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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1987

Rescuing Creusa: New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity by Skinner, Marilyn
Diego de San Pedro's 'Cárcel de Amor': A Critical Edition by Corfis, Ivy A.
A Patron and a Playwright in Renaissance Spain: The House of Feria and Diego Sánchez de Badajoz by Wiltrout, Ann E.
La Infelice Dorotea by Claramonte, Andrés de, Charles Ganelin, Charles
Hidden in Plain View: Narrative and Creative Potentials in "War and Peace" by Morson, Gary Saul
Semeia 40: Text and Textuality by
Moral Apostasy in Russian Literature by Gutsche, George
Intestabilis - Invenustus by
Laboro - Laqueo by
Linearius - Locus by
Mercor - Militia by
Oenanthe - Onocrotalus by
Cedo - Cesso by
Coetus - Colo by
Praefiguro - Praepotens by
Dicio - Dimico by
Dimico - Disputatio by
Dolor - Donec by
Duco - Dze by
Expono - Exstinguo by
Exstinguo - Ezoani by
Familia - Fenestro by
Fenestrula - Figo by
Figo - Flumen by
Flumen - Forum by
Gemo - Germen by
Gloria - Gratificor by
Gratificor - Gytus by
H - Haruspex by
Die Deutschen Literatur-Zeitschriften 1850-1880: Bibliographien - Programme by Estermann, Alfred
Haruspex - Hic by
Ignotus - Immobilis by
Immobilis - Implico by
Infirmo - Inhorresco by
Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill by Yenser, Stephen
Future Indicative: Literary Theory and Canadian Literature by
In Search of the Paper Tiger: A Sociological Perspective of Myth, Formula, and the Mystery Genre in the Entertainment Print Mass Medium by Hoppenstand, Gary
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 29, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1987) by
Ausgewählte Werke, Bd 12, Gottsched-Bibliographie by Gottsched, Johann Christoph
Sentimentalismus und Postsentimentalismus by Herrlinger, Wolfgang
Literary Discourse by
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 8 by
Politiques de l'Écriture, Bataille / Derrida: Le Sens Du Sacr� Dans La Pens�e Fran�aise Du Surr�alisme � Nos Jours by Heimonet, Jean-Michel
Literary Theories in PRAXIS by
Epistulae AD Atticum: Vol. I. Libri I-VIII by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Epistulae AD Atticum: Vol. II. Libri IX-XVI by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Epistulae AD Familiares. Libri I-XVI by Marcus Tullius Cicero
M. Tullii Ciceronis Liber de Senectute in Graecum Translatus by Theodorus Gaza
Libri I - IV by Herodotus
AD Se Ipsum Libri XII by Marcus Aurelius Antonius
Sili Italici Punica by Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius Asconius
Rezeption und Rettung by Garber, Klaus
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume III: W.W.E. Ross, Raymond Knister, Dorothy Livesay, and E.J. Pratt by
Romans Partenay Eetso: C 22 C by Walter
Destruction of the Jaguar: From the Books of Chilam Balam by Sawyer-Lauçanno, Christopher
The Bridge of Dreams: A Poetics of the Tale of Genji by Shirane, Haruo
The Novels and Journals of Fanny Burney by Devlin, D. D.
The Life and Work of Barbara Pym by Salwak, Dale
Fictional Discourse and Historical Space by Wright, Andrew
Dickens and Romantic Psychology: The Self in Time in Nineteenth-Century Literature by Den, Dink
The Critical Writings of Katherine Mansfield by
D. H. Lawrence: New Studies by Heywood, Christopher
Soliloquy in Nineteenth-Century Fiction by MacKay, C.
Hardy's Influence on the Modern Novel by Casagrande, Peter J.
The World of Barbara Pym by Rossen, Janice
The Rich Man and the Diseased Poor in Early Victorian Literature by Williams, A. Susan
American Romanticism: From Melville to James-The Enduring Excessive by Morse, David
Euripides: Orestes [Ed. 2] by
Lorca: Yerma by Lyon, John E., Minett, J.
The Making of Yeats's a Vision: A Study of the Automatic Script Volume 1 by Harper, George Mills
W. B. Yeats and the Creation of a Tragic Universe by Good, Maeve
Dr Johnson by
The Legacy of D. H. Lawrence: New Essays by
Narrative Taste and Social Perspectives: The Matter of Quality by Szanto, George H.
Victorian Bloomsbury: Volume 1: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group by Rosenbaum, S. P.
