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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1982

The Un/Necessary Image by
The Lyre and the Oaten Flute: Garcilaso and the Pastoral by Fernández-Morera, Dario
Emile Zola: A Selective Analytical Bibliography by Nelson, Brian
Maurice Barrès: A Selective Critical Bibliography 1948-1979 by Field, Trevor
Saint-John Perse: A Bibliography for Students of His Poetry Supplement No 2 by Little, Roger
Cervantes: Pioneer and Plagiarist by Aylward, E. T.
Ordinary Lives: Voices of Disability & Disease by
Die Rückschritte der Poesie by Jochmann, Carl G.
Mitteldeutsche Reimfassung Der Interrogatio Sancti Anshelmi by
Historie Der Wiedergebohrnen by
Dark Thoreau by Bridgman, Richard
A George Orwell Companion: A Guide to the Novels, Documentaries and Essays by Hammond, J.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 23, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1982) by
"The Rebel Muse" by Löffler, Arno
Shakespeare in Deutschland. Der Fall Lenz by Inbar, Eva Maria
Abysmal Games in the Novels of Samuel Beckett by Moorjani, Angela B.
Sämtliche Werke, Band 5, Anmutiger Weisheit Lustgarten. Erster Teil by
Die >Rechtssumme by Berthold Von Freiburg
Semantik Der Adjektive Des Deutschen: Analyse Der Semantischen Relationen by Hundsnurscher, Franz
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Restaurationszeit (1815-1848) by Jansen, Josef
Anthologia Latina: Pars I: Carmina in Codicibus Scripta. Fasc.1.Libri Salmasiani Aliorumque Carmina by
Declamationes XIX Maiores Quintiliano Falso Ascriptae by
M. Porci Catonis de Agri Cultura: AD Fidem Florentini Codicis Deperditi by Cato, Marcus Porcius
Communication, Social Structure and Development in Rural Malaysia: A Study of Kampung Kuala Bera by Wilder, William
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 12. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts: Patriziat Und Landesherrschaft - 13.-15. Jahrhundert by Frey, Winfried, Raitz, Walter
Philosophy in Literature: Metaphysical Darkness and Ethical Light by Kolenda, Konstantin
O'Casey Annual No. 1 by
Thomas Hardy Annual No. 1 by Page, Norman
Contemporary Drama and the Popular Dramatic Tradition in England by Davison, Peter
Popular Appeal in English Drama to 1850 by Davison, P. H.
'Ibsen the Romantic': Analogues of Paradise in the Later Plays by Durbach, Errol
Unity in Hardy's Novels: 'Repetitive Symmetries' by Casagrande, Peter J.
Brecht's Early Plays by Speirs, Ronald
Russian Writers and Society in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century by Andrew, Joe
A George Eliot Miscellany: A Supplement to Her Novels by Pinion, F. B.
French Writers and Their Society 1715-1800 by Mason, Haydn
Boswell's Creative Gloom: A Study of Imagery and Melancholy in the Writings of James Boswell by Ingram, Allan
Sean O'Casey: From Times Past by Atkinson, Brooks
Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue: New Cultural Identities by
Writers in East-West Encounter: New Cultural Bearings by
Bernard Shaw V. 2 by Morgan, Margery Mary
The Police Procedural by Dove, George N.
Natural Space in Literature: Imagination and Environment in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Fiction and Poetry by Henighan, Tom
The Qur'an in Sixteenth Century Spain: Six Morisco Versions of Sura 79 by López-Morillas, Consuelo
Scholia in Septem Adversus Thebas Continens by
Gelehrtenrepublik und Fürstenstaat by Kühlmann, Wilhelm
Deutsches Theater im 18. Jahrhundert by Maurer-Schmoock, Sybille
Pindarfragmente: Neun Hölderlin-Deutungen by Fink, Markus
Die Namen Im 'Parzival' Und Im 'Titurel' Wolframs Von Eschenbach by Schröder, Werner
The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by Bakhtin, M. M.
Sukeroku's Double Identity: The Dramatic Structure of EDO Kabuki Volume 6 by
The Avant-Garde Tradition in Literature by
Freies Deutsches Hochstift - Frankfurter Goethe-Museum. Katalog Der Gemälde by
The English Novel, 1740-1850: A Catalogue Including Prose Romances, Short Stories, and Translations of Foreign Fiction by Block, Andrew
Sappho, Alkaios, Anakreon by
Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot: Kunstkonzeptionen Und Künstlergestalten by Wicht, Wolfgang
Attila József, Leben Und Werk by Szabolcsi, Miklós
Zehn Kapitel Zur Geschichte Der Germanistik: Literaturgeschichtsschreibung by Rosenberg, Rainer
Stückeschreiben: Claus Hammel, Heiner Müller, Armin Stolper by Fischborn, Gottfried
Frühe Sozialistische Satirische Prosa by
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 4 by
Alexander The Great by Kazantzakis, Nikos
Maxims by La Rochefoucauld
On Irish Themes by Farrell, James T.
Swift at Moor Park by Jr.
