• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

Wissensideale und Wissenskulturen in der Frühen Neuzeit by
Cassirer und Goethe by
Wielands Briefwechsel, Band 14.2: Juli 1797 - Juni 1799. Anmerkungen by
de l'Allemagne. Kommentar. Teilband II by
Engaging Words: The Culture of Reading in the Later Middle Ages by Amtower, L.
Five Modern Japanese Novelists by Keene, Donald
The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages by Felman, Shoshana
Ferne und Nähe der Antike by
Literature, Disaster, and the Enigma of Power: A Reading of 'Moby-Dick' by Peretz, Eyal
The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with J.L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages by Felman, Shoshana
Language, Politics and Writing: Storytelling in Western Europe by McCarthy, Patrick, McCarthy, Patrick
Lady Godiva: A Literary History of the Legend by Donoghue, Daniel
Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults by
Lady Godiva: A Literary History of the Legend by Donoghue, Daniel
A Century of Sonnets: The Romantic-Era Revival 1750-1850 by
Edward Albee: A Casebook by Mann, Bruce
Dante and Classical Antiquity: The Epic Tradition: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante and Philosophy: Nature, the Cosmos, and the Ethical Imperative: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante and Theology: The Biblical Tradition and Christian Allegory: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante and History: From Florence and Rome to Heavenly Jerusalem: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante and Interpretation: From the Renaissance to the Romantics: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante and Interpretation: From the New Philology to the New Criticism and Beyond: Dante: The Critical Complex by
Dante's Afterlife: The Commedia Reborn in Art: Dante: The Critical Complex by
The FBI Files on John Steinbeck by
The FBI Files on John Steinbeck by
Commentaries On the Law in Shakespeare by White, Edw J.
The Romantic National Tale and the Question of Ireland by Ferris, Ina
Pronuntiatus - Propositio by
Gender, Theatre, and the Origins of Criticism by Frank, Marcie
Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century by Innes, Christopher, Innes, C. D.
Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century by Innes, Christopher, Innes, C. D., Christopher, Innes
Close Reading: The Reader by
Realism in the Novels of the Harlem Renaissance by Francis, Theodore O.
Women's Writing and Historiography in the Gdr by Bridge, Helen
Christine de Pizan: A Casebook by
Factory Production in Nineteenth-Century Britain by
Spenser's Monstrous Regiment: Elizabethan Ireland and the Poetics of Difference by McCabe, Richard A.
Beatrix Potter: Writing in Code by Kutzer, M. Daphne
Zoshchenko: Stories of the 1920s by Zoshchenko, Mikhail
American Literature: The Essential Glossary by
Of Suffocated Hearts and Tortured Souls: Seeking Subjecthood through Madness in Francophone Women's Writing of Africa and the Caribbean by Orlando, Valérie
Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible by Wordsworth, Charles
The Satanic Epic by Forsyth, Neil
Literary Modernism and Photography by Hansom, Paul
Interfering Values in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel: Austen, Dickens, Eliot, Hardy, and the Ethics of Criticism by Moxham, Jeffrey
In My Own Shire: Region and Belonging in British Writing, 1840-1970 by Wade, Stephen
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary: A Reference Guide by Gray, Eugene, Porter, Laurence
Anglophone Caribbean Poetry, 1970-2001: An Annotated Bibliography by Williams, Emily Allen, Unknown
Rereading the Harlem Renaissance: Race, Class, and Gender in the Fiction of Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston, and Dorothy West by Jones, Sharon L.
Chaos Theory, Asimov's Foundations and Robots, and Herbert's Dune: The Fractal Aesthetic of Epic Science Fiction by
Politics of Canonicity: Lines of Resistance in Modernist Hebrew Poetry by Gluzman, Michael
A History of Hungarian Literature by Riedl, Frederick
The Politics and Plays of Bernard Shaw by Evans, Judith
Antonio Cornejo Polar Y Los Estudios Latinoamericanos by
Seamus Heaney and the Place of Writing by O'Brien, Eugene
Racial Politics and Robert Penn Warren's Poetry by Szczesiul, Anthony
Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter by Lurie, Alison
Petrarch's Guide to the Holy Land: Itinerary to the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ by
Shakespeare's Words: A Glossary and Language Companion by Crystal, David, Crystal, Ben
Reception of Virginia Woolf in Europe by