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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2005

The Coronary Garden: Poems by Townsend, Ann
Olive Schreiner by Burdett, Carolyn
Aeneis: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Vergil
Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins: A Norton Critical Edition by Twain, Mark
Faulkner and the Discourses of Culture by Hannon, Charles
Shakespeare - Hamlet by Griffiths, Huw
Twentieth-Century War Poetry by Lyon, Philippa
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Teaching and Testing Information Literacy Skills by Smith, Jane Bandy
Shakespeare - Hamlet by Griffiths, Huw
A Henry James Chronology by Harden, E.
Visionary Materialism in the Early Works of William Blake: The Intersection of Enthusiasm and Empiricism by Green, M.
Blake's Night Thoughts by Tambling, J.
Dress, Distress and Desire: Clothing and the Female Body in Eighteenth-Century Literature by Batchelor, J.
Travel Writing and Ireland, 1760-1860: Culture, History, Politics by Hooper, G.
Nineteenth-Century Anti-Catholic Discourses: The Case of Charlotte Brontë by Peschier, D.
The Theatre of Joseph Conrad: Reconstructed Fictions by Hand, Richard J.
Nationality Between Poststructuralism and Postcolonial Theory: A New Cosmopolitanism by Leonard, P.
Joseph Conrad and Popular Culture by Donovan, S.
Representing Women and Female Desire from Arcadia to Jane Eyre by Mitchell, Marea, Osland, Dianne
Land, Nation and Culture, 1740-1840: Thinking the Republic of Taste by
Poetry and Philosophy from Homer to Rousseau: Romantic Souls, Realist Lives by Haines, S.
The Nineteenth-Century Sonnet by Phelan, J.
Wordsworth in American Literary Culture by
Scott, Byron and the Poetics of Cultural Encounter by Oliver, S.
A Christopher Marlowe Chronology by Hopkins, L.
Morality and Social Criticism: The Force of Reasons in Discursive Practice by Amesbury, R.
Natural Rights and the Birth of Romanticism in the 1790s by White, R.
British Women Writers and Race, 1788-1818: Narrations of Modernity by Wright, E.
Masculinity in Male-Authored Fiction, 1950-2000: Keeping It Up by Ferrebe, A.
The History of Gothic Publishing, 1800-1835: Exhuming the Trade by Potter, F.
Gothic and the Comic Turn by Horner, A., Zlosnik, S.
Representing Scotland in Literature, Popular Culture and Iconography: The Masks of the Modern Nation by Riach, A.
Androgyny in Modern Literature by Hargreaves, T.
Cultural Constructions of Madness in Eighteenth-Century Writing: Representing the Insane by Faubert, M., Ingram, A.
British Women Writers and the French Revolution: Citizens of the World by Craciun, Adriana, Dr
British Abolitionism and the Rhetoric of Sensibility: Writing, Sentiment and Slavery, 1760-1807 by Carey, B.
The Contemporary Deathbed: The Ultimate Rush by Tercier, John Anthony
William Wordsworth: Interviews and Recollections by
Satyajit Ray's the Chess Players and Postcolonial Film Theory: Postcolonialism and Film Theory by Dube, Reena
Rematerializing Shakespeare: Authority and Representation on the Early Modern English Stage by
Sonnets and the English Woman Writer, 1560-1621: The Politics of Absence by Smith, R.
Tennyson's Scepticism by Day, Aidan
Outlandish English Subjects in the Victorian Domestic Novel by Carens, T.
Henry James and the Abuse of the Past by Rawlings, P.
Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach to Analyzing Texts by Hiraga, M.
Figuring the Woman Author in Contemporary Fiction by Eagleton, M.
Thomas Hardy, Metaphysics and Music by Asquith, Mark
Andrew Marvell Chronology by Maltzahn, N.
The Victorian Woman Question in Contemporary Feminist Fiction by King, J.
Pope and Berkeley: The Language of Poetry and Philosophy by Jones, T.
