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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2005

The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire by
Shakespeare's Tragedies by Leggatt, Alexander
Anglo-Saxon England v33 by
The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire by
The Elusive Self: Psyche and Spirit in Virginia Woolf's Novels by Poresky, Louise A.
Understanding Children's Literature by
Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms by Steinmetz, Sol
Rubaiyat of Rover Khayyam by Fitzhound, Edward
Conrad's Heart of Darkness: Rebirth of Tragedy by Anderson, John P.
A Medical Companion to Dickens's Fiction by Eysell, Joanne
The Outer Edge of the Wave: American Frontiers in Las Vegas by Eumann, Ingrid
Contested Modernities in Chinese Literature by
Beyond Arthurian Romances: The Reach of Victorian Medievalism by
Forging Chivalric Communities in Malory's Le Morte Darthur by Hodges, K.
Beyond Arthurian Romances: The Reach of Victorian Medievalism by
Forging Chivalric Communities in Malory's Le Morte Darthur by Hodges, K.
Worlds Apart?: Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias by Mohr, Dunja M.
Late Postmodernism: American Fiction at the Millennium by Green, J.
German-Jewish Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust: Grete Weil, Ruth Kluger and the Politics of Address by Bos, P.
Austen's Unbecoming Conjunctions: Subversive Laughter, Embodied History by Heydt-Stevenson, J.
Das Unbehagen des Helden: Schuld und Scham in Hartmanns von Aue "Erec" by Rüsenberg, Irmgard
Reading Walter Benjamin: Writing Through the Catastrophe by Lane, Richard
Lachgemeinschaften: Kulturelle Inszenierungen Und Soziale Wirkungen Von Gelächter Im Mittelalter Und in Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Woman As Hero In Old English Literature by Chance, Jane
Geschichte der Hermeneutik und die Methodik der textinterpretierenden Disziplinen by
[Pi - Sigma] by
Tradition, Innovation, Invention by
The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry: Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century by Hühn, Peter, Kiefer, Jens
Twice-Told Children's Tales: The Influence of Childhood Reading on Writers for Adults by
Modernism: A Cultural History by Armstrong, Tim
Shakespeare: The Seven Ages of Human Experience by Bevington, David
The Pleasures of Horror by Hills, Matthew
Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome by Greene, Ellen
Schiller's on Grace and Dignity in Its Cultural Context: Essays and a New Translation by
The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov by
Performing Blackness on English Stages, 1500-1800 by Vaughan, Virginia Mason
A History of Twentieth-Century British Women's Poetry by Dowson, Jane, Entwistle, Alice
The Talking Greeks: Speech, Animals, and the Other in Homer, Aeschylus, and Plato by Heath, John
The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel by
Jack: A Life of C. S. Lewis by Sayer, George
In Search of Liberty by Moore, Ruth Nulton
Nineteenth-Century Anti-Catholic Discourses: The Case of Charlotte Brontë by Peschier, D.
Literature and Science: Social Impact and Interaction by Cartwright, John H., Baker, Brian
Twins in Contemporary Literature and Culture: Look Twice by de Nooy, Juliana
Wissenstransfer durch Sprache als gesellschaftliches Problem: In Zusammenarbeit mit Joerg Palm by
Five Modern Japanese Novelists by Keene, Donald
The Book in the Light of Its Books by Dobyns, William Ray
The Drama Of Transition: Native And Exotic Playcraft by Goldberg, Isaac
Books: Their Place in Democracy by Duffus, R. L.
The English Humourists Of The Eighteenth Century by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Bookman's Pleasure: A Recreation for Booklovers by Jackson, Holbrook
A Handbook To The Essays Of Michel de Montaigne by Montaigne, Michel
Critical Essays by Burdett, Osbert
The Opinions of Anatole France by
Philosophers of Science: Lucretius, Nicholas Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, Auguste Comte, Charles Darwin and Henri Bergson by Random House
John Ruskin by Larg, David
New Letters and Miscellanies of Robert Louis Stevenson by Stevenson, Robert Louis
America in English Fiction 1760 to 1800: The Influences of the American Revolution by Heilman, Robert Bechtold
The Times of Melville and Whitman by Brooks, Van Wyck
Grillparzer As A Poet Of Nature by Walsh, Faust Charles De
From Chaucer to Tennyson: English Literature in Eight Chapters by Beers, Henry a.
Among My Books by Lowell, James Russell
From Homer to Theocritus: A Manual of Greek Literature by Capps, Edward
The Works of Charles Lamb V2 by Lamb, Charles, Talfourd, Thomas Noon
Iconoclasts: A Book Of Dramatists by Huneker, James
Sohrab and Rustum with Other Poems by Arnold, Matthew
A Modern Symposium by Dickinson, G. Lowes
For Fifty Years Verses Written on Occasion in the Course of the Nineteenth Century by Hale, Edward Everett
Knave Of Hearts 1894 To 1908 by Symons, Arthur
Athenian Tragedy: A Study In Popular Art by Goodell, Thomas Dwight
Essays in a Series of Letters by Foster, John
The Wedding and the Twins: A Domestic Drama for Home Reading by Penny, Major
Old Criticism And New Pragmatism by O'Sullivan, J. M.
