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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2004

Literature in the Modern World: Critical Essays and Documents by
The Arms of the Family: The Significance of John Milton's Relatives and Associates by Shawcross, John T.
x, y, z, t: dimensions of science fiction by
Perverse Mind: Eugene O'Neill's Struggle with Closure by Voglino, Barbara
X, Y, Z, T: Dimensions of Science Fiction by Broderick, Damien
Bringing Mysteries Alive for Children and Young Adults by Larson, Jeanette
Whiteness and Trauma: The Mother-Daughter Knot in the Fiction of Jean Rhys, Jamaica Kincaid and Toni Morrison by Burrows, V.
Expert Modernists, Matricide and Modern Culture: Woolf, Forster, Joyce by Cucullu, L.
Russian Nationalism and the Politics of Soviet Literature: The Case of Nash Sovremennik, 1981-1991 by Cosgrove, S.
Royalist Identities by Loparo, Kenneth A.
British Women Writers and the Profession of Literary Criticism, 1789-1832 by Waters, M.
Writing London: Volume 2: Materiality, Memory, Spectrality by Wolfreys, J.
Investigating Dickens' Style: A Collocational Analysis by Hori, M.
Dimensions of Monstrosity in Contemporary Narratives: Theory, Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism by Ng, A.
D.H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference by Roberts, N.
Before Modernism Was: Modern History and the Constituency of Writing by Gilbert, G.
Seductions of Fate: Tragic Subjectivity, Ethics, Politics by Basterra, G.
Shakespeare, Spenser and the Matter of Britain by Hadfield, A.
Dante and the Romantics by Braida, A.
British Romanticism and Continental Influences by Mortensen, P.
Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis by Charteris-Black, Jonathan
Reading the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel by McMaster, J.
Moral Philosophers and the Novel: A Study of Winch, Nussbaum and Rorty by Johnson, P.
Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language and Culture: Meaning in Language, Art and New Media by
Writing Performances: The Stages of Dorothy L. Sayers by Downing, C.
Children Writing the Holocaust by Vice, S.
The English Jacobin Novel on Rights, Property and the Law: Critiquing the Contract by Johnson, N.
The Force of Language by Riley, D., Lecercle, J.
Landscape, Literature and English Religious Culture, 1660-1800: Samuel Johnson and Languages of Natural Description by Mayhew, R.
The Imaginary Caribbean and Caribbean Imaginary by Praeger, Michele
The Invention of the Eyewitness: Witnessing and Testimony in Early Modern France by Frisch, Andrea
Horror Readers' Advisory: The Librarian's Guide to Vampires, Killer Tomatoes, and Haunted Houses by Spratford, Becky Siegel, Clausen, Tammy Hennigh
The Black Interior: Essays by Alexander, Elizabeth
Thöne und Melodeyen, Arien und Canzonetten by Braun, Werner
Das nationale Ich? by Günther, Dagmar
Diskontinuitäten im Erwerbsleben by Unger, Thorsten
Wörterbuchinterpretation: Integrative Lexikographie Am Beispiel Des Guaraní by Drude, Sebastian
Das Nürnberger Marienbuch: Untersuchungen Und Edition by Jung, Bettina
Androgyne Autorschaft by Horstkotte, Silke
Goethes Musiktheater: Singspiele, Opern, Festspiele, »Faust« by Hartmann, Tina
Der Blick ins All by Hunfeld, Barbara
Utopie und Krieg bei Ludwig Achim von Arnim by Nitschke, Claudia
Studies in Modern Jewish Literature by Band, Arnold J.
Homeric Megathemes: War-Homilia-Homecoming by Maronitis, D. N.
Rosamond Lehmann by Simons, Judy
Janet Frame by Bazin, Claire
Homeric Responses by Nagy, Gregory
John Bunyan by Spargo, Tamsin
Roch Carrier: Aimer La Vie, Conjurer La Mort by Dorion, Gilles
T.S. Eliot by Maccabe, Colin
Sylvia Plath by Bronfen, Elisabeth
Philip Larkin by Lerner, Laurence
Filthy Fictions: Asian American Literature by Women by Chiu, Monica
Anti-Semitism and British Gothic Literature by Davison, C.
Der Genfer Psalter Und Seine Rezeption in Deutschland, Der Schweiz Und Den Niederlanden: 16.-18. Jahrhundert by
Gefühlskultur in Der Bürgerlichen Aufklärung by
Von Der Pansophie Zur Weltweisheit: Goethes Analogisch-Philosophische Konzepte by
Eduard Mörike - Ästhetik und Geselligkeit by
Bejahende Erkenntnis: Festschrift Für T.J. Reed Zu Seiner Emeritierung Am 30. September 2004 by
Die »Anathomie« in Der »Grande Chirurgie« Des GUI de Chauliac: Wort- Und Sachgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Und Edition by Tittel, Sabine
Voice, Text, Hypertext: Emerging Practices in Textual Studies by
A Manifesto for Literary Studies by Garber, Marjorie
Die Konstituierung des literarischen Feldes in Deutschland nach 1871 by Magerski, Christine
Literature and Law by
Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans by
Popol Vuh, 2: Literal Poetic Version Translation and Transcription by Christenson, Allen J.
