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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

An Ordinary Day by Xue Di
A Reader's Guide to Ernest Hemingway by Waldhorn, Arthur
Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists by Gagarin, Michael
Knowledge and Opinion: Essays and Literary Criticism of John G. Neihardt by Neihardt, John G.
New Directions in Arthurian Studies by
Jane Austen and the Theatre by Gay, Penny
Musik und Dichtung by Bircher, Martin
Coriolanus by Shakespeare, William
Granby by Granby Writing Circle, Kuntz, Mary
The Early Poetry of Robert Graves: The Goddess Beckons by Kersnowski, Frank L.
Ritual and Cult at Ugarit by Pardee, Dennis
Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: Chicago by Dale, Alzina Stone
Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: New York by Dale, Alzina Stone
Fair Exotics: Xenophobic Subjects in English Literature, 172-185 by Sudan, Rajani
English Poetry Before Chaucer by Swanton, Michael
English Poetry Before Chaucer by Swanton, Michael
Stereotyp, Identitaet und Geschichte: Die Funktion von Stereotypen in gesellschaftlichen Diskursen by
Alterations of State: Sacred Kingship in the English Reformation by McCoy, Richard
Diana Wynne Jones: An Exciting and Exacting Wisdom by
The Playwright's Muse: Edited by Joan Herrington by Herrington, Joan
The Playwright's Muse by Herrington, Joan
Fiction and the American Literary Marketplace: The Role of Newspaper Syndicates in America, 1860 1900 by Johanningsmeier, Charles Alan
The Gaucho Genre: A Treatise on the Motherland by Ludmer, Josefina
Trimalchio: An Early Version of the Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Brecht-Handbuch: Band 3: Prosa, Filme, Drehbücher by
Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 4: Sekundärliteratur: Zu Nietzsches Philosophisch-Literarischem Werk Insgesamt; Zu Einzelnen Werken by
Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 5: Sekundärliteratur: Wirkungs- Und Forschungsgeschichte by
Night Soldiers by Furst, Alan
Dark Star by Furst, Alan
Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900 by
Irish and Postcolonial Writing by
Barockrhetorik by Barner, Wilfried
Röllwagenbüchlein: Festschrift Für Walter Röll Zum 65. Geburtstag by
The Persian Book of Kings: An Epitome of the Shahnama of Firdawsi by Robinson, B. W.
A Book of Irish Verse by Yeats, W. B.
Theater und zionistischer Mythos by Morgenstern, Matthias
Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction by
Reading Sulpicia: Commentaries 1475 - 1990 by Skoie, Mathilde
Crime and the Nation: Prison and Popular Fiction in Philadelphia. 1786-1800 by Okun, Peter
The Female Tragic Hero in English Renaissance Drama by
Classic Authors of the Gilded Age by Abel, Darrel
Classic Authors of the Gilded Age by Abel, Darrel
The Female Tragic Hero in English Renaissance Drama by
Women's Writing of the Early Modern Period 1588-1688: An Anthology by
The Beginnings of German Literature: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Old High German by Edwards, Cyril
Rescripting Shakespeare: The Text, the Director, and Modern Productions by Dessen, Alan C.
Attributing Authorship: An Introduction by Love, Harold
Merry Wives and Others: A History of Domestic Humor Writing by Bland, Bartholomew, Fritzer, Penelope
German Romantic Criticism by
The War Against Cliche: Essays and Reviews 1971-2000 by Amis, Martin
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature by
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature by
Disciplining English: Alternative Histories, Critical Perspectives by
Traversing the Democratic Borders of the Essay by Kirklighter, Cristina
The Language of Conferencing by
Teaching English to Children - Interactivity and Teaching Strategies in the Primary FL Classroom by Coyle, Yvette, Verdú Jordá, Mercedes
Shakespeare in the Present by Hawkes, Terence
Shakespeare in the Present by Hawkes, Terence
The Philip Larkin I Knew by Brennan, Maeve
Joyce's Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses by Gibson, Andrew
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
The Companion to a Tale of Two Cities by Sanders, Andrew
Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei by Ding, Naifei
Laurence Sterne by Walsh, Marcus
Pietas victrix - Der Sieg der Pietas by
A Companion to Early Modern Women's Writing by
The Mystical Language of Sensation in the Later Middle Ages by Rudy, Gordon
Odyssea. Responsio Ulixis AD Penelopen: Die Humanistische Odyssea Decurtata Der Berliner Handschrift Diez. B Sant. 41 by
Die Chinesische Dichtkunst. Von Den Anfängen Bis Zum Ende Der Kaiserzeit by Kubin, Wolfgang
Tyranny in Shakespeare by McGrail, Mary Ann
Beautiful Death: Jewish Poetry and Martyrdom in Medieval France by Einbinder, Susan L.
