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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1990

Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology by
Merlin's Disciples: Prophecy, Poetry, and Power in Renaissance England by Dobin, Howard
Ideology & Form in African Poetry by Ngara, Emmanuel
Discourse Networks 1800/1900 by Kittler, Friedrich A.
The Great Art Hoax: Essays in the Comedy and Insanity of Collectible Art by Huer, Jon
The States of Theory: History, Art, and Critical Discourse by
Is - Iugum by
Modus - Monstro by
Monstro - Multitudo by
Apludus - Ardabur by
Avisa - Bagaudae by
Bagazatace - Beo by
Beo - Bracchium by
C - Carine by
Caro - Cedo by
Cornix - Criminosus by
Criminosus - Cur by
Index Librorum Scriptorum Inscriptionum Ex Quibus Exempla Afferuntur by
Praemonenda de Rationibus Et Usu Operis by
Index Librorum Scriptorum Inscriptionum Ex Quibus Exempla Afferuntur by
Hic - Homicidium by
Zwischen Tradition und Revolution: Die Frauengestalten in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahren und ihr Verhaeltnis zu deutschen Originalromanen des 18. Jahrhun by Ladendorf, Ingrid
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II by
Manufacturing Africa by
Cultural Forces in World Politics by Mazrui, Ali A.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 34, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1990) by
Die Farbe Purpur im frühen Griechentum by Stulz, Heinke
Plutarchs Schrift De Pythiae oraculis by Schröder, Stephan
Der Götterstreit in der Ilias by Schäfer, Melsene
Cyclopean Song: Melancholy and Aestheticism in G�ngora's F�bula de Polifemo Y Galatea by Dolan, Kathleen Hunt
Introducing Hugh Maclennan's Two Solitudes by Leith, Linda
Writing Matter: From the Hands of the English Renaissance by Goldberg, Jonathan
Cultures in Contact in Medieval Spain: Historical and Literary Essays Presented to L.P. Harvey by
Friedrich Nietzsche: Die Zerstörung Der Humanität Durch 'Mutterliebe' by Kjaer, Jørgen
Cleomedis Caelestia (Meteora) by Cleomedes
Hecuba by Euripides
Strategemata by Frontinus, Sextus Iulius
Epigrammata by Martialis, Marcus Valerius
C. Musonii Rufi Reliquiae by Musonius Rufus, Gaius
Ex Ponto Libri Quattuor by Ovidius Naso, Publius
de Homero by Plutarchus
Apocolocyntosis by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Canadian Writers and Their Works -- Poetry Series, Volume VII: Al Purdy, Phyllis Webb, James Reaney, Alden Nowlan, and Milton Acorn by
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 30: Schillers Briefe 1.11.1798 - 31.12.1800. by
Around the Absurd: Essays on Modern and Postmodern Drama by
Mountain Preacher Stories: Laughter Among the Trumpets by Fisher, Ben C.
Ein Leben in Briefen: Ergänzungsband I. Die Texte by Reiter, Siegfried
The Theatre of the Mind: A Study of Unacted Drama in Nineteenth-Century England by Wang, Shou-Ren
Bernard Shaw and the Comic Sublime by Gordon, David J.
Coleridge's Career by Davidson, Graham
Rethinking Beckett: A Collection of Critical Essays by Davis, Robin J., Butler, Lance S.
Tom Stoppard: The Moral Vision of the Major Plays by Delany, P.
Shakespeare's Early History Plays: Politics at Play on the Elizabethan Stage by Watson, Donald
Nietzsche and the Spirit of Tragedy by May, Keith M.
English Fiction and Drama of the Great War, 1918-39 by Onions, John
Hemingway's Art of Non-Fiction by Weber, Ronald
Political Fiction and the Historical Imagination by Horsley, Lee
Desire and the Political Unconscious in American Literature: Eros and Ideology by Girgus, Sam B.
Coleridge's Political Thought: Property, Morality and the Limits of Traditional Discourse by Morrow, John
In Pursuit of Doris Lessing: Nine Nations Reading by
Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Self: Space and Time in the Voyages Extraordinaires by Butcher, William, Bradbury, Foreword By Ray
The Writing of Nathanael West by Wisker, Alistair
A Kipling Chronology by Orel, Harold
A Dr Johnson Chronology by Page, Norman
A Tennyson Chronology by Pinion, F. B.
Shaw by
T. S. Eliot: A Voice Descanting: Centenary Essays by
Maupassant in the Hall of Mirrors: Ironies of Repetition in the Work of Guy de Maupassant by Harris, Trevor A. Le V.
