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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2003

Cicero: Philippics I-II by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Nietzsche and the German Tradition by
English Syntax for Spanish Speakers: A Comparative Introduction by Castillo, Concha
Counter-Cultures in Germany and Central Europe: From "Sturm und Drang" to Baader-Meinhof by
A Centaur in Auschwitz: Reflections on Primo Levi's Thinking by Giuliani, Massimo
Die Wissenschaftstheorie des Dominicus Gundissalinus by Fidora, Alexander
Aaron Hill: The Muses' Projector, 1685-1750 by Gerrard, Christine
Fortune's Faces: The Roman de la Rose and the Poetics of Contingency by Heller-Roazen, Daniel
Victorian Shakespeare: Volume 2: Literature and Culture by Marshall, Gail, Poole, Adrian
Actividad Teatral En La Región de Madrid Según Los Protocolos de Juan García de Albertos, 1634-1660: II: Estudio Y Documentos: Documents 250-422, Appe by
Writing Woman, Writing Place: Contemporary Australian and South African Fiction by Kossew, Sue
Contemporary Canadian Women's Fiction: Refiguring Identities by Howells, C.
Theory in an Uneven World by Radhakrishnan, R.
Poetry's Touch by Waters, William
The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-Earth for Dummies by Harvey, Greg
Proust, Beckett, and Narration by Reid, James H.
The Cambridge Companion to the Spanish Novel: From 1600 to the Present by
Don Delillo: The Physics of Language by Cowart, David
Victorian Shakespeare: Volume 1: Theatre, Drama and Performance by
The Essential Guide to Werewolf Literature by Frost, Brian J.
The Fable of the Southern Writer by Simpson, Lewis P.
Hybrid Fictions: American Literature and Generation X by Grassian, Daniel
Nabokov at the Movies: Film Perspectives in Fiction by Wyllie, Barbara
Victorian Travel Writing and Imperial Violence: British Writing on Africa, 1855-1902 by Franey, Laura E.
French Civilization and Its Discontents: Nationalism, Colonialism, Race by
Alif 23: Literature and the Sacred by
J. Henry Shorthouse, "The Author of John Inglesant" (with reference to T. S. Eliot and C. G. Jung) by Spurgeon, Charles W.
Pop and Poetry - Pleasure and Protest: Udo Lindenberg, Konstantin Wecker and the Tradition of German Cabaret by Blühdorn, Annette
Adventures in Paradox: Don Quixote and the Western Tradition by Presberg, Charles D.
How Milton Works by Fish, Stanley
Der Panathenaikos des Isokrates by Roth, Peter
Götter im Exil by Häfner, Ralph
Hans Friedrich Blunck: Poet and Nazi Collaborator, 1888-1961 by Hoerle, W. Scott
A War Culture in Action: A Study of the Literature of the Crimean War Period by Dereli, Cynthia
Modern German Political Drama 1980-2000 by Haas, Birgit
Der Sciendum-Kommentar Zu Den Satiren Des Horaz by Marchionni, Roberta
Euripides im Kontext zeitgenössischer intellektueller Strömungen by Egli, Franziska
Popular Culture and Performance in the Victorian City by Bailey, Peter
Dickens the Journalist by Drew, J.
Slavery and Augustan Literature: Swift, Pope and Gay by Richardson, J.
Julia Kristeva by McAfee, Noelle
Julia Kristeva by McAfee, Noelle
In the Shadows of Divine Perfection: Derek Walcott's Omeros by Callahan, Lance
Tongue Ties: Logo-Eroticism in Anglo-Hispanic Literature by Firmat, G.
Amnesiac Selves: Nostalgia, Forgetting, and British Fiction, 1810-1870 by Dames, Nicholas
John Clare, Politics and Poetry by Vardy, A.
The Things We Mean by Schiffer, Stephen
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by Stanley, Wells
Troy Between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial Power by Erskine, Andrew
Homer by Powell, Barry B.
