• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1993

Reaching for the Beaufort Sea: An Autobiography by Purdy, Al
The Poetics of Reading by
My Mother Gets Married by Martinson, Moa
Whittaker's Theatricals by Whittaker, Herbert
Faulkner and the Short Story by
Lion Woman's Legacy: An Armenian-American Memoir by Avakian, Arlene Voski
Communication and Women's Friendships: Parallels and Intersections in Literature and Life by
From Margins to Mainstream: Feminism and Fictional Modes in Italian Women's Writing, 1968-199 by Lazzaro-Weis, Carol
Theatre Profiles 8: The Illustrated Guide to America's Nonprofit Professional Theatres by
The Fictive World of Conrad Aiken by Seigel, Catharine
A History of Danish Literature by
Theatre Profiles 10: The Illustrated Guide to America's Nonprofit Professional Theatres by
Menon by Platon
Mano - Matrimonium by
Matrimonium - Membrum by
Aegyptus - Affero by
Affero - Agylle by
Possum - Potestas by
Serenity in Crisis: A Preface to Paul de Man, 1939-1960 by De Graef, Ortwin
Essential Papers on Literature and Psychoanalysis by
From May Fourth to P by
Styles of Creation: Aesthetic Technique and the Creation of Fictional Worlds by
Gwendolyn Brooks' Maud Martha: A Critical Collection by Bryant, Jaqueline
Tess of the d'Urbervilles: Thomas Hardy by
Imagination, Emblems, and Expressions: Essays on Latin American, Carribean, and Continental Culture and Identity by
Der Intellektuelle: Konzeption Und Selbstverständnis Schriftstellerischer Intelligenz in Frankreich Und Italien 1918-1930. M&p Schriftenre by Gipper, Andreas
Theater at the Margins: Text and the Post-Structured Stage by MacDonald, Erik
Architecture of Imagery in Alberto Moravia's Fiction by Kozma, Janice M.
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 38, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1992) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 39, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1993) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 40, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1993) by
The Daughter's Dilemma: Family Process and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Novel by Cohen, Paula Marantz
Scheming Papists and Lutheran Fools: Five Reformation Satires by Rummel, Erika
Scheming Papists and Lutheran Fools: Five Reformation Satires by Rummel, Erika
Here a Captive Heart Busted: Studies in the Sentimental Journey of Modern Literature by Fulweiler, Howard
Here a Captive Heart Busted: Studies in the Sentimental Journey of Modern Literature by Fulweiler, Howard
The Ordering Mirror: Readers and Contexts by Lopate, Phillip
The Libro de Alexandre: Medieval Epic and Silver Latin by Fraker, Charles F.
Dining with Sherlock Holmes: A Baker Street Cookbook by Rosenblatt, Julia C., Sonnenschmidt, Fredric H.
On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage: The Commonplace Books of William Byrd and Thomas Jefferson and the Gendering of Power in the Eighteenth Century by Lockridge, Kenneth A.
In a Persian Mirror: Images of the West and Westerners in Iranian Fiction by Ghanoonparvar, M. R., Ghanoonparvar, Mohammad R.
Essential Papers on Literature and Psychoanalysis by
The Fat Lady Dances: Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle by Fee, Margery
The Prose Works of Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume III: The Buke of the Ordre of Knychthede and the Buke of the Gouernaunce of Princis by Glenn, Jonathan A.
