• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1983

La Realidad Invisible by Jímenez, Juan Ramón, Romeralo, Antonio Sánchez
Garrett and the English Muse by Raitt, Lia Noemia Rodrigues Correia
The Early Stages of Composition of Galdós's 'lo Prohibido' by Whiston, Estate Late James
Calderón Y La Obra Corta Dramática del Siglo XVII by Tordera, Antonio, Rodríguez, Evangelina
Metaphysics and Aesthetics in the Works of Eduardo Barrios by Walker, John
The Genoese in Spain: Gabriel Bocángel Y Unzueta (1603-1658): A Biography by Dadson, Trevor J.
The Other Pushkin: A Study of Alexander Pushkin's Prose Fiction by Debreczeny, Paul
Sectarian Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Courts, Testimony and the Penal Code by Schiffman, Lawrence H.
Inside Job: Essays on the New Work Writing by Wayman, Tom
Literatur Und Gelehrtentum in Deutschland: Untersuchungen Zum Wandel Ihres Verhältnisses Vom Humanismus Bis Zur Frühaufklärung by Grimm, Gunter E.
Liber Ordinis Rerum (Esse-Essencia-Glossar): Band I: Einleitung - Text Band II: Apparat - Wortregister by
Women on Film: The Critical Eye by McCreadie, Marsha, Unknown
Kommentar Zu Band 1-4 by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Germain Nouveau dit Humilis: �tude Biographique by Amprimoz, Alexandre L.
Die elsässische >Legenda aurea by
Orationes de Lege Agraria. Oratio Pro C. Rabirio Perduellionis Reo by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Alcestis by Euripides
Studien Zur Deutschen Märendichtung by Fischer, Hanns
Empirische Untersuchungen Zu Persönlichkeitsvariablen Von Literaturproduzenten by Popp, Franz, Schmidt, Siegfried J., Zobel, Reinhard
Thackeray: Volume 1: Interviews and Recollections by Collins, Phillip
Literature of Mysticism in Western Tradition by Grant, P.
Counter-Modernism in Current Critical Theory by Thurley, Geoffrey
Arthurian Literature and Society by Knight, S.
American Literature and Social Change: William Dean Howells to Arthur Miller by Spindler, Michael
Aspects of the Epic by Winnifrith, Tom
Charles Dickens: The Writer and His Work by Hardy, Barbara
Nadine Gordimer by Heywood, Christopher
Gerard Manley Hopkins by Storey, Graham
A History of the County of Oxford: Volume XI: Wootton Hundred (Northern Part) by
James Fitzjames Stephen and the Crisis of Victorian Thought by Colaiaco, James a.
The Vie de Saint Alexis in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: An Edition and Commentary by Elliott, Alison Goodard
Martianus Capella by
Pien Chih-Lin: A Study in Modern Chinese Poetry by Haft, Lloyd
Obvius - Oenanthe by
Illustrierte Flugblätter des Barock by
Literatur und Kriminalität by
Bürgerliche Alltagswelt und pietistisches Denken im Werk Hölderlins by Prill, Meinhard
Walter Benjamin im Exil by Kambas, Chryssoula
Abenteuerliteratur des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland by Steinbrink, Bernd
Jean Pauls Ästhetik und Naturphilosophie by Müller, Götz
Individualität und Totalität by Senckel, Barbara
Wielands Briefwechsel, Band 5, Briefe der Weimarer Zeit by
Notes on Thought and Vision by Doolittle (H D. )., Hilda
William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha: A King of Keystone in the Universe by Kerr, Elizabeth
Motel Chronicles by Shepard, Sam
Bruno Jasienski: His Evolution from Futurism to Socialist Realism by Kolesnikoff, Nina
Feud in the Icelandic Saga: by Byock, Jesse L.
Realistik Und Utopie by Heise, Wolfgang
Zwischen Verinnerlichung Und Protest: McCullers - Salinger - Malamud - Bellow - Capote by Riese, Utz
Auswahl Aus Seinem Werk by Schiller, Josef
Gedichte 1812-1827. Kommentar, Teil 1 by
Fragen Der Ästhetik Und Poetik by Barabasch, Juri
Die Ausgabe Letzter Hand by
The Nightingaleas Burden: Women Poets and American Culture Before 1900 by Walker, Cheryl
The Craft of an Absolute Winner: Characterization and Narratology in the Novels of Machado de Assis by Nunes, Maria Luisa
The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper: 1787-1791 by Cowper, William
Alt 13 Recent Trends in the Novel: African Literature Today: A Review by
The Canadian Novel Here and Now: A Critical Anthology by
Erzählforschung: Ein Symposion by
Paul Scott by Swinden, Patrick
The Influence of the French Language on the German Vocabulary: (1649-1735) by Brunt, Richard J.
Indices I-IV Continens by
Kenningkunst by Marold, Edith
Anthology of Korean Literature: From Early Times to Nineteenth Century by
Figures of Autobiography: The Language of Self-Writing by Fleishman, Avrom
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Rhetoric of Fiction by Booth, Wayne C.