The Jacobite Relics of Scotland: Volume 1 by Hogg, James
An Essay on the Tragic by Szondi, Peter
Essay on the Tragic by Szondi, Peter
Solons politische Elegien und Iamben (fr. 1-13, 32-37 W.) by Mülke, Christoph
Waterloo and the Romantic Imagination by Shaw, Philip
British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764-1824 by Wein, T.
The New Woman of Color by Williams, Fannie Barrier
Zwischen Rauschen Und Offenbarung: Zur Kultur- Und Mediengeschichte Der Stimme by
Conversations with Clarence Major by
Great Cryptogram Part 1 Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-Called Shakespeare Plays by Donnelly, Ignatius
Great Cryptogram Part 2 Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-Called Shakespeare Plays by Donnelly, Ignatius
Introducing Children's Literature: From Romanticism to Postmodernism by Thacker, Deborah Cogan, Webb, Jean
Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, C. 1850-1940 by Gray, Christopher J.
Herodotus: Histories I by Herodotus
Cicero: de Oratore I-III by Cicero
Maphaeus Vegius and His Thirteenth Book of the Aeneid by Brinton, Anna Cox
Rome's Debt to Greece by Wardman, Alan
Introducing Cicero: A Latin Reader by Scottish Classics Group
Essays in Criticism by Arnold, Matthew
Word of Mouth: Food and Fiction After Freud by Skubal, Susanne M.
Shakespeare and Classic Works in the Classroom: Teaching Pre-20th Century Literature at KS2 and KS3 by Carter, Dennis
Rus': A Comprehensive Course in Russian by Crosbie, Elena V., Smyth, Sarah
Securing Swift: Selected Essays by Real, Hermann J.
The Reception and Reputation of Jonathan Swift in Germany: Essays and Investigations by Real, Hermann
The Colonial Conan Doyle: British Imperialism, Irish Nationalism, and the Gothic by Wynne, Catherine
Hoeflichkeitsstile: 2., korrigierte Auflage by
Ganzheitlichkeit und Sprache: Theorie des Begriffs und empirische Zugangswege im Gespraech mit Fremdsprachenlehrerinnen und -lehrern by Mayer, Nikola
The Best Actors in the World: Shakespeare and His Acting Company by Grote, David
Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict and Coexistence by
Student Companion to John Steinbeck by Burkhead, Cynthia
Understanding the Old Man and the Sea: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents by Valenti, Patricia Dunlavy
John Guare: A Research and Production Sourcebook by Curry, Jane
Tragic Narrative: A Narratological Study of Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus by Markantonatos, Andreas
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution: Introduction. Text. Commentary by Lipka, Michael
The Late Modernism of Cormac McCarthy by Holloway, David
Beichman: Embracing the Firebird Pa by Beichman, Janine
Terence: Phormio by Terence
Homer: Odyssey VI and VII by Homer
Embracing the Firebird: Yosano Akiko and the Birth of the Female Voice in Modern Japanese Poetry by Beichman, Janine
Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald (REV) by Bruccoli, Matthew J.
Seduction and Sacrilege: Rhetorical Power in Fray Gerunidio de Campazas by Haidt, Rebecca
Vom Salon Zur Barrikade: Frauen Der Heine-Zeit by
Stories and Tales by Andersen, Hans Christian
Mixing Race, Mixing Culture: Inter-American Literary Dialogues by
Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry by Benedict, Barbara M.
Speech Acts in Literature by Miller, J. Hillis
Yiddish Fiction and the Crisis of Modernity, 1905-1914 by Krutikov, Mikhail
Irresistible Dictation: Gertrude Stein and the Correlations of Writing and Science by Meyer, Steven
Prague Territories: National Conflict and Cultural Innovation in Franz Kafka's Fin de Siecle by Spector, Scott
Central Africa in the Caribbean: Transcending Time, Transforming Cultures by Warner-Lewis, Maureen
White Women in Racialized Spaces: Imaginative Transformation and Ethical Action in Literature by
Speech Acts in Literature by Miller, J. Hillis
Lost City: Fitzgerald's New York by O'Meara, Lauraleigh
The Effects of Duration and Sonority on Countour Tone Distribution: A Typological Survey and Formal Analysis by Zhang, Jie
Titurel by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
The Merchant of Venice: Critical Essays by
Boethius in St. Gallen: Die Bearbeitung Der 'Consolatio Philosophiae' Durch Notker Teutonicus Zwischen Tradition Und Innovation by Hehle, Christine
Kombinationssinn: Narrative Strukturexperimente Im 'Straßburger Alexander', Im 'Herzog Ernst B' Und Im 'König Rother' by Stock, Markus
Martin Heideggers ungeschriebene Poetologie by Appelhans, Jörg
Hermetik by
Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies by
F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Literary Life by Hook, A.
