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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1995

Stories of Raymond Carver: A Critical Study by Nesset, Kirk
Text As Topos in Religious Literature of the Spanish Golden Age by Salstad, M. Louise
Sargasso by Allende, Isabel
Foul and Fair Play: Reading Genre in Classic Detective Fiction by Roth, Marty
Counterfeit Ladies: The Life and Death of Mary Frith the Case of Mary Carleton by
Word Order in Ancient Greek: A Pragmatic Account of Word Order Variation in Herodotus by Dik, Helma
Women Times Three: Writers, Detectives, Readers by Klein, Kathleen Gregory
Vital Signs: Medical Realism in Nineteenth-Century Fiction by Rothfield, Lawrence
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 42, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1994) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 43, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1995) by
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 44, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1995) by
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneis Buch VI by Norden, Eduard
Zur Geistigen Welt Der Franziskaner Im 14. Und 15. Jahrhundert: Die Bibliothek Des Franziskanerklosters in Freiburg/Schweiz. Akten Der Tagung Des Medi by
The Peirce Seminar Papers: Volume II: An Annual of Semiotic Analysis by
Reading Henry James by Walker, Pierre
Translingual Practice: Literature, National Culture, and Translated Modernitya China, 1900-1937 by Liu, Lydia H.
Telling Travels by
Lehrbuch der ungarischen Sprache: Ein Grundkurs mit Übungen und Lösungen by Graetz, Julianna
König David - Eine Symbolfigur in der Musik by Salmen, Walter
Are We Not Also Men?: The Samkange Family and African Politics in Zimbabwe, 1920-64 by Ranger, T. O.
Johann Gottfried Herders Kulturentstehungslehre by Häfner, Ralf
Epitoma rei militaris by Vegetius Renatus, Flavius
Prolegomenon Sylloge by
Tristia by Ovidius Naso, Publius
Aristoteles, Euclides, Nicomachus, Bacchius, Gaudentius, Alypius by
de Oratore by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Tasting the Dish: Rabbinic Rhetorics of Sexuality by Satlow, Michael L.
Fools, Thieves and Other Dreamers by
Roads to the Top: Career Decisions and Development of 18 Business Leaders by Tait, Ruth
Justifying Language: Paul and Contemporary Literary Theory by Mills, Kevin
Allyn Young: The Peripatetic Economist by Blitch, Charles P.
A Woman's Voice by
Modern Korean Literature by
Reading Hemingway: The Facts in the Fictions by Mandel, Miriam B.
Seeing Together: Friendship Between the Sexes in English Writing from Mill to Woolf by Luftig, Victor
An Obsession with History: Russian Writers Confront the Past by Wachtel, Andrew Baruch
The Book of Yeats's Vision: Romantic Modernism and Antithetical Tradition by Adams, Hazard
Libri IV-VIII by Polybius
Libri IX-XIX by Polybius
The Davidic Dynasty Tradition in Early Judaism: Its History and Significance for Messianism by Pomykala, Kenneth E.
The Allegorical Impulse in the Works of Julien Gracq: History as Rhetorical Enactment in Le Rivage Des Syrtes and Un Balcon En Forêt by Murphy, Carol J.
Night Open: Selected Poems by Jacobsen, Rolf
Search for Philip K. Dick, 1928-1982 a Memoir and Biography of the Science Fiction Writer by Dick, Anne
Life Notes by Bell-Scott, Patricia
Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells: Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw by Shaw, Bernard, Wells, H. G.
Alfonsina Storni: Selected Poems by Storni, Alfonsina
Quellenkritische Edition by
Liebende Hirten by Stanzel, Karl-Heinz
Kommentar by
Pragmaticus - Princeps by
Perdomo - Perfundo by
Orationes in P. Vatinium Testem. Pro M. Caelio by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Virgils epische Technik by
Die griechische Literatur des Altertums by
Libri XX-XXXIX. Fragmenta by Polybius
Thomas Hardy: Wessex Poems by Johnson, Trevor
Romanticism: Theory: Gender: News from Nowhere 1 by Pinkney, Tony
Harold Hobson: The Complete Catalogue by Shellard, Dominic
Calisto's Dream and the Celestinesque Tradition: A Rereading of Celestina by Castells, Richard
Writing the Colonial Adventure: Race, Gender and Nation in Anglo-Australian Popular Fiction, 1875 1914 by Dixon, Robert
Writing in Parts: Imitation and Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Literature by McLaughlin, Kevin
Orwell in Athens: A Perspective on Informatization and Democracy by De Donk, Van
From Virile Woman to Womanchrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature by Newman, Barbara
Stories That Make the World, Volume 218: Oral Literature of the Indian Peoples of the Inland Northwest by
Tradición Y Actualidad de la Literatura Iberoamericana: Tomo I by
Tradición Y Actualidad de la Literatura Iberoamericana: Tomo II by
Proceedings of the J. R. R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992: Mythlore 80 (Volume 21, Issue 2 - 1996 Winter) by Reynolds, Patricia
Starting from Ameliasburgh: The Collected Prose of Al Purdy by Purdy, Al
New England's Gothic Literature History and Folklore of the Supernatural from the Seventeenth Through the Twentieth Centuries by Ringel, Faye
Armenian Folklore Bibliography by Avakian, Anne M.
