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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1984

Women and Words: The Anthology by
Federico García Lorca Y Las Vanguardias: Hacia El Teatro by Cao, Antonia
Russian Metaphysical Romanticism: The Poetry of Tiutchev and Boratynskii by Pratt, Sarah
In Defence of the Imagination by Gardner, Helen
Orwell's Message: 1984 & the Present by Woodcock, George
Die Inschriften Der Kantone Freiburg, Genf, Jura, Neuenburg Und Waadt by
The Sir Charles G.D. Roberts Symposium by
Motives for Fiction by Alter, Robert
Emily Bronte Criticism, 1900-1982: An Annotated Check List by Barclay, Janet
The Broken Angel: Myth and Method in Val�ry by Franklin, Ursula
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 25, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1984) by
Musik als romantische Illusion by Dobat, Klaus-Dieter
Prodromus Poeticus, Oder: Poetischer Vortrab. 1684 by
Die Frauenklage: Studien Zur Elegischen Verserzählung in Der Englischen Literatur Des Spätmittelalters Und Der Renaissance by Schmitz, Götz
Die Londoner Music Hall und ihre Songs 1850-1920 by Schneider, Ulrich
Die erdichtete Identität by Hoffmann, Ulrich
Margaret Harkness "A City Girl" by Kaspar, Beate
Das buoch der tugenden, Band I, Einleitung und mittelhochdeutscher Text I by
Das buoch der tugenden, Band II, Lateinische Quellen by
Kommentarband by
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Band 2: März-Revolution, Reichsgründung Und Die Anfänge Des Imperialismus by Jansen, Josef
Ioannis Lodovici Vivis Valentini Praefatio in Leges Ciceronis Et Aedes Legum by Vives, Juan Luis
Nicephori Basilacae Orationes Et Epistolae by Nicephorus Basilaca
Pro M. Aemilio Scauro Oratio by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Der Jüngling: Nach Der Heidelberger Hs. Cpg. 341 Mit Den Lesarten Der Leipziger Hs. 946 Und Der Kalocsaer Hs. (Cod. Bodmer 72) by Konrad Von Haslau
The Witness of Poetry by Milosz, Czeslaw
A Dickens Companion by Page, Norman
A Reader's Guide to the Plays of W. B. Yeats by Taylor, Richard H.
Samuel Johnson and the Theme of Hope by Wharton, T. F.
Literature of Crisis, 1910-22: Howards End, Heartbreak House, Women in Love and the Waste Land by Wright, Anne
Victorian Literary Critics: George Henry Lewes, Walter Bagehot, Richard Holt Hutton, Leslie Stephen, Andrew Lang, George Saintsbury and Edmund Gos by Orel, Harold
The English Novel of History and Society, 1940-80: Richard Hughes, Henry Green, Anthony Powell, Angus Wilson, Kingsley Amis, V. S. Naipaul by Swinden, Patrick
A Tennyson Companion: Life and Works by Pinion, F.
Biography: Fiction, Fact and Form by Nadel, Ira B.
History, Ideology and Myth in American Fiction, 1823-52 by Clarke, Robert
Thomas Hardy Annual No. 2 by
Rhetorical Stance in Modern Literature: Allegories of Love and Death by Hunter, Lynette
Wordsworth by R. Watson, J.
Twelve Englishmen of Mystery by
Aliteracy:: People Who Can Read But Won't by Thimmesch, Nick
Adversus dogmaticos by Sextus Empiricus
Die Quellen Zu Andreas Gryphius' Trauerspiel Carolus Stuardus: Studien Zur Entstehung Eines Historisch- Politischen Märtyrerdramas Der Barockzeit by Berghaus, Günter
Grammar and Text by Broderick, George
Gerundivum und Gerundium by Risch, Ernst
Driving Home: A Dialogue Between Writers and Readers by Belyea, Barbara, Dansereau, Estelle
Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture as Social Decay by Brantlinger, Patrick
Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Der Deutschen Turfan-Forschung: Faksimiles Der Fragmente Zu Den Von F.W.K. Müller Und A. Von Gabain Herausgegebenen by
Stalin Und Die Intellektuellen Und Andere Themen by
Die Griechische Tragödie in Ihrer Gesellschaftlichen Funktion by
Streit Um Den Nouveau Roman: Eine Andere Literatur Und Ihre Leser by Burmeister, Brigitte
Literatur Und Proletarische Kultur: Beiträge Zur Kulturgeschichte Der Deutschen Arbeiterklasse Im 19. Jahrhundert by
Die Einzeldrucke by
An American Triptych: Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, and Adrienne Rich by Martin, Wendy
The Classical Papers of Gilbert Highet by Highet, Gilbert
Selected Letters by Garcia Lorca, Federico
Exorcising Blackness by Harris, Trudier
Amer. Writer V1 by Unknown
Aksel Sandemose: Exile in Search of a Home by Birn, Randi
Edith Sodergran: Modernist Poet in Finland by Schoolfield, George C.
