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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1986

Vancouver and Its Writers by Twigg, Alan
The Persistence of Human Passions: Manuel Mujica Láinez's Satirical Neo-Modernism by Schanzer, George O.
Teatros Y Comedias En Madrid: 1699-1719: Estudio Y Documentos by
Rosalía de Castro and the Galician Revival by Stevens, Shelley
Habits of Poetry: Habits of Resurrection: The Presence of Juan Ramón Jiménez in the Work of Eugenio Florit, José Lezama Lima and Cintio Vitier by Sánchez-Eppler, Benigno
Italo-Hispanic Ballad Relationships: The Common Poetic Heritage by Graves, Alessandra Bonamore
Waiting for the Unicorn: Poems and Lyrics of China's Last Dynasty, 1644-1911 by
Poppie Nongena by Joubert, Elsa
Karl Und Galie: Karlmeinet, Teil 1 by
Oppugnatio - Ordo by
Paratura - Pars by
Commodo - Comus by
Disputatio - Do by
Do - Dolor by
Donec - Duco by
E - Efficax by
Inde - Induviae by
Inordinatus - Insipiens by
Invenustus - Iocus by
M - Malachim by
Membrum - Mercor by
Militia - Misereor by
Etiamnum - Ex by
Jane Austen's Sailor Brothers by Hubback, John Henry, Hubback, Edith C.
Die Vorstellung Der Stadt in Der Literatur Des Deutschen Mittelalters by Kugler, Hartmut
Tolbert of Texas: The Man and His Work by Tolbert, Frank
Stephen Leacock: A Reappraisal by
Stephen Leacock: A Reappraisal by
Victor Hugo and the Visionary Novel by Brombert, Victor
Semeia 36: Early Christian Apocalypticism: Genre and Social Setting by
Art and Doctrine: Essays on Medieval Literature by Woolf, Rosemary
Art and Doctrine: Essays on Medieval Literature by Woolf, Rosemary
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Briefwechsel 1774-1796: (Briefe 1-326) by
Seven Stories by Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach by Harriman, Helga H.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 24, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1983) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 27, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1986) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 28, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1987) by
Die Beinflussung des Lesers by Platz, Norbert H.
'Poetic Justice': Theorie Und Geschichte Einer Literarischen Doktrin. Begriff - Idee - Komödienkonzeption by Zach, Wolfgang
Familiengeschichten und Heilsmythologie by Schmid, Elisabeth
Die Sprache Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa by Franz, Wilhelm
Wilhelm Heinse Und Die Französische Revolution by Schramke, Jürgen
Das englische Spätmittelalter. Kulturelle Normen, Lebenspraxis, Texte by Kohl, Stephan
Hölderlins Empedokles by Prignitz, Christoph
Novel Lives: The Fictional Autobiographies of Guillermo Cabrera Infante and Mario Vargos Llosa by Feal, Rosemary Geisdorfer
Social Realism in the Argentine Narrative by Foster, David William
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 26, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1986) by
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume II by Cartwright, John
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume III by
George Eliot and the Landscape of Time: Narrative Form and Protestant Apocalyptic History by Carpenter, Mary Wilson
Kleists Nachrichtentechnik: Eine Diskursanalytische Untersuchung by Haase, Frank
Mikhail Bakhtin by Holquist, Michael, Clark, Katerina
Jane Austen by Tanner, Tony
Oratio Pro P. Sestio by Marcus Tullius Cicero
In M. Antonium Orationes Philippicae XIV by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Scholia in Orationes 19-60 Continens by
Mythiambi Aesopei by Babrius
Libri XLI-XLV by Titus Livius
Sacrifice and Sharing in the Philippine Highlands: Religion and Society among the Buid of Mindoro by Gibson, Thomas P.
Angelus Silesius: The Cherubinic Wanderer by
Kipling's India: Uncollected Sketches 1884-88 by Kipling, Rudyard
Words After Speech: A Comparative Study of Romanticism and Symbolism by Coates, Paul
The Literary Achievement of Rebecca West by Orel, Harold
Samuel Butler and the Meaning of Chiasmus by Norrman, Ralf
Intricate Laughter in the Satire of Swift and Pope by Ingram, Allan
Jane Austen: Six Novels and Their Methods by Williams, Michael
The Interpretation of Belief: Coleridge, Schleiermacher and Romanticism by Jasper, D.
Unconformities in Shakespeare's Early Comedies by Smidt, K.
In Defence of Literary Interpretation: Theory and Practice by Newton, Ken M.
King Arthur`s Death by
Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity by Stowers, Stanley E.
The Chreia in Ancient Rhetoric: Volume I, The Progymnasmata by Hock, Ronald F., O'Neil, Edward N.
