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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2001

Ruin, Ritual and Remeberance in 20th Century Irish Drama by Rollins, Ronald
The best reading. Hints on the selection of books; by None
A review of Uncle Tom's cabin; or, An essay on slavery by Woodward, M. D. A.
Crusoe's island: a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk. With sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. By J. Ross Browne by Browne, J. Ross (John Ross)
Legends of Charlemagne; by Bulfinch, Thomas
Leçons de géométrie élémentaire, par Jacques Hadamard. Vol. 2 by Hadamard, Jacques
A course of English reading, adapted to every taste and capacity: with literary anecdotes. By the Rev. James Pycroft ... by Pycroft, James
Urban Coyote a Yukon Anthology by
Man is a Mystery. It Must Be Unraveled...: A Collection of Dostoyevsky's Thoughts on the Human Condition, from Anger to Youth by
A Study of Coleridge's Three Great Poems - Christabel, Kubla Khan and the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Stevenson, Warren
What's Cooking in Children's Literature by Spencer, Gwynne
Bible as Theatre by Levy, Shimon
German Satirical Writings: Wilhelm Busch and Others by
Diderot: La Religieuse by Diderot, Denis
Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind by Schroeder, S.
Mannerism and Baroque in Seventeenth-Century French Poetry: The Example of Tristan L'Hermite by Shepard, James Crenshaw
Reclaiming the Body: Mar�a de Zayas's Early Modern Feminism by Vollendorf, Lisa
The Romantic Idea of a University: England and Germany, 1770-1850 by Hofstetter, M.
Ruskin and Modernism by Nicholls, Peter, Cianci, Giovanni
Gothic Modernisms by
Mystery in Children's Literature: From the Rational to the Supernatural by Routledge, Christopher, Gavin, Adrienne E.
Print in Transition: Studies in Media and Book History by Brake, L.
Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England: Bodies, Plagues and Politics by Healy, M.
Feminist Popular Fiction by Makinen, M.
Space and the Irish Cultural Imagination by Smyth, Gerry
Post-War Jewish Fiction: Ambivalence, Self Explanation and Transatlantic Connections by Brauner, D.
Thomas de Quincey: Knowledge and Power by Burwick, F.
Milton and Modernity: Politics, Masculinity and Paradise Lost by Jordan, M.
A.S.Byatt: Art, Authorship, Creativity: Art, Authorship and Creativity by Franken, C.
Virginia Woolf and Fascism: Resisting the Dictators' Seduction by Pawlowski, Merry
A History of Central European Women's Writing by
The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia by Perrie, M.
Isis Regina - Zeus Sarapis: Die Griechisch-Agyptische Religion Nach Den Quellen Dargestellt by Merkelbach, Reinhold
A Passion for Consumption: The Gothic Novel in America by Sonser, Anna
William Wordsworth's Golden Age Theories During the Industrial Revolution by Keay, M.
Die Vermittlung Historischen Wissens Zum Trojanerkrieg Im Mittelalter by Jung, Marc-René
Aeneid, Books 7-12. Appendix Vergiliana by Virgil
Star Trek Reader's Reference: Novels 1970-1979 by Underwood, Alva
Reminiscences of a Russian Antiquarian Bookseller: Encounters with People and Books (1924-1986) by Israelewicz, Paula
The Annals of Lü Buwei by
Travel Knowledge: European Discoveries in the Early Modern Period by Singh, J., Kamps, I.
Travel Knowledge: European Discoveries in the Early Modern Period by Kamps, I., Singh, J.
A Room of His Own: In Search of the Feminine in the Novels of Saul Bellow by Cronin, Gloria L.
A Mug-Up with Elisabeth: A Companion for Readers of Elisabeth Ogilvie by Westervelt, Marilyn, Hayes, Melissa
Volcán: Poems from Central America by
The Autonomy of Literature by Lansdown, R.
Das Nationale Und Das Europäische Modell in Der Sprachgeschichtsschreibung Des Deutschen by Reichmann, Oskar
Modernism and Morality: Ethical Devices in European and American Fiction by Halliwell, M.
England Through Colonial Eyes in Twentieth-Century Fiction by Gandhi, L., Thomas, S., Blake, A.
Crime, Fear and the Law in True Crime Stories by Biressi, Anita
The Poetic Economists of England and Ireland 1912-2000 by Johnston, D.
