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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1989

The Limits of Theory by
Eleven Old English Rogationtide Homilies by
Politics and the Muse: Studies in the Politics of Recent American Literature by
Distant Pleasures: Alexander Pushkin and the Writing of Exile by Sandler, Stephanie
Mervelous Signals: Poetics and Sign Theory in the Middle Ages by Vance, Eugene
James I and the Politics of Literature by Goldberg, Jonathan
Insipiens - Integer by
Integer - Interpello by
Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach: Tagebücher. Band I-VI by
Interpello - Intervulsus by
Locus - Ludibundus by
Ludibundus - Lyxipyretos by
Misereor - Modus by
An - Apluda by
Astringo - Auctor by
New York by
Auctor - Avis by
Bracciatus -Byzeres by
C - Candidus by
Candidus - Caro by
Carine - Chatramis by
D - Didius by
Didius - Dzoni. Addenda - Corrigenda. Da - Donussa by
D - Decus by
Decus - Demergo by
Demergo - Desingo by
Designo - Dicio by
Ex - Excoquo by
Excopuo - Exhorresco by
F - Familia by
Homocidium - Hospes by
Ico - Ignotus by
Implico - In by
In - Inclutus by
Liber Alexandri Magni: Die Alexandergeschichte Nach Der Handschrift Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, N.A.L. 310. Untersuchungen Und Textausgabe by Schnell, Rüdiger
Re(dis)Covering Our Foremothers: Nineteenth-Century Canadian Women's Writers by
American Incarnation: The Individual, the Nation, and the Continent by Jehlen, Myra
The Historical Method of Herodotus by Lateiner, Donald
Hamlet by William Shakespeare by Brooks, Jean R.
A Poetics of Art Criticism: The Case of Baudelaire by Raser, Timothy
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 32, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1989) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 33, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1989) by
Londondichtung ALS Politik: Texte Und Kontexte Der 'City Poetry' Von Der Restauration Bis Zum Ende Der Walpole-Ära by Gassenmeier, Michael
Abschied, Reise und Wiedersehen bei Shakespeare by Kullmann, Thomas
Literatur zur deutschsprachigen Presse, Band 3, 23743-33164. Technische Herstellung und Vertrieb. Der Rezipient by Hagelweide, Gert
Matthew Arnold and the Classical Tradition by Anderson, Warren D.
The Added Dimension: The Art and Mind of Flannery O'Connor by Friedman, Melvin, Lawson, Lewis
Diskursivität und Aphoristik by Wanning, Frank
Tagebücher, Band I, Tagebücher (1862-1869) by
Fachgespräche in Aufklärung und Revolution by
Le sermon sur l'Enfant prodigue de Michel Menot (1520) by Werner, Dorothée
Women's Writing in Exile by
La Genese Sociale de L'Individualisme Romantique: Esquisse Historique de L'Evolution Du Roman En France Du Dix-Huitieme Au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle by Condé, Michel
Gil Vicente and the Development of the Comedia by Garay
Berg Companion by
Beyond the Frontier: Writers, Western Regionalism and a Sense of Place by Simonson, Harold P.
Hacia una poética del relato didáctico: ocho estudios sobre El Conde Lucanor by Biglieri
Text L-P by
Text Q-Z by
Charles Sangster and His Works by Hamilton, W. D.
Selected Sermons of Zachary Boyd by
"Unser vrouwen hinfart" und "Diu Urstende" by Konrad Von Heimesfurt
Sherlock Holmes by Gas Lamp: Highlights from the First Four Decades of the Baker Street Journal by Shreffler, Philip
Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change by Felski, Rita
Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in American Magazines, 1923-1939 by Zalampas, Michael
Schreiben Und Selbstreflexion: Eine Literaturpsychologische Untersuchung Literarischer Produktivität by Jung, Irene
Die Traumlandschaften Ludwig Tiecks: Traumreise Und Individuationsprozeß Aus Romantischer Perspektive by Garmann, Gerburg
Opuscula Psychologica, Theologica, Daemonologica by Michael Psellus
Theologica: Volume I by Michael Psellus
Declamationes Minores by Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum by
Oratorum Et Rhetorum Sententiae, Divisiones, Colores by Seneca
Georgii Gemisti Plethonis Opuscula de Historia Graeca by Pletho, Georgius Gemistus
Profiles of a Rabbi: Synoptic Opportunities in Reading about Jesus by Chilton, Bruce
Charles G.D. Roberts and His Works by Cogswell, Fred
Lannzilet: (Aus Dem Buch Der Abenteuer) Str. 1-1122 by
The Reading of Time: A Semantico-Semiotic Approach by Pinto, Julio C. M.