Keats's Major Odes: An Annotated Bibliography of the Criticism by Rhodes, Jack Wright
Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics by
Complete Poems by Södergran, Edith
In the Age of Prose: Literary and Philosophical Essays by Heller, Erich
Ben Jonson: To the First Folio by Dutton, Richard
The Slumber of Apollo: Reflections on Recent Art, Literature, Language and the Individual Consciousness by Holloway, John
Q. D. Leavis: Collected Essays by Leavis, Q. D.
Tun-Huang Popular Narratives by Mair, Victor H., Victor H., Mair
Science and Religion in the 19th Century by Cosslett, Cosslett, Tess
Samuel Beckett's Novel Watt: A Psychological Inquiry by Büttner, Gottfried
Insatiable Appetites: Twentieth-Century American Women's Bestsellers by Miner, Madonne M.
Der Mensch Und Sein Werk 1.Band Jehuda Halevi Fünfundneunzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Deutsch Und Hebräisch: Der Sechzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Dritte Ausgabe by Rosenzweig, Franz
Alt 14 Insiders & Outsiders: African Literature Today by
Medieval Women Writers by
Poets and the Visual Arts in Renaissance England by Farmer, Norman K.
On Literacy: The Politics of the Word from Homer to the Age of Rock by Pattison, Robert
The Oresteia by Aeschylus
The Three Theban Plays: Antigone; Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocle
A New Commentary on the Poems of W.B. Yeats by Jeffares, A. Norman
A Dickens Companion by Page, Norman
Bpnichol: What History Teaches by Stephen Scobie
Margaret Atwood: A Feminist Poetics by Davey, Frank
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Land Before Her: Fantasy and Experience of the American Frontiers, 1630-1860 by Kolodny, Annette
Transparent Minds: Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction by Cohn, Dorrit Claire
On the Art of the No Drama: The Major Treatises of Zeami by
West Futuna Aniwa: An Introduction to a Polynesian Outlier Language by Dougherty, Janet W. D.
The English Gothic: A Bibliographic Guide to Writers from Horace Walpole to Mary Shelley by Spector, Robert Donald
Conrad Under Familial Eyes by
Sorties: Journals and New Essays by Dickey, James
The House by the Medlar Tree: by Verga, Giovanni
Index to Poetry in Popular Periodicals, 1955-1959 by Caskey, Jefferson D.
George Eliot and Community: A Study in Social Theory and Fictional Form by Graver, Suzanne
Laocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Keats and Embarrassment by Ricks, Christopher
Women and Death: Linkages in Western Thought and Literature by Bassein, Beth Ann
Literature Searching by Pritchard, Eileen, Scott, Paula R.
Meaning and Myth in the Study of Lives by Charmé, Stuart L.
Shelley and the Sublime: An Interpretation of the Major Poems by Leighton, Angela, Angela, Leighton
Ausgewählte Philologische Schriften by Schmid, Wolfgang P.
Dramen by Riemer, Johannes
Verserzählungen II by
Der Heliand: Studienausgabe in Auswahl by
Mädchennamen Verrätselt: 100 Rätsel-Epigramme Aus D. Adab-Werk Alf Gāriya Wa-Gāriya (7./13. Jh.) by Weil, Jürgen W.
Der arme Heinrich by Hartmann Von Aue
Heliand und Genesis by
The Songe d'Enfer of Raoul de Houdenc: An Edition Based on All the Extant Manuscripts by Raoul de Houdenc
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch V by Ott, Wilhelm
Die Struktur Des Modernen Deutschen Romans by Eisele, Ulf
Die Lieder Neidharts by Neidhart Von Reuental
Der Reinhart Fuchs des Elsässers Heinrich by
Lyrik II by Zesen, Philipp Von
How to Read a Poem by Raffel, Burton
Philosophy and Science Fiction by
Fantasy and Reconciliation: Contemporary Formulas of Women's Romance Fiction by Mussell, Kay
Descriptive Sketches by Wordsworth, William
Emerson in His Journals by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Robert Bly: An Introduction to the Poetry by Nelson, Howard
James Merrill: An Introduction to the Poetry by Moffett, Judith
The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper: Volume 4: Letters 1792-1799 by Cowper, William
The Bang and the Whimper: Apocalypse and Entropy in American Literature by Lewicki, Zbigniew
Essays on Medieval Literature by Burrow, John A.
Romanticism and Culture: A Festschrift for Morse Peckham by
Aphorismus by Fricke, Harald
Kleine Schriften, Band 2, Scholastik und Mystik im Spätmittelalter by Ruh, Kurt
Language and Metre: Resolution, Porson's Bridge, and Their Prosodic Basis by Devine, A. M., Stephens, L. D.
Descent from Heaven: Images of Dew in Greek Poetry and Religion by Boedeker, Deborah
Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces by Schakel, Peter J.
The Role of Place in Literature by Lutwack, Leonard
Hommes et structures du Moyen âge by Duby, Georges
Apparat by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Dichtung Des Hoch- Und Spätmittelalters by Ruh, Kurt
Lectures on Don Quixote by Nabokov, Vladimir
Making Believe: Philosophical Reflections on Fiction by Prado, C. G.