Narration and Discourse in American Realistic Fiction by McKay, Janet Holmgren
Performance and Politics in Popular Drama: Aspects of Popular Entertainment in Theatre, Film and Television, 1800 1976 by
The Literary Appreciation of Russian Writers by Stableford, Tom
The Love Letters of William and Mary Wordsworth by Wordsworth, William, Wordsworth, Mary
Alt 12 New Writing, New Approaches: African Literature Today: A Review by
Charles Olson & Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence: Volume 4 by Olson, Charles, Creeley, Robert
Sämtliche Werke, Band 6, Anmutiger Weisheit Lustgarten II by Spangenberg, Wolfhart
Prosaabhandlungen: (Philosophischer Phoenix. Rettung Des Phoenix. Teutsche Hauptsprache. Adelicher Hausvatter) by
Epigramme by
Southern Renaissance: The Cultural Awakening of the American South, 1930-1955 by King, Richard H.
Judeo-Spanish Ballads from New York: Collected by Maír José Bernardete by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Women Poets of Japan by
Collected Poems of Squire by Squire, Raglan, Squire, John Collings
Archetypal Patterns in Women's Fiction by Pratt, Annis
Monthly Murders: A Checklist and Chronological Listing of Fiction in the Digest-Size Mystery Magazines in the United States and England by Cook, Michael L.
The Institution of Criticism by Hohendahl, Peter Uwe
Analyzing Discourse: Text and Talk by
Literature and Psychoanalysis: The Question of Reading: Otherwise by
Syntaktische Klammerbildung in Notkers Psalter by Borter, Alfred
The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929-1946 by
Unity in Hardy's Novels: 'Repetitive Symmetries' by Casagrande, Peter J.
Fabulae by Euripides
By Words Alone: The Holocaust in Literature by Ezrahi, Sidra Dekoven
Romanticism: A Structural Analysis by Morse, David
Clothed-in-Fur and Other Tales: An Introduction to an Ojibwa World View by Overholt, Thomas W., Callicott, Baird J.
Marlowe: Tamburlaine, Edward II and the Jew of Malta by Na, Na
Autobiography: Toward a Poetics of Experience by Gunn, Janet Varner
Discourse of Modernism by Reiss, Timothy J.
Madame Bovary on Trial by LaCapra, Dominick
In Memoriam by Tennyson
Mississippi Writers Talking by
Die Literarische Utopie by Biesterfeld, Wolfgang
Sämtliche Werke, Band 2, Dramen II: Tragoedia alia nova Mercator mit einer zeitgenössischen Übersetzung by Naogeorg, Thomas
Engelhard by
Geschichte der deutschen Elegie by Beissner, Friedrich
Nabokov's Fifth Arc: Nabokov and Others on His Life's Work by
Goethe-Erfahrungen: Studien Und Vorträge. Kleine Schriften 1 by Henkel, Arthur
Byron's Letters and Journals by Byron, George Gordon
A Mencken Chrestomathy: His Own Selection of His Choicest Writings by Mencken, H. L.
Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction by Dorson, Richard M.
The Chinese Earth: Stories by Shen Ts'ung-Wen by
Selected Writings of Walter Pater by Bloom, Harold
Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art by Kristeva, Julia
Yeats and Nietzsche by Bohlmann, Otto
The Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian Manuscripts Digby 133 and E Museo 160 by
Reading Research and Librarianship: A History and Analysis by Karetzky, Stephen
Nicolas Gueudeville and His Work (1652-172?) by Rosenberg, A.
The Origins of Greek Thought by Vernant, Jean-Pierre
Aspects of Shakespeare's 'Problem Plays': Articles Reprinted from Shakespeare Survey by Muir, Kenneth, Wells, Stanley W.
Kafka's Narrators by Pascal, Pascal, Roy
Eros Sophistes: Ancient Novelists at Play by Anderson, Graham
Tomorrow Is Another Day: The Woman Writer in the South, 1859--1936 by Jones, Anne Goodwyn
Glossae in Martianum by Lutz, Cora E., Dunchad
Text by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature by Day, Terence
The Endurance of Frankenstein: Essays on Mary Shelley's Novel by
As Through a Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam by Schimmel, Annemarie
The American Puritans: Their Prose and Poetry by
Making Sense of Reification: Alfred Schutz and Constructionist Theory by Thomason, B.
Dickens and the Short Story by Thomas, Deborah A.
Theories of the Symbol: Understanding Politics in an Unfamiliar Culture by Todorov, Tzvetan
Jean Racine: Four Greek Plays: Andromache-Iphigenia, Phaedra-Athaliah by Knight, Jim, Racine, Jean Baptiste
Gerhart Hauptmann by Hoefert, Sigfrid
The Chinese Translations by Bynner, Witter
Quality and Concept by Bealer, George
Ulysses: The Mechanics of Meaning by Hayman, David
Abroad: British Literary Traveling Between the Wars by Fussell, Paul
Mark Twain International: A Bibliography and Interpretation of His Worldwide Popularity by Rodney, Robert M.