Critical Keywords in Literary and Cultural Theory by Wolfreys, Julian
The Contemporary Irish Novel by Peach, Linden
Legal History: A European Perspective by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C.
Narrated Films: Storytelling Situations in Cinema History by Fleishman, Avrom
World Elsewhere (Revised) by Poirier, Richard
The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley by
Dickens on Screen by
The Obligation Toward the Difficult Whole: Postmodernist Long Poems by McHale, Brian
Virginia Woolf as Feminist: Praying Indians in Colonial America by Black, Naomi
Wakeful Anguish: A Literary Biography of William Humphrey by Crowder, Ashby Bland
Gunshots in My Cook-Up: Bits and Bites from a Hip-Hop Caribbean Life by Hinds, Selwyn Seyfu
Virginia Woolf as Feminist by Black, Naomi
The Complete Plays by Marlowe, Christopher
Cross-Pollinations: The Marriage of Science and Poetry by Nabhan, Gary Paul
The Theatre of the Absurd by Esslin, Martin
Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: Washington, D.C. by Dale, Alzina Stone
F. Scott Fitzgerald: New Perspectives by
Declared Enemy: Texts and Interviews by Genet, Jean
Becoming Black: Creating Identity in the African Diaspora by Wright, Michelle M.
Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism Volume 12 by Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
Martial's Epigrams Book Two by Martial Williams, Craig A., Martial
The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making It Up in Ireland by Foster, R. F.
Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection by
The Body in Postwar Japanese Fiction by Slaymaker, Douglas
Desert Islands: And Other Texts, 1953-1974 by Deleuze, Gilles
Conversations with Walt Whitman by Hartmann, Sadakichi
The Life of Cervantes by Smith, Robinson
The Polish Formalist School and Russian Formalism by Karcz, Andrzej
Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes: Part 8 Harvard Classics by Aeschylus
Folklore of Shakespeare by Dyer, T. F. Thiselton
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 2 by Carlyle, Thomas
Faust; Egmont; Hermann and Dorothea: Part 19 Harvard Classics by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 1 by Macaulay, Lord
The Symbolist Movement in Literature by Symons, Arthur
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 1 by Macaulay, Lord
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 3 by Macaulay, Lord
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 4 by Macaulay, Lord
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 5 by Macaulay, Lord
My Reminiscences by Tagore, Rabindranath
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 2 by Macaulay, Lord
Of Anagrams: A Monograph Treating of Their History From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time by Wheatley, H. B.
Elizabethan Drama Part 2: Dekker, Jonson, Beaumont, Fletcher, Webster, Massinger: Part 47 Harvard Classics by
Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Literature Part 3 by Chambers, Robert
Faust; Egmont; Hermann and Dorothea: Part 19 Harvard Classics by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 2 by Macaulay, Lord
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 1 by Carlyle, Thomas
Continental Drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Lessing, Schiller: Part 26 Harvard Classics by Moliere, Jean Baptiste
Critical and Historical Essays: The Complete Writings of Lord Macaulay Part 6 by Macaulay, Lord
My Reminiscences by Tagore, Rabindranath
Folklore of Shakespeare by Dyer, T. F. Thiselton
Birds of Shakespeare by Geikie, Archibald
Elizabethan Drama Part 1: Marlowe to Shakespeare: Part 46 Harvard Classics by
English Philosophers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Part 37 Harvard Classics by Locke, John
Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books: Part 39 Harvard Classics by
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 1 by Carlyle, Thomas
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 2 by Carlyle, Thomas
Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Part 20 Harvard Classics by Alighieri, Dante
Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Literature Part 1 by
Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Literature Part 2 by Chambers, Robert
The Symbolist Movement in Literature by Symons, Arthur
Of Anagrams: A Monograph Treating of Their History From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time by Wheatley, H. B.
Dorothy Wordsworth The Story of a Sister's Love by Lee, Edmund
Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books: Part 39 Harvard Classics by
Lectures on the Harvard Classics by
English Poetry From Tennyson to Whitman: Part 42 Harvard Classics by
Literature, Satire and the Early Stuart State by McRae, Andrew
The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer by
The Poetics of National and Racial Identity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature by Kerkering, John D.
Homer: The Iliad by Silk, Michael, Silk, M. S.
Hear Us Out: Conversations with Gay Novelists by Canning, Richard
Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German-Speaking World Since 1500: Papers from the Conference 'The Fragile Tradition', Cambridge 20 by
Hear Us Out: Conversations with Gay Novelists by Canning, Richard
The Monarchia Controversy An Historical Study with Accompanying Translations of Dante Alighieri's Monarchia, Guido Vernani's Refutation of the Monarch by Cassell, Anthony K.