Conversations with Saul Bellow by
Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic Imagining and the Biology of Mind by Kroeber, Karl
Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature by
Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric by Marotti, Arthur F.
Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric by Marotti, Arthur F.
Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom by
Reflecting Senses: Perception and Appearance in Literature, Culture and the Arts by
Henry Fielding by Uglow, Jenny
Theorizing Satire: Essays in Literary Criticism by
Romanticism, Writing, and Sexual Difference: Essays on the Prelude by Jacobus, Mary
Elegies II by Tibullus
Six Contemporary Dramatists: Bennett, Potter, Gray, Brenton, Hare, Ayckbourn by Wu, Duncan
Chivalry in Twelfth Century Germany: The Works of Hartmann Von Aue by Jackson, W. H.
The Poetics of Perspective by Elkins, James
The Village Novel in Modern Egyptian Literature by Elad, Ami
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien: Konferenzakten Escas IV, Bamberg 8.-12. Oktober 1991 by
Heinrich Manns Untertan Im Orient by Naim, Leila
Aspekte Der Künstlerischen Inneren Emigration 1933-1945 by
Joseph Conrad: Three Novels: Heart of Darkness, the Secret Agent and the Shadow Line by Page, Norman
International Women's Writing: New Landscapes of Identity by
Dort Drüben, in Westphalen: Hölderlins Reise Nach Bad Driburg Mit Wilhelm Heinse Und Susette Gontard. Schriften Der Hölderlin-Gesellschaft, Band 1 by Hock, Erich
Classical Persian Literature by Arberry, A. J.
Theseus and Athens by Walker, Henry J.
The Saxon Savior: The Germanic Transformation of the Gospel in the Ninth-Century Heliand by Murphy, G. Ronald
Insanity as Redemption in Contemporary American Fiction: Inmates Running the Asylum by Lupack, Barbara Tepa
Clementina Suárez: Her Life and Poetry by Gold, Janet N.
Pound, Thayer, Watson, and the Dial: A Story in Letters by
Cigarettes Are Sublime by Klein, Richard
J. Sheridan Le Fanu: A Bio-Bibliography by Crawford, Gary W.
Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations by Umland, Samuel
Rethinking the Borderlands: Between Chicano Culture and Legal Discourse by Gutiérrez-Jones, Carl
On the Outside Looking Out: John Ashbery's Poetry by Shoptaw, John
Daniel Sanders: Aufgeklärte Germanistik Im 19. Jahrhundert by Haß-Zumkehr, Ulrike
Voices from the Harlem Renaissance by
The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner by
Anglo-American Interplay in Recent Drama by Cohn, Ruby
The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance by Barnard, Rita
The Cambridge History of American Literature: Volume 2, Prose Writing 1820-1865 by
Pastoral and the Poetics of Self-Contradiction: Theocritus to Marvell by Haber, Judith
Thomas Stearns Eliot, Poet by Moody, A. David
Postmodernism and Popular Culture: A Cultural History by Docker, John
Writing and European Thought 1600-1830 by Hudson, Nicholas
New Right Discourse on Race and Sexuality: Britain, 1968 1990 by Smith, Anna Marie
History and Ideology in Proust by Sprinker, Michael
Locke, Literary Criticism, and Philosophy by Walker, William
Ethics, Theory and the Novel by Parker, David
Theoretical Aspects of Kashaya Phonology and Morphology by Buckley, Eugene
Theoretical Aspects of Kashaya Phonology and Morphology by Buckley, Eugene
William Cobbett: The Politics of Style by Nattrass, L., Nattrass, Leonora
Poetry and Jacobite Politics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland by Murray G. H., Pittock, Pittock, Murray G. H.
New Essays on Song of Solomon by Smith, V.
The Birth of European Romanticism: Truth and Propaganda in Stael's 'de L'Allemagne', 1810 1813 by Becher, Isbell, John Claiborne, John Claiborne, Isbell
New Right Discourse on Race and Sexuality: Britain, 1968 1990 by Smith, Anne Marie, Smith, Anna Marie
New Essays on Wise Blood by
Shelley and the Revolution in Taste: The Body and the Natural World by Morton, Timothy, Timothy, Morton
Literature, Education, and Romanticism: Reading as Social Practice, 1780 1832 by Richardson, Alan, Alan, Richardson
Movements in Chicano Poetry: Against Myths, Against Margins by P. Rez-Torres, Rafael, Perez-Torres, Rafael
The Literature of Labor and the Labors of Literature by Weinstein, Cindy
Modern American Short Story Sequences: Composite Fictions and Fictive Communities by Kennedy, Maxwell F.
Sources of Dramatic Theory: Volume 2, Voltaire to Hugo by
New Essays on Wise Blood by Kreyling, Michael
New Essays on Song of Solomon by
Cross-Cultural Reckonings by Gelfant, Blanche H.
