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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1999

Acts of Union: Scotland and the Literary Negotiation of the British Nation, 1707-1830 by Davis, Leith
Las Mocedades de Rodrigo: Estudios Críticos, Manuscrito Y Edición by
I Must Speak Out (Large Print Edition): The Best of The Voluntaryist 1982-1999 (Large Print Edition) by Watner, Carl
Encyclopedia of Fable by Snodgrass, Mary Ellen
Annie Ernaux: An Introduction to the Writer and Her Audience by Thomas, Lyn
Fringe Voices: Texts by and about Minorities in the Federal Republic of Germany by
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings by Pemberton
The Trumpet of Reform: German Literature in Nineteenth-Century New England by Bauschinger, Sigrid
Flannery O'Connor and the Mystery of Love by Giannone, Richard
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 51, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1999) by
Dark Mirror: The Sense of Injustice in Modern European and American Literature by Sterne, Richard C.
Raza, Género E Hibridez En El Lazarillo de Ciegos Caminantes by Mel�ndez, Mariselle
The Theater of Plautus: Playing to the Audience by Moore, Timothy J.
Engelhus - Studien by Kühne, Udo
Pfaffen und Laien - Ein mittelalterlicher Antagonismus? by
The Medieval Erotic Alba: Structure as Meaning by Seville, Jonathan
Nat Turner Before the Bar of Judgement: Fictional Treatments of the Southampton Slave Insurrection by Davis, Mary Kemp
Aufklärung und Esoterik by Neugebauer-Wölk, Monika
The Week the World Stood Still: Inside the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis by Cornyetz, Nina
Pueblos Enfermos: The Discourse of Illness in the Turn-Of-The-Century Spanish and Latin American Essay by Aronna, Michael
Transforming Shakespeare: Contemporary Women's Re-Visions in Literature and Performance by Na, Na
Libri XIV-XXV by Ammianus Marcellinus
Libri XXVI-XXXI by Ammianus Marcellinus
Versus Balnearum: Die Antike Dichtung Über Bäder Und Baden Im Römischen Reich by Busch, Stephan
Thomas Wolfe: A Writer's Life by Mitchell, Ted
The Leisure Ethic: Work and Play in American Literature, 1840-1940 by Gleason, William a.
Democracy and Development in Zimbabwe: Constraints of Decentralisation by Makumbe, John Mw
Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem by
Women's Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900 by
Women's Poetry in the Enlightenment: The Making of a Canon, 1730-1820 by
Ovid: Metamorphoses Books IX-XII by
Critical Ethics: Text, Theory and Responsibility by
Literature and the Philosophy of Intention by Swinden, Patrick
The Idea of Europe in Literature by
Structure and Dissolution in English Writing, 1910-1920 by Sillars, Stuart
Face to Face. Poems and Short Stories about a Virus by
Kegan Paul: A Victorian Imprint by Howsam
Mighty Opposites: From Dichotomies to Differences in the Comparative Study of China by Zhang, Longxi
Theatre and Holy Script by
Romantic Conventions by Kaler, Anne K.
Revolutionary Romanticism: A Drunken Boat Anthology by
A Synopsis of the Books of Adam and Eve: Second Revised Edition by
Perspectives on Cormac McCarthy by
God, Man and Devil: Yiddish Plays in Translation by
Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 74-218 by Hillgruber, Michael
Disputationes graecae contra ludaeos by Külzer, Andreas
The Women In Dante's Divine Comedy: Gender Equality by Ruggeri Colaiaco, Nancy
Chaucer and Fifteenth-Century Poetry by
Review of Contemporary Fiction: XIX, #1: Edward Sanders by O'Brien, John
Resonant Themes: Literature, History, and the Arts in Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Europe by
Haunted Greece and Rome: Ghost Stories from Classical Antiquity by Felton, Debbie
Essays Before a Sonata, the Majority, and Other Writings by Ives, Charles
A Yeats Dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats by Conner, Lester I.
Tales from Djakarta by Toer, Pramoedya Ananta
Richard II by Shakespeare, William
Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for Her Son, Trans. by Carol Neel by Dhuoda
Mary Wollstonecraft by Moore, Jane
Like and Unlike God: Religious Imaginations in Modern and Contemporary Fiction by Neary, John
Perfumed Garden V7 by Al-Nafzawi
The Georgian Poets: Abercrombie, Brooke, Drinkwater, Lascelles, Thomas by Parker, Rennie
Writing and Fantasy by White, Barbara, Sullivan, Ceri
Vladimir Nabokov by Cornwell, Neil
Joyce's Book of Memory: The Mnemotechnic of Ulysses by Rickard, John S.
