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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1978

The Jew in the Novels of Benito Pérez Galdós by Schyfter, Sara E.
Literature and Society in Imperial Russia, 1800-1914 by Todd, William Mills, III
Faust's Leben, Thaten Und Höllenfahrt by
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. I by
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Marcel Proust's Grasset Proofs: Commentary and Variants by Alden, Douglas
Chaucer and His World by Brewer, Derek
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 17, 1977/78 by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 19, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1978) by
Übersetzung, Paraphrase Und Plagiat: Untersuchungen Zum Schicksal Englischer >Character- Books by Brauch, Erich
Lessing: Vernunft und Geschichte by Bollacher, Martin
Francis Quarles 1592-1644 by Höltgen, Karl Josef
Techniques of Irony in Anatole France: Essay on Les Sept Femmes de la Barbe-Bleue by Levy, Diane Wolfe
Clown at the Altar: The Religious Poetry of Max Jacob by Schneider, Judith Morganroth
Baroque Fiction-Making: A Study of Gomberville's Polexandre by Turk, Edward Baron
The Tragic Fall: Don Álvaro de Luna and Other Favorites in Spanish Golden Age Drama by MacCurdy, Raymond R.
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3/2, Tierdichtungen by
Declamationum Excerpta by Calpurnius Flaccus
Zeno et Zenonis discipuli by
Two Against Time: A Study of the Very Present Worlds of Paul Claudel and Charles Péguy by Humes, Joy Nachod
The Writer's Task from Nietzsche to Brecht by Reiss, Hans
Sean O'Casey: A Bibliography by
The Shakespearean Metaphor: Studies in Language and Form by Berry, Ralph
Oscar Wilde: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism by
The Victorian Historical Novel 1840-1880 by Sanders, A.
Oscar Wilde by Stokes, John
Three Northumbrian Poems by
Shakespeare: The Writer and His Work by Wells, Stanley
Metaphoric Narration: The Structure and Function of Metaphors in a la Recherché Du Temps Perdu by Crosman, Inge Karalus
Textum Genuinum Usque AD Vespasiani Imperium Continens by
"Das Land, von welchem niemand wiederkehrt" by Haug, Walter
Textbuch Zur Mystik Des Deutschen Mittelalters: Meister Eckhart - Johannes Tauler - Heinrich Seuse by Quint, Josef
Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873-1963 by
Textum Genuinum Inde a Vespasiani Imperio Continens by
1661-1800 by Martino, Alberto
Literatura Y Sociedad En America Latina by Perus, Francoise
The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance by Frye, Northrop
Family, Drama, and American Dreams by Scanlan, Tom
Auf Den Spuren Zarathustras: Der Einfluß Nietzsches Auf Die Bürgerliche Deutsche Philosophie by Oduev, S. F.
Lettische Volksmärchen by
Demotische Texte Auf Krügen by
Michael Nerlich: Kritik Der Abenteuer-Ideologie. Teil 1 by Nerlich, Michael
Michael Nerlich: Kritik Der Abenteuer-Ideologie. Teil 2 by Nerlich, Michael
Gedichte Und Stücke by Scaevola, G. M.
Ideologie, Literatur, Kritik: Französische Beiträge Zur Marxistischen Literaturtheorie by
Frühe sozialistische satirische Lyrik aus den Zeitschriften "Der wahre Jakob" und "Süddeutscher Postillon" by
Renaissance Und Manierismus: Zum Verhältnis Von Gesellschaftsstruktur, Poetik Und Stil by Klaniczay, Tibor
Formen, Ideen, Prozesse in Den Literaturen Der Romanischen Völker, Band 2: Positionen Und Themen Der Aufklärung by Bahner, Werner
Sturmgesang Krieg Und Kampf by Möller, Werner
Krieg Und Literatur: Studien Zur Sowjetischen Prosa Von 1941 Bis Zur Gegenwart by Thun, Nyota
Pseudo-Homer: Der Froschmäusekrieg by
Edmund Spenser by Fowler, Alastair
Where Silence Reigns by Rilke, Rainer Maria
George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner by Draper, R. P.