Rompilgerführer in Spätmittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit: Die Indulgentiae Ecclesiarium Urbis Romae (Deutsch/Niederländisch). Edition Und Kommentar by Miedema, Nine Robijntje
Zeitgenössische Türkische Frauenliteratur: Eine Vergleichende Literaturanalyse Ausgewählter Werke Von Leyla Erbil, Füruzan, Pinar Kür Und Aysel Özakin by Göbenli, Mediha
Über Die Grenzen Des Naturerkennens. Die Sieben Welträthsel: Zwei Vorträge by Bois-Reymond, Emil Du
Dramaturgie ALS Wissenschaft by Dinger, Hugo
The English Radical Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660 by McDowell, Nicholas
Prose Fiction and Early Modern Sexuality,1570-1640 by
Theatre and Religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare by
A Rhetoric of the Decameron by Migiel, Marilyn
Victorian Literature and the Victorian State: Character and Governance in a Liberal Society by Goodlad, Lauren M. E.
Prose Fiction and Early Modern Sexuality,1570-1640 by
The Siege of Jerusalem by
Romanticism by Stevens, David
The Caribbean Postcolonial: Social Equality, Post/Nationalism, and Cultural Hybridity by Puri, Shalini
Framing Women: Changing Frames of Representation from the Enlightenment to Postmodernism by
Dump It!: Women and Men Issues, a Conversation in Five Parts by Harwell, Cherie
Dante: The Divine Comedy by Kirkpatrick, Robin
Irish Peacock and Scarlet Marquess: The Real Trial of Oscar Wilde by
The Stranger by McCarthy, Patrick
The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer by
Theaters of Desire: Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-Drama, 1300-2000 by Sieber, P.
Heart by Heart: Mothers and Daughters Listening to Each Other: An Anthology of Love Stories by and about Mothers and Daughters with Co by Preger-Simon Ed D., Marianne
Reading Across Borders: Storytelling and Knowledges of Resistance by Stone-Mediatore, S.
Textual Metonymy: A Semiotic Approach by Al-Sharafi, A.
Satyricon reliquiae by Petronius Arbiter
Cultivating Victorians: Liberal Culture and the Aesthetic by Thomas, David Wayne
Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England by Harris, Jonathan Gil
Romane Memento: Vergil in the Fourth Century by
The Correspondence of Robert Dodsley: 1733 1764 by Robert, Dodsley, Dodsley, Robert
Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science by Ronald R., Thomas, Thomas, Ronald R.
Much ADO about Nothing: No Fear Shakespeare Side-By-Side Plain English by Sparknotes, Shakespeare, William
Bohemia in London: The Social Scene of Early Modernism by Brooker, P.
Bohemia in London: The Social Scene of Early Modernism by Brooker, P.
Sound, Sense, and Rhythm: Listening to Greek and Latin Poetry by Edwards, Mark W.
The Shadow of a Dream and An Imperative Duty by Howells, William Dean
Joyce Ulysses by Sherry, Vincent
Rebellious Feminism: Camus's Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought by Bartlett, E.
The Caribbean Postcolonial: Social Equality, Post/Nationalism, and Cultural Hybridity by Puri, Shalini
Adapting the Arthurian Legends for Children: Essays on Arthurian Juvenilia by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Sexual Pedagogies: Sex Education in Britain, Australia, and America, 1879-2000 by
Sexual Pedagogies: Sex Education in Britain, Australia, and America, 1879-2000 by
Ikonographie Und Sprachbild: Zur Reformatorischen Flugschrift »Der Gestryfft Schwitzer Baur« by Schmid Blumer, Verena
Cultures of Taste/Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism by Morton, T.
1781 Bis 1793 by
Johnson's Critical Presence: Image, History, Judgment by Smallwood, Philip
The Caribbean Postcolonial: Social Equality, Post/Nationalism, and Cultural Hybridity by Puri, Shalini
Outsiders Looking in: The Rossettis Then and Now by
Voicing the Soviet Experience: The Poetry of Ol'ga Berggol'ts by Hodgson, Katharine
Whiteness and Trauma: The Mother-Daughter Knot in the Fiction of Jean Rhys, Jamaica Kincaid and Toni Morrison by Burrows, V.
Russian Nationalism and the Politics of Soviet Literature: The Case of Nash Sovremennik, 1981-1991 by Cosgrove, S.
Money and the Age of Shakespeare: Essays in New Economic Criticism by
Money and the Age of Shakespeare: Essays in New Economic Criticism by
Literary Silences in Pascal, Rousseau, and Beckett by Loevlie, Elisabeth Marie
Cruel Delight: Enlightenment Culture and the Inhuman by Steintrager, James A.
Whiteness and Trauma: The Mother-Daughter Knot in the Fiction of Jean Rhys, Jamaica Kincaid and Toni Morrison by Burrows, V.
England's Internal Colonies: Class, Capital, and the Literature of Early Modern English Colonialism by Netzloff, M.
James Joyce's Ulysses: A Casebook by
James Joyce's Ulysses: A Casebook by
A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson by
Mimesis and Empire: The New World, Islam, and European Identities by Fuchs, Barbara
Peter Taylor: A Writer's Life by McAlexander, Hubert Horton
Twentieth-Century American Poetry by Macgowan, Christopher
See More