The Vision of China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by
Performance Research: On Ritual by
Making War, Not Love: Gender and Sexuality in Russian Humor by Draitser, Emil
German Winter Nights by Beer, Johann
Anne Bronte by Jay, Betty
Claiming History: Colonialism, Ethnography, and the Novel by Coundouriotis, Eleni
Dawn to the West: A History of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature of the the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism by Keene, Donald
Women's Poetry in the Enlightenment: The Making of a Canon, 1730-1820 by
Willa Cather: Queering America by Lindemann, Marilee
Pausanias' Guide to Ancient Greece: Volume 50 by Habicht, Christian
Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons: (Opinions) by Vonnegut, Kurt
Shakespeare's Cross-Cultural Encounters by De Sousa, Geraldo U.
The Plays of W. B. Yeats: Yeats and the Dancer by Ellis, S.
The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French Fiction by White, Nicholas
Shakespeare's Cross-Cultural Encounters by De Sousa, Geraldo U.
Seeking the Centre by Haynes, Roslynn D.
Shakespeare's Cross-Cultural Encounters by De Sousa, Geraldo U.
Yeats's Nations: Gender, Class, and Irishness by Howes, Marjorie
Theatre Matters by
A History of Augustan Fable by Loveridge, Mark
The Limits of Eroticism in Post-Petrarchan Narrative: Conditional Pleasure from Spenser to Marvell by Stephens, Dorothy
Poetry and Politics in the Cockney School: Keats, Shelley, Hunt and Their Circle by Cox, Jeffrey N.
The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque by
Theory and the Novel by Williams, Jeffrey
Making the English Canon: Print-Capitalism and the Cultural Past, 1700 1770 by Kramnick, Jonathan Brody
American Literature and Orientalism by Obeidat, Marwan M.
Montaigne's Career by Hoffmann, George
Science Fiction Culture by Bacon-Smith, Camille
Lyric Quotation in Plato by Demos, Marian
Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness by Silver, Carole
Der Text, Der (Produktive) Unverstand Des Abschreibers Und Die Literaturgeschichte: Johann Friedrich Oberlins Bericht Herr L... Und Die Textüberliefer by Gersch, Hubert
Exil Und Avantgarden by
A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing by Showalter, Elaine
Sacred Fire: The Qbr 100 Essential Black Books by
Sacred Fire: The Qbr 100 Essential Black Books by
Shakespeare: The Last Plays by Ryan, Kiernan
Orwell's Politics by Newsinger, J.
Goethe-Parodien: Zur Wirkungsgeschichte Eines Klassikers by Wende, Waltraud
Making Love Modern: The Intimate Public Worlds of New York's Literary Women by Miller, Nina, Miler, Nina
Toni Morrison's Beloved: A Casebook by
Ritual, Media, and Conflict by Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia
Ocd Treatment Through Storytelling: A Strategy for Successful Therapy by
Toni Morrison's Beloved: A Casebook by William L. Andrews, William, Edited by William L Andrews
Disaster and Memory: Celebrity Culture and the Crisis of Hollywood Cinema by Dixon, Wheeler Winston
The Stanley Fish Reader by
A Feminist Perspective on Renaissance Drama by Findlay, Alison
Deep Sightings & Rescue Missions: Fiction, Essays, and Conversations by Bambara, Toni Cade
The Stanley Fish Reader by
>Die Mythische Methode: Komparatistische Studien Zur Transformation Der Griechischen Tragödie Im Drama Der Klassischen Moderne by Frick, Werner
The Crisis Reader: Stories, Poetry, and Essays from the N.A.A.C.P.'s Crisis Magazine by Wilson, Sondra Kathryn
Marie Or, Slavery in the United States: A Novel of Jacksonian America by de Beaumont, Gustave
Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse / The Waves: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
Toni Morrison: Beloved: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
James Joyce: Ulysses / A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
John Donne's Articulations of the Feminine by Meakin, H. L.
British Literature 1640-1789 by
Philosophy of Literature: An Introduction by New, Christopher
Philosophy of Literature: An Introduction by New, Christopher
Brit Lit 1640-1789 Crit Rdr P by
Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and Queens: Women's Alliances in Early Modern England by
Selected Fiction and Drama of Eliza Haywood by Haywood, Eliza Fowler
Selections from the Female Spectator by Haywood, Eliza Fowler
Ben Jonson and Theatre: Performance, Practice and Theory by
Canons of Style in the Antonine Age: Idea-Theory and Its Literary Context by Rutherford, Ian
Selections from the Female Spectator by Haywood, Eliza
The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature by
The Literary and Cultural Spaces of Restoration London by Wall, Cynthia
The Establishment of Modern English Prose in the Reformation and the Enlightenment by Robinson, Ian
Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory by
Dickens, Novel Reading, and the Victorian Popular Theatre by Vlock, Deborah
Adelard of Bath, Conversations with His Nephew by Adelard
Giles of Rome's De regimine principum by Briggs, Charles F.