A Book for Shakespeare Plays and Pageants by Hatcher, Orie Latham
Paul Jones: His Exploits in English Seas During 1778 to 1780 by Seitz, Don C.
Essays About Men, Women and Books by Birrell, Augustine
Chapters On Spanish Literature by Fitzmaurice Kelly, James
A Literal Interlineal Translation of the First and Third Books of Celsus with Ordo and Text of Targa by Venables, Robert Qc
Letters Of Henry Brevoort To Washington Irving V2 by
The Making Of English Literature by Crawshaw, William H.
Works of Ivan Turgenieff: Story of Lieut. Ergunoff; A Hapless Girl; A Strange Story; Punin and Baburin by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
Manual of Classical Literature from the German of J. J. Eschenburg by Eschenburg, J. J.
Introduction to English Literature by Painter, F. V. N.
From Chaucer To Arnold: Types Of Literary Art In Prose And Verse by George, Andrew J.
Postmodern, Feminist and Postcolonial Currents in Contemporary Japanese Culture: A Reading of Murakami Haruki, Yoshimoto Banana, Yoshimoto Takaaki and by Murakami, Fuminobu
Sophocles: Electra by Lloyd, Michael
How Poets See the World: The Art of Description in Contemporary Poetry by Spiegelman, Willard
How to Write Essays and Dissertations: A Guide for English Literature Students by Durant, Alan, Fabb, Nigel
Bookman's Pleasure: A Recreation for Booklovers by
A Field Guide to Imaginary Trees by Bulgatz, Joseph
The Best Plays of 1919 to 1920 and the Year Book of the Drama in America by Mantle, Burns
Speaking with the Dead: Explorations in Literature and History by Pieters, Jürgen
The Ten Foot Square Hut And Tales Of The Heike by
Proletpen: America's Rebel Yiddish Poets by
Two Irelands: Literary Feminisms North and South by Pelan, Rebecca
The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov by
Kurt Latte: Opuscula inedita by
The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel by
A Word In Your Ear: How & Why To Read James Joyce's Finnegans Wake by Rosenbloom, Eric
Quests and Kingdoms: A Grown-Up's Guide to Children's Fantasy Literature by Johansen, K. V.
D.H. Lawrence, Science and the Posthuman by Wallace, J.
D.H. Lawrence, Science and the Posthuman by Wallace, J.
Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader by
Der kleine Sieg über den Antisemitismus by Jakobi, Carsten
Ready to Trample on All Human Law: Finance Capitalism in the Fiction of Charles Dickens by Jarvie, Paul A.
From a Cottager's Sketchbook: Chinese-English Bilingual Edition by Liang, Shiqiu
A Guide to Proper Usage of Spoken Chinese by Tian, Shou-He
Les Paraboles Maistre Alain En Franoys by
Poetry, Space, Landscape: Toward a New Theory by Fitter, Chris
Ghazali and the Poetics of Imagination by Moosa, Ebrahim
Shakespeare's Clown: Actor and Text in the Elizabethan Playhouse by Wiles, David
The Children's and Young Adult Literature Handbook: A Research and Reference Guide by Gillespie, John
Tim O'Brien: A Critical Companion by Smith, Patrick A.
Root and Branch by
God and Trujillo: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Dominican Dictator by López-Calvo, Ignacio
Beyond Bond: Spies in Fiction and Film by Britton, Wesley
Public Reading and the Reading Public in Late Medieval England and France by Coleman, Joyce
Galdos and the Irony of Language by Urey, Diane F., Diane F., Urey
Religion and Literature in Western England, 600 800 by Sims-Williams, Patrick
Wisdom of Ancient Sumer by Alster, Bendt
Proust and Venice by Collier, Peter
Organisations of Scheduled Castes and Social Changes by R, Sindhe Jaganath
The Letters of Anton Chekhov by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Ausgewählte Werke by Gottsched, Johann Ch
Hal's Worlds: Stories and Essays in Memory of Hal Clement by Tourtellotte, Shane
Irving Howe and the Critics: Celebrations and Attacks by
Shakespeare's Problem Plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida by
Into the Mouths of Babes: An Anthology of Children's Abolitionist Literature by de Rosa, Deborah
God and Elizabeth Bishop: Meditations on Religion and Poetry by Walker, C.
God and Elizabeth Bishop: Meditations on Religion and Poetry by Walker, C.
Goethe's Werther and the Critics by Duncan, Bruce
Contemporary British Novelists by Rennison, Nick
Jungar Tuvan Texts by Mawkanuli, T.