Onocrotalus - Oppugnatio by
Geistliche und Weltliche Poemata by
Comics and Visual Culture by
Appiani Historia Romana: Volumen II by Appianus
Auseinandersetzungen Um Jiddische Sprache Und Literatur. Jüdische Komponenten in Der Deutschen Literatur - Die Assimilationskontroverse by
Hermann Brochs Geschichtliche Stellung: Studien Zum Philosophischen Frühwerk Und Zur Romantrilogie >Die Schlafwandler by Vollhardt, Friedrich
Annales Libri XI-XVI by Cornelius Tacitus
Literarische Trauerarbeit: Das Exil- Und Spätwerk Alfred Döblins by Kiesel, Helmuth
Die Metaphorik Des Schönen: Eine Kritische Lektüre Der Versöhnung in Schillers »Über Die Ästhetische Erziehung Des Menschen in Einer Reihe Von Bri by Riecke-Niklewski, Rose
Phonology by Broderick, George
Der Literarische Raum: Eine Untersuchung Am Beispiel Von Dorothy M. Richardsons Romanzyklus Pilgrimage by Bronfen, Elisabeth
Roman Poems by Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Right and Wrong Thinking by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Thomas and Beulah by Dove, Rita
Netochka Nezvanova by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The House of the Dead by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
The Feminine Reclaimed: The Idea of Woman in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton by Davies, Stevie
Silence and Narrative: The Early Novels of Gertrude Stein by Doane, Janice L.
Volksmacht Und Islam: Eine Terminologie- U. Ideologieanalyt. Unters. Zum Politik- U. Religionsverständnis Bei Muʿammar Al-Qaḏ&#76 by Hager, Eva
Gedanken an Deutschland Im Exil Und Andere Themen by
Sowjetische Dorfprosa: Geschichte Und Problematik by Hiersche, Anton
Ein Manichäisch-Soghdisches Parabelbuch by Sundermann, Werner
Yeats Annual No 4 by
Aspects of Fantasy: Selected Essays from the Second International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film by
Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England by Dreher, Diane Elizabeth
The Uncertain Certainty: Interviews, Essays, and Notes on Poetry by Simic, Charles
The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine by
Gender and Reading: Essays on Readers, Texts and Contexts by
The Metaphysical Poets by Emden, Joan Van
The School for Scandal by Richard Sheridan by Ranger, Paul
The Bounds of Reason: Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Flaubert by Cascardi, Anthony
The Figure of Theater: Shaftesbury, Defoe, Adam Smith, and George Eliot by Marshall, David
A Conrad Companion by Page, Norman
J.R.R. Tolkien: Six Decades of Criticism by Johnson, Judith
Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton: Orthodoxy, Heretics, Blatchford Controversies Volume 1 by Chesterton, G. K.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Blank Darkness: Africanist Discourse in French by Miller, Christopher L.
The Fate of the Self: German Writers and French Theory by Corngold, Stanley
Symbolism and Interpretation by Todorov, Tzvetan
Signs of Literature: Language, Ideology, and the Literary Text by Hughes, Kenneth James
The Ancient Concept of Progress and Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief by Dodds, E. R.
Prophet of the New Drama: William Archer and the Ibsen Campaign by Postlewait, Thomas
Guido Gezelle: Flemish Poet-Priest by Van Nuis, Hermine J.
Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature by Unknown
Revolutionary Writers: Literature and Authority in the New Republic, 1725-1810 by Elliott, Emory
Hawthorne Melville and the American Character: A Looking-Glass Business by McWilliams, John P., Jr.
A Treasury of Newfoundland Humour and Wit by Burke, J.
Melville's Later Novels by Dillingham, William B.
2,000 Sure-Fire Jokes for Speakers: The Encyclopedia of One-Liner Comedy by Orben, Robert
Union Catalog of Clemens Letters by
Die Verwandlung by Kafka, Franz
Recent Theories of Narrative by Martin, Wallace
Recent Theories of Narrative: Classification and Natural History by Martin, Wallace
Afro-American Literature in the Twentieth Century: The Achievement of Intimacy by Cooke, Michael G.
2100 Laughs for All Occasions: Short, Sharp, Topical, and Funny--Arranged in Categories for Reading, Telling, Laughing by Orben, Robert
Sheridan: Comedies by
Puritans Among the Indians: Accounts of Captivity and Redemption, 1676-1724 by
The Politics of the Feminist Novel. by Roller, Judi M.
Goethe's "Faust": The German Tragedy by Brown, Jane K.
Goethe's Faust: The German Tragedy by Brown, Jane K.
Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook by Bentley, Gerald Eades
Towards a Mythology: Studies in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Ure, Peter, Unknown
Fifty Caribbean Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by Dance, Daryl
Montaigne: Regards Sur Les Essais by Heller, Lane, Atance, Felix
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful by Walker, Alice, Walker, Lawrie
Poetry in a Divided World: The Clark Lectures 1985 by Gifford, Henry
The Servant's Hand: English Fiction from Below by Robbins, Bruce
Tantarum causas irarum by Küppers, Jochem
Das Prosagedicht im Wien der Jahrhundertwende. Altenberg - Hofmannsthal - Polgar by Nienhaus, Stefan
Samuel Johnson and the Life of Writing by Fussell, Paul
All Is But a Beginning: Youth Remembered, 1881-1901 by Neihardt, John G.
The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists by Levin, Harry
Voices, Visions, and a New Reality: Mexican Fiction Since 1970 by Duncan, J. Ann
Comparative Criticism: Volume 5, Hermeneutic Criticism by
Comparative Criticism: Volume 6, Translation in Theory and Practice by
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 12 by Lapidge, Michael
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 13 by
Women in Southern Literature: An Index by Sweeney, Patricia
Archetype, Architecture, and the Writer by Knapp, Bettina L.
Fict Soc Age Pushkin by Todd, William Mills
Wang Kuo-Wei: An Intellectual Biography by Bonner, Joey
Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party, the Caretaker and the Homecoming by Scott, Michael
John Dryden by Hopkins, David
The Expressive Eye: Fiction and Perception in the Work of Thomas Hardy by Bullen, J. B.
Contemporary American Women Sculptors by Watson-Jones, Virginia
Mittelalter-Rezeption: Dfg-Symposion 1983 by Wapnewski, Peter
Une Mort Tres Douce by Beauvoir, Simone De
Der Tiger mit dem Rosenkranz by Liu, Mau-Tsai
Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians by Child, Lydia Marie
The Karma of Words: Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan by LaFleur, William R.
Ulysses (Gabler Edition) by Joyce, James
Women Writers of Spain: An Annotated Bio-Bibliographical Guide by
Forms of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Third International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film by
Felicitous Space: The Imaginative Structures of Edith Wharton and Willa Cather by Fryer Davidov, Judith E.
Telling the Truth by Foley, Barbara C.
A Shakespeare Glossary by Onions, C. T., Onions, Charles T.
Pre-Columbian Literatures of Mexico: Volume 92 by León-Portilla, Miguel
Recovering Canada's First Novelist by Ross, Catherine Sheldrick
Classics Revisited by Rexroth, Kenneth
Murray Krieger and Contemporary Critical Theory by Henricksen, Bruce
A Critical Introduction to Henry Green's Novels: The Living Vision by Holmesland, Oddvar
Classical Centre: Goethe and Weimar 1775-1832 by Reed, T. J.
Sensational Designs: The Cultural Work of American Fiction, 1790-1860 by Tompkins, Jane
William Empson: Essays on Shakespeare by Empson, William
Works by Callimachus
Crossing the Double-Cross: The Practice of Feminist Criticism by Meese, Elizabeth a.
The Meaning of the Sentence in Its Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects by Hajicová, Eva, Sgall, P.
Literature and History: Theoretical Problems and Russian Case Studies by
King Lear by William Shakespeare by Casey, Francis
Hans Magnus Enzensberger by Heinze-Dietschreit, Barbara, Dietschreit, Frank
Untersuchungen Zur Funktion Der Götter Im Homerischen Epos by Erbse, Hartmut
From Delos to Delphi: A Literary Study of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo by Miller, A. M.
Book of Lies: (With Commentary by the Author) by Crowley, Aleister
The Art of Criticism: Henry James on the Theory and the Practice of Fiction by James, Henry
Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers by Christian, Barbara
Voices of the Storyteller: Cuba's Lino Novas Calvo by Roses, Lorraine
Frontiers in Semiotics by
Wole Soyinka and Modern Tragedy: A Study of Dramatic Theory and Practice by Katrak, Ketu
Dictionary of Modern French Literature: From the Age of Reason Through Realism by Dolbow, Sandra W.
Radiant Daughters: Fictional American Women by Shinn, Thelma J., Richard, Thelma
Chester Mystery Cycle 2 Eetss: C 9 C by Lumiansky
Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature by Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi
The Fall Into Eden: Landscape and Imagination in California by Wyatt, David
The Interpretation of Material Shapes in Puritanism: A Study of Rhetoric, Prejudice, and Violence by Ann, Kibbey, Kibbey, Ann
Emily Dickinson and Her Culture: The Soul's Society by St Armand Barton Levi, St Armand, Barton L., Armand, Barton Levi St
Saint and Singer by Rowe, Karen E.
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