and Feminism by Insdorf, Cecile
La Querelle de la rose: Letters and Documents by Baird, Joseph L., Kane, John R.
The Cort d'Amor: A Thirteenth-Century Allegorical Art of Love by Jones, Lowanne E.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 18, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1977) by
Teutsche Rhetorica oder Redekunst (1634) by
Die Lyrik der Spenserianer by Schabert, Ina
Richard Sans Peur: Edited from Le Romant de Richart and from Gilles Corrozet's Richart Sans Peour by Conlon, Denis Joseph
Octavien de Saint-Gelais: Le Séjour d'Honneur by
Die Tannhäuser-Legende: Eine Studie Über Intentionalität Und Rezeption Katechetischer Volkserzählungen Zum Bußsakrament by Moser, Dietz R.
The Life and Works of Luis Carlos López by Bazik, Martha S.
The Structure of Realism: The Novelas Contemporáneas of Benito Pérez Galdós by Engler, Kay
Language in Giovanni Verga's Early Novels by Patruno, Nicholas
Blas de Otero En Su Poesía by Donahue, Moraima de Semprún
Santiago F. Puglia, An Early Philadelphia Propagandist for Spanish American Independence by Simmons, Merle E.
Profiles in Canadian Drama: James Reaney by Reaney, J. Stewart
Molière's Tartuffe and the Traditions of Roman Satire by Kasparek, Jerry Lewis
Deffensa de la Poesia: A 17th Century Anonymous Spanish Translation of Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie by Brancaforte, Benito
Les enchantemenz de Bretaigne: An Extract from a Thirteenth Century Prose Romance La Suite du Merlin by
J. M. Synge: Interviews and Recollections by
Solzhenitsyn: Politics and Form by Barker, F.
The Correspondence of Robert Bridges and W. B. Yeats by Yeats, W. B., Bridges, Robert
Part-Time Crime: An Ethnography of Fiddling and Pilferage by Ditton, J. R.
Thomas Hardy After Fifty Years by
Letters to W. B. Yeats by Harper, George Mills, Murphyd, William M., Finneran, Richard J.
Roland Barthes: A Conservative Estimate by Thody, Philip
Thomas Hardy: Art and Thought by Pinion, Frank B.
James Russell Lowell's the Biglow Papers: A Critical Edition by
George Orwell by Hopkinson, Tom
Deor by
The Poetry of Tennyson by Culler, A. Dwight
Dickens: The Later Novels by Hardy, Barbara
La Anatomía de El Diablo Cojuelo: Deslindes del Género Anatomístico by Peale, C. George
The Alliterative Revival by Turville-Petre, Thorlac
Juan Manuel Studies by
Literaturkritiken: Mit Einem Anhang: Aufsätze Zum Saint-Simonismus by Varnhagen Von Ense, Karl August
Literarische Wertung by
Das Nibelungenlied nach der Handschrift C by
The Russian Folk Theatre by Warner, Elizabeth A.
A "Handbook" to the Russian Text of Crime and Punishment by Lehrman, Edgar H.
G. E. Lessing's Theology: A Reinterpretation: A Study in the Problematic Nature of the Enlightenment by Wessel, Leonhard P.
Zweimal "Muspilli" by Mohr, Wolfgang, Haug, Walter
Die Lerche: Motivgeschichtliche Untersuchung Zur Deutschen Literatur, Insbesondere Zur Deutschen Lyrik by Doebele-Flügel, Verena
Goethe, Portrait of the Artist by Graham, Ilse
Osip Mandelstam: Selected Essays by
The Imagination of Spring: The Poetry of Afanasy Fet by Gustafson, Richard F., Unknown
Geschichtsphilosophische Positionen Der Deutschen Frühromantik: (Friedrich Schlegel Und Novalis) by Heinrich, Gerda
Erwartung Und Angebot: Studien Zum Gegenwärtigen Verhältnis Von Literatur Und Gesellschaft in Der DDR by Kaufmann, Eva, Kaufmann, Hans
Positionen Polnischer Literaturwissenschaft Der Gegenwart: Methodenfragen Der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung by
Johannes R. Bechers Publizistik in Der Sowjetunion, 1935-1945 by Barck, Simone
Wegscheiden: Deutsche Lyrik Im Entscheidungsfeld Der Revolutionen Von 1917 Und 1918 by Schlenstedt, Silvia
Die Laxdoela Saga: Die Literarische Schöpfung Eines Isländers Des 13. Jahrhunderts by Heller, Rolf
Erfindung Und Korrektur: Tretjakows Ästhetik Der Operativität by Mierau, Fritz
Ein Deutscher Chansonnier: Aus Dem Schaffen Adolf Lepps by Lepp, Adolf
Spiegel, Doppelspiegel und Spiegelungen eine "Wunderliche Symbolik" Goethes by Brednow, Walter
Dostojewskis Erbe in Unserer Zeit: Neueste Forschungen Sowjetischer Literaturwissenschaftler Zum Künstlerischen Erbe Dostojewskis by
Sappho, Alkaios, Anakreon by
Briefe, 1842-1849. Kommentar by
Briefe 1850-1856. Kommentar by
Die Chorlyriker by
Russische Volksmärchen by
The Portable Roman Reader by Various
The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth
Conrad's Eastern World by Sherry, Norman
Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion by Barthold, W.
