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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1995

Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the Sophists by
Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the Sophists by
Horace: Epodes by Horace, Mankin, David, Horace, Horace
The Critical Response to Saul Bellow by Bach, Gerhard
A Companion to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by Hallissy, Margaret
An Energy Field More Intense Than War: The Nonviolent Tradition and American Literature by True, Michael
Literature & Photography: Interactions, 1840-1990: A Critical Anthology by
Pierre Courtade: The Making of a Party Scribe by Flower, John
Stations of the Divided Subject: Contestation and Ideological Legitimation in German Bourgeois Literature, 1770-1914 by Gray, Richard T.
A Certain Slant of Light: Regionalism and the Form of Southern and Midwestern Fiction by Holman, David Marion
Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory After May '68 by Starr, Peter
The Seasons of Women: An Anthology by
Light, Life and Love: Selections from the German Mystics of the Middle Ages by Inge, William R.
German Cinema: Texts in Context by Silberman, Marc
Shakespeare's Ideals of Womanhood by Gerwig, George H.
Literary Influence and African-American Writers: Collected Essays by
How to Fix Fiction: Techniques of a Professional Writing Consultant by Porosky, Peter
Old Masters, New Subjects: Early Modern and Poststructuralist Theories of Will by Wojciehowski, Dolora A.
Bacon Cryptograms in Shake-Speare and Other Studies by Platt, Isaac Hull
Bacon is Shake-Speare: Together with a Reprint of Bacon's Promus of Formularies and Elegancies by Durning-Lawrence, Edwin
Mysticism in English Literature by Spurgeon, Caroline F.
Sir Francis Bacon's Cipher Story by Owen, Orville W.
Popular Literature of Ancient Egypt by Wiedemann, A.
In Praise of Later Roman Emperors: The Panegyrici Latini Volume 21 by Nixon, C. E. V., Rodgers, Barbara Saylor
Paper Bullets: Print and Kingship Under Charles II by Weber, Harold M.
Malevolent Nurture by Willis, Deborah
Malevolent Nurture: Music and Politics in the Subways of New York by Willis, Deborah
Germanistik Und Komparatistik: Dfg-Symposion 1993 by
Wie International Ist Die Literaturwissenschaft?: Methoden- Und Theoriediskussion in Den Literaturwissenschaften: Kulturelle Besonderheiten Und Interk by
Die Doppelte Ästhetik Der Moderne: Revisionen Des Schönen Von Boileau Bis Nietzsche by Zelle, Carsten
George Eliot: The Critical Heritage by
Walter Pater: The Critical Heritage by
Daniel Defoe: The Critical Heritage by
Robert Browning: The Critical Heritage by
Thomas Carlyle: The Critical Heritage by
John Webster: The Critical Heritage by
Fantasy, Forgery and Byron Legend by Soderholm, James
John Donne: The Critical Heritage by
Tobias Smollett: The Critical Heritage by
Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Critical Heritage by
George Gissing: The Critical Heritage by
John Ruskin: The Critical Heritage by
Winter Fruit: English Drama, 1642-1660 by Randall, Dale B. J.
Hansische Literaturbeziehungen: Das Beispiel Der þHiðreks Saga Und Verwandter Literatur by
Dante: The Critical Heritage by Caesar, Michael
Schriften aus der Hallenser Zeit 1804-1807 by
Approaches to Literature Through Literary Form by Montgomery, Paula Kay
Adespota by
The Postmodern Novel in Latin America: Politics, Culture, and the Crisis of Truth by Williams, Raymond L.
New York Fictions: Modernity, Postmodernism, The New Modern by Brooker, Peter
Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community by
Functions of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Thirteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts by Sanders, Joseph
Playing the Other: Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature by Zeitlin, Froma I.
Imagining Monsters: Miscreations of the Self in Eighteenth-Century England by Todd, Dennis
Cultural Materialism: Principles and Parameters in Syntactic Theory by Wilson, Scott
Comparative Criticism: Volume 17, Walter Pater and the Culture of the Fin-De-Siècle by
Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form by Hobsbaum, Philip
Echoes of Desire by Dubrow, Heather
The Odyssey in Athens: Myths of Cultural Origins by Cook, Erwin F.
Early Music History: Volume 14: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music by
How to Kill a Dragon: Aspects of Indo-European Poetics by Watkins, Calvert
A Handbook of the Troubadours: Volume 26 by Akehurst, F. R. P., Davis, Judith M.
Christopher Marlowe and the Renaissance of Tragedy by Cole, Douglas
Containment Culture: American Narratives, Postmodernism, and the Atomic Age by Nadel, Alan
The Proverbial Eugene O'Neill: An Index to Proverbs in the Works of Eugene Gladstone O'Neill by Bryan, George B.
Ludwig Strauß, 1892-1992: Beiträge Zu Seinem Leben Und Werk. Mit Einer Bibliographie by
Critical Perspectives on J. M. Coetzee by
De monstris by Ewinkel, Irene
Writing Englishness: An Introductory Sourcebook by Giles, Judy, Middleton, Tim
Selected Writings of Judith Sargent Murray by Murray, Judith S.