Dictionary of Literary-Rhetorical Conventions of the English Renaissance by Muldrow, George M., Donker, Marjorie
The Sonnet in England and America: A Bibliography of Criticism by Donow, Herbert S.
Interpretive Conventions by Mailloux, Steven
The Borderers by Wordsworth, William
Einführung in Die Analyse Von Prosatexten by Behrmann, Alfred
Textkritische Ausgabe der zweiten Fassung Buch I-VI sowie des Buches XI in Kurz- und Langfassung by
Essentially Canadian: The Life and Fiction of Alan Sullivan 1868-1947 by McLeod, Gordon D.
Strindberg and the Poetry of Myth: by Carlson, Harry G.
Woman's Legacy: Essays on Race, Sex, and Class in American History by Aptheker, Bettina
The Insecure World of Henry James's Fiction: Intensity and Ambiguity by Norrman, Ralf
Proust: Collected Essays on the Writer and His Art by Cocking, J. M.
Moli Re: A Playwright and His Audience by Howarth, W. D., Howarth
Byron: A Poet Before His Public by Martin, Philip W., Philip W., Martin
Clarissa's Ciphers: Meaning and Disruption in Richardson's Clarissa by Castle, Terry
Chicano Poetry: A Response to Chaos by Bruce-Novoa, Juan
Ellen Glasgow: Beyond Convention by Wagner, Linda W.
Critical Essays: Hans Magnus Enzensberger by
Saving the Text: Literature, Derrida, Philosophy by Hartman, Geoffrey H.
Collected Works of Erasmus: Adages: I I 1 to I V 100, Volume 31 by Erasmus, Desiderius
German Humanism and Reformation: Erasmus, Luther, Muntzer, and Others by
Languages of the Stage: Essays in the Semiology of the Theatre by Pavis, Patrice
The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy: Volume 3: 1902-1908 by Hardy, Thomas
Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue: New Cultural Identities by
The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic ACT by Jameson, Fredric
Critical Understanding: The Powers and Limits of Pluralism by Booth, Wayne C.
Autobiographical Occasions and Original Acts: Versions of American Identity from Henry Adams to Nate Shaw by Stone, Albert E.
Legende by Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Carlos Fuentes: A Critical View by
Modern Satire by Petro, Peter
A Susan Sontag Reader by Sontag, Susan
Anglo-Irish Literature by Jeffares, A. Norman
Artistic Voyagers: Europe and the American Imagination in the Works of Irving, Allston, Cole, Cooper, and Hawthorne by Kasson, Joy S.
Flaubert and Kafka: Studies in Psychopoetic Structure by Bernheimer, Charles
Structure, Style, and Interpretation in the Russian Short Story by O'Toole, L. M.
Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays by
The Rhythms of English Poetry by Attridge, Derek
James Joyce, Revised Edition by Ellmann, Richard
Allusions in Ulysses: An Annotated List by Thornton, Weldon
From Gesture to Idea: Esthetics and Ethics in Molière's Comedy by Gross, Nathan
Puerto Rican Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources by Foster, David William
Gordon Craig's Moscow Hamlet: A Reconstruction by Senelick, Laurence
The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Vol. 6 (1936-1941) by Woolf, Virginia
Sämtliche Werke, Band 4/2, Predigten. Meisterlieder. Krönung Matthiae by
The Fiction of André Pieyre de Mandiargues by Bond, David J.
Narratology by Prince, Gerald
Attack on Literature and Other Essays by Wellek, Rene
The Metafictional Muse: The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, and William H. Gass by McCaffery, Larry
Introducing Semiotics: Its History and Doctrine by Deely, John
Comic Tones in Science Fiction: The Art of Compromise with Nature by Hassler, Donald M.
Nuyorican Experience: Literature of the Puerto Rican Minority by Mohr, Eugene V.
Formula Fiction?: An Anatomy of American Science Fiction, 1930-1940 by Cioffi, Frank
Melville Sea Dictionary: A Glossed Concordance and Analysis of the Sea Language in Melville's Nautical Novels by Gidmark, Jill B.
Rapes of Lucretia: A Myth and Its Transformations by Donaldson, Ian
The Mechanical God: Machines in Science Fiction by
Insular Latin Grammarians by Law, Vivien
Three Tudor Classical Interludes: Thersites, Jacke Jugeler, Horestes by
Russian Literature Since the Revolution: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Brown, Edward J.
The Promise of Happiness: Value and Meaning in Children's Fiction by Inglis, Fred
The Letters of Gustave Flaubert: 1857-1880 by Flaubert, Gustave
Symbolism & Interpretation CB by Todorov, Tzvetan
Staying on Alone: Letters of Alice B. Toklas by Toklas, Alice B.
In the Singer's Temple: Prose Fictions of Barthelme, Gaines, Brautigan, Piercy, Kesey, and Kosinski by Hicks, Jack
Tradition & Innovation in Chaucer by Brewer, Derek
Comparative Criticism: Volume 4, the Language of the Arts by
The Trial Begins by Tertz
Look Back in Anger by Osborne, John
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