Literary Architecture: Essays Toward a Tradition: Walter Pater, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Marcel Proust, Henry James by Frank, Ellen Eve
Poets of Modern Russia by France, France, Peter
English Gothic Literature by Brewer, Derek
Luthers Werke in Auswahl, Erster Band, Schriften von 1517-1520 by Luther, Martin
Luthers Werke in Auswahl, Dritter Band, Schriften von 1524-1528 by Luther, Martin
Luthers Werke in Auswahl, Vierter Band, Schriften von 1529-1545 by Luther, Martin
Approaches to Homer by
The Realistic Imagination: English Fiction from Frankenstein to Lady Chatterly by Levine, George
Sketchbook 1966-1971 by Frisch, Max
Madness in Literature by Feder, Lillian
American Women Writers: Bibliographical Essays by Bryer, Jackson, Duke, Maurice
The Making of This Side of Paradise by III
Henry James: A Bibliography of Criticism, 1975-1981 by Budd, John
Dramatic Dialogue: The Duologue of Personal Encounter by Kennedy, Andrew K.
Mississippi Writers Talking II by
Der Wortschatz des Hans Sachs, Band 1, Untersuchungen by Tauber, Walter
Dialogues by Pomorska, Krystyna, Jakobson, Roman
Tierbispel by
Business and Correspondence Chinese: An Introduction by Liang, James C. P.
Wörterbuch by Tauber, Walter
The Historical Novel by Lukacs, Georg
Science Fiction: A Historical Anthology by
The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century by Miller, Perry
An Absurd Vice: A Biography of Cesare Pavese by Lajolo, Davide
Fragments of Rainbows: The Life and Poetry of Saito Mokichi, 1882-1953 by Heinrich, Amy Vladeck
Saints and Shrews: Women and Aging in American Popular Film by Stoddard, Karen M.
My Life by Unknown, Bebel, August
Periodical Literature on United States Cities: A Bibliography and Subject Guide by Shearer, Benjamin, Shearer, Barbara
Strangeness and Beauty: Volume 1, Ruskin to Swinburne: An Anthology of Aesthetic Criticism 1840 1910 by
Strangeness and Beauty: Volume 2, Pater to Symons: An Anthology of Aesthetic Criticism 1840 1910 by Warner, Eric, Hough, Graham
The Evangelical and Oxford Movements by
Revolutionary Prose of the English Civil War by
Roman Comedy by Konstan, David
Studies in Ch'an and Hua-Yen by
The Lost Travellers: A Romantic Theme with Variations by Unknown
The Sky Clears: Poetry of the American Indians by Day, A. Grove
Grass Hill: Poems and Prose by the Japanese Monk Gensei by Gensei
The Poetics of Composition: Structure of the Poetic Text and the Typology of Compositional Forms by Uspensky, Boris
Biography in Late Antiquity: A Quest for the Holy Man by Cox, Patricia
Akhmatova's Petersburg by Leiter, Sharon
Sport and the Spirit of Play in American Fiction: Hawthorne to Faulkner by Messenger, Christian
Plautus: The Darker Comedies: Bacchides, Casina, and Truculentus by
Short Stories: Collected Works of A.M. Klein by
Dickens and Women by Slater, Michael
Eudora Welty: Thirteen Essays by
Supplementum Hellenisticum by
Aristophon - Crobylus by
The Defective Detective in the Pulps by
Voyage in: Fictions of Female: Development by
A Lecture on Russian History by Karpovich, Michael
1740-1755 by Gellert, Christian F.
Norm und Geschichtlichkeit der Dichtung by Braun, Götz
Zweifelhaftes Im Corpus Aristotelicum by Frede, Michael, Dumoulin, Bertrand, Graeser, Andreas
Zola and the Bourgeoisie: A Study of Themes and Techniques in Les Rougon-Macquart by Nelson, Brian
The Prose Poem in France: Theory and Practice by Caws, Mary Ann, Riffaterre, Hermine
The Popular Press Companion to Popular Literature by Neuburg, Victor E.
The Romance of Yder by
Shakespeare's Impact on His Contemporaries by Honigmann, E. A. J.
Conviction: Law, the State and the Construction of Justice by McBarnet, Doreen J.
de Quincey, Wordsworth and the Art of Prose by
George Lukacs and His Critics: An International Bibliography with Annotations (1910-1982) by Lapointe, F., Lapointe, Francois, Lapointe, Francois H.
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3/Teil 2, Dramen IV: Hamanus mit der deutschen Übersetzung von Johannes Chryseus by Naogeorg, Thomas
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3/Teil 1, Dramen III: Incendia mit einer zeitgenössischen Übersetzung by Naogeorg, Thomas
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 5/Tl 1, Erste Gründe der gesamten Weltweisheit (Theoretischer Teil) by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Words and Pictures: On the Literal and the Symbolic in the Illustration of a Text by Schapiro, Meyer
Quellenanalyse Des Kitab Al-'Iqd Al-Farid Des Andalusiers Ibn 'Abd Rabbih (246/860-328/940) by Werkmeister, Walter
T. S. Eliot: A Chronology of His Life and Works by Behr, C.
The Yale Critics: Deconstruction in America Volume 6 by
The Moral Essays (Operette Morali) by Leopardi, Giacomo
God's Handiwork: Images of Women in Early Germanic Literature by Schrader, Richard J.
Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream by Price, Anthony
Strindberg: Five Plays by Strindberg, August
The Promise of Destiny: Children and Women in the Short Stories of Louisa May Alcott by Marsella, Joy A., Unknown
Vision and Disenchantment by Glen, Heather
Modern Drama in Theory and Practice: Volume 1, Realism and Naturalism by Styan, J. L.
Chinese Theater: From Its Origins to the Present Day by
Isokrates: Seine Positionen in Der Auseinandersetzung Mit Den Zeitgenössischen Philosophen by Eucken, Christoph
Culture and Society, 1780-1950 by Williams, Raymond
Einleitung - Vorgeschichtliche Perioden - Religiöse Grundlagen Des Lebens - Seelen- Und Geisterglaube - Macht Und Kraft - Das Heilige Und Die Kultform by Vries, Jan de
Lazzi: The Comic Routines of the Commedia Dell'arte by
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume I: Pauline and Paracelsus by Browning, Robert
Dostoevsky by Jones, John
Sean O'Casey's Autobiographies: An Annotated Index by Lowery, Robert
Recasting: Gone with the Wind in American Culture by
Love in the Western World by de Rougemont, Denis
de Nugis Curialium: Courtiers' Trifles by Map, Walter
Forms of Historical Fiction: Sir Walter Scott and His Successors by Shaw, Harry E.
A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, Especially of the Fantastic by Brooke-Rose, Christine
The Cambridge History of Classical Literature: Volume 2, Latin Literature, Part 5, the Later Principate by
The Age of Augustus: Latin Literature Part 3 by
Late Republic: Volume 2 by
The Cambridge History of Classical Literature: Volume 2, Latin Literature, Part 4, the Early Principate by
The Cambridge History of Classical Literature: Volume 2, Latin Literature, Part 1, the Early Republic by
Discourse Analysis by Yule, George, Brown, Gillian
Narrative Discourse by Genette, Gerard
The Classic: Literary Images of Permanence and Change by Kermode, Frank
Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Dreyfus, Hubert L., Rabinow, Paul
Literature of Mysticism in Western Tradition by Grant, P.
Die Welt Der Galgenlieder Christian Morgensterns Und Der Viktorianische Nonsense by Kretschmer, Ernst
Goethe's Narrative Fiction: The Irvine Goethe Symposium by
Epimerismos Continens Qui AD Iliadis Librum a Pertinent by
Empire of Signs by Barthes, Roland
Return of King Arthur British and American Arthurian Literature Since 1800 by
Semiotics and Interpretation by Scholes, Robert
Methods of Book Design, Third Edition by Williamson, Hugh
The Poems of Catullus, Bilingual Edition by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language by Stubbs, Michael
Writing and the Experience of Limits by Sollers, Philippe
Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarshipvolume 1: Textual Criticism and Exegesis by Grafton, Anthony
The Short Story: A Critical Introduction by Shaw, Valerie
H. P. Lovecraft: A Critical Study by Burleson, Donald R.
The Finer Tone: Keats' Major Poems by Wasserman, Earl R., Unknown
Structuralism or Criticism?: Thoughts on How We Read by Geoffrey, Strickland, Strickland, Geoffrey
Medieval and Modern Greek by Browning, Robert
Tell about the South: The Southern Rage to Explain by Hobson, Fred
Wege Zur Komparatistik: Sonderheft Für Horst Rüdiger Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Notes from Underground by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge: Volume 1: 1871-1907 by Synge, J. M., Saddlemyer
Arthurian Bibliography II: Subject Index by
The Providence of Wit: Aspects of Form in Augustan Literature and the Arts by Battestin, Martin C.
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge by Mill, John Stuart, Unknown
James Joyce by Ellmann, Richard
The History of Polish Literature, Updated Edition by Milosz, Czeslaw
English Romanticism: The Grounds of Belief by Lovell Jr, Ernest J., Clubbe, John
Benny Andersen: A Critical Study by Marx, Leonie
Alejo Carpentier: Bibliographical Guide/Guia Bibliografica by Echevarria, Roberto, Muller-Bergh, Klaus, Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto
Trollope-To-Reader: A Topical Guide to Digressions in the Novels of Anthony Trollope by Daniels, Mary L., Trollope, Anthony
The World of K'Ung Shang-Jen: A Man of Letters in Early Ch'ing China by Strassberg, Richard
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 5/Tl 2, Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit (Praktischer Teil) by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Modern Japanese Poets and the Nature of Literature by Ueda, Makoto
Beiträge Zu Aristoteles by Fritz, Kurt Von
Poor Richard's Almanack by
Seeds of Decadence in the Late Nineteenth-Century Novel: A Crisis in Values by Nalbantian, S.
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