How to Be an African Lady by Onyebadi, Uche
Constitutional Democracy in Africa. Vol. 2. Constitutionalism, Authoritarianism and Statism by Nwabueze, Ben
An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Czech Fiction: Comedies of Defiance by Porter, Robert
Introduction to Twentieth-Century Czech Fiction: Comedies of Defiance by Porter, Robert
Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale by
Plays Unpleasant: Widowers' Houses/The Philanderer/Mrs. Warren's Profession by Shaw, George Bernard
Review of Contemporary Fiction, Volume 26: Spring 2006, No. 1 by Millhauser, Steven
Boricua Literature: A Literary History of the Puerto Rican Diaspora by Gonzalez, Lisa M. Sanchez
Joyce and the Two Irelands by Potts, Willard
Writing in Light: The Silent Scenario and the Japanese Pure Film Movement by Bernardi, Joanne
Havana: A Cultural History by Lightfoot, Claudia
Signs of Science: Literature, Science, and Spanish Modernity Since 1868] by Pratt, Dale J.
Maritime Fiction: Sailors and the Sea in British and American Novels, 1719-1917 by Peck, J.
November 1887 - Begin Januari 1889 by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Herfst 1885 - Herfst 1887 by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Sleeping, Sinning, Falling by Takahashi, Mutsuo
The Fugitive Legacy: A Critical History by Beck, Charlotte H.
Death and the Labyrinth: The World of Raymond Roussel by Foucault, Michel
Body and Soul: The Making of American Modernism by Crunden, Robert M.
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
Literary Aesthetics by
Literary Aesthetics: A Reader by
Anglo-Saxon Spirituality: Selected Writings by
The Serpent and the Swan: The Animal Bride in Folklore and Literature by Sax, Boria
Fashioning Sapphism: The Origins of a Modern English Lesbian Culture by Doan, Laura
A People Born to Slavery by Poe, Marshall T.
Canon vs. Culture: Reflections on the Current Debate by
Deadly Closets: The Fiction of Charles Jackson by Connelly, Mark
A Companion to Chaucer by
Victorian Gothic: Literary and Cultural Manifestations in the Nineteenth Century by
Children's Literature by Hunt, Peter
A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe by
A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe by
Review of Contemporary Fiction: XXI, #1: David Antin by O'Brien, John
Victorian Gothic by
Shakespearean and Jacobean Tragedy by Gibson, Rex
Henry Fielding at Work: Magistrate, Buisnessman, Writer by Bertelsen, L.
The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric by Na, Na
The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love, and Rhetoric by Na, Na
The Feminist Aesthetics of Virginia Woolf: Modernism, Post-Impressionism, and the Politics of the Visual by Goldman, Jane
Ivor Gurney by Lucas, John
The Writing of Royalism 1628-1660 by Wilcher, Robert
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Modern American Drama, 1945 2000 by Bigsby, C. W. E.
Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII by Ovid
Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Construction of Gender in Children's Literature by Lehr, Susan
The Theory Mess: Deconstruction in Eclipse by Rapaport, Herman
My Heart Is a Large Kingdom: Selected Letters of Margaret Fuller by
The Theory Mess: Deconstruction in Eclipse by Rapaport, Herman
Duras, Writing, and the Ethical: Making the Broken Whole by Crowley, Martin
Laurence Sterne by Pfister, Manfred
T. S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland by Klein, B.
Post-Colonial Transformation by Ashcroft, Bill
The Full Room: An A-Z of Contemporary Playwriting by Dromgoole, Dominic
T.S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland by Klein, B.
The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages by
Post-Colonial Transformation by Ashcroft, Bill
Charles Dickens by Mengham, Rod
Hypereides: The Forensic Speeches by Hypereides
Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism: Evolution, Gender and Empire by Burdett, C.
Rachilde: Decadence, Gender and the Woman Writer by Holmes, Diana
Opera Omnia by Hrotsvit
Sobriety & Mirth by Colville, Jim
Edith Wharton by Beer, Janet
Exile Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Mimesis and Its Romantic Reflections by Burwick, Frederick
Vision, the Gaze, and the Function of the Senses in "Celestina" by Burke, James F.
The Building in the Text: Alberti to Shakespeare and Milton by Eriksen, Roy
Comedy After Postmodernism: Rereading Comedy from Edward Lear to Charles Willeford by Olson, Kirby
Newbery & Caldecott Medal Books, 1986-2000: A Comprehensive Guide to the Winners (Tion) by The Horn Book Inc, Association for Library Service to Child
A History of Women's Writing in Italy by
Literature, Art and the Pursuit of Decay in Twentieth-Century France by Mathews, Timothy
Shakespeare and Race by
New Essays on the House of Mirth by
New Essays on 'The House of Mirth' by
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
Why Read the Classics? by Calvino, Italo
Deadly Thought: Hamlet and the Human Soul by Blits, Jan H.
Livy's Exemplary History by Chaplin, Jane D.
Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity: Journeys Between Cultures by Forsdick, Charles
Gay Fiction Speaks: Conversations with Gay Novelists by Canning, Richard
Ethics and Dialogue: In the Works of Levinas, Bakhtin, Mandel'shtam, and Celan by Eskin, Michael
The Raymond Williams Reader by Higgins, John
The Raymond Williams Reader by Higgins, John
The Noir Thriller by Horsley, Lee
The Noir Thriller by Horsley, Lee
Early Modern Metaphysical Literature: Nature, Custom and Strange Desires by Holmes, Michael Morgan
Early Modern Metaphysical Literature: Nature, Custom and Strange Desires by Holmes, Michael Morgan
The Odin Field by
Mostly about Books by McCormack, Emily
Modern American Drama, 1945 2000 by Bigsby, C. W. E.
Hamlet in His Modern Guises by Welsh, Alexander
The Limits of Autobiography by Gilmore, Leigh
The Limits of Autobiography: Community Organization and Social Change in Rural Haiti by Gilmore, Leigh
The Postcolonial Detective by
Subject Without Nation: Robert Musil and the History of Modern Identity by Jonsson, Stefan
Men without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929 by Borenstein, Eliot
A Century of Early Ecocriticism by
Perspectives on Modern Central and East European Literature: Quests for Identity by Armstrong, T.
Aristophanes and the Definition of Comedy by Silk, M. S.
Selections from the Notebooks of Edward Bond: Volume Two: 1980-1995 by Bond, Edward
Literature and Nation: Britain and India 1800-1990 by
Literature and Nation: Britain and India 1800-1990 by
Nature, Sex, and Goodness in a Medieval Literary Tradition by White, Hugh
Puerto Rican Cultural Identity and the Work of Luis Rafael Sánchez by Perivolaris, John Dimitri
A History of Women's Writing in Italy by
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Shakespeare's Ovid by
Shakespeare on Masculinity by Wells, Robin Headlam, Headlam Wells, Robin
The Drama of John Marston by
Women Writers and the English Nation in the 1790s by Keane, Angela
Henry James and the Art of Dress by Hughes, C.
1800: The New Lyrical Ballads by
Narrativische Perspektiven in Wolframs »Willehalm«: Figuren, Erzähler, Sinngebungsprozeß by Young, Christopher
A Pocket Mirror for Heroes by Gracian, Baltasar
Placing Middle English in Context by
Unending Conversations: New Writings by and about Kenneth Burke by
Advancing Sisterhood?: Interracial Friendships in Contemporary Southern Fiction by Monteith, Sharon
de Re Publica: Librorum Sex Quae Manserunt by Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Missionary Life: Saints and the Evangelisation of Europe 400-1050 by Wood, Ian
Visual Identities by Floch, Jean-Marie
Love and Sexuality in Modern Arabic Literature by
The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse: A Study in the Sociology of Modern Arabic Literature by Hafez, Sabry
Writing the Self by
Le Commerce du Parnasse by Pascal, Françoise
Oscar Wilde's Profession: Writing and the Culture Industry in the Late Nineteenth Century by Guy, Josephine M., Small, Ian
Writer Sollers by Barthes, Roland
Shakespeare, Feminism and Gender by Chedgzoy, Kate
The Nineteenth-Century Novel: A Critical Reader by
Enfant by Collectifs, Gall
Gulliver's Travels: A Witness Exploration of Humanity in Search of the Answer to the Question "Who Am I?" by Murray, John Condon
A Glam Man in a Dandy World: Secret Relations Between Dandy Style of Livin' and Glam Way of Thinkin' by
Fire and Desire: Mixed-Race Movies in the Silent Era by Gaines, Jane M.
Parodie Und Parodistische Schreibweise in Thomas Manns »Doktor Faustus« by Steen, Inken
Mutiny and Romance in the South Seas: A Companion to the Bounty Adventure by Wahlroos, Sven
Viking America: The First Millennium by Barnes, Geraldine
The Uncertain World of 'Samson Agonistes' by Shawcross, John T.
Commodities of Desire: The Prostitute in Modern German Literature by
Mimesis and Intertextuality in Antiquity and Christianity by
Companion to V. by Grant, J. Kerry
Trickster Lives by
A Preface to H G Wells by Hammond, John R.
Making Homes in the West/Indies: Constructions of Subjectivity in the Writings of Michelle Cliff and Jamaica Kincaid by MacDonald-Smythe, Antonia
Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press by Law, G.
Poems of Nation, Anthems of Empire: English Verse in the Long Eighteenth Century by Kaul, Suvir
The Necessary Nation by Jusdanis, Gregory
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