Bamboo Shoots After the Rain: Contemporary Stories by Women Writers of Taiwan by
Kommunikation Und Differenz: Systemtheoretische Ansätze in Der Literatur- Und Kunstwissenschaft by
Literatur Ohne Hoffnung: Die Krise Der Utopie in Der Deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur by Jabkowska, Joanna
Meaning in Henry James by Bell, Millicent
Monstrous Imagination by Huet, Marie-Hélène
The Development of Greek Biography: Expanded Edition by Momigliano, Arnaldo
Disseminating Whitman: Revision and Corporeality in Leaves of Grass by Moon, Michael
Troades by Euripides
Scholia in Agamemnonem, Choephoros, Eumenides, Supplices Continens by
Carmina Anacreontea by
Porphyrii Philosophi Fragmenta: Fragmenta Arabica David Wasserstein Interpretante by Porphyrius
Libri I-XIII: [Enth.: Duas Epistulas AD Firmum / Add. Johannes Divjak by
Lib. XIV - XXII by
Opera: Volumen I: de Vita Caesarum Libri VIII by Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius
Literaturpolitik im "Dritten Reich" by Barbian, Jan Pieter
Contemporary British Drama, 1970-90: Essays from Modern Drama by
Understanding Thomas Jefferson: Studies in Economics, Law and Philosophy by Burstein, M. L.
Alexander Zinoviev: An Introduction to His Work by Kirkwood, Michael
Pound in Multiple Perspective: A Collection of Critical Essays by
Austin Robinson: The Life of an Economic Adviser by Cairncross, S.
A. J. P. Taylor: The Traitor Within the Gates by Cole, Robert
Sartre and the Media by Scriven, Michael
Goldsmith: Interviews and Recollections by
Lebenssimulationen: Zur Literaturtheorie Und Fiktionalen PRAXIS Von Dieter Wellershoff by Bügner, Torsten
Post-Keynesian Essays in Biography: Portraits of Twentieth-Century Political Economists by Harcourt, G. C.
The Literature of Place by
Women and Discourse in the Fiction of Marguerite Duras: Love, Legends, Language by Cohen, Susan D.
Selected Letters of Matthew Arnold by
The Correspondence of Henry James and the House of Macmillan, 1877-1914: 'All the Links in the Chain' by
Romantic Influences: Contemporary -- Victorian -- Modern by Beer, J.
Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century France: Mandarins and Samurais by
Nietzsche on the Struggle Between Knowledge and Wisdom by May, K.
Rereading Shepard: Contemporary Critical Essays on the Plays of Sam Shepard by
The Fiction of C. S. Lewis: Mask and Mirror by Filmer, Kath
White on Black in South Africa: A Study of English-Language Inscriptions of Skin Colour by Wade, Michael
Blake's Poetry: Spectral Visions by Vine, Steven
An E. M. Forster Chronology by Stape, J.
Narrative and Desire in Russian Literature, 1822-49: The Feminine and the Masculine by Andrew, Joe
Postmodernism, Literature and the Future of Theology by
Wortbildung by Rickheit, Mechthild
The Masks of Hamlet by Rosenberg, Marvin
The Phoenix Award of the Children's Literature Association, 1995-1999 by Helbig, Alethea, Perkins, Agnes
Horace Satires I by
Greek Orators V: Demosthenes - On the Crown by
Ridiculous Theatre: Scourge of Human Folly: The Essays and Opinions of Charles Ludlam by Ludlam, Charles
Playing Joan: Actresses on the Challenge of Shaw's Saint Joan by Hill, Holly
A Concise History of German Literature to 1900 by
Border Crossings: An Introduction of East German Prose by Fox, Thomas
Song-Poems from Xanadu: Volume 64 by Crump, J.
The Romantic Imagination in the Works of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer by Bynum, B. Brant
Das Recht im "Reinhart Fuchs" by Widmaier, Sigrid
Praesuscipio - Pragmaticus by
Vitae Parallelae: Volumen II/Fasc. 1 by Plutarchus
Andromedatragödien: Sophokles - Euripides - Livius - Andronikus Ennius - Accius. Text, Einleitung Und Kommentar by Klimek-Winter, Rainer
Deutschsprachige Literatur aus Prag und den böhmischen Ländern by
Bandusia: Quelle Und Brunnen in Der Lateinischen, Italienischen, Französischen Und Deutschen Dichtung Der Renaissance by Janik, Dieter, Schäfer, Eckart, Blänsdorf, Jürgen
Lost in Yonkers by Simon, Neil
James Agee: Reconsiderations by
Literary Interest: The Limits of Anti-Formalism by Knapp, Steven
Reverse Tradition: Postmodern Fictions and the Nineteenth Century Novel by Kiely, Robert
The Strategy of Letters by Hjort, Mette
Javanese Literature in Surakarta Manuscripts: Introduction and Manuscripts of the Karaton Surakarta by Florida, Nancy K.