Iris Murdoch: Figures of Good by Ramanathan, Suguna
Modern Slovak Prose: Fiction Since 1954 by
Calderon: The Schism in England: La Cisma de Inglaterra by Muir, Kenneth
James Joyce: Interviews and Recollections by
Frank O'Connor at Work by Steinman, Michael
Introduction to Francophone African Literature by
Cicero: Tusculan Disputations II & V: With a Summary of Books III & IV by Cicero
Sophocles: Philoctetes by
Albuquerque: Caesar of the East. Selected Texts by Afonso de Albuquerque and His Son by Earle, Tom, Villiers, John
Lorca: Gypsy Ballads by Havard, Robert G.
Metaphoric Narration: Paranarrative Dimensions in A la recherche du temps perdu by Pimentel, Luz Aurora
Reading Southeast Asia by
Voice of a Native Son: The Poetics of Richard Wright by Miller, Eugene E.
Direcciones del Vanguardismo Hispanoamericano. Estudios Sobre Poesía de Vanguardia En La Década del Veinte. Documentos by
The Battle for Childhood: Creation of a Russian Myth by Wachtel, Andrew
Made in Japan and Other Japanese Business Novels by Prindle, Tamae K.
British Hispanism and the Challenge of Literary Theory by Jordan, Barry, Jordan, William Chester
In Their Own Voices: African Women Writers Talk by James, Adeola
Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English, Volume IV (Second Edition) by
Kafu the Scribbler: The Life and Writings of Nagai Kafu, 1897-1959 Volume 3 by Seidensticker, Edward
Pastor - Paucus by
Der Reisebericht in Der Deutschen Literatur: Ein Forschungsüberblick ALS Vorstudie Zu Einer Gattungsgeschichte by Brenner, Peter J.
Libri V-VIII by Pausanias Periegeta
Studies in Aeschylus by West, Martin L.
De exhortatione castitatis by
Spätantike Dichtungstheorien: Untersuchungen Zu Proklos, Herakleitos Und Plutarch by Bernard, Wolfgang
Assenat by Zesen, Philipp Von
Essays on Politics and Literature by Crick, Bernard
The Writings of Margaret of Oingt: Medieval Prioress and Mystic by Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
The Great Art Hoax: Essays in the Comedy and Insanity of Collectible Art by Huer, Jon
The Religious Dimensions of Biblical Texts by Patte, Daniel
Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives of Feminists of Color by
Sor Juana: Or, the Traps of Faith by Paz, Octavio
A Conrad Chronology by Knowles, Owen
Literary Studies in Action by Fabb, Nigel, Durant, Alan
Fighting Songs and Warring Words: Popular Lyrics of Two World Wars by Murdoch, Brian
The Stagecraft of Aeschylus: The Dramatic Use of Exits and Entrances in Greek Tragedy by Taplin, Oliver
A Descriptive Bibliography of Lady Chatterley's Lover: With Essays Toward a Publishing History of the Novel by Gertzman, Jay A.
Restrained Response: American Novels of the Cold War and Korea, 1945-1962 by Axelsson, Arne
Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380-1530 by
Trials of Authorship: Anterior Forms and Poetic Reconstruction from Wyatt to Shakespeare by Crewe, Jonathan
The Hidden Force by Couperus, L.
Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary? by Elsom, John
Chorasantürkische Materialien Aus Kalat Bei Esfarayen by Tulu, Sultan
(Lieferung 53 Des Gesamtwerkes) by Goedeke, Karl
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 1 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 3 by
Romankunst in Lateinamerika by
1982-1986: Dem X. Internationalen Slawistenkongreß Gewidmet by Gutschmidt, Karl, Pohrt, Heinz, Schultheis, Johannes
Die Bibliothek Der Brüder Grimm: Annotiertes Verzeichnis Des Festgestellten Bestandes by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 2 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 34, Heft 2 by
1989 by
Briefe Und Begegnungen by Wieland, Christoph Martin, Brentano, Sophie
The Dancing Palm Tree and Other Nigerian Folktales by Walker, Barbara K.
Greek Orators III: Isocrates, Panegyricus and AD Nicolem by Isocrates
Rabelais's Carnival: Text, Context, Metatext by Kinser, Samuel
Schrift, Buch und Lektüre in der französischsprachigen Literatur Afrikas by Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen
Die Schweizer Minnesänger, Band 1, Texte by
Albert Camus Und Der Algerienkrieg: Die Auseinandersetzung Der Algerienfranzösischen Schriftsteller Mit Dem Directeur de Conscience Im Algerienkrieg ( by Albes, Wolf-Dietrich
Transfigured World: An Excursion in the History of Ideas from Abelard to Leibniz by Williams, Carolyn
Philip's Phoenix: Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke by Hannay, Margaret P.
Archidamian War by Kagan, Donald
Women and the Literature of the Seventeenth Century: An Annotated Bibliography Based on Wing's Short-Title Catalogue by Cardinale, Susan, Smith, Hilda L.
