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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

Judgment and Justification in the Nineteenth-Century Novel of Adultery by Rippon, Maria R.
Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries: Volume 29: Publications of 1998 and Additions from the Preceding Years by
The Visible and the Invisible in the Interplay Between Philosophy, Literature and Reality by
Expanded Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends PLUS by Ackerman, Forrest J.
Rex Stout: A Majesty's Life-Millennium Edition by McAleer, John J.
Topographies of Japanese Modernism by Lippit, Seiji
O Cidadan by Moure, Erín
Soundproof Room: Malraux's Anti-Aesthetics by Lyotard, Jean-François
Edgar Allan Poe, Wallace Stevens, and the Poetics of American Privacy by Renza, Louis A.
Topographies of Japanese Modernism by Lippit, Seiji
The Difficulty of Being a Dog by Grenier, Roger
Romain Gary: The Man Who Sold His Shadow by Schoolcraft, Ralph
Walter Benjamin and the Corpus of Autobiography by Richter, Gerhard
The Outsider Within: Ten Essays on Modern Japanese Women Writers by
Coward the Playwright by Lahr, John
The Autobiography of Alfred H. Mendes, 1897-1991 by Mendes, Alfred H.
Emerson and Self-Reliance by Kateb, George
Reader's Guide to Modern American Drama by Sternlicht, Sanford
Die Haupt-Literaturen des Orients, Teil 1, Die Literaturen Ostasiens und Indiens by Haberlandt, Michael
The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950 2000 by Head, Dominic, Dominic, Head
They Died in Vain: Overlooked, Underappreciated and Forgotten Mystery Novels by
A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, Creativity, and Rhetoric in Wenxin Diaolong by
Nihilist Girl: An MLA Translation by Kovalevskaya, Sofya
The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture by
Sister Nations: Native American Women Writers on Community by
Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin American Literature: Genders Share Flesh by Sifuentes-Jáuregui, B.
Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin American Literature: Genders Share Flesh by Sifuentes-Jáuregui, B.
Small Wonder: Essays by Kingsolver, Barbara
Literature: Its Opponents and Its Power by Trace, Arther
Marquis de Sade: His Life and Works by Bloch, Iwan
'All the World's a Stage': Dramatic Sensibility in Mary Shelley's Novels by Bunnell, Charlene
The Journal of Socho by
King Arthur in Pop Culture by
Politics and Post-Structuralism: An Introduction by
Thoreau's Nature: Ethics, Politics, and the Wild by Bennett, Jane
Space and Place in the Works of D.H. Lawrence by Michelucci, Stefania
D.H. Lawrence by Becket, Fiona
The Drama Handbook: A Guide to Reading Plays by Lennard, John
Religion - The Universal Nonsense by Oxman, Robin
The British Sources of the Abduction and Grail Romances by Johnson, Flint
Red Matters: Native American Studies by Krupat, Arnold
Literature and Utopian Politics in Seventeenth-Century England by Appelbaum, Robert
The Space In-Between: Essays on Latin American Culture by Santiago, Silviano
Becoming Frauds: Unconventional Heroines in Mary Elizabeth Braddon by Schipper, Jan
Shakespeare, Marlow and the Politics of France by Hillman, R.
Literature Lures: Using Picture Books and Novels to Motivate Middle School Readers by Polette, Nancy, Ebbesmeyer, Joan, Polette, Nancy J.
Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper by Baker, Nicholson
British Women Mystery Writers: Authors of Detective Fiction with Female Sleuths by Hadley, Mary
Boys Don't Cry?: Rethinking Narratives of Masculinity and Emotion in the U.S. by
Continuum Encyclopedia of Modern Criticism and Theory by
H.P. Lovecraft: A Century Less a Dream by
Boys Don't Cry?: Rethinking Narratives of Masculinity and Emotion in the U.S. by
The Owl, the Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales by Murphy, G. Ronald
The Journal of Socho by
A Shock to Thought: Expression After Deleuze and Guattari by Massumi, Brian
A Shock to Thought: Expression After Deleuze and Guattari by Massumi, Brian
Progressive Heritage: The Evolution of a Politically Radical Literary Tradition in Canada by Doyle, James
Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 2: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Allgemeine Grundlagen Und Hilfsmittel; Leben Und Werke Im Allgemein by
Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 3: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Nietzsches Geistige Und Geschichtskulturelle Lebensbeziehung, Sein by
Molière by Grimm, Jürgen
Bewegung Und Beugung Des Sinns: Zur Poetologie Des Menschlichen Körpers in Den Romanen Franz Kafkas by Sell, Robert
Abenteurer ALS Helden Der Literatur: Oder: Wie Wurden Oder Machten Sich Schwindler, Spione, Kolonialisten Oder Militärs Zu Großen Gestalten Der Europä by
Max Frisch by Petersen, Jürgen H.
Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages by
Selected Poems by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
On Religion and Psychology by Coleridge, S.
Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance by
Shakespeare Among the Animals: Nature and Society in the Drama of Early Modern England by Boehrer, B.
The Waking Dream of T. E. Lawrence: Essays on His Life, Literature, and Legacy by Stang, C.
Shakespeare Among the Animals: Nature and Society in the Drama of Early Modern England by Boehrer, B.
Odes and Epodes by Horace
Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance by
The Dorothy Dunnett Companion: Volume II by Morrison, Elspeth
The Irish Novel at the End of the Twentieth Century: Gender, Bodies and Power by Jeffers, J.
Benjamin's Ghosts: Interventions in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory by
Benjamin's Ghosts: Interventions in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory by
Hamlet's Mother and Other Women by Heilbrun, Carolyn
Intimate Revolt: The Powers and the Limits of Psychoanalysis by Kristeva, Julia
Singing the Body of God: The Hymns of Vedantadesika in Their South Indian Tradition by Hopkins, Steven P.
The Vikings and the Victorians: Inventing the Old North in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Wawn, Andrew
Sir Gawain and the Knight of the Green Chapel by SIMMs, Norman
The Poems of MS Junius 11: Basic Readings by
Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex and Other Stories by Gilbert, R.
Reflexiones - Vol. I by
Reflexiones - Vol. II by
South to the Future: An American Region in the Twenty-First Century by
Guide to the Harry Potter Novels by Eccleshare, Julia
The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740 by McKeon, Michael
1853-1855 by
In Another Country: Colonialism, Culture, and the English Novel in India by Joshi, Priya
A Sentimental Journey and Continuation of the Bramine's Journal by Sterne, Laurence
In Another Country: Colonialism, Culture, and the English Novel in India by Joshi, Priya
Italia Contemporanea: Contemporary Literature and Intermediate-Advanced Grammar Review by Stiller, Maria E.
King Arthur: Myth-Making and History by Higham, N. J.
Oxford Reader's Companion to Conrad by
Pushkin and the Genres of Madness: The Masterpieces of 1833 by Rosenshield, Gary
The Medieval Theater of Cruelty: Rhetoric, Memory, Violence by Enders, Jody
Space, Conrad, and Modernity by Coroneos, Con
Balzac's Shorter Fictions: Genesis and Genre by Farrant, Tim
Thoughts Painfully Intense: Hawthorne and the Invalid Author by Mancall, James
Clairvoyant Wordsworth: A Case Study in Heresy and Critical Prejudice by Zimmer, Robert B.
Japanese Women Fiction Writers: Their Culture and Society, 1890s to 1990s: English Language Sources by Fairbanks, Carol
Bodies of Pain: Suffering in the Works of Hartmann Von Aue by Pincikowski, Scott E.
Andrew M. Greeley: The Mysteries of Grace by Becker, Allienne R.
Devil and Doctor Dwight by Wells, Colin
Exiles from a Future Time: The Forging of the Mid-Twentieth-Century Literary Left by Wald, Alan M.
The Power of the Passive Self in English Literature, 1640-1770 by Gordon, Scott Paul
Glimpses of Glory: John Bunyan and English Dissent by Greaves, Richard
Lost in Space by
Word, Birth, and Culture: The Poetry of Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson by Wardrop, Daneen
Tom Wolfe: A Critical Companion by Ragen, Brian Abel
Rethinking Writing by Harris, Roy
Kurt Vonnegut: A Critical Companion by Marvin, Thomas F.
Leopards in the Temple: The Transformation of American Fiction, 1945-1970 by Dickstein, Morris
Brother Enemy: Poems of the Korean War by
Frogs. Assemblywomen. Wealth by Aristophanes
Elements of Criticism by Home, Lord Kames Henry
Julian Barnes by Pateman, Matthew
Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose by Of Vienne, Avitus
Why Reading Literature in School Still Matters: Imagination, Interpretation, Insight by Sumara, Dennis J.
Why Reading Literature in School Still Matters: Imagination, Interpretation, Insight by Sumara, Dennis J.
In Praise of New Travelers: Reading Caribbean Migrant Women's Writing by Hoving, Isabel
Faulkner and the Politics of Reading by Zender, Karl F.
The Hawk Temple at Tierra Grande by Gonzalez, Ray
In Praise of New Travelers: Reading Caribbean Migrant Women's Writing by Hoving, Isabel
HIV Stories: The Archaeology of AIDS Writing in France, 1985-1988 by Boulé, Jean Pierre
Reading for the Stage: Calderón and His Contemporaries by Benabu, Isaac
Invisible Work by Kristal, Efrain
I Am a Process by Beitchman, Philip
Writers on Writing by Darnton, John
Invisible Work: Russian and Soviet Studies of the History of American Thought by Kristal, Efrain
Cicero, Rhetoric, and Empire by Steel, C. E. W.
Victorian Afterlives: The Shaping of Influence in Nineteenth-Century Literature by Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert
The Expression of the Inexpressible in Eugenio Montale's Poetry: Metaphor, Negation, and Silence by Brook, Clodagh J.