Half-Told Tales: Dilemmas of Meaning in Three French Novels by Stewart, Philip
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura IV by Godwin, John
Malcolm Lowry: Vancouver Days by Salloum, Sheryl
Beat Generation in New York: A Walking Tour of Jack Kerouac's City by Morgan, Bill
The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England IV: The Exeter Symposium IV: Papers Read at Dartington Hall, July 1987 by
The Lighting of the Acolyte: A Treasury Of Blunders And Bloopers From Church Bulletins And Newsletters by Jump, Linda M.
Languages of the Unsayable: The Play of Negativity in Literature and Literary Theory by
Love Poems from Spain and Spanish America by
Sprachwissenschaftliche Analysen Neufranzösischer Texte by Felixberger, Josef, Ernst, Gerhard
Historisch-politische Schauspiele by
Poetic Compounds: The Principles of Poetic Language in Modern English Moetry by Boase-Beier, Jean
Latin vulgaire - latin tardif by
Literarische Technik-Bilder: Studien Zum Verhältnis Von Technik- Und Literaturgeschichte Im 19. Und Frühen 20. Jahrhundert by Segeberg, Harro
The Berlin Liberal Press in Exile: A History of the Pariser Tageblatt - Pariser Tageszeitung, 1933-1940 by Peterson, Walter F.
Kulturelle Erneuerung Und Gesellschaftlicher Auftrag: Zur Bestandspolitik Der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken Und Betriebsbüchereien in Der Sbz Und DDR 1945 by Winckler, Lutz
Aufklärung und Geheimnis by Voges, Michael
Drama oder Epos? by Ingenhoff, Anette
Speech Genres and Other Late Essays by Bakhtin, M. M.
Comic Crime by
Babylonian Witchcraft Literature: Case Studies by Abusch, I. Tzvi
The Poem of My Cid by Hodgkinson, J.
The Darkening Glass: A Portrait of Ruskin's Genius by Rosenberg, John D.
The Isle Full of Noises: Modern Chinese Poetry from Taiwan by
From the Country of Eight Islands: An Anthology of Japanese Poetry by
Acts of Naming: The Family Plot in Fiction by Ragussis, Michael
Twentieth-Century Literary Theory: An Introductory Anthology by
Sam Shepard's Metaphorical Stages by Hart, Lynda
Bibliography of the Little Golden Books by Jones, Dolores Blythe, Wolcott, Roger
Merlin's Daughters: Contemporary Women Writers of Fantasy by Spivack, Charlotte
Der Teufel in Der Modernen Arabischen Literatur: Die Rezeption Eines Europäischen Motivs in Der Arabischen Belletristik, Dramatik Und Poesie D. 19. U. by Shaikh, Khalil
Marxistische Literaturkritik Aus Großbritannien by Southall, Raymond
Schleiermacher Und Die Frühromantik: Eine Literaturgeschichtliche Studie Zum Romantischen Religionsverständnis Und Menschenbild Am Ende Des 18. Jahrhu by Nowak, Kurt
Die Nachgelassenen Werke Und Die Quartausgabe by
Surrealism: The Road to the Absolute by Balakian, Anna
Victorian Bloomsbury: Volume 1: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group by Rosenbaum, S. P.
The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the 11th and 12th Centuries by Stock, Brian
Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1850-1859 by Frank, Joseph
The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry: From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century by
Notes on Poetry from the Ginger Studio by
The Puritan and the Cynic: Moralists and Theorists in French and American Letters by Humphries, Jefferson
American Literature and the Academy by Vanderbilt, Kermit
Performing Texts by
Juniorplots: Volume 3. a Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 12-16 by Gillespie, John T., Naden, Corinne J.
Shakespeare's Tragedies by Mehl, Dieter
Charlotte Bront and Sexuality by Maynard, John, Maynard
Post-Structuralist Readings of English Poetry by Machin, Norris, C.
Alfred Döblin by Prangel, Matthias
A World Outside: The Fiction of Paul Bowles by Patteson, Richard F.
Sophocles: Antigone by
1756-1759 by Gellert, Christian F.
English Elegy: Studies in the Genre from Spenser to Yeats by Sacks, Peter M.
Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theater: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic Form and Function by Weimann, Robert
History and Criticism by LaCapra, Dominick
Conversations with Flannery Oaconnor by
Spanish Ballads by Wright, Roger
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Blues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory by Baker Jr, Houston A.
Charlotte Temple (Revised) by Rowson, Susanna
Early American Women Writers by Foster, Hannah W.
