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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1988

Strong Voices: Conversations with 50 Canadian Authors by Twigg, Alan
The Other Side of Silence: A Life of Ethel Wilson by McAlpine, Mary
Romance of Perlesvaus by Weston, Jessie L., Grayson, Janet
Tratado de la Comunidad: (Biblioteca del Escorial Ms. &-II-8) by
Conversations with Edward Albee by
The Doctrine of the Divine Name: An Introduction to Classical Kabbalistic Theology by Wald, Stephen G.
Inhorresco - Inordinatus by
Iocus - Is by
Malachoth - Mano by
Amitto - Amyzon by
Ardalio - Artus by
Artus - Astringo by
Ordo - OS by
Cesso - Cito by
Cito - Coetus by
Colo - Commodo by
Con - Conflo by
Conflo - Consolor by
Consolor - Continor by
Continosus - Cornix by
Pars - Pastor by
Efficax -Elaboro by
Providenz Und Kontingenz: Untersuchungen Zur Schicksalssemantik Im Deutschen Und Europäischen Roman Des 17. Und 18. Jahrhunderts by Frick, Werner
Elaboro - Emetior by
Emetior - EO by
EO - Erogo by
Frustum - Funus by
Funus - Fysis Und G - Gemo by
Germen - Gloria by
Deutsche Literarische Zeitschriften 1880-1945: Ein Repertorium by Dietzel, Thomas, Hügel, Hans-Otto
Hospes - Hystrix by
I - Ico by
Inclutus - Inde by
Thucydides: History Book II by
Vernunftkritik Und Ästhetische Subjektivität: Studien Zur Anthropologie Friedrich Schillers by Tschierske, Ulrich
God, The Quest, The Hero: Thematic Structures in Beckett's Fiction by Barge, Laura
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 30, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1988) by
Die aufgeklärte Familie by Saße, Günter
"Dignity in Simplicity" by Ertl, Heimo
"Mnemotechnik des Schönen" by Koch, Manfred
Die Hirten Des Dionysos: Die Dionysos-Mysterien Der Römischen Kaiserzeit Und Der Bukolische Roman Des Longus by Merkelbach, Reinhold
L'Épopée Ou La >Case Vide: La Réflexion Poétologique Sur l'Épopée Nationale En France by Himmelsbach, Siegbert
Kreatives Schreiben an Hochschulen by
Oratio Dominica Romanice: Das Vaterunser in Den Romanischen Sprachen Von Den Anfängen Bis Ins 16. Jahrhundert Mit Den Griechischen Und Lateinisc by
Der Einfluss Ovids auf den Tragiker Seneca by Jakobi, Rainer M.
Der Identitätsroman: Eine Strukturanalyse by Ratz, Norbert
The Name Game: Writing/Fading Writer in De donde son los cantantes by Montero, Oscar
Bekennen - Erzählen - Berichten by Lehmann, Jürgen
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
>Vocabularius Ex quo by
Platons Menon by
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 9 by
M. Cornelii Frontonis Epistulae: Schedis Tam Ed. Quam Ined. Edmundi Hauleri Usus Iterum Editum by Fronto, Marcus Cornelius
Epistulae AD Quintum Fratrem. Epistulae AD M. Brutum. Commentariolum Petitionis. Fragmenta Epistularum by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Phoenissae by Euripides
Poetarum Elegiacorum Testimonia Et Fragmenta by
Oxen, Women, or Citizens?: Slaves in the System of the Mishnah by Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume I: Charles Mair, Charles Sangster, Isabella Valancy Crawford, and Charles Heavysege by
Interaktionsanalyse Im Literaturunterricht: Eine Replikations- Und Generalisierungsstudie Zur Komplementarität Und Systemzeit by
Gertrude Stein and the Making of Literature by Neuman, Shirley
Russian Drama of the Revolutionary Period by Russell, Robert
Epos Word, Narrative and the Iliad by Lynn-George, Michael
Prefaces and Introductions: Uncollected Prefaces and Introductions by Yeats to Works by Other Authors and to Anthologies Edited by Yeats by Yeats, W. B.
Tom Stoppard: The Artist as Critic by Sammells, N.
Conrad and Religion by Lester, John
Nietzsche and Modern Literature: Themes in Yeats, Rilke, Mann and Lawrence by May, Keith M.
Haiti and the United States: National Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination by Dash, J. Michael
Reading Poe Reading Freud: The Romantic Imagination in Crisis by Bloom, Clive
Philip Larkin and His Contemporaries: An Air of Authenticity by Hassan, Salem K., Hobsbaum, Philip
Economic Exiles by King, J. E.
Claude Simon and the Transgressions of Modern Art by Evans, M.
Browning the Revisionary by Woolford, John
George Orwell: A Reassessment by Nadel, Ira B., Buitenhuis, Peter
Idyllic Realism from Mary Russell Mitford to Hardy by Edwards, P. D.