A Companion to Joyce Studies by Bowen, Zack, Carens, James
Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose, Third Edition by Burke, Kenneth
The Baker Street Reader: Cornerstone Writings About Sherlock Holmes by Shreffler, Philip
Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua ((Dagger) 203) to Marguerite Porete ((Dagger) 1310) by Dronke, Peter
The Spanish Picaresque Novel and the Point of View by Rico, Francisco
Chaucer and the Imaginary World of Fame by Boitani, Piero
Robert Musil and the Culture of Vienna by Hickman, Hannah
Literatur Und Laienbildung Im Spätmittelalter Und in Der Reformationszeit: Dfg-Symposion 1981 by
Das Deutsche Barockdrama by Alexander, Robert
Studien Zum PROLOG Der Euripideischen Tragödie by Erbse, Hartmut
Sl - Z by
Parnassus on the Mississippi: The Southern Review and the Baton Rouge Literary Community, 1935--1942 by Cutrer, Thomas W.
Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 2: 1867-1871 by Peirce, Charles S.
Rhetorica divina by Lutz, Eckart Conrad
Gender, Fantasy, and Realism in American Literature by Habegger, Alfred
Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection by Kristeva, Julia
A Coleridge Companion: An Introduction to the Major Poems and the Biographia Literaria by Hill, John Spencer
A Robert Louis Stevenson Companion: A Guide to the Novels, Essays and Short Stories by Hammond, J. R.
Young Charles Lamb 1775-1802 by Courtney, Winifred F.
Male Mythologies: John Fowles and Masculinity by Woodcock, Bruce
Shelley's Adonais: A Critical Edition by Knerr, Anthony
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics: Volume 8 by Bakhtin, Mikhail
Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia by Bogdanov, Alexander
Representations of Women: Nineteenth-Century British Women's Poetry by Hickok, Kathleen
The Sermons of John Donne by Donne, John
Arthur's Kingdom of Adventure: The World of Malory's Morte Darthur by Whitaker, Muriel
Imagination and Language: Collected Essays on Constant, Baudelaire, Nerval and Flaubert by Fairlie, Alison
German Aesthetic Literary Criticism by Simpson, Simpson, David, Simpson, Greg
Splendide-Hôtel by Sorrentino, Gilbert
Johann Christoph Adelung by Strohbach, Margrit
Comedy: Developments in Criticism by
The Poems of Robert Sidney by Sidney, Robert
Black Women Writers (1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation by Evans, Mari
Women as Mythmakers: Poetry and Visual Art by Twentieth-Century Women by Lauter, Estella
Per Olov Enquist: A Critical Study by Shideler, Ross
A Whirlwind in Dublin: The Plough and the Stars Riots by
The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England III: Papers Read at Dartington Hall, July 1984 by
Shakespeare's Universe of Discourse: Language-Games in the Comedies by Elam, Keir
American Colonial Prose: John Smith to Thomas Jefferson by
Luthers Werke in Auswahl, Zweiter Band, Schriften von 1520-1524 by Luther, Martin
Structure and Society in Literary History: Studies in the History and Theory of Literary Criticism by Weimann, Robert
Übersetzungen aus zweiter Hand by Stackelberg, Jürgen Von
The Lotus Boat: The Origins of Chinese Tz'u Poetry in t'Ang Popular Culture by Wagner, Marsha
Medieval English Drama by
The English Novel of History and Society, 1940-80: Richard Hughes, Henry Green, Anthony Powell, Angus Wilson, Kingsley Amis, V. S. Naipaul by Swinden, Patrick
Hurban: Responses to Catastrophe in Hebrew Literature by Mintz, Alan
Novels, Readers, and Reviewers by Baym, Nina
Fabulae by Euripides
The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge: Volume 2: 1907-1909 by Synge, John Millington
A Reference Guide to Modern Fantasy for Children by Pflieger, Pat, Hill, Helen
Crane: Prose and Poetry by Crane, Stephen
Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry & Tales (Loa #19) by Poe, Edgar Allan
Hugo Von Hofmannsthal and His Time: The European Imagination, 1860-1920 by Broch, Hermann
Childhood Regained: The Art of the Storyteller by Savater, Fernando
Manuscripts: The First Twenty Years by Unknown
Per Olof Sundman: Writer of the North by Warme, Lars G.
The Lay of the Land: Metaphor as Experience and History in American Life and Letters by Kolodny, Annette
Vladimir Nabokov: A Critical Study of the Novels by Rampton, David
The French Romantics: Volume 2 by
The Poet and His Audience by Jack, Ian Robert James, Jack, Ian
The French Romantics: Volume 1 by
Encounters with Chinese Writers Encounters with Chinese Writers Encounters with Chinese Writers Encounters with Chinese Writers Encounters with by Dillard, Annie
Arabic Literary Works as a Source of Documentation for Technical Terms of the Material Culture by Agius, Dionisius a.
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 6 by Heffernan, Thomas J.
Canons by
O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniataes by
Aristophanes Testimonia et Fragmenta by
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