Imagining India by Cronin, Richard
Christopher Caudwell: Towards a Dialectical Theory of Literature by Pawling, Christopher
Philip Larkin: The Man and His Work by Salwak, Dale
Henry James's Portrait of the Writer as Hero by Chapman, Sara S.
Modern British Farce: A Selective Study of British Farce from Pinero to the Present Day by Smith, Leslie
Kipling's Myths of Love and Death by Crook, Nora
England's Time of Crisis: From Shakespeare to Milton: A Cultural History by Morse, David
A Conrad Chronology by Knowles, Owen
The Modern Arabic Short Story: Shahrazad Returns by Shaheen, Mohammad
Richard Aldington: A Biography by Doyle, Charles
Shakespeare's Italian Settings and Plays by Levith, Murray J.
Perspectives on Literature and Society in Eastern and Western Europe by Cushing, George F., Hosking, Geoffrey Alan
The Literature of Region and Nation by Draper, Ronald P.
Rabindranath Tagore: Perspectives in Time by Tagore, Rabindranath
A Thomas Hardy Dictionary: With Maps and a Chronology by
Deconstruction: A Critique by Rajnath, A.
From Hardy to Faulkner: Wessex to Yoknapatawpha by Rabbetts, John
Discontinuous Discourses in Modern Russian Literature by Kelly, Catriona, Makin, Michael
George Gissing: The Cultural Challenge by Sloan, John
Cultural Climate and Linguistic Style: Change in English Fictional Prose from the Late Victorian to the Early Modern Period by Cawthra, Gillian
Thomas Hardy: Distracted Preacher?: Hardy's Religious Biography and Its Influence on His Novels by Hands, Timothy R.
Tradition and Influence in Anglo-Irish Poetry by Grene, Nicholas, Brown, Terence
Fiction of the Modern Grotesque by McElroy, Bernard
The Critical Spirit and the Will to Believe: Essays in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Religion by Wright, T. R., Jasper, D.
Thomas Müntzer: Theology and Revolution in the German Reformation by Scott, Tom
The Literature of War: Studies in Heroic Virtue by Rutherford, Andrew
Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses by
Aeschylus: Eumenides by
Interpreting Thomas More's Utopia by
Fictional Worlds by Pavel, Thomas G.
Ben Jonson: A Life by Riggs, David
Goethe und Manzoni by
Literaturgeschichtsschreibung in Italien und Deutschland by
Literatur auf dem Bildschirm by Durzak, Manfred
Testi, cotesti e contesti del franco-italiano by
Libri XXVI-XXVII by Titus Livius
Libri IX-X. Indices by Pausanias Periegeta
Blödigkeit: Beschreibungen Des Individuums Im 18. Jahrhundert by Stanitzek, Georg
Heldensage und Stammessage by Weddige, Hilkert
Libri I-IV by Pausanias Periegeta
"Lo Thesaur del Hospital de Sant Sperit" by Gleßgen, Martin-Dietrich
Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Editionen Und Studien Zur Deutschen Literatur Des Mittelalters: Kurt Ruh Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Historiarum Libri by Cornelius Tacitus
Nation und Literatur im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit by
Apologie der Tragödie by Reinhardt, Hartmut
Die Geschichtlichkeit des frühromantischen Romans by Schmidt, Thomas E.
Goethe Und Die Jungen: Über Die Grenzen Der Poesie Und Vom Vorrang Des Wirklichen Lebens by Weber, Johannes
Faust Through Four Centuries - Vierhundert Jahre Faust: Retrospect and Analysis - Rückblick Und Analyse by
Catull by
Die Vereinbarkeit des Unvereinbaren by Swiderska, Malgorzata
Freiheitssonne und Revolutionsgewitter by Koopmann, Helmut
Der Künstler als Misanthrop by Sorg, Bernhard
The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa by
A Fresh Anointing by Hagin, Kenneth E.
The Music of What Happens: Poems, Poets, Critics by Vendler, Helen
Virtuous Intentions: The Religious Dimension of Narrative by Ledbetter, Mark
Shaman Sorceress by Kim, Dong-Ni
Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy by
The Woman in the Mountain: Reconstructions of Self and Land by Adirondack Women Writers by Winter, Kate H.
Korean Classical Literature by Chong-Wha, Chung
The Social Christian Novel by Wright, R. Glenn, Wright, Robert Glenn
The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon: Critical Essays and an Unpublished Manuscript by Elkins, Charles, Greenberg, Martin, McCarthy, Patrick
Shelley's Process: Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works by Hogle, Jerrold E.
Al-Muntaha Fi L-Kamal Des Muhammad Ibn Sahl Ibn Al-Marzuban Al-Karhi (Gest. Ca. 345/956): Unters. U. Krit. Ed. Von Bd. 4 - 5 U. 9 - 10 by Al-Hadrusi, Salem M. H.