Javanese Literature in Surakarta Manuscripts: Introduction and Manuscripts of the Karaton Surakarta by Florida, Nancy K.
Libri I-III by Polybius
Moralia: Volume I by Plutarchus
Tales of Times Now Past: Sixty-Two Stories from a Medieval Japanese Collection Volume 9 by Ury, Marian
Lucifer by Vondel, Joost Van Den
Revista Iberoamericana: La Colección Archivos: Hacia Un Nuevo Canon by
The Stanze of Angelo Poliziano by
How I Wrote Jubilee: And Other Essays on Life and Literature by Walker, Margaret
Places of Performance: The Semiotics of Theatre Architecture by Carlson, Marvin A.
Make a Shield from Wisdom by Schimmel, Annemarie
New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings by
Dictionary of Real People and Places in Fiction by Rintoul, M. C.
Constructing Postmodernism by McHale, Brian
Constructing Postmodernism by McHale, Brian
The Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France by Gruen, Erich S.
Domestic Allegories of Political Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the Turn of the Century by Tate, Claudia
The Intimate Critique: Autobiographical Literary Criticism by
The British Critical Tradition: A Re-Evaluation by
Women and Discourse in the Fiction of Marguerite Duras: Love, Legends, Language by Cohen, Susan D.
Women and Discourse in the Fiction of Marguerite Duras: Love, Legends, Language by Cohen, Susan D.
Shakespeare's Mortal Knowledge: A Reading of the Tragedies by Ghose, Zulfikar
The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance by Schechner, Richard
Women and World War 1: The Written Response by
White on Black in South Africa: A Study of English-Language Inscriptions of Skin Colour by Wade, Michael
Women and World War 1: The Written Response by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 37, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 37, Heft 4 by
Zeitschrift Für Slawistik. Band 37, Heft 3 by
(Januar 1778-Juni 1782), Erster Teil: Text by
Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet by Davis, Frank Marshall
Text Und Textgeschichte Des Taugenichts. Eichendorffs Novelle Von Der Entstehung Bis Zum Ende Der Schutzfrist: Erster Band: Text. Zweiter Band: Textge by
Texte Zur Französischen Romantheorie Des 19. Jahrhunderts by
Einfache Formen: Legende, Sage, Mythe, Rätsel, Spruch, Kasus, Memorabile, Märchen, Witz by Jolles, André
Sintflut by Talkenberger, Heike
Bildpublizistik der frühen Neuzeit by Schilling, Michael
Berlin Oder Leipzig?: Eine Studie Zur Sozialen Organisation Der Germanistik Im »Nibelungenstreit« by Kolk, Rainer
Quellen Zur Rezeption Des Englischen Und Französischen Romans in Deutschland Und Österreich Im 19. Jahrhundert by
Über althochdeutsche Prosodie und Verskunst (1823/24) by Lachmann, Karl
Grabbe Und Die Dramatiker Seiner Zeit: Beiträge Zum II.Symposium Der Grabbe-Gesellschaft 1989 by
Renaissance Drama 22: New Series XXII 1991 Essays on Epistemological Transformations and Theater History by
Gesta Romanorum: Band 1: Untersuchungen Zu Konzeption Und Überlieferung; Band 2: Texte, Verzeichnis by Weiske, Brigitte
Text by
Text by
Text by
Das Literarische Leben Am Kurpfälzischen Hof Zu Heidelberg Im 15.Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag Zur Gönnerforschung Des Spätmittelalters by Backes, Martina
High Victorian Culture by Morse, D.