Troubadours and Love by Topsfield, L. T., Topsfield Massachusetts
Alt 9 Africa, America & the Caribbean: African Literature Today: A Review by
Edward Albee by Stenz, Anita
Fabels Reich: Zur Tradition Und Zum Programm Romantischer Dichtungstheorie by Tiedemann, Rüdiger Von
Hosenteufel. Fluchteufel. Eheteufel. Himmel und Helle. Teufels Tyranney by Musculus, Andreas
Christ and Satan: A Critical Edition by Finnegan, Robert
Samuel Johnson: Selected Poetry and Prose by Brady, Frank, Wimsatt, William
Iohannis Harmonii Marsi: de Rebus Italicis Deque Triumpho Ludovici XII Regis Francorum Tragoedia by Tournoy, Gilbert
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Marxism and Literature by Williams, Raymond
The Prosody of Chaucer and His Followers: Supplementary Chapters to "Verses of Cadence" by Unknown, Southworth, James Granville, Blackwell, Basil
Joseph Conrad: The Major Phase by Berthoud, Jacques
Thomas Hardy by Butler, Lance St John
D. H. Lawrence: The Novels by Niven, Alastair
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 8/Tl 2, Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Band 8/Teil 2 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
E.T.A. Hoffmann als Jurist by Blomeyer, Arwed
The English Novel: Developments in Criticism Since Henry James by Hazell, Stephen
Norwegian Literature in Medieval and Early Modern Times by Jorgenson, Theodore, Unknown
Surrealism by Duplessis, Yves, Unknown, Duplessis, Yvonne
Maalesh: A Theatrical Tour in the Middle-East by Cocteau, Jean, Unknown
The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry, 1915-1955. by Unknown, Day Lewis, C.
Christopher Isherwood: Myth and Anti-Myth by Piazza, Paul
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch by
Hegel on Tragedy by Spivey, Donald
Image and Idea: Fourteen Essays on Literary Themes by Unknown, Rahv, Philip
The Crafting of Absalom and Achitophel: Dryden's Pen for a Party by Thomas, W.
Mario Vargas Llosa: A Collection of Critical Essays by
El segundo blason del Austria by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Modern Prose Style by Unknown, Dobree, Bonamy
The Latin Particle Quidem by Solodow, Joseph B.
Kleine Schriften, Band 4, Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1968-1976 by
Kyklos - Griechisches Und Byzantinisches by
Literary America: A Chronicle of American Writers from 1607-1952 by Redlich, Rosiemar, Scherman, David Edward, Redlich, Rosemarie
The Two Harmonies: Poetry and Prose in the Seventeenth Century by Unknown, Hamilton, K. G., Hamilton, Kenneth Gordon
Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Three American Travellers in England by Le Clair, Robert Charles, Unknown
Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition. Vol. I: Introduction and Commentary by Brault, Gerard J.
The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism. by Bergmann, Gustav, Unknown
The New Land: Studies in a Literary Theme by Chadbourne, Richard, Dahlie, Hallvard
Writing the Australian Crawl by Stafford, William
The New Grammarians' Funeral: A Critique of Noam Chomsky's Linguistics by Robinson, Ian
The Plays of Cyril Tourneur: The Revenger's Tragedy, the Atheist's Tragedy by Parfitt, Tourneur, Cyril
Jeremias Gotthelf: An Introduction to the Swiss Novelist by Unknown, Blackwell, Basil, Waidson, H. M.
The Wary Fugitives: Four Poets by Rubin, Louis D.
William Shakespeare by Müller-Schwefe, Gerhard
Lebensläufe Nach Aufsteigender Linie. Theil 1 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Lebensläufe Nach Aufsteigender Linie. Theil 2 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Lebensläufe Nach Aufsteigender Linie. Theil 3, Band 1 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Lebensläufe Nach Aufsteigender Linie, Theil 3, Band 2 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Ueber die Ehe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kreuz- Und Querzüge Des Ritters a Bis Z. Theil 1 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kreuz- Und Querzüge Des Ritters a Bis Z. Theil 2 by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Kleinere Schriften by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Leben by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Briefe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
Hippel's Briefe by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb Von
George Chapman by Bradbrook, M. C.
E. M. Forster by Gardner, Philip
A Short History of English Drama by Evans, B. Ifor, Evans, Benjamin Ifor, Unknown
Romantik in Deutschland: Dfg-Symposion 1977 by
The Novelist as Philosopher: Studies in French Fiction, 1935-1960 by
Charles Lamb: Prose and Poetry by Lamb, Charles
The Background of English Literature: Classical and Romantic, and Other Collected Essays and Addresses by Unknown, Grierson, Herbert John Clifford
Mark Twain's America by Devoto, Bernard Augustine
The Georgics of Virgil: A Critical Survey by Wilkinson, L. P., Virgil
Image-Music-Text by Barthes, Roland
The Practical Vision: Essays in English Literature in Honour of Flora Roy by Doyle, James, Campbell, Jane
Cubism, Stieglitz, and the Early Poetry of William Carlos Williams by Dijkstra, Bram
The Uses of Poetry by Thompson, Denys
Mandelstam by Brown, Clarence, Brown, Phillip
Fiction and the Ways of Knowing: Essays on British Novels by Fleishman, Avrom
Das Literarische: Formalistische Versuche Zu Seiner Bestimmung by Horn, András
Forays into Swedish Poetry by Gustafsson, Lars
Burmese Drama: A Study, with Translations of Burmese Plays by Unknown, Htin Aung, U., Htin, Maung A.