Eve's Journey: Feminine Images in Hebraic Literary Tradition by Aschkenasy, Nehama
After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism by Huyssen, Andreas
The Making of the Twentieth-Century Novel: Lawrence, Joyce, Faulkner and Beyond by Orr, John
Samuel Richardson by Harris, Jocelyn
German Poetry: An Anthology from Klopstock to Enzensberger (Large Print Edition) by
Mirror on the Stage: The Pulitzer Plays as an Approach to American Drama by Adler, Thomas P.
Frank Wedekind by Vincon, Hartmut
The World of Harlequin: A Critical Study of the Commedia Dell' Arte by Nicoll, Allardyce, Nicoll, Nicoll, Allardyce
Althochdeutsche Sprache und Literatur by
Ulysses by Kenner, Hugh
In Defense of Reason: Three Classics of Contemporary Criticism by Winters, Yvor
Constructive Destruction: Kafka's Aphorisms: Literary Tradition and Literary Transformation by Gray, Richard T.
Foundations of Science Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution by Pierce, John J.
Ludwig Tieck: A Literary Biography by Paulin, Roger
Dialect of the Tribe: Speech and Community in Modern Fiction by Sabin, Margery
W. B. Yeats and the Creation of a Tragic Universe by Good, Maeve
Creative Awakening: The Jewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Literature, 1900-1940s by Harap, Louis
Interpreting Lacan by
Leopardi: Poems and Prose by Leopardi, Giacomo, Unknown
Faust in Literature by Smeed, J. W.
Heinrich Heine by Unknown, Hofrichter, Laura
Brocade River Poems: Selected Works of the Tang Dynasty Courtesan by Tao, Xue
Our Friend Manso by Galdós, Benito Pérez
Baudelaire and Le Spleen de Paris by Hiddleston, J. A.
Baudelaire and Le Spleen de Paris by Hiddleston, J. a.
The End of Literary Theory by Olsen, Stein Haugom
George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Science: The Make-Believe of a Beginning by Shuttleworth, Sally
Tradition and Desire: From David to Delacroix by Bryson, Norman
John Keats by Barnard, John
Waiting for the Unicorn: Poems and Lyrics of Chinas Last Dynasty, 16441911 (Chinese Edition) by
Das Dokumentartheater by Barton, Brian
Die Lieder Oswalds Von Wolkenstein by
Celestina by Fernando Rojas (C. 1465-1541) by Mabbe, James, Severin, Dorothy Sherman
Literary Essays and Reviews: Collected Works of A.M. Klein by Klein, A. M.
The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Ellipse of Uncertainty: An Introduction to Postmodern Fantasy by Olsen, Lance
Aliens in the Home: The Child in Horror Fiction by Bussing, Sabine
Shadow of Paradise: by Aleixandre, Vicente
1001 Great Jokes: From the Delightfully Droll to the Truly Tasteless by Rovin, Jeff
The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy by Evans, Ray
Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding by Johnson, Trevor
The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield by Mansfield, Katherine
Beckett: Waiting for Godot by Birkett, Jennifer
Forster: Howards End by Milligan, Ian
The Critical Writings of Katherine Mansfield by
Narrative and Morality: A Theological Inquiry by Nelson, Paul
Women in Twentieth-Century Literature: A Jungian View by Knapp, Bettina
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions by Donne, John
In the Mainstream: The Jewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Literature, 1950s-1980s by Harap, Louis
A Chronological Outline of American Literature by Rogal, Samuel J.
Fifty Southern Writers After 1900: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook by Brigman, Robin, Flora, Joseph, Bain, Michael
The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World by Scarry, Elaine
Theatre and Crisis 1632 1642 by Butler, Martin
Satire and the Transformation of Genre by Guilhamet, Leon
Realism Today: Aspects of the Contemporary West German Novel by Bullivant, Keith
Seneca's Anapaests: Metre, Colometry, Text, and Artistry in the Anapaests of Seneca's Tragedies by Fitch, John G.
William Faulkner, Letters & Fictions by Watson, James G.
Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision by Orr, Elaine Neil
The Pleasure of Miss Pym by Burkhart, Charles
Reading After Freud: Essays on Goethe, Hölderlin, Habermas, Nietzsche, Brecht, Celan, and Freud by Nägele, Rainer
Tennessee Williams by Fehl, Caroline
The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1980s by Wald, Alan M.
Woman as Mediatrix: Essays on Nineteenth-Century European Women Writers by Unknown
Unlikely Heroines: Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers and the Woman Question by Shapiro, Ann R.
William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life by Schoenbaum, S.
Book of the Subgenius by
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