Sikhombindlela. We Are Leading the Way by Elits, Eltis
Art and Argument: What Words Can't Do and What They Can by Fleming, Bruce E.
The Dawn That Never Comes: Shimazaki Toson and Japanese Nationalism by Bourdaghs, Michael
Violence and Modernism: Ibsen, Joyce, and Woolf by Johnsen, William A.
Seamus Heaney: Searches for Answers by O'Brien, Eugene
Away: The Indian Writer as an Expatriate by
The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov by Bertholf, Robert J., Gelpi, Albert
You Must Be Joking!: Lots of Cool Jokes, Plus 17 1/2 Tips for Remembering, Telling, and Making Up Your Own Jokes by Brewer, Paul
Marlowe by Oz, Avraham
Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon by Rosebury, B.
Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon by Rosebury, B.
Mittelhochdeutsche Studiengrammatik: Eine Pilgerreise by Graf, Michael
Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection by Asimov, Isaac
Self-Fashioning - Personen(selbst)darstellung by
Hitchcock and Poe: The Legacy of Delight and Terror by Perry, Dennis R.
Vulnerable Subjects by Couser, G. Thomas
Modern Chivalry: Containing the Adventures of Captain John Farrago and Teague O'Reagan, His Servant by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
Bd. 1: James Macphersons Ossian, Zeitgenössische Diskurse Und Die Frühphase Der Deutschen Rezeption. Bd. 2: Die Haupt- Und Spätphase Der Deutschen Rez by Schmidt, Wolf Gerhard
After Poststructuralism: Reading, Stories, Theory by Davis, Colin
Shakespeare's Culture in Modern Performance by Jones, M.
Encyclopedia of Postmodernism by
Georgian Bloomsbury: Volume 3: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group, 1910-1914 by Rosenbaum, S.
Shakespeare's Culture in Modern Performance by Jones, M.
Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election: Candidates, Voters, and the Presidential Campaign of 2000 by
Bloom: The Botanical Vernacular in the English Novel by King, Amy M., King, Amy Mae
The Crime in Mind: Criminal Responsibility and the Victorian Novel by Rodensky, Lisa
Computing Action: A Narratological Approach by Meister, Jan Christoph
A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing: Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation by Wagner, Rudolf G.
Georgian Bloomsbury: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group 1910-1914 by Rosenbaum, S.
Further Letters of Mrs Gaskell by
A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing: Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation by Wagner, Rudolf G.
Bibliophiles and Bibliothieves by Popa, Opritsa D.
Parzival: Studienausgabe. Mittelhochdeutscher Text Nach Der Sechsten Ausgabe Von Karl Lachmann. Mit Einführung Zum Text Der Lach by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
Kommentierte Neuausgabe Deutscher Übersetzungen Der Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1766), Der Poems of Ossian (1782) Sowie Der Vorreden Und Abhandlungen by
Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election: Candidates, Voters, and the Presidential Campaign of 2000 by
Women and Crime in the Street Literature of Early Modern England by Clark, S.
Cruising Modernism by Trask, Michael
Mark Twain & Company: Six Literary Relations by Krauth, Leland
Left of the Color Line: Race, Radicalism, and Twentieth-Century Literature of the United States by
Women and Humor in Classical Greece by O'Higgins, Laurie
Using German by Durrell, Martin
Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji by Bowring, Richard
London and the Culture of Homosexuality, 1885 1914 by Cook, Matt
The Miraculous Lie: Lope De Aguirre and the Search for El Dorado in the Latin American Historical Novel by Lewis, Bart L.