Text by
Gegenrichtung: Entwicklungstendenzen in Der Erzählprosa Thomas Bernhards by Marquardt, Eva
Französische Fernsehnachrichten ALS Kultureller Text by Batz, Richard
Suche Nach Wahrheit: Gottfrieds Tristan Und Isold ALS Erkenntniskritischer Roman by Schnell, Rüdiger
De inventione dialectica libri tres / Drei Bücher über die Inventio dialectica by
Das Glück, Der Tod Und Der »Augenblick«: Realismus Und Utopie Im Werk Dieter Wellershoffs by Tschierske, Ulrich
Moving the Centre: The Struggle for Cultural Freedoms by Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi
Dialogic Semiosis: An Essay on Signs and Meanings by Johansen, Jorgen Dines
Die Mylius-Vigoni: Deutsche Und Italiener Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert by
Theatralia Judaica I by
Aufklärung und Aberglaube by Pott, Martin
Reichsidee und Liebesethik by Borgstedt, Thomas
Figuren Der Unruhe by Hucke, Karl-Heinz
Das " Elucidarium " Des Honorius Augustodunensis: Untersuchungen Zu Seiner Uberlieferungs- Und Rezeptionsgeschichte Im Deutschsprachigen Raum Mit Ausg by Gottschall, Dagmar
Ultimate Island: On the Nature of British Science Fiction by Ruddick, Nicholas
Contemporary Gay American Novelists: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by
Caribbean Women Novelists: An Annotated Critical Bibliography by Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth
College Korean by Rogers, Michael C., You, Clare, Richards, Kyungnyun K.
Paradise: Selected Poems by Shvarts, Elena
Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning by Kristeller, Paul Oskar
A Fictive People: Antebellum Economic Development and the American Reading Public by Zboray, Ronald J.
Baudelaire and Intertextuality by Evans, Margery A.
T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years by Jain, Manju
The Arts of Love: Five Studies in the Discourse of Roman Love Elegy by Kennedy, Duncan F.
Iurii Trifonov: Unity Through Time by Gillespie, David C.
The Epic Successors of Virgil: A Study in the Dynamics of a Tradition by Hardie, Philip
Representative Words: Politics, Literature, and the American Language, 1776 1865 by Gustafson, Thomas
Wordsworth's Reading 1770 1799 by Wu, Duncan, Duncan, Wu
Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Intimacy by Harrison, Victoria
Hamlet versus Lear by Foakes, R. A.
A History of Anglo-Latin Literature, 1066 1422 by A. G., Rigg, Rigg, A. G.
Modern Arabic Literature by
Style and the Scribbling Women: An Empirical Analysis of Nineteenth-Century American Fiction by Hiatt, Mary P.
A Companion to Henry James Studies by Fogel, Daniel Mark
de la France. Kommentar by
Studies in Portuguese Literature and History in Honour of Luis de Sousa Rebelo by
The (Other) American Traditions: Nineteenth-Century Women Writers by
Charles Dickens and the Image of Women by Holbrook, David K.
The German Molière Revival and the Comedies of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Carl Sternheim: Foreword by D.A. Joyce by Sturges, Dugald
Love Beyond Death: The Anatomy of a Myth in the Arts by
Workings of the Spirit: The Poetics of Afro-American Women's Writing by Baker Jr, Houston A.
Die Kosmische Dimension in Den Tragödien Senecas by Schmitz, Christine
Virginia Woolf and the Fictions of Psychoanalysis: Volume 1 by Abel, Elizabeth
Conversations with Eudora Welty by
Prospecting: From Reader Response to Literary Anthropology by Iser, Wolfgang
Romanticism by Chase, Cynthia
Apollinaris Sidonius, Carm. 22: Burgus Pontii Leontii: Einleitung, Text Und Kommentar by Delhey, Norbert
Sämtliche Werke. Bd 1: Lyrik I. Bd 1/Tl 2 by Zesen, Philipp Von
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