Writing Englishness: An Introductory Sourcebook by Giles, Judy, Middleton, Tim
Selected Writings of Judith Sargent Murray by Murray, Judith Sargent
The Oxford Book of Classical Verse in Translation by
Reconsidering Tu Fu: Literary Greatness and Cultural Context by Chou, E. Shan, Eva Shan, Chou, Chou, Eva Shan
Napoleon and English Romanticism by Bainbridge, Simon
Romantic Vagrancy: Wordsworth and the Simulation of Freedom by Celeste, Langan, Langan, Celeste
Jocoserious Joyce: The Fate of Folly in Ulysses by Bell, Robert H.
Worlds of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of Trauma by Tal, Kali, Tal, Kal
Novels Behind Glass: Commodity Culture and Victorian Narrative by Miller, Andrew H., Andrew H., Miller
The Text of the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon England by Marsden, Richard
Di Serambi: On the Verandah: A Bilingual Anthology of Modern Indonesian Poetry by
Worlds of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of Trauma by Tal, Kali, Tal, Kalm, Kali, Tal
Swift's Parody by Phiddian, Robert
Voyages in Print: English Narratives of Travel to America 1576 1624 by Fuller, Mary C.
The Theatre in America during the Revolution by Brown, Jared
Politics and Form in Postmodern Poetry by Blasing, Mutlu Konuk
Book of the Fourth World: Reading the Native Americas Through Their Literature by Brotherston, Gordon
Poems for the Millennium, Volume One: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry: From Fin-De-Siècle to Negritude by
Augustine Confessions by Saint Augustine of Hippo, Augustine, Augustine, Augustine
Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation, with Notes and Introduction by
Human, All Too Human by
The Uses of Autobiography by
The Uses Of Autobiography by
Identity In Asian Literature by
Novel Possibilities: Fiction and the Formation of Early Victorian Culture by Childers, Joseph W.
Michel Tournier by Worton, Michael
Teaching Literature: Writers and Teachers Talking by Kravis, Judy
The English Novel in History, 1950 to the Present by Connor, Professor Steven, Connor, Steven
Women's Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology by
Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy: The Ritual Foundations of Genre by Liebler, Naomi Conn
The English Novel in History, 1950 to the Present by Connor, Professor Steven, Connor, Steven
Fifty Days of Solitude by Grumbach, Doris
Christopher Marlowe and the Renaissance of Tragedy by Cole, Douglas
Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy: The Ritual Foundations of Genre by Liebler, Naomi Conn
Chaucer's Approach to Gender in the Canterbury Tales by Laskaya, Anne
Women's Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology by
Cool Memories II: 1987 - 1990 by Baudrillard, Jean
The Optina Pustyn Monastery in the Russian Literary Imagination: Iconic Vision in Works by Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy, and Others by Stanton, Leonard J.
Messianität Und Geschichte: Walter Benjamins Konstruktion Der Historischen Dialektik Und Deren Aufhebung Ins Eschatologische Durch Erik Peterson by Anglet, Kurt
Das Tristan-Epos Gottfrieds Von Straßburg Mit Der Fortsetzung Des Ulrich Von Türheim by
Zwei Ostmitteldeutsche Bearbeitungen Lateinischer Prosadenkmäler by
Band 7.1: Briefe Januar 1778 - Juni 1782. Text by
Cruzados, Martires, Y Beatos: Emplazamientos del Cuerpo Colonial by Cesareo, Mario
The Later Versions of Sir Degarre: A Study in Textual Degeneration by Jacobs, Nicholas
Mechthild Von Magdeburg Das Fließende Licht Der Gottheit: Nach Der Einsiedler Handschrift in Kritischem Vergleich Mit Der Gesamten Überlieferung. Band by
Prose by Victorian Women: An Anthology by
Language Mysticism: The Negative Way of Language in Eliot, Beckett, and Celan by Wolosky, Shira
Rereading the Spanish American Essay: Translations of 19th and 20th Century Women's Essays by
»Der Allgemeinen Vereinigung Gewidmet.«: Öffentlicher Theaterbau in Deutschland Zwischen Aufklärung Und Vormärz by Matthes, Isabel
Krone Des Königtums / Keter Malkût by Ibn Gabriol, Salomo
Universitätsbibliothek Jena by
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 1, A Voyage round the World by
de l'Allemagne. Kommentar. Teilband I by
Erfahrung und Experiment by Müller-Funk, Wolfgang
Georg Forster in interdisziplinärer Perspektive by
Textfassungen Von Handschriften Der Mittelgruppe by
Wahrnehmung und Geschichte by
Überlieferung, Varianten, Erläuterungen Und Register Zu Band 3-5. Nachträge Zu Band 1-5 by
Georg Forsters Werke, BAND 10/1, Revolutionsschriften 1792/93 by
Briefe Juli 1793 - Juni 1795, Teil 2: Anmerkungen by
A-B by
Das Leben des Heiligen Gregorios von Agrigent by
Band XVII, Lieferung 3 by
Gedichte 1827-1844 Und Versepen. Kommentar I by
III: Wörterbuch by
Sprache und Verstehen in analytischer und hermeneutischer Sicht by Tietz, Udo
Nach der Aufklärung? by
Human, All Too Human by
The Personal Companion: A Workbook for Singles by Hendrix, Harville