Subject to Change: The Lessons of Latin American Women's Testimonio for Truth, Fiction, and Theory by Bartow, Joanna R.
The Reenchantment of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot and Serialization by Payne, D.
Landscape of Fear: Stephen King's American Gothic by Magistrale, Tony
Britain's Bloodless Revolutions: 1688 and the Romantic Reform of Literature by Jarrells, A.
Contemporary British Novelists by Rennison, Nick
Defining Literary Criticism: Scholarship, Authority and the Possession of Literary Knowledge, 1880-2002 by Atherton, Carol
Strange Kin: Ireland and the American South by Quinlan, Kieran
Schau-Spiele des Geldes by Fulda, Daniel
Religionsstreitigkeiten: Volkssprachliche Kontroversen Zwischen Altgläubigen Und Evangelischen Theologen Im 16. Jahrhundert by Bremer, Kai
Das Europa-Projekt Der Romantik Und Die Moderne: Ansätze Zu Einer Deutsch-Italienischen Mentalitätsgeschichte by
Kollokationen im zweisprachigen Wörterbuch by Butina-Koller, Ekaterina
'Satura' Und 'Pasticcio': Formen Und Funktionen Der Bildlichkeit Im Werk Carlo Emilio Gaddas by Kleinhans, Martha
In Our Own Right: Black Australian Nurses' Stories by
Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Studies in Short Fiction by Beer, Janet
The Search for a National Consensus. the Making of the 1995 Uganda Constitution by Odoki, B. J., Odoki, Benjamin
Oral Literature of the Asians in East Africa by Kirmani, Mubina Hassanali
Educating the Nigerian Child by Atiku Abubakar, Amina Titi, Chirwa, Chris
Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction by Gunn, James
George Meredith by Bartlett, Phyllis
Bernardo Atxaga: Basque Literature from the End of the Franco Era to the Present by Kortazar, Jon
Voicing the Moment: Improvised Oral Poetry and Basque Tradition by
Voicing the Moment: Improvised Oral Poetry and Basque Tradition by
Waking the Hedgehog: The Literary World of Bernardo Atxaga by Olaziregi, Mari Jose
Waking the Hedgehog: The Literary World of Bernardo Atxaga by Olaziregi, Mari Jose
The Coronary Garden by Townsend, Ann
Der Prozeß der Imagination by
Die Gatha's des Awesta by Zarathustra
Eduard Mörike: Gesammelte Schriften. Band 3/4 by Mörike, Eduard
Eduard Mörike: Gesammelte Schriften. Band 1/2 by Mörike, Eduard
Der Schein Des Seins: Zur Symbolik Des Schleiers in Goethes »Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre« by Kim, Hee-Ju
Traitier de Cyrurgie: Édition de la Traduction En Ancien Français de la Chirurgie d'Abu 'l Qasim Halaf Ibn 'Abbas Al-Zahrawi Du Manuscrit Bn by
The Faiths of Oscar Wilde: Catholicism, Folklore and Ireland by Killeen, J.
The Rise of the Detective in Early Nineteenth-Century Popular Fiction by Worthington, Heather
Lágrimas Andinas: Sentimentalismo, Género Y Virtud Republicana En Clorinda Matto de Turner by
Afro-Cuban Tales by Cabrera, Lydia
Moving North: Caribbean Connections by
Kathy Acker & Paul Buck: Spread Wide by Buck, Paul, Acker, Kathy
The Gothic Text by Brown, Marshall
Lot's Daughters: Sex, Redemption, and Womenas Quest for Authority by Polhemus, Robert M.
The Wooster Group and Its Traditions by
William Dean Howells and the Ends of Realism by Abeln, Paul
Validating Bachelorhood: Audience, Patriarchy and Charles Brockden Brown's Editorship of the Monthly Magazine and American Review by Slawinski, Scott
Desiring Truth: The Process of Judgment in Fourteenth-Century Art and Literature by Lowe, Jeremy
The Preaching Fox: Elements of Festive Subversion in the Plays of the Wakefield Master by Edminster, Warren E.