The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner by Weinstein, Phillip
More Books Kids Will Sit Still for: A Read-Aloud Guide a Read-Aloud Guide by Freeman, Judy
More Books Kids Will Sit Still For: A Read-Aloud Guide by Freeman, Judy
Kalendermoral und Deutschunterricht by Franz, Kurt
Kleinstformen der Literatur by
Begriffsbilder by Alt, Peter-André
Allerhandt Lustige / Trawrige / Vnd Nach Gelegenheit Der Zeit Vorgekommene Gedichte (1637): Mit Einem Nachwort, Bibliographie Und Einem Neudruck Der W by Brehme, Christian
Fables of Subversion: Satire and the American Novel by Weisenburger, Steven
Moving Beyond Boundaries (Vol. 1): International Dimensions of Black Women's Writing by
The Enigmatic Narrator: The Voicing of Same-Sex Love in the Poetry of John Donne by Klawitter, Georg
Trollope the Traveller: Selections from Anthony Trollope's Travel Writings by Trollope, Anthony
Literatur Und Gefühl: Emotionale Aspekte Literarischen Schreibens Und Lesens by Alfes, Henrike F.
Greek Orators IV: Andocides by Edwards, M.
Greek Orators IV: Andocides by Edwards, M.
The Latin and German Etymachia: Textual History, Edition, Commentary by Harris, Nigel
The Modernist Shakespeare: Critical Texts In A Material World by Grady, Hugh
Arthurian Literature XIII by
Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit by Vollmann-Profe, Gisela
Der Zitierte Held: Studien Zur Intertextualität in Wilhelm Raabes Roman Das Odfeld by Mojem, Helmuth
Das Breslauer Schultheater Im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert: Einladungsschriften Zu Den Schulactus Und Szenare Zu Den Aufführungen 'Förmlicher Comödien' an by
War Poetry: An Introductory Reader by Featherstone, Simon
War Poetry: An Introductory Reader by Featherstone, Simon
Language and Relationship in Wordsworth's Writing by Baron, Michael
Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment by Beckett, Samuel
Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England by Helgerson, Richard
Precision and Soul: Essays and Addresses by Musil, Robert
Rig Veda: A Metrically Restored Text with an Introduction and Notes by Holland, Gary, Van Nooten, Barend
Cultures of Letters: Scenes of Reading and Writing in Nineteenth-Century America by Brodhead, Richard H.
Dichter - Moralist - Anarchist: Die Deutsche Tolstojkritik 1880-1900 by Sandfuchs, Wolfgang
Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) the Harbinger of German Classicism by Mitchell, P. M.
Shakespeare and Classical Comedy: The Influence of Plautus and Terence by Miola, Robert S.
Suppliant Women by Euripides
Greek Phrase Book by Auden, H. W.
Romancing the Past: The Rise of Vernacular Prose Historiography in Thirteenth-Century France by Spiegel, Gabrielle M.
Under Construction: The Body in Spanish Novels by Scarlett, Elizabeth A.
The Transformation of the English Novel, 1890-1930: Studies in Hardy, Conrad, Joyce, Lawrence, Forster and Woolf by Schwarz, D.
E.M. Forster: Contemporary Critical Essays by
A-Birne by
Anglo-Saxon Poetry by Bradley, S. A. J.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Serta Devota in Memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux: Pars Prior--Devotio Windeshemensis by
Postmodernism: A Reader by
The Historical Novel from Scott to Sabatini: Changing Attitudes Toward a Literary Genre, 1814-1920 by Orel, H.
Feminist Conversations by Zwarg, Christina
Kafka's Clothes: Ornament and Aestheticism in the Habsburg Fin de Siècle by Anderson, Mark M.
Feminist Conversations by Zwarg, Christina
Romanticism: A Critical Reader by Wu, Duncan
Shaw and Joyce (C) by Black, Martha Fodaski
Anne Tyler: A Bio-Bibliography by Croft, Robert W.
Clare Boothe Luce: A Research and Production Sourcebook by Fearnow, Mark
The Doubtful Strait / El Estrecho Dudoso by Cardenal, Ernesto
Cloak and Dagger Fiction: An Annotated Guide to Spy Thrillers Third Edition by Smith, Myron J., Jr.
Ariadnes Thread: Story Lines by Miller, J. Hillis
The Critical Response to Raymond Chandler by Van Dover, J. Kennet
The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice by Barnstone, Willis
Architecture and the Text: The (S)Crypts of Joyce and Piranesi by Bloomer, Jennifer
Henry Purcell by Holman, Peter
Mikhail Bakhtin: Between Phenomenology and Marxism by Bernard-Donals, Michael F.
The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot by
Heaven, Hell and the Victorian by Wheeler, Michael
The Dear Purchase by Stern, J. P.
Cultural Politics at the Fin de Siecle by Kee Yong Lim, Yong Lim, Ledger, S., Kee Yong Lim
Introduction to Literary Hermeneutics by Szondi, Lct, Szondi, Peter
Fictional Death and the Modernist Enterprise by Friedman, Alan Warren, Friedman, A.
Theories of Mimesis by Melcalf, Donald, Nicola, Nicos Anthony, Melberg, Arne
Wagner and Russia by Bartlett, Rosamund
Frankenstein by Botting, Fred
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