Culture and Government: The Emergence of Literary Education by Hunter, Ian
Pinter's Female Portraits: A Study of Female Characters in the Plays of Harold Pinter by Sakellaridou, Elizabeth
Carlyle and Tennyson by Timko, Michael
Thucydides: History Book II by
No Pasarán: Art, Literature and the Civil War by
Intermediate Cambodian Reader by
Wilhelm Von Humboldt: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3 by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Die Werkstatt als Utopie by Kambas, Chryssoula
Zur Theoretischen Grundlegung Einer Sozialgeschichte Der Literatur: Ein Struktural-Funktionaler Entwurf by
Georgii Gemisti Plethonis Contra Scholarii Pro Aristotele Obiectiones by Pletho, Georgius Gemistus
Denkformen im Minnesang by Eikelmann, Manfred
Religiöse Erfahrung als literarisches Faktum by Peters, Ursula
Hofberedsamkeit: Studien Zur PRAXIS Höfisch-Politischer Rede Im Deutschen Territorialabsolutismus by Braungart, Georg
Lessings "Emilia Galotti" by Sanna, Simonetta
Wilhelm Raabes doppelte Buchführung by Roebling, Irmgard
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi (Pedeir Ceinc y Mabinogi) by
»Negative Philosophie« Und Dialogische Kritik: Zur Struktur Poetischer Theorie Bei Lessing Und Herder by Knodt, Eva M.
Deutsche Handschriften 1100 - 1400 by
Die Abgrenzung des Hellenismus in der griechischen Literaturgeschichte by Kassel, Rudolf
Selected Poems by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Colombian Novel, 1844-1987 by Williams, Raymond Leslie
Willa Cather on Writing: Critical Studies on Writing as an Art by Cather, Willa
Ennead VI.6-9 by Plotinus
Literature of Modern Arabia by Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Between Worlds: A Study of the Plays of John Webster by Goldberg, Dena
Review of Contemporary Fiction: VIII, #3: Novelist as Critic by O'Brien, John
Political Mythology and Popular Fiction by
Zum Schriftlichen Gebrauch Des Kairiner Dialekts Anhand Ausgewählter Texte Von Sa'daddin Wahba by Malina, Renate
Studien by
Fluchtpunkte Des Exils Und Andere Themen by
Tendenzkunst-Debatte 1910-1912: Dokumente Zur Literaturtheorie Und Literaturkritik Der Revolutionären Deutschen Sozialdemokratie by
Deutsch-Amerikanische Sozialistische Literatur 1865-1900: Anthologie by
"Ästhetik des Widerstands" by
Adressatenwechsel: Literarische Kommunikation in Sowjetrußland, (1917-1930) by Thun, Nyota
Adressatenwechsel: Literarische Kommunikation in Sowjetrußland, (1917-1930) by Thun, Nyota
Sprachsatire ALS Zeitsatire Bei Karl Kraus: Neun Studien by Krolop, Kurt
Studien II by
Adressatenwechsel: Literarische Kommunikation in Sowjetrußland (1917-1930) by Thun, Nyota
Russische Volksmärchen by
Film and Literature: A Comparative Approach to Adaptation by
San Manuel Bueno, Martir and La Novela de Don Sandalio by Unamuno, Miguel De, De Unamuno, Miguel
American Romanticism and the Marketplace by Gilmore, Michael T.
Euripides: Alcestis by
Film and Literature: A Comparative Approach to Adaptation by
German Stage, 1767-1890: A Directory of Playwrights and Plays by Richel, Veronica C.
Divided Fictions: Fanny Burney and Feminine Strategy by Straub, Kristina
Handbook of American-Jewish Literature: An Analytical Guide to Topics, Themes, and Sources by
The Ethnic I: A Sourcebook for Ethnic-American Autobiography by Holte, James C., Holte, James Craig
An Introduction to Greek Art: Workplace Reform in Australia by Woodford, Susan
Freud, Proust and Lacan: Theory as Fiction by Bowie, Malcolm
Recognizing Biography by Epstein, William H.
Authors to Themselves: Milton and the Revelation of History by Grossman, Marshall
Chinese by Norman, Jerry
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910 1950 by Gelpi, Albert
Modern Arabic Drama in Egypt by Badawi, Muhammad Mustafa, M. M., Badawi, Badawi, M. M.
The American Abraham: James Fenimore Cooper and the Frontier Patriarch by Motley, Warren
Introducing Bookplots: A Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 8-12 by Spirt, Diana L., Unknown
Books for Children to Read Alone: A Guide for Parents and Librarians by Wilson, George, Moss, Joyce
Books for the Gifted Child: Vol. 2 by Hauser, Paula, Nelson, Gail A., Baskin, Barbara Holland
Index to Collective Biographies for Young Readers by
Commonplace Book by Forster, E. M.