The Epistemology of the Monstrous in the Middle Ages by Verner, Lisa
Nicholas Love: The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ: A Reading Text by
Mocked with Death: Tragic Overliving from Sophocles to Milton by Wilson, Emily R.
Titus Andronicus and Timon of Athens by Shakespeare, William
The Bronte Myth by Miller, Lucasta
Lanzelet by Von Zatzikhoven, Ulrich
Jane Austen and the Romantic Poets by Deresiewicz, William
Defining Acts: Drama and the Politics of Interpretation in Late Medieval England by Nisse, Ruth
Lanzelet by Von Zatzikhoven, Ulrich
European Intertexts: Women's Writing in English in a European Context by
Thucydides and Pindar: Historical Narrative and the World of Epinikian Poetry by Hornblower, Simon
The Older Woman in Recent Fiction by Brennan, Zoe
Territories of the Psyche: The Fiction of Jean Rhys by Simpson, A.
Territories of the Psyche: The Fiction of Jean Rhys by Simpson, A.
Latin American Fiction and the Narratives of the Perverse: Paper Dolls and Spider Women by O'Connor, P.
Medievalism and Orientalism by Ganim, J.
Latin American Fiction and the Narratives of the Perverse: Paper Dolls and Spider Women by O'Connor, P.
Stephen Spender: A Literary Life by Sutherland, John
Flannery O'Connor's Sacramental Art by Srigley, Susan
Land, Nation and Culture, 1740-1840: Thinking the Republic of Taste by
Walt Whitman by Reynolds, David S.
Flannery O'Connor's Sacramental Art by Srigley, Susan
Aldous Huxley: A Quest for Values by Birnbaum, Milton
The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn by
Privacy, Playreading, and Women's Closet Drama, 1550-1700 by Straznicky, Marta
Moral Identity in Early Modern English Literature by Cefalu, Paul
Correspondence and American Literature, 1770-1865 by Hewitt, Elizabeth
The Cambridge Companion to Saussure by
Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author by Lorch, Jennifer
Northrop Frye: Religious Visionary and Architect of the Spiritual World by Denham, Robert D.
Specimens Of The Table Talk Part One by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Beginnings Of European Biography: From The Decline Of The Roman Empire To The Reign Of Charlemagne by Taylor, Isaac
Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Backgrounds Of Literature by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
Books And Culture by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
Sacontala Or The Fatal Ring: An Indian Drama by Kalidasa
Montaigne And Shakespeare by Robertson, John
The Chinese Rug Book by Ripley, Mary Churchill
The True Story Of Lord And Lady Byron by Stowe, H.
Autumn by Thoreau, Henry
The Life Of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra by Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James
The Rubaiyat of Ohow Dryyam by Duff, J. L.
Courage: A Rectorial Address 1922 by Barrie, J. M.
Theocritus, Bion And Moschus Rendered Into English Prose by Theocritus
Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Part One by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
New Italian Sketches by Symonds, John
Horace Walpole by Morley, John
An Introduction To The Study Of Dante by Symonds, John
Shelley by Symonds, John
Studies in the Chinese Drama by Buss, Kate
Schiller's Lay of the Bell by Barham, A. G. Foster
The Authorship Of The Kingis Quair: A New Criticism by Brown, John
Montaigne And Shakespeare by Robertson, John
Lectures On The Influence Of Poetry And Wordsworth by Robertson, F. W.
Macaulay's Life of Samuel Johnson by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Modern English Books of Power by Fitch, George Hamlin
The Sonnets of Shakespeare Solved and the Mystery of His Friendship, Love and Rivalry Revealed by Brown, Henry
Introduction To The Literature Of Europe In The Fifteenth, Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries Part One by Hallam, Henry
Introduction To The Literature Of Europe In The Fifteenth, Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries Part Two by Hallam, Henry
The Odes and Epodes of Horace by Horace
A New And Literal Translation Of Juvenal And Persius by Madan, M.