Travelling Players in Shakespeare's England by Keenan, S.
Caribbean Autobiography by Paquet, Sandra Pouchet
In Front of Your Nose: 1946-1950 by Orwell, George
Blood Narrative: Indigenous Identity in American Indian and Maori Literary and Activist Texts by Allen, Chadwick
F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Literary Life by Hook, A.
An Apology for Poetry (or the Defence of Poesy): Sir Philip Sidney by
The Dramatic Liturgy of Anglo-Saxon England by Bedingfield, M. Bradford
Cheap Bibles: Nineteenth-Century Publishing and the British and Foreign Bible Society by Howsam, Leslie
Words Alone the Poet T.S. Eliot by Donoghue, Denis
The Drama of Gender: Feminist Theater by Women of the Americas by Flores, Yolanda
Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators by Gibson, Craig A.
John Keats by Blades, John
Tales of the Jazz Age by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Attributing Authorship by Love, Harold
Plays of Josefina Niggli: Recovered Landmarks of Latino Literature by Niggli, Josefina
Staged Narrative: Poetics and the Messenger in Greek Tragedy by Barrett, James
Up Society's Ass, Copper: Rereading Philip Roth by Shechner, Mark
Tao of Nature: Earthway's Wisdom of Daily Living from Grandmother Earth by Rain, Mary Summer
The Love Letters of Victor Hugo 1820 - 1822 by Hugo, Victor
The Letters of Victor Hugo from Exile, and after the Fall of the Empire by Hugo, Victor
Arabic Literature: An Overview by Cachia, Pierre
What You Need To Read To Know Just About Everything: The 25 best books for a self education and why by Scarbrough, Allen L.
German Writings Before and After 1945: E. Junger, W. Koeppen, I. Keun, A. Lernet-Holenia, G. Von Rez by
Complete Biographical Encyclopedia of Pulitzer Prize Winners 1917 - 2000: Journalists, Writers and Composers on Their Way to the Coveted Awards by
The Culture of Translation in Anglo-Saxon England by Stanton, Robert
Rechts und links der Seine by
Das Archiv der Klugheit by Scholz, Leander
Stone Speaker: Medieval Tombs, Landscape, and Bosnian Identity in the Poetry of Mak Dizdar by Buturovic, A.
Reading Families by Krug, Rebecca L.
Absent Narratives, Manuscript Textuality by Scala, Elizabeth
The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics by Higgins, L.
Literature, Amusement, and Technology in the Great Depression by Solomon, William
Women, Death and Literature in Post-Reformation England by Phillippy, Patricia
Rus': A Comprehensive Course in Russian Set of 4 Audio Cassettes by Smyth, Sarah, Crosbie, Elena V.
Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina by
The Beginnings of Medieval Romance: Fact and Fiction, 1150 1220 by Green, D. H., Green, Dennis Howard
The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy by Balfour, Ian
Radical Writing on Women, 1800-1850: An Anthology by Gleadle, K.
The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy by Balfour, Ian
From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art, and Literature by
The Japanese Copula: Forms and Functions by Narahara, T.
Die Endlichkeit Der Literatur by
Writing Montana by
Hierocles of Alexandria by Schibli, Hermann S.
Serious Poetry: Form and Authority from Yeats to Hill by McDonald, Peter
New Medieval Literatures: Volume V by
The Invention of Telepathy by Luckhurst, Roger
Tales of Sevastopol by Tolstoy, Leo
Time and the Astrolabe in the Cantebury Tales by Osborn, Marijane
Modernism, Narrative and Humanism by Sheehan, Paul
Modernism and the Ideology of History: Literature, Politics, and the Past by Williams, Louise Blakeney
New Essays on Billy Budd by
A Treatise on the Astrolabe, Volume 6 by Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii by Leatherbarrow, William J.
Victorian Literature and the Anorexic Body by Silver, Anna Krugovoy
A History of Women's Writing in Russia by Barker, Adele Marie
The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii by Leatherbarrow, William J.
Gestures and Looks in Medieval Narrative by J. a., Burrow, Burrow, J. A.
Ben Jonson and Possessive Authorship by Loewenstein, Joseph
Gothic Vision: Three Centuries of Horror, Terror and Fear by Cavallaro, Dani
Grass for My Pillow by Maruya, Saiichi
Noises Off: A Play in Three Acts by Frayn, Michael
Technique and Sensibility in the Fiction and Poetry of Raymond Carver by Bethea, Arthur F.
Power: A Reader by Haugaard, Mark
Euripides: Hippolytus by Mills, Sophie
The Yeats Reader: A Portable Compendium of Poetry, Drama, and Prose by
Oxford Companion to Edwardian Fiction 1900-14: New Voices in the Age of Uncertainty by
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