The Development of Russian Verse: Meter and Its Meanings by Wachtel, Michael
An Index of Characters in Early Modern English Drama by Sondergard, Sidney L., Berger, Thomas L., Bradford, William C.
The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture by
The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland by
Reading Paul Valery: Universe in Mind by
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History by
King Henry IV, Part 1 by Shakespeare, William, Gibson, Rex
Edwardian Shaw: The Writer and His Age by Hugo, Leon
Horror and the Holy: Wisdom-Teachings of the Monster Tale by Schneider, Kirk
Consumption and Depression in Gertrude Stein, Louis Zukovsky and Ezra Pound by Carson, L.
Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation by
African-British Writings in the Eighteenth Century: The Politics of Race and Reason by Woodard, Helena
Immortal Monster: The Mythological Evolution of the Fantastic Beast in Modern Fiction and Film by Andriano, Joseph
Understanding Jamaica Kincaid's Annie John: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents by Mistron, Deborah E.
Understanding Things Fall Apart: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents by Ogbaa, Kalu
Identification and Identity in Classical Arab Poetry by Lyons, M. C.
Shylock, the Roman: Unmasking Shakespeare's the Merchant of Venice by Schneider, Robert
Movies and Mass Culture by
Das Leben aus der Schrift verstehen: Wilhelm Diltheys Hermeneutik by Rütsche, Johannes
American Indian Literature and the Southwest: Contexts and Dispositions by Anderson, Eric Gary
Langue Francaise Terre D'Accueil by Brincourt, Andre
My Way: Speeches and Poems by Bernstein, Charles
Lectura Dantis, Inferno: A Canto-By-Canto Commentary by
China in a Polycentric World: Essays in Chinese Comparative Literature by
China in a Polycentric World: Essays in Chinese Comparative Literature by
The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana by Schulman, J. Neil
H.P. Lovecraft: Contre Le Monde, Contre La Vie by Houllebecq, Michel
Enigmas by
Emerson's Sublime Science by Wilson, E.
Alice to the Lighthouse: Children S Books and Radical Experiments in Art by Dusinberre, Juliet
Presidents We Imagine: Two Centuries of White House Fictions on the Page, on the Stage, Onscreen, and Online by Smith, Jeff
Collaborative Theatre: Le Theatre du Soleil by
The Language of Silence: West German Literature and the Holocaust by Schlant, Ernestine
Ghetto Writing: Traditional and Eastern Jewry in German-Jewish Literature from Heine to Hilsenrath by
Spiritual Interrogations: Culture, Gender, and Community in Early African American Women's Writing by Bassard, Katherine Clay
Paradise Lost: John Milton by
Paradise Lost: John Milton by
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History by
The Poetics of Transition: Emerson, Pragmatism, and American Literary Modernism by Levin, Jonathan
Literary Texts and the Roman Historian by Potter, David
Women's Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900 by
Henry James and Homo-Erotic Desire by
Literary Texts and the Roman Historian by Potter, David
Now Read On: A Course in Multicultural Reading by
Caribbean Literature by James, Louis
Cultural Politics in the 1790s: Literature, Radicalism and the Public Sphere by McCann, A.
Cultural Politics in the 1790s: Literature, Radicalism and the Public Sphere by McCann, A.
Robin Hood: An Anthology of Scholarship and Criticism by
Theatre, Finance and Society in Early Modern England by Leinwand, Theodore B.
Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory by
The Journals of George Eliot by
Christianity in Bakhtin by Coates, Ruth
The Country and the City Revisited by
The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture by
Deviant Modernism by Lamos, Colleen
Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity by Baucom, Ian
Unpopular Virtues: The Scholarly Reception of J.M.R. Lenz by Leidner, Alan C., Wurst, Karin A.
Folktale Themes and Activities for Children, Volume 2: Trickster and Transformation Tales by Kraus, Anne
Leuven in Books, Books in Leuven: The Oldest University of the Low Countries and Its Library by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Children's Books About Religion by Dole, Patricia
ABC of Reading Trg by Jaeger, Peter
Essays on George F. Walker: Playing with Anxiety by Johnson, Chris
In Search of Lost Time, Volume VI: Time Regained by Proust, Marcel
In Search of Lost Time: Sodom and Gomorrah V. 4 by Proust, Marcel
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