A Classical Dictionary: Containing The Principle Proper Names Mentioned In Ancient Authors Part One by Anthon, Charles
The Chief European Dramatists: From Greece, Rome, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Norway by
A Classical Dictionary: Containing The Principle Proper Names Mentioned In Ancient Authors Part Two by Anthon, Charles
The Chinese Rug Book by Ripley, Mary Churchill
The Poesies Diverses Of Antoine Furetiere by Bronk, Isabelle
Children at War by Agnew, Kate, Fox, Geoff
Lives for Sale: Biographers' Tales by Bostridge, Mark
On Literature, Culture, and Religion: Irving Babbitt by Babbitt, Irving
The Delicious Vice by Allison, Young E.
Conversations with Don DeLillo by
Pushkin's Poltava: A Literary Structuralist Interpretation by Burns, Virginia M.
ACTA Pauli. Aus Der Heidelberger Koptischen Papyrushandschrift Nr. 1: Übersetzung, Untersuchungen Und Koptischer Text by
ACTA Pauli: Aus Der Heidelberger Koptischen Papyrushandschrift Nr. 1 by
The Pied-Noirs 1960-2000: A Case Study in the Persistence of Subcultural Distinctiveness by Manes, R. Averell
The World's a Stage: Shakespeare and the Dramatic View of Life by Crosman, Robert
Spanish American Poetry at the End of the Twentieth Century: Textual Disruptions by Kuhnheim, Jill
The Uses of Failure in Mexican Literature and Identity by Ochoa, John a.
Bodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece by Hawhee, Debra
The Letter of Violence: Essays on Narrative, Ethics, and Politics by Avelar, I.
Narratives of Greater Mexico: Essays on Chicano Literary History, Genre, and Borders by Calderón, Héctor
German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond: Normalization and the Berlin Republic by Taberner, Stuart
Words of the True Peoples/Palabras de Los Seres Verdaderos: Anthology of Contemporary Mexican Indigenous-Language Writers/Antología de Escritores Actu by
The Letter of Violence: Essays on Narrative, Ethics, and Politics by Avelar, I.
The Anger of Achilles: Menis in Greek Epic by Muellner, Leonard
Aharon Appelfeld's Fiction: Acknowledging the Holocaust by Budick, Emily Miller
Family, Kinship, and Sympathy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature by Weinstein, Cindy
Theophrastus: Characters by Theophrastus
Arthur Miller: A Critical Study by Bigsby, C. W. E., Bigsby, Christopher
Sexual Naturalization: Asian Americans and Miscegenation by Koshy, Susan
Panorámica del teatro español y latinoamericano del siglo XX: con la colaboración redaccional de Araceli Marín Presno = Panoramica del Teatro Espanol by Pörtl, Klaus
Drama Translation and Theatre Practice by
The Art of Subversion in Inquisitorial Spain: Rojas and Delicado by De Costa Fontes, Manuel
Sexual Naturalization: Asian Americans and Miscegenation by Koshy, Susan
Arguing Comics: Literary Masters on a Popular Medium by
Ritual und Inszenierung by
A Twentieth-Century Literature Reader: Texts and Debates by
Commentarium de oratione et de octo partibus orationis artis secundae Donati by Sergius
Writing the Siege of Leningrad: Womens Diaries Memoirs and Documentary Prose by Simmons, Cynthia, Perlina, Nina
Urania: A Romance by Bigolina, Giulia
Essays in Biography by Rollyson, Carl
Late Modernist Poetics: From Pound to Prynne by Mellors, Anthony
Margins of Desire: The Suburbs in Fiction and Culture 1880-1925 by Hapgood, Lynne
Modernism and the Fate of Individuality: Character and Novelistic Form from Conrad to Woolf by Levenson, Michael
Amy Tan by Adams, Bella
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