Euripides: Hippolytus by
Catullus: Poems 61-68 by
Chaucer Name Dictionary: A Guide to Astrological, Biblical, Historical, Literary, and Mythological Names in the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer by de Weever, Jacqueline
Young Adult Fiction by African American Writers, 1968-1993: A Critical and Annotated Guide by Kutenplon, Deborah, Olmstead, Ellen
King Arthur: A Casebook by
Cool Memories II: 1987 - 1990 by Baudrillard, Jean
Die Gedichte des Michel Beheim, Band III/1, Gedichte Nr. 358-453. Die Melodien by
Die Gedichte des Michel Beheim, Band III/2, Registerteil by
Carl Schmitts Kulturkritik Der Moderne: Text, Kommentar Und Analyse Der Schattenrisse Des Johannes Negelinus by Villinger, Ingeborg
Conversations with Susan Sontag by
The New Arthurian Encyclopedia: New Edition by
Byron: Selected Poetry and Prose by Byron, Lord George Gordon
Two Gentlemen of Verona: Critical Essays by
First Things: Reading the Maternal Imaginary by Jacobus, Mary
The Empty Space: A Book about the Theatre: Deadly, Holy, Rough, Immediate by Brook, Peter
Sight Unseen: Beckett, Pinter, Stoppard, and Other Contemporary Dramatists on Radio by Guralnick, Elissa S.
Primo Levi: Bridges of Knowledge by Cicioni, Mirna
Primo Levi: Bridges of Knowledge by Cicioni, Mirna
The Village of Stepanchikovo: And Its Inhabitants: From the Notes of an Unknown by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Torrid Zones: Maternity, Sexuality, and Empire in Eighteenth-Century English Narratives by Nussbaum, Felicity A.
Interregionalität Der Deutschen Literatur Im Europäischen Mittelalter by
A Window into History: Family Memory in Children's Literature by MacDonald, Eleanor
Victorian Identities: Social and Cultural Formations in Nineteenth-Century Literature by
Victorian Identities by
Verborgene Heilk Nste: Geschichte Der Frauenmedizin Im Sp Tmittelalter by Kruse, Britta-Juliane
Critical Theory and Practice: A Coursebook by Lebihan, Jill, Green, Keith
Dandies and Desert Saints: Modernity and the Memory Crisis by Adams, James Eli
Robert Louis Stevenson: Interviews and Recollections by
Animal Minds and Human Morals by Sorabji, Richard
Critical Theory and Practice: A Coursebook by Green, Keith, Lebihan, Jill
The Auto/Biographical: The Theory and Practice of Feminist Auto/Biography by Stanley, Elizabeth
Dandies and Desert Saints: Styles of Victorian Masculinity by Adams, James Eli
Dylan Thomas: His Life and Work by Ackerman, John
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling: Volume 3: 1900-10 by
The Bloomsbury Group: A Collection of Memoirs and Commentary by
Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays & Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluatio by
Language and Control in Children's Literature by Knowles, Murray, Malmkjaer, Kirsten
Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook: Constructions of Femininity in England by
Language and Control in Children's Literature by Malmkjaer, Kirsten, Knowles, Murray
William Faulkner and Southern History by Williamson, Joel
Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England by Hall, Kim F.
Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook: Constructions of Femininity in England by
Apparat / Kommentar / Anhang by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers And Writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers... by Sterling, Bryan
Eastern Europe, 1986-1993: A Bibliographic Guide to English Language Publications, 19861993 by Burger, Robert H., Sullivan, Helen F.
Going Public: The Clarence Thomas Hearings by
Snow on the Cane Fields: Women's Writing and Creole Subjectivity by Raiskin, Judith
Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction by
Prosody and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of C.B. Hieatt by Toswell, M. J.
Editing Early and Historical Atlases: Papers given at the Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 5-6 November 19 by
Foregrounded Description in Prose Fiction: Five Cross-Literary Studies by Lopes, José
Critical Issues Editing Exploration Text by
Possible Worlds of the Fantastic: The Rise of the Paranormal in Literature by Traill, Nancy H.
Beyond the Word: Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication by Theall, Donald E.
Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse: A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novel by Walton, Priscilla
The Cultural World in Beowulf by Hill, John
Russian Literature, 1988-1994: The End of an Era by Shneidman, Norman
Studying Literary Theory by Webster, Roger
Notebooks: Selections from the A.M. Klein Papers (Collected Works of A.M. Klein) by Klein, A. M.
Emblematic Structures in Renaissance French Culture by Russell, Daniel
Narrating the Thirties: A Decade in the Making, 1930 to the Present by Baxendale, J., Pawling, C.
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