Fictional Truth by Riffaterre, Michael
Subject to Change: Reading Feminist Writing by Miller, Nancy K.
Yeats Annual No 7: Including Essays in Memory of Richard Ellmann by
Die elsässische >Legenda aurea by
The American Essays of Henry James by James, Henry
A Gift That Cannot Be Refused: The Writing and Publishing of Contemporary American Poetry by Biggs, Mary
Keynes and India: A Study in History and Biography by Chandavarkar, A.
Keynes and India: A Study in Economics and Biography by Chandavarkar, A.
Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Cuban Literature by Martinez, Julio
The Shape of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Seventh International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts by
Nineteenth-Century French Poetry: Introductions to Close Reading by
The Shade of Homer by Ricks, David
Painterly Abstraction in Modernist American Poetry by Altieri, Charles
New Essays on 'The Portrait of a Lady' by
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 1, Classical Criticism by
New Essays on 'The Portrait of a Lady' by Porte, Joel
Lysias: Selected Speeches by Lysias
Sex and Death in Victorian Literature by
Designs of Darkness in Contemporary American Fiction by Saltzman, Arthur M.
Unwording the World: Sameil Beckett's Prose Works After the Nobel Prize by Locatelli, Carla
Lovesickness in the Middle Ages: The Viaticum and Its Commentaries by Wack, Mary Frances
Writing Without Taboos: The New East German Literature by Reid, James H.
Resistance and Revenge: The Armenian Assassination of Turkish Leaders Responsible for the 1915 Massacres and Deportations by
Books Kids Will Sit Still for: A Read-Aloud Guide Second Edition by Freeman, Judith, Freeman, Judy
Góngora's Poetic Textual Tradition: An Analysis of Selected Variants, Versions and Imitations of His Shorter Poems by Chaffee-Sorace, Diane
The Lyrical Vision of María Luisa Bombal by Kostopulos-Cooperman, Celeste
Comics as Culture by Inge, M. Thomas
Poetry and Its Public in Ancient Greece: From Homer to the Fifth Century by Gentili, Bruno
Conversations with John Gardner by
Homer, Poet of the Iliad by Edwards, Mark W.
A Sor Juana Anthology by Inés de la Cruz, Juana
Performing Feminisms: Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre by Case, Sue-Ellen
The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History: A Forgotten Heritage by Menocal, Maria Rosa, Menocal, María Rosa
Briefe an Friedrich August Wolf by Humboldt, Wilhelm Von
Alcestis by Euripides
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, Scully, James, Herington, C. John
Antigone by Braun, Richard Emil, Sophocles
Creating Faulkner's Reputation: The Politics of Modern Literary Criticism by Schwartz, Lawrence H.
The Complete King Lear, 1608-1623: by Shakespeare, William
The Shakespeare Folio Handbook and Census by Otness, Harold M.
A Record of Writing: An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography of George Bowering by Miki, Roy
Meaning and Being in Myth by Austin, Norman
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
A Bibliography of Printed Items Relating to the City of Lincoln by Short, D. Mary
Holland's Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychology and Literature-And-Psychology by Holland, Norman N.
Flesh Made Word: Female Figures and Women's Bodies by Michie, Helena
Camelot Regained: The Arthurian Revival and Tennyson 1800-1849 by Simpson, Roger
From the Greeks to the Greens: Volume 9 by Grimm, Reinhold
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
The Gothic Novel: A Selection of Critical Essays by Sage, Victor
Against Deconstruction by Ellis, John Martin
Waiting for the Unicorn, English Edition: Poems and Lyrics of China's Last Dynasty, 16441911 by
Poetic Form and British Romanticism by Curran, Stuart
Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic by DeLamotte, Eugenia C.
Fallen from the Symboled World: Precedents for the New Formalism by Prunty, Wyatt
The School of Hawthorne by Brodhead, Richard H.
Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel by Armstrong, Nancy
Alexander Pope: A Literary Life by Rosslyn, Felicity
The Place of Fiction in the Time of Science: A Disciplinary History of American Writing by Limon, John
A House Undivided: Domesticity and Community in American Literature by Anderson, Douglas
Naturalist Fiction: The Entropic Vision by David, Baguley, Baguley, David
Berg Companion by
Thomas Hardy's Personal Writings by
T.G.Masaryk (1850-1937): Volume 1: Thinker and Politician by Hanak, Harry
Tense and Narrativity: From Medieval Performance to Modern Fiction by Fleischman, Suzanne
Carnival of Repetition: Gaddis's the Recognitions and Postmodern Theory by Johnston, John
Faulkner's Marginal Couple: Invisible, Outlaw, and Unspeakable Communities by Duvall, John N.
See More