Das Buch Der Schlagfertigen Antworten Von Ibn ABI 'Awn: Ein Werk Der Klassisch-Arabischen Adab-Literatur; Einleitung, Edition Und Quellenanalyse by Yousef, May A.
Vertreibung Der Wissenschaften Und Andere Themen by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 33, Heft 6 by
Alfred Andersch: Politisches Engagement Und Literarische Wirksamkeit by Reinhold, Ursula
Schiller-Debatte 1905: Dokumente Zur Literaturtheorie Und Literaturkritik Der Revolutionären Deutschen Sozialdemokratie by
Roman Und Arbeiter Im Heutigen England by Magister, Karl-Heinz
Bulgarische Prosa: Entwicklungstrends Und Genrestrukturen Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by Witschew, Dobri
Writing Nature: Henry Thoreau's Journal by Cameron, Sharon
Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance by Baker Jr, Houston A.
A George Eliot Chronology by Hands, Timothy
Dark Twins: Imposture and Identity in Mark Twain's America by Gillman, Susan
Narrative Discourse Revisited by Genette, Gerard
Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War by Kagan, Donald
Realism and Revolution: Balzac, Stendhal, Zola and the Performances of History by Petrey, Sandy
Spotlight on the Child: Studies in the History of American Children's Theatre by Tolch, C. John, Bedard, Roger
What Is to Be Done? by Chernyshevsky, Nikolai
Dai Wangshu: The Life and Poetry of a Chinese Modernist by Lee, Gregory
Stories by Gao Yang: "Rekindled Love" and "Purple Jade Hairpin" by
Mark of the Beast: Death and Degradation in the Literature of the Great War by Bonadeo, Alfredo
The Dialogic and Difference: "An/Other Woman" in Virginia Woolf and Christa Wolf by Herrmann, Anne
Selected Poems of Sŏ Chŏngju by
James Joyce and Sexuality by Brown, Richard
Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of Satires by Braund, Susanna Morton
Revision and Authority in Wordsworth: The Interpretation of a Career by Galperin, William H.
Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages by
Paradigm and Parody: Images of Creativity in French Romanticism - Vigny, Hugo, Balzac, Gautier, Musset by Majewski, Henry F.
Seniorplots: A Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 15-18 by Gillespie, John, Naden, Corinne
Bild Und Gegenbild: Die USA in Der Belletristik Der Sbz Und Der DDR (Bis 1987) by Weßel, Daisy
The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages by Smalley, Beryl
The Divine Enchantment: A Mystical Poem and Poetic Values: Their Reality and Our Need of Them by Neihardt, John G.
Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1747-1822) - bewundert, beneidet, umstritten by Hohenstein, Siglinde
The Limits of Theory by
Senecas Phoenissen by Hirschberg, Theo
Keats - The Progress of the Odes. Unity and Utopia. by Farrell, Jennifer
Mythic Black Fiction: The Transformation of History by Campbell, Jane
Structuralism and the Logic of Dissent: Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan by Bannet, Eve Tavor
Structuralism and the Logic of Dissent: Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan by Bannet, Eve Tavor
Picaresque Narrative, Picaresque Fictions: A Theory and Research Guide by Wicks, Ulrich
Uncanny American Fiction: Medusa's Face by Lloyd-Smith, Allan G.
High Resolution: Critical Theory and the Problem of Literacy by Sussman, Henry S.
The Burden of Office: Agamemnon and Other Losers by Tussman, Joseph
Charlotte and Emily Brontë: Literary Lives by Chitham, Edward, Winnifrith, Tom
Intertextuality, Allusion, and Quotation: An International Bibliography of Critical Studies by Hebel, Udo J.
History, Politics, and the Novel by LaCapra, Dominick
Backgrounds to Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature: An Annotated Bibliographical Guide to Modern Scholarship by Spector, Robert Donald
Joseph Conrad: A Literary Life by Watts, Cedric P.
Charlotte and Emily Brontë: Literary Lives by Winnifrith, Tom, Chitham, Edward
John Donne: A Literary Life by Parfitt, George
Gladstone by Feuchtwanger, E. J.
The Divided Mind: Ideology and Imagination in America, 1898-1917 by Conn, Peter
Dante and Medieval Latin Traditions by Dronke, Peter
Sur Plusieurs Beaux Sujects: Wallace Stevens' Commonplace Book by Stevens, Wallace
The Public Is Invited to Dance: Representation, the Body, and Dialogue in Gertrude Stein by Chessman, Harriet Scott
Predigten by
German Novellas of Realism: Stifter, Droste-Hulshoff, Gotthelf, Grillparzer, Morike: Volume 1 by
Deleuze and Guattari by Bogue, Ronald
The Everyday World as Problematic: Stories of a Woman's Power by Smith, Dorothy E.
Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? by Meade, Marion
The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs by Odier, Daniel, Burroughs, William S.
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