• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2003

An Interpretation to Rudyard Kipling's: They by Raleigh, A. S.
Studies in Spectrum Analysis by Lockyer, J. Norman
Unveiling Eve: Statesmanship, Diplomacy, and Foreign Policy Since 1903 by Rosen, Tova
Francophone Post-Colonial Cultures: Critical Essays by
Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Imagination by Taylor, Barbara
The Aesthetics and Politics of the Crowd in American Literature by Esteve, Mary
Melusine The Serpent Goddess in A. S. Byatt's Possession and in Mythology by Alban, Gillian
The Swifts: Printers in the Age of Typesetting Races by Rumble, Walker
Turning to Earth: Stories of Ecological Conversion by Schauffler, F. Marina
Turning to Earth: Stories of Ecological Conversion by Schauffler, F. Marina
Radical Narratives of the Black Atlantic by Rice, Alan
Renaissance Drama by McRae, Andrew
Silent Voices: Forgotten Novels by Victorian Women Writers by
Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms: A Reference Guide by Wagner-Martin, Linda
Adventures Abroad: North American Women at German-Speaking Universities, 1868-1915 by Singer, Sandra
The Poems of Edward Taylor: A Reference Guide by Guruswamy, Rosemary
Gone: Poems Volume 7 by Howe, Fanny
Death of a Discipline by Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, W. S.
Make Mine a Mystery: A Reader's Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction by Niebuhr, Gary
Raising Voices: Creating Youth Storytelling Groups and Troupes by Sima, Judy, Cordi, Kevin
Thematic Guide to Modern Drama by Abbotson, Susan
The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West by Pipes, Daniel
Radical Narratives of the Black Atlantic by Rice, Alan
J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography by Jones, Leslie, Cox, Richard J.
Creative Women of Korea: The Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries: The Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries by Kim-Renaud, Young-Key
Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life by
Homeric Hymns. Homeric Apocrypha. Lives of Homer by Homer
Rastlose Weltgestaltung: Senecaische Kulturkritik in Den Tragödien Gryphius' Und Lohensteins by Arend, Stefanie
The Contemporáneos Group: Rewriting Mexico in the Thirties and Forties by Oropesa, Salvador a.
Portrait of My Mother, Who Posed Nude in Wartime: Stories by Sandor, Marjorie
Portrait of My Mother, Who Posed Nude in Wartime: Stories by Sandor, Marjorie
Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing by Tauber, Alfred I.
Images of Redemption by Sherry, Patrick
Guide to Greek Theatre and Drama by Griffiths, Trevor R., McLeish, Kenneth
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 9 by
A William Makepeace Thackeray Chronology by Harden, E.
Exiles: Literary Classics by Joyce, James
Pot Pourri: Whistlings of an Idler by Cambaceres, Eugenio
America in the Seventies by Slocum-Schaffer, Stephanie
Threshold by Kaufman, Shirley
Recovering Ruth: A Biographer's Tale by Root, Robert
Review of Contemporary Fiction: XXIII, #2: Rick Moody/Ann Quin/Silas Flannery by O'Brien, John
The Forgetful Princess by Dozier, Kim L.
Light Motives: German Popular Cinema in Perspective by
Chivalry and Romance in the English Renaissance by Davis, Alex
The Language of the Chaucer Tradition by Horobin, Simon
Epic Tales of the Philippines: Tribal Lores of Filipinos by Guillermo, Artemio R.
Nothing Remains the Same: Rereading and Remembering by Lesser, Wendy
Higher Education in Tanzania: A Case Study by Mkude, Daniel, Cooksey, Brian, Levey, Lisbeth
From a Tiny Corner in the House of Fiction by
The Beat Generation in San Francisco: A Literary Tour by Morgan, Bill
Selected Poems by Aiken, Conrad
Flannery O'Connor: Spiritual Writings by O'Connor, Flannery
Queer Lyrics: Difficulty and Closure in American Poetry by Vincent, J.
Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture by Low, J.
The Poetics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry by Woods, Tim
Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture by Low, J.
Queer Lyrics: Difficulty and Closure in American Poetry by Vincent, J.
The Poetics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry by Woods, Tim
Tame Passions of Wilde: The Styles of Manageable Desire by Nunokawa, Jeff
Platonic Noise by Euben, J. Peter
Sovereign Nations, Carnal States by Shapiro, Kam
Sexual Encounters: Pacific Texts, Modern Sexualities by Wallace, Lee
Kulturelle Identitaet: Konstruktionen und Krisen by
The Great Chiasmus: Word and Flesh in the Novels of Unamuno by Olson, Paul R.