Virginia Woolf: A Critical Reading by Fleishman, Avrom
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3/1, Tierdichtungen by
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 5: Ibrahim. Bd 5/Tl 1 by Zesen, Philipp Von
Tristan und Isolde by Gottfried Von Straßburg
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Spenser: The Faerie Queene by
The Montecassino Passion and the Poetics of Medieval Drama by Edwards, Robert
Stop-Time: A Memoir by Conroy, Frank
Pasternak: A Critical Study by Gifford, Henry
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 5: Ibrahim. Bd 5/Tl 2 by Zesen, Philipp Von
Die Dichtkunst Virgils: Bild Und Symbol in Der Äneis by Pöschl, Viktor
Klopstock, Arbeitstagebuch, Section Addenda, Bd. 2 by
The Poetry of American Women from 1632 to 1945 by Watts, Emily Stipes
The Critic's Notebook. by Unknown, Stallman, R. W.
Edwin Muir: Man and Poet by Butter, Peter H., Unknown
Frank O'Connor: An Introduction by Wohlgelernter, Maurice
Samuel Pepys' Penny Merriments: Being a Collection of Chapbooks, Full of Histories, Jests, Magic, Amorous Tales of Courtship, Marriage and Infidelity, by Pepys, Samuel
Shakespeare and the Idea of the Play by Barton, Anne, Unknown
Untersuchungen zur textkritischen Methode des Zenodotos von Ephesos by Nickau, Klaus
Fictitious Biographies: Vladimir Nabokov's English Novels by Grabes, Herbert
Freie Zeit, Langeweile, Literatur by Blaicher, Günther
Elements of Semiology by Barthes, Roland
Hermann Hesse: Biography and Bibliography by Mileck, Joseph
The Country House in English Renaissance Poetry by McClung, William Alexander
Milestones in American Literary History. by Spiller, Robert E., Unknown
Dictionary of German Synonyms by Farrell, R. B., R. B., Farrell
The Image in the Modern French Novel: Gide, Alain-Fournier, Proust, Camus by Blackwell, Basil, Ullmann, Stephen
Emperor of the Earth: Modes of Eccentric Vision by Milosz, Czeslaw
Heinrich Heine: An Interpretation by Fairley, Barker
Erwin Piscator's Political Theatre: The Development of Modern German Drama by Innes, C. D.
Handlungsverlauf und Komik in den frühen Komödien des Aristophanes by Landfester, Manfred
Goethe - Begegnungen und Gespräche, Bd III, Goethe - Begegnungen und Gespräche (1786-1792) by
Literaturwissenschaft zwischen Extremen by Frank, Armin Paul
Die Fragmente Des Grammatikers Dionysios Thrax. Die Fragmente Der Grammatiker Tyrannion Und Diokles. Apions Glossai Homerikai by
Prussian Nights: Bilingual Edition by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich
The Reign of Wonder: Naivety and Reality in American Literature by Tanner, Tony
Several More Lives to Live: Thoreau's Political Reputation in America by Meyer, Michael, Unknown
Aspects of Othello by Muir, Kenneth, Edwards, Philip
Aspects of Macbeth by
Wallace Stevens by Beckett, Lucy
Precious Bane: Collins and the Miltonic Legacy by Sherwin, Paul S.
The French Drama of the Unspoken by Unknown, Daniels, May
Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba by Lorca, Federico Garcia
Symbol and Myth in Ancient Poetry by Musurillo, Herbert Anthony, Musurillo, Herbert
Five Plays: Comedies and Tragicomedies by Garcia Lorca, Federico
Contemporary Italian Poetry: An Anthology by
Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture by Cawelti, John G.
Tradition and Design in the Iliad by Bowra, C. M.
Shakespeare: Coriolanus by
Chaucer in His Time by Brewer, Derek
Uhuru's Fire: African Literature East to South by Roscoe, Adrian A.
Heinrich Von Kleist - Word Into Flesh: A Poet's Quest for the Symbol by Graham, Ilse
P - Sk by
Twelve German Novellas by
Macaulay by Young, Kenneth
The Bitter Air of Exile: Russian Writers in the West, 1922-1972 by
The Portable Greek Reader by Auden, W. H.
Myth and Reality in Irish Literature by Ronsley, Joseph
Horace's Satires and Epistles by Horace Flaccus, Quintus
Barock Und Frühaufklärung by Marckwardt, Bruno
Vladimir Solov'ev and the Knighthood of the Divine Sophia by Cioran, Samuel
Two Chinese Poets: Vignettes of Han Life and Thought by Hughes, E. R.
