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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2006

Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks: New interdisciplinary essays by
Chekhov - Plays & Stories by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
The Lives of - John Donne - Sir Henry Wotton - Richard Hooker - George Herbert & Robert Sanderson by Walton, Izaak
Shakespeare Criticism - A Selection by Smith, Nichol D.
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Shelley, Percy Bysshe Bysshe
Empire and Poetic Voice: Cognitive and Cultural Studies of Literary Tradition and Colonialism by Hogan, Patrick Colm
Abi's Story by Teferra, J.
Essays By Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Ferec Ba'd Es-Sidde. "freud Nach Leid": Ein Frühosmanisches Geschichtenbuch. 2. Band: Faksimiles by
Faulkner: Masks and Metaphors by Hönnighausen, Lothar
Robbing the Mother: Women in Faulkner by Clarke, Deborah
Calderon and the Baroque Tradition by
Empire and Identity: An Eighteenth-Century Sourcebook by Gregg, Stephen H.
Text & Presentation, 2005 by
A Concise Companion to English Renaissance Literature by
Performances of Mourning in Shakespearean Theatre and Early Modern Culture by Döring, T.
A Black British Canon? by
English Fiction Since 1984: Narrating a Nation by Finney, B.
Dracula and the Eastern Question: British