Sovereign Nations, Carnal States by Shapiro, Kam
Does Literature Think?: Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era by Gourgouris, Stathis
Does Literature Think?: Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era by Gourgouris, Stathis
Sexual Encounters: Pacific Texts, Modern Sexualities by Wallace, Lee
Alchemy in Middle-Earth by Shelton, Mahmoud
Architectures of Russian Identity, 1500 to the Present by
Architectures of Russian Identity, 1500 to the Present by
Wielands Briefwechsel, Band 17.2: Briefe Januar 1806 - September 1809. Anmerkungen by
Verhandlungen des Literaturbegriffs by Rosenberg, Rainer
Living with Languages: The Contemporary Swiss Model by
More Than a Game: The Computer Game as Fictional Form by Atkins, Barry
Michel Foucault by Mills, Sara
Francis Bacon's New Atlantis: New Interdisciplinary Essays by
The New Aestheticism by
Whodunit?: A Who's Who in Crime & Mystery Writing by Herbert, Rosemary
The Writing Life: Writers on How They Think and Work: A Collection from the Washington Post Book World by Arana, Marie
Ritual, Media, and Conflict by Spentzou, Efrossini
Locating Latin American Women Writers: Cristina Peri Rossi, Rosario Ferré, Albalucía Angel, and Isabel Allende by Lindsay, Claire
Broadway Boogie Woogie: Damon Runyon and the Making of New York City Culture by Schwarz, D.
Broadway Boogie Woogie: Damon Runyon and the Making of New York City Culture by Schwarz, D.
Regenerating the Novel: Gender and Genre in Woolf, Forster, Sinclair, and Lawrence by Miracky, James J.
To Seek Out New Worlds: Science Fiction and World Politics by Weldes, J.
Poetic Animals and Animal Souls by Malamud, R.
The Robin Hood Companion by Coghlan, Ronan
Witness Against History: Literature, Film, and Public Discourse in Twentieth-Century China by Braester, Yomi
Poetic Animals and Animal Souls by Malamud, R.
Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The "Gilgamesh Epic" and Other Ancient Literature by Harris, Rivkah
I Saw Ramallah by Barghouti, Mourid
Identity Theft: The Jew in Imperial Russia and the Case of Avraam Uri Kovner by Murav, Harriet
Goethezeit - Zeit für Goethe by
Art Attack: Names in Satire by Ashley, Leonard R. N.
Klios Medien by Hebekus, Uwe
Frank Thiess Und Der Nationalsozialismus: Ein Konservativer Revolutionär ALS Dissident by Wolf, Yvonne
Eine Epoche im Umbruch by
Euripides Politikos: Recht Und Rache in 'Orestes' Und 'Bakchen' by Holzhausen, Jens
Han Feizi: Basic Writings by
The American Spirit in Literature by Perry, Bliss
The American Spirit in Education by Slosson, Edwin E.
Primary Ignition: Essays 1997-2001 by Steele, Allen M.
Theatre of the Book 1480-1880: Print, Text and Performance in Europe by Peters, Julie Stone
Apocalypse and Millennium in English Romantic Poetry by Paley, Morton D.
Studies in Poetry and Philosophy by Sweet, William
Goethe Jahrbuch 2002: Band 119 Der Gesamtfolge by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Brecht-Handbuch: Band 4: Schriften, Journale, Briefe by
Ipomadon by
The Epistolary Novel: Representations of Consciousness by Bray, Joe
Books and Their Readers in 18th Century England: Volume 2 New Essays by
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: A Casebook by
Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: A Casebook by Hargraves, Orin
Apocryphal Texts and Traditions in Anglo-Saxon England by
New Readings of Chaucer's Poetry by
Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch by Plunkett, John
El Libertador: Writings of Simon Bolivar by Bolívar, Simón
Aphra Behn: The Comedies by Aughterson, Kate
Trying It Out in America: Literary and Other Performances by Poirier, Richard, Follett, Wilson
Platons Euthyphron by
High and Mighty Queens of Early Modern England: Realities and Representations by
Literary Cultures in History: Reconstructions from South Asia by
Henry James and Queer Modernity by Eric, Haralson, Haralson, Eric
American Spirit in Literature: Chronicles of America Part 34 by Perry, Bliss
Theology of the Greek Poets by Tyler, William Seymour, Tyler, W. S.
Ian McEwan's Enduring Love by Gordon, Andy, Clarke, Roger
Michael Cunningham's the Hours by Young, Tory
The Little Fun Book of Plants/Scorpions: Plants/Scorpions by Hodgson, John
Ich, Region, Nation: Maurice Barrès Im Französischen Identitätsdiskurs Seiner Zeit Und Seine Rezeption in Deutschland by Bendrath, Wiebke
Narrative Deconstructions of Gender in Works by Audrey Thomas, Daphne Marlatt, and Louise Erdrich by Rosenthal, Caroline
Borges and Philosophy: Self, Time, and Metaphysics by Bossart, William H.