Mastering the Language of Literature by Hebron, Malcolm
Dante for the New Millennium by
Dante for the New Millennium by
Rudolf Borchardt Und Der >Untergang Der Deutschen Nation: Selbstinszenierung Und Geschichtskonstruktion Im Essayistischen Werk by Kauffmann, Kai
»Denn Auch Dante Ist Unser!«: Die Deutsche Danterezeption 1900-1950 by Mansen, Mirjam
Untersuchungen Zum Französisch-Jüdischen Roman Nach Dem Zweiten Weltkrieg by Wolfsteiner, Beate
Parzival: Studienausgabe. Mittelhochdeutscher Text Nach Der Sechsten Ausgabe Von Karl Lachmann. Mit Einführung Zum Text Der Lach by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
Georges Bataille and the Mysticism of Sin by Connor, Peter Tracey
Threats and Promises: The Pursuit of International Influence by Davis, James W.
Violent Adventure: Contemporary Fiction by American Men by Wesley, Marilyn C.
Violent Adventure: Contemporary Fiction by American Men by Wesley, Marilyn C.
Social Stories: The Magazine Novel in Nineteenth-Century America by Okker, Patricia
Catholic Iconography in the Novels of Juan Marsé by Clark, Rosemary
Clifford Odets and American Political Theatre by Herr, Christopher
After Poststructuralism: Reading, Stories, Theory by Davis, Colin
Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchange: Essays in Greek Literature and Culture by Gould, John
Life in Search of Readers: Reading (In) Chicano/A Literature by Martín-Rodríguez, Manuel M.
Shakespeare and the Culture of Christianity in Early Modern England by
The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov by Bertholf, Robert J., Gelpi, Albert
The Dark Side of Shakespeare: An Elizabethan Courtier, Diplomat, Spymaster, & Epic Hero by Hess, W. Ron
The Death of Comedy by Segal, Erich
Ulysses by Emig, Rainer
The Oxford Book of Short Poems by
Arthurian Literature XX by
Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance: A Sourcebook of Texts, 1470-1650 by Borris, Kenneth
Defining Shakespeare: Pericles as Test Case by Jackson, MacDonald P.
British Poetry and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: Visions of Conflict by Bainbridge, Simon
The Oxford Book of Letters by Kermode, Anita
Romain Rolland and the Politics of the Intellectual Engagement by Fisher, David
Clear Word and Third Sight: Folk Groundings and Diasporic Consciousness in African Caribbean Writing by John, Catherine A.
Unadjusted Man in the Age of Overadjustment: Where History and Literature Intersect by Viereck, Peter
The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-Earth by Wood, Ralph C.
Eroticism in Ancient Greek and Medieval Poetry by Petropoulos, John
The Strange History of Suzanne Lafleshe: And Other Stories of Women and Fatness by
The Strange History of Suzanne Lafleshe: And Other Stories of Women and Fatness by
Wyndham Lewis and Modernism by Gasiorek, Andrzej
John Dryden by Hopkins, David
Ideology by Decker, James
You Know You're in Hawai'i When-- by Don Chapman
100 Essential Lincoln Books by Burkhimer, Michael
A Student's Guide to Classics by Thornton, Bruce S.
Lollards and Reformers: Images and Literacy in Late Medieval Religion by Aston, Margaret
Essays in Anglo-Saxon History by Campbell, James
Corsairs and Navies, 1600-1760 by Bromley, J. S.
Colony & Frontier in Medieval Ireland: Essays Presented to J.F.Lydon by Barry, T. B.
Learning the Law: Teaching and the Transmission of English Law, 1150-1900 by Bush, Jonathan
Coming of Age in Children's Literature: Growth and Maturity in the Work of Phillippa Pearce, Cynthia Voigt and Jan Mark by Watson, Victor, Meek Spencer, Margaret
O Pioneers! by Cather, Willa
Between Mothers and Daughters: Stories Across a Generation by
Aesop's Fables (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) by Aesop
Coming of Age in Children's Literature: Growth and Maturity in the Work of Phillippa Pearce, Cynthia Voigt and Jan Mark by Meek Spencer, Margaret, Watson, Victor
Moroccan Folktales by Koudia, Jilali
John Bunyan & His England, 1628-1688 by Laurence, Anne
Food & Eating in Medieval Europe by
The Forgotten Front: The British Campaign in Italy 1917-18 by Cassar, George H.