Late Stevens: The Final Fiction by Leggett, B. J.
Two Covenants: Representations of Southern Jewishness by McGraw, Eliza
Shakespeare's Problem Plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida by
The Boy, The King, and The Chihuahua by SeBasco, Salvador
Way Into Narnia: A Reader's Guide by Schakel, Peter J.
Writers on Writing: The Art of the Short Story by
Companion to American Children's Picture Books by Kirk, Connie
At Home in Diaspora: Black International Writing by Walters, Wendy
Melville's Orienda by Finkelstein, Dorothee Metlitsky
The Matter of Araby in Medieval England by Metlitzki, Dorothee
A Companion to Tragedy by
Beowulf by Anonymous
Rhetoric in Antiquity by Pernot, Laurent
And the Flesh Became Word Reflections Theological and Aesthetic by Vanoosting, James
Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Popular Culture: Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays and Jorge Eduardo Benavides by Ruz, Robert
Essays in Aesthetics by Genette, Gerard
Sontag and Kael: Opposites Attract Me by Seligman, Craig
Bad Boy Nietzsche! and Other Plays by Foreman, Richard
The Quatrains of Omar Khayyam: Three translations of the Rubaiyat by Khayyam, Omar
American Fiction: Modernism-Postmodernism, Popular Culture, and Metafiction. by Kusnír, Jaroslav
Love Me to Death: A Journalist's Memoir of the Hunt for Her Friend's Killer by Wolfe, Linda
Voices of Rebellion: Political Writing by Malwida von Meysenbug, Fanny Lewald, Johanna Kinkel and Louise Aston by Whittle, Ruth
Space: New Dimensions in French Studies by
Changing Conceptions of National Biography by Thomas, Keith
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism by
Rabindranath Tagore's the Home and the World: Modern Essays in Criticism by
Rabindranath Tagore's the Home and the World: Modern Essays in Criticism by
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice by Bloom, Harold
Pynchon and History: Metahistorical Rhetoric and Postmodern Narrative Form in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon by Smith, Shawn
Writing Women in Modern China: The Revolutionary Years, 1936-1976 by Dooling, Amy
Writing Women in Modern China: The Revolutionary Years, 1936-1976 by Dooling, Amy
Essentials of the Theory of Fiction by
Milton and the Natural World: Science and Poetry in Paradise Lost by Edwards, Karen L.
Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader by
The Syriac Version of the Old Testament by Weitzman, Michael, Weitzman, M. P.
Shakespeare, Language and the Stage: The Fifth Wall Only: Shakespeare and Language Series by
Erotic Utopia: The Decadent Imagination in Russia's Fin de Siecle by Matich, Olga
Dissecting Stephen King: From the Gothic to Literary Naturalism by Strengell, Heidi
Goethes Kunst-Stil by Fichtner, Johanna
Romantic Readers: The Evidence of Marginalia by Jackson, H. J.
Italian Colonialism by
Altrive Tales: Featuring a 'Memoir of the Author's Life' by Hogg, James
Afrique sur Seine: A New Generation of African Writers in Paris by Cazenave, Odile
The Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather by
The Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather by
Service and Dependency in Shakespeare's Plays by Weil, Judith
Milton and the Idea of the Fall by Poole, William
The Queen's Wake: A Legendary Tale by Hogg, James
Love and Sexuality: New Approaches in French Studies by
The Trauma of Defeat: Ricarda Huch's Historiography during the Weimar Republic by Skidmore, James M.
The Canadian Modernists Meet by
The Genius of Language: Fifteen Writers Reflect on Their Mother Tongue by Lesser, Wendy
Reception of H.G. Wells in Europe by
Horror Fiction: An Introduction by Wisker, Gina
Raymond Carver in the Classroom: A Small, Good Thing by Rubenstein, Susanne
El Coliseo de la Cruz: 1736-1860: Estudio Y Documentos by
A Dictionary of Anglo-American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Found in Literary Sources of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Bryan, George B., Mieder, Wolfgang
Race and Masculinity in Contemporary American Prison Novels by Ek, Auli
On the Horizon: A Poetics of the Sublime in Virginia Woolf's the Waves by Klitgard, Ida
The Piper of Cloone: Father James Keegan and the Early Gaelic Revival by Ramsey, Jarold
T. S. Eliot's Personal Waste Land: Exorcism of the Demons by Miller Jr, James E.
Barry Hannah: Postmodern Romantic by Weston, Ruth D.
Saint Michael the Archangel in Medieval English Legend by Johnson, Richard F.
Race and Religion in the Postcolonial British Detective Story: Ten Essays by
The Sex Column and Other Misprints by Langford, David
Wendy Wasserstein: Dramatizing Women, Their Choices and Their Boundaries by Ciociola, Gail
Women and the Law: Carmen de Burgos, an Early Feminist by Louis, Anja
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