Shakespeare Remains by Lehmann, Courtney
Fiction in the Age of Photography: The Legacy of British Realism by Armstrong, Nancy
Shakespeare Remains by Lehmann, Courtney
Reading in: Alice Munro's Archives by McCaig, Joann
John Milton A Short Introduction by Flannagan, Roy C.
German-Jewish Cultural Identity from 1900 to the Aftermath of the First World War by Albanis, Elisabeth
Ästhetik Im Umbruch: Zur Funktion Der >Rede Über Kunst by Storim, Mirjam
Im Auftrieb: Grenzüberschreitungen Mit Goethes »Faust« in Inszenierungen Der Neunziger Jahre by
Sehen schreiben - Schreiben sehen by Mergenthaler, Volker
Invisible Natives by Prats, Armando José
Conversations with Jim Harrison by
Invisible Natives by Prats, Armando José
Die Geschichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig by Döring, Detlef
The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature by
Formalist Criticism and Reader-Response Theory by Davis, Todd, Womack, Kenneth
Gothic Writing 1750-1820 by Miles, Robert
Shakespeare After Mass Media by Burt, R.
Christopher Marlowe: Law and Politics in the European Union by Kuriyama, Constance Brown
Literary Terms and Criticism by Coyle, Martin, Peck, John
The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome by Edwards, Catharine
British Literary Culture and Publishing Practice, 1880 1914 by McDonald, Peter D.
Out There by Pinckney, Darryl
The House of Trials: A Translation of "Los empeños de una casa" by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz- Translation and Commentary by David Pasto by Pasto, David
British Discovery Literature and the Rise of Global Commerce by Neill, A.
E.M. Forster's Modernism by Medalie, David
American Sensations: Class, Empire, and the Production of Popular Culture Volume 9 by Streeby, Shelley
Literature, Money and the Market: From Trollope to Amis by Delany, P.
"Heil dem Bürger des kleinen Städtchens" by Behle, Carsten
British Discovery Literature and the Rise of Global Commerce by Neill, A.
The Female Narrator in the British Novel: Hidden Agendas by Sternlieb, L.
Hermetische Poesie Des Frühbarock: Die Cantilenae Intellectuales Michael Maiers. Edition Mit Übersetzung, Kommentar Und Bio-Bibliographie by Leibenguth, Erik
Jonathan Swift and Popular Culture Myth, Media and the Man: Myth, Media, and the Man by Kelly, A.
The Cambridge Companion to Ovid by
The Cambridge Companion to Goethe by
Zwischen Berlin und Paris: Bernhard Groethuysen (1880-1946) by Große Kracht, Klaus
Anamorphosen der Zeit by Berhorst, Ralf
Martin Opitz (1597 - 1639) by
Laura Ingalls Wilder and the American Frontier: Five Perspectives by
Literarische Authentizität: Prinzip Und Geschichte by Schlich, Jutta
Dürers kleinere Texte by Sahm, Heike
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 8 by
In the Catskills: A Century of Jewish Experience in "The Mountains" by
Pinocchio Goes Postmodern: Perils of a Puppet in the United States by Wunderlich, Richard, Morrissey, Thomas J.
The Mourning Voice by Loraux, Nicole
The Emergence of the Modern German Novel: Christoph Martin Wieland, Sophie Von La Roche, and Maria Anna Sagar by Baldwin, Claire
Italy in the German Literary Imagination: Goethe's 'Italian Journey' and Its Reception by Eichendorff, Platen, and Heine by Hachmeister, Gretchen
Pablo Neruda and the U.S. Culture Industry by Longo, Teresa
Grave Concerns, Trickster Turns: The Novels of Louis Owensvolume 43 by LaLonde, Chris
Drama of the English Republic, 1649-1660: Plays and Entertainments by Clare, Janet
Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.1-4 by Simplicius
Empire, the National, and the Postcolonial, 1890-1920: Resistance in Interaction by Boehmer, Elleke
Poetry, Poets, Readers: Making Things Happen by Robinson, Peter
Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte des Gartens- Gardens in Social History: Gardens in Social History by
Greek Tragedy by Kitto, H. D. F.
Critical Practice by Belsey, Catherine
The Politics of Postmodernism by Hutcheon, Linda
Literatur und Geschichte by
Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon by Achilles
Barthes: A Very Short Introduction by Culler, Jonathan
Dickens's Great Expectations: Misnar's Pavilion Versus Cinderella by Meckier, Jerome
The Complete Poetry of Catullus by Catullus
Ruskin and Gender by Birch, Dinah, O'Gorman, Francis
Ruskin and Gender by O'Gorman, Francis, Birch, Dinah
Gertrude Stein and Wallace Stevens: The Performance of Modern Consciousness by Ford, Sara J.
Stalin on Linguistics and Other Essays by Gray, P.
David Guterson's Snow Falling on Cedars by Haytock, Jennifer
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