Die Wahrheit der Fiktion by Haug, Walter
Xunzi: Basic Writings by
The Dread Inferno: Notes for Beginners in the Study of Dante by Wyld, M. Alice
Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages: Their Origin and Influence On Literature and Art by Guerber, Helene a.
Picturing the Human: The Moral Thought of Iris Murdoch by Antonaccio, Maria
Historicism by Paul, Hamilton, Hamilton, Paul
A Companion to Catalan Literature by Terry, Arthur
The Poe Cinema: A Critical Filmography of Theatrical Releases Based on the Works of Edgar Allan Poe by Smith, Don G.
Islands in History and Representation by
The Sappho History by Reynolds, M.
Austen, Eliot, Charlotte Bronte and the Mentor-Lover by Menon, P.
The Sappho History by Reynolds, M.
Joan of Arc Sacrificial Authorship by Astell, Ann W.
Unreliable Truth: On Memoir and Memory by Murdock, Maureen
New Theatre Quarterly 76: Volume 19, Part 4 by
Is Canada Postcolonial?: Unsettling Canadian Literature by
Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentleman by Robson, Catherine
The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works by Highfield, Roger
George Orwell's Guide Through Hell: A Psychological Study of Nineteen Eighty Four (The Milford Series. Popular Writers of Today, V. 41) by Plank, Robert
Stout Fellow: A Guide Through Nero Wolfe's World by McBride, O. E.
Die kleineren Dichtungen Heinrichs von Mügeln by
Astrofuturism: Science, Race, and Visions of Utopia in Space by Kilgore, de Witt Douglas
Stout Fellow: A Guide Through Nero Wolfe's World by McBride, O. E.
Black, White, and in Color: Essays on American Literature and Culture by Spillers, Hortense J.
Step-Daughters of England: British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary by Garrity, Jane
Stillness in Motion in the Seventeenth Century Theatre by Skantze, P. a.
A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History's Nightmares by Mighall, Robert
Ideology by Hawkes, David
Wild Enlightenment: The Borders of Human Identity in the Eighteenth Century the Borders of Human Identity in the Eighteenth Century by Nash, Richard
Wild Enlightenment: The Borders of Human Identity in the Eighteenth Century by Nash, Richard
Victorian Poetry as Cultural Critique: The Politics of Performative Language by Slinn, E. Warwick
Metaphor, Allegory, and the Classical Tradition: Ancient Thought and Modern Revisions by
The Life and Works of Ruskin Bond by Khorana, Meena
A Mickey Spillane Companion by Gale, Robert
Defining Print Culture for Youth: The Cultural Work of Children's Literature by
Re-Reading Harry Potter by Gupta, S.
Latina and Latino Voices in Literature: Lives and Works, Updated and Expanded by Day, Frances
Isabel Allende: A Critical Companion by Cox, Karen
Student Companion to Edith Wharton by Pennell, Melissa
August Wilson's Fences: A Reference Guide by Shannon, Sandra Garrett, Abbotson, Susan C. W.
Feeling in Theory: Emotion After the "Death of the Subject" by Terada, Rei
Re-Reading Harry Potter by Gupta, S.
Best Words, Best Order: Essays on Poetry by Dobyns, S.
Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays by Epstein, David G.
Edna O'Brien by Greenwood, Amanda
The Novel in the Ancient World: Revised Edition by
Aristocratic Universe of Karen Blixen: Destiny and the Denial of Fate by Hansen, Frantz Leander
Edna O'Brien by Greenwood, Amanda
Fashion Foundations: Early Writings on Fashion and Dress by
John Donne's Sermons on the Psalms and Gospels: With a Selection of Prayers and Meditations by Donne, John
Jane Austen by Miles, Robert
Postindian Conversations by Vizenor, Gerald, Lee, A. Robert
Weldon Kees and the Midcentury Generation: Letters, 1935-1955 by Kees, Weldon
Chinua Achebe by Yousaf, Nahem
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman and Joseph Campbell: In Search of the Modern Myth by Campbell, Joseph, Rauch, Stephen
George Orwell by Kerr, Douglas
At the Threshold of Memory: New & Selected Poems by Allende, Isabel
In These Hills by Beer, Ralph
Fashion Foundations: Early Writings on Fashion and Dress by
Displacements of Power: Readings of the Cent nouvelles nouvelles by Fein, David A.
Key Words, Concepts and Methods for Information Age Instruction: A Guide to Teaching Information Inquiry by Callison, Daniel
The Road to Middle-Earth: How J.R.R. Tolkien Created a New Mythology by Shippey, Tom
Chinua Achebe by Yousaf, Nahem
Letters to a Young Novelist by Llosa, Mario Vargas
Structuralism by Sturrock, John
A Companion to Shakespeare's Works: The Poems, Problem Comedies, Late Plays by
Irish Dramatic Movement by
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