The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination by Langer, Lawrence L.
The Language of Adam: On the Limits and Systems of Discourse by Fraser, Russell
Thomas Hardy After Fifty Years by
Freudianism and the Literary Mind. by Hoffman, Frederick John, Unknown
Mother Is Gold: A Study in West African Literature by Roscoe, Adrian, Roscoe, Adrian A.
Selected Poems from the D V Ni Shamsi Tabr Z by Nicholson, Jalal Al-Din Rumi, Maulana
Das Jüngste Gericht: Philologische Studien Zu Den Eschatologie-Vorstellungen in Den Alt- Und Frühmittelhochdeutschen Denkmälern by Kettler, Wilfried
Spanos by
Latin: An Intensive Course by Moreland, Floyd L., Fleischer, Rita M.
The Later Middle Ages in England 1216 - 1485 by Wilkinson, Bertie
Modern Poems from Russia by Unknown, Shelley, Gerard
American Literature in Parody: A Collection of Parody, Satire, and Literary Burlesque of American Writers Past and Present by Falk, Robert P., Unknown
The Portable North American Indian Reader by Various
Songs of Innocence and Experience: Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul, 1789-1794 by Blake, William
The Victorian Conscience by Decker, Clarence Raymond, Unknown
Literature and Religion: A Study in Conflict by Unknown, Glicksberg, Charles Irving
Language as Gesture: Essays in Poetry by Blackmur, Richard P., Blackmur, R. P.
Heinrich Von Kleist: Studies in His Works and Literary Character by Silz, Walter
Historical Linguistics by Bynon, Theodora
The German Tradition in Literature 1871 1945 by Gray, Ronald, Gray, Ronald D.
Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture by Ong, Walter J.
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 8/Tl 1, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Band 8/Teil 1 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Sämtliche Werke, Band 21, Gedichte II by Weise, Christian
Tristan by Gottfried Von Straßburg
Stylistic and Narrative Structures in the Middle English Romances by Wittig, Susan
James Joyce's Ulysses: Critical Essays by
The Development of French Romanticism: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Literature by George, Albert Joseph, Unknown
An Enemy of the People by Miller, Arthur, Ibsen, Henrik
Heinrich Mann by
Mittelalterrezeption by
Theater & Propaganda by Szanto, George H.
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 6/Tl 4, Kommentar by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Urkunden Dramatischer Aufführungen in Griechenland by Mette, Hans Joachim
Centenary Ed Works Nathaniel: Vol. XII, the American Claimant Manuscri by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
de la France by
Lutèce by
Essays on American Life and Letters (Masterworks of Literature Series) by Fuller, Margaret
Patterns in Oral Literature by
William Hazlitt by Brett, R. L.
Shakespeare: The Sonnets by
Negativität in Der Dichtung Paul Celans by Schulz, Georg-Michael
Mousetrap: Structure and Meaning in Hamlet by Aldus, P. J.
The History and Literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod 550 BC to 4 BC by McCullough, W. S.
The Legendary Sources of Flaubert's Saint Julien by Bart, Benjamin, Cook, Robert
Francesco Guicciardini: The Historian's Craft by Phillips, Mark
La Littérature Occitane du Moyen Age: Bibliographie Sélective et Critique by Taylor, Robert A.
Duty and Hypocrisy in Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind: An Essay in the Real and Ideal by Robinson, Jonathan
The Lear World: A study of King Lear in its dramatic context by Reibetanz, John
Poems. by Verlaine, Paul, Unknown
Papyri from Tebtunis in Egyptian and Greek by Tait, W. J.
Russische Literatur Und Europäische Kultur Des 10.-17. Jahrhunderts by Lichatschow, Dmitri S.
Elektra, Helena, Iphigenie Im Lande Der Taurer, Ion by Euripides
Afrikanische Literatur Und Nationale Befreiung: Menschenbild Und Gesellschaftskonzeption Im Prosawerk Shaaban Roberts by Arnold, Rainer
Formen, Ideen, Prozesse in Den Literaturen Der Romanischen Völker: Band 1: Von Dante Bis Cervantes by Bahner, Werner
Expressionismus: Avdkkge-B, Band 5 by Hamann, Richard, Hermand, Jost
Verteidigungsrede: Blütenlese by Apuleius
In memoriam Karl-Heinz Wirzberger by
Slawistik in der DDR 1977 by
Humanistische Tradition Und Progressives Erbe Der Leipziger Anglistik/Amerikanistik: 100 Jahre Lehrstuhl Für Englische Sprache Und Literatur an Der Ka by Brüning, Eberhard
Roman Jakobson: Echoes of His Scholarship by
Heines Prosakunst by Müller, Joachim
Goethes Amtliche Schriften: Eine Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung by Schubart-Fikentscher, Gertrud
Das Korpus Der Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller: Historie, Gegenwart, Zukunft by
Stadtbibliothek Dessau by