Ariel by Rodó, José Enrique
The Faith of a (Woman) Writer by
Sir Philip Sidney: An Anthology of Modern Criticism by
The Sleuth and the Scholar: Origins, Evolution, and Current Trends in Detective Fiction by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Short Narratives of E. M. Forster by Herz, Judith S.
Shakespeare: The Play of History by Holderness, G., Turner, J.
Shakespeare the Aesthete: An Exploration of Literary Theory by MacKinnon, Lachlan
A Better Country: The Worlds of Religious Fantasy and Science Fiction (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy) by Sammons, Martha C.
Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830 1914 by Brantlinger, Patrick
Theatre and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Spain: Juan de Grimaldi as Impresario and Government Agent by Gies, David Thatcher
Equivocal Endings in Classic American Novels: The Scarlet Letter; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Ambassadors; The Great Gatsby by Rowe, Joyce A., Joyce a., Rowe
The Literary Absolute: The Theory of Literature in German Romanticism by Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, Nancy, Jean-Luc
Abhb Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries: Volume 17: Publications of 1986 by
Conversations with Erskine Caldwell by
Sämtliche Werke, Band 6, Biblische Dramen III by Weise, Christian
Sources of Humour / Aux sources de l'humour by Sauvy, Alfred
Die Figur des Enthusiasten in der amerikanischen Erzählliteratur by Weckermann, Hans-Jürgen
Lustspiele: Das Band, Sylvia, Die Betschwester, Das Loos in Der Lotterie, Die Zärtlichen Schwestern, Die Kranke Frau, Das Orakel by
A Reader's Delight by Perrin, Noel
Mark Twain's Letters, Volume 1: 1853-1866 Volume 9 by Twain, Mark
Ethics of Criticism by Siebers, Tobin
Jane Austen and the War of Ideas by Butler, Marilyn, Bulter, Marilyn
Antonio Machado: Selected Poems by Machado, Antonio
Nietzsche and Modern Literature: Themes in Yeats, Rilke, Mann and Lawrence by May, Keith M.
Dante: The Poetics of Conversion by Freccero, John
Index to Poetry in Popular Periodicals, 1960-1964 by Caskey, Jefferson D.
French Devotional Texts of the Middle Ages: A Bibliographic Manuscript Guide; Second Supplement by Sinclair, Keith Val
Against the Horizon: Feminism and Postwar Austrian Women Writers by Hassan, Riffat, Vansant, Jacqueline, Grob, Leonard
New Essays on Invisible Man by
T. S. Eliot: The Poems by Scofield, Martin
Twentieth-Century English History Plays: From Shaw to Bond by Harben, Niloufer
Spectrum of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Sixth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts by Unknown
Victoria's Year: English Literature and Culture, 1837-1838 by Stein, Richard L.
Oedipus the King: Sophocles by Berg, Stephen, Clay, Diskin, Sophocles
The Tale of the Heike by
Surrealismus ALS Erkenntnis: Walter Benjamin - Weimarer Einbahnstrasse Und Pariser Passagen by Fürnkäs, Josef
Kafka: Judentum - Gesellschaft - Literatur. Sonderausgabe by Robertson, Ritchie
Die Italienische Literatur Der Renaissancezeit by Gaspary, Adolf
Indicem V Necnon Addenda Et Corrigenda Continens by
Enemies, a Love Story by Singer, Isaac Bashevis
The Works of John Dryden, Volume V: Poems, 1697 Volume 5 by Dryden, John
Contour in Time: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill by Bogard, Travis
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë by Miles, Robert
Und Sagte Kein Einziges Wort by Boll, Heinrich
Discovering Shakespeare's Meaning by Scragg, Leah
Writing in the Margin: Spanish Literature of the Golden Age by Smith, Paul Julian
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 1 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 2 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 3 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
From Fact to Fiction: Journalism & Imaginative Writing in America by Fishkin, Shelley Fisher
Spiritual Narratives by Stewart, Maria W., Lee, Jarena, Foote, Julia a. J.
Homespun Heroines and Other Women of Distinction by Brown, Hallie Q.
Stendhal's Violin: A Novelist and His Reader by Pearson, Roger
The Magazine Novels of Pauline Hopkins (Including Hagar's Daughter, Winona, and of One Blood) by Hopkins, Pauline E.
The Mechanic Muse by Kenner, Hugh
Power in Verse: Metaphor and Metonymy in the Renaissance Lyric by Hedley, Jane
To Double Business Bound: Essays on Literature, Mimesis, and Anthropology by Girard, Rene
The Works of John Dryden, Volume VI: Poems, the Works of Virgil in English 1697 Volume 6 by Dryden, John
Samuel Johnson: An Analysis by Hinnant, Charles H.
Derrida by Norris, Christopher
A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists by Weinberg, Robert E.
Culture and Irony: Studies in Joseph Conrad's Major Novels by Winner, Anthony
Exclusive Conversations: The Art of Interaction in Seventeenth-Century France by Goldsmith, Elizabeth C.
See More