English Poetry: A Critical Introduction by Bateson, Frederick Wilse
The Italian Baroque Stage: Documents by Guilio Troili, Andrea Pozzo, Ferdinando Galli-Bibiena, Baldassare Orsini by
Boris Pasternak's Translations of Shakespeare by France, Anna Kay
Satiric Allegory: Mirror of Man by Leyburn, Ellen Douglass, Unknown
The Victorian Heroine: A Changing Ideal, 1837-1873 by Thomson, Patricia
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Selective Bibliography of Criticism, 1935-1977 by Caskey, Jefferson D., Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Unknown
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XI: Plays: The Conquest of Granada, Part I and Part II; Marriage-À-La-Mode and the Assignation: Or, Love in a Nunnery by Dryden, John
Albert Camus and the Literature of Revolt by Cruickshank, John
Heinrich von Kleists "Amphitryon" by Wittkowski, Wolfgang
Existenziale Themen bei Max Frisch by Kiernan, Doris
Charles Olson: Call Him Ishmael by Christensen, Paul
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Biographical Study by Unknown, Chambers, E. K., Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
Beowulf: The Oldest English Epic by
Callimachus' Hymn to Apollo: A Commentary by Williams, Frederick, Callimachus
Story and Discourse by Chatman, Seymour
Chekhov in Performance by Styan, John L., Styan, J. L.
Literature of the Low Countries: A Short History of Dutch Literature in the Netherlands and Belgium by Meijer, Reinder
Willehalm by Eschenbach, Wolfram Von
A History of English Prose Rhythm by Saintsbury, George
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
Two Ages: The Age of Revolution and the Present Age a Literary Review by Kierkegaard, Søren
A Theory of Semiotics by Eco, Umberto
Fires on the Plain. by Ooka, Shohei
The Art of Ted Hughes by Sagar, Keith, Sagar, Keith M., Sagar
Briefe 1784-Juni 1787 by
From Hopalong to HUD: Thoughts on Western Fiction by Sonnichsen, C. L.
The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction by Fetterley, Judith
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 13, Briefe bis 1783 by
Poëmes Et Légendes by
Tableaux de Voyage I by
de l'Allemagne II by
Briefe an Heine 1823-1836. Kommentar by
de l'Allemagne I by
Norman Mailer: The Radical as Hipster by Ehrlich, Robert
Lateinische Ordensdramen des XVI. Jahrhunderts mit deutschen Übersetzungen by
Briefe 1738-1750 by
Lucifer by Osterkamp, Ernst
Charles Olson: The Scholar's Art by Von Hallberg, Robert
Milton's Grand Style by Ricks, Christopher
Indirections: Shakespeare and the Art of Illusion by Dawson, Anthony
The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900 by Carter, A. E.
Role-Playing in Shakespeare by Van Laan, Thomas F.
Interpretation of Narrative by
Blaise Cendrars: Discovery and Re-Creation by Bochner, Jay
The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett by Iser, Wolfgang
Literary Essays of Ezra Pound by
Goethe. Die Schriften Zur Naturwissenschaft (Leopoldina): Zweite Abteilung: Ergänzungen Und Erläuterungen.Band 9, Teil A: Zur Morphologie. Von Den Anf by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 29: Schillers Briefe 1.11.1796 - 31.10.1798. by
(Von 1797-1798) by Paul, Jean, Otto, Christian
(Von 1799-1800) by Paul, Jean, Otto, Christian
Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Languages by
Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Languages by
Tragic Myth by Stanton, Edward F.
"Ein Würdiger Lehrer Der Menschheit Zu Werden..." Über Johann Gottfried Herders Schriftstellerische Anfänge by Dietze, Walter
(Von 1790-1796) by Paul, Jean, Otto, Christian
Sciences Anthropologiques Et Historiques Esthétique Et Sciences de l'Art by
Science Juridique. Philisophie by
Literaturgeschichte ALS Geschichtlicher Auftrag: In Memoriam Werner Krauss by
Johann Gottfried Herder: Zum 175. Todestag Am 18. Dezember 1978 by
Kriegsgefangenschaft Und Sklaverei Bei Euripides: Untersuchungen Zur "Andromache", Zur "Hekabe" Und Zu Den "Troerinnen" by Kuch, Heinrich
Johann Gottfried Herder: Zur Herder-Rezeption in Ost- Und Südosteuropa by
Amerikanische Literaturkritik Im Engagement: Beiträge Zur Marxistischen Literaturtheorie Und Literaturgeschichte by
Bulgarische Marxistische Literaturtheorie Und Literaturkritik 1891-1941 by
Überlieferung, Varianten Und Paralipomena Zu Band 3 by
Zum Einfluß Von Marx Und Engels Auf Die Deutsche Literatursprache: Studien Zum Wortschatz Der Arbeiterklasse Im 19. Jahrhundert by