Churches and Churchmen in Medieval Europe by Brooke, C. N. L.
The Secret Life of Puppets by Nelson, Victoria
Cather Studies, Volume 3 by Cather Studies
Father and Son: Kingsley Amis, Martin Amis, and the British Novel Since 1950 by Keulks, Gavin
Environmental Renaissance: Emerson, Thoreau, and the Systems of Nature by McMurry, Andrew
Trumpeting a Fiery Sound: History and Folklore in Margaret Walker's Jubilee by Carmichael, Jacqueline Miller
Thomas Hardy's Vision of Wessex by Gatrell, S.
Renaissance Literature and Its Formal Engagements by
Renaissance Literature and Its Formal Engagements by
Lusus iste: : Apuleius' Metamorphoses by Krabbe, Judith K.
John Donne and Conformity in Crisis in the Late Jacobean Pulpit by Shami, Jeanne
Samuel Johnson and the Making of Modern England by Hudson, Nicholas
Romanticism and Animal Rights by Perkins, David
Tolkien and C. S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship by Duriez, Colin
Aucassin and Nicolette by Lang, Andrew
Modernism, 1910-1945: Image to Apocalypse by Goldman, Jane
The Man Who Would Be Kipling: The Colonial Fiction and the Frontiers of Exile by Hagiioannu, A.
A Bronte Family Chronology by Chitham, E.
Emerson's Transcendental Etudes by Cavell, Stanley
Basil Bunting on Poetry by
Literature and Visual Technologies: Writing After Cinema by
Shakespeare's Drama of Exile by Kingsley-Smith, J.
Social Authorship and the Advent of Print by Ezell, Margaret J. M.
Our Lady of 121st Street: Jesus Hopped the a Train and in Arabia, We'd All Be Kings by Guirgis, Stephen Adly
The Plays of Juan Ruiz de Alarcón by Whicker, Jules
Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan by Gordon Smith, Richard, Smith, Richard Gordon
A Critical Introduction to Don Quixote by Murillo, Luis Andrés
The Dramatic World of Valle-Inclan by Lima, Robert
The Orient in Chaucer and Medieval Romance by Heffernan, Carol F.
Shakespeare's Early History Plays: From Chronicle to Stage by Goy-Blanquet, Dominique
Madness in Medieval French Literature: Identities Found and Lost by Huot, Sylvia
Conversations with Gwendolyn Brooks by
Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce: Estranging the Renaissance by
Lo Que Teníamos Que Tener: Raza Y Revolución En Nicolás Guillén by
Epics of Sumerian Kings: The Matter of Aratta by Vanstiphout, Herman L. J., Vanstiphout, Hlj, Vanstiphout, H. L. J.
Albert Wendt and Pacific Literature: Circling the Void by Sharrad, Paul
Vita Sackville-West: Selected Writings by
The Rites of Identity: The Religious Naturalism and Cultural Criticism of Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison by Eddy, Beth
Women Writers of Early Modern Spain: Sophia's Daughters by Mujica, Bárbara
Homer: The Odyssey by Griffin, Jasper
Chaucer the Canterbury Tales: A Student Guide by Wetherbee, Winthrop
Does the New Testament Imitate Homer?: Four Cases from the Acts of the Apostles by MacDonald, Dennis R.
Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji by Bowring, Richard
Encomium of Ptolemy Philadelphus: Volume 39 by Theocritus
Before Orientalism by Barbour, Richmond
Milton Paradise Lost: A Student Guide by Loewenstein, David
Virgil: The Aeneid by Gransden, K. W.
Prophets, Paupers or Professionals?: A Social History of Everyday Visual Artists in Modern Germany, 1850-Present by McClelland, Charles
Women's Writing 1945-1960: After the Deluge by
Women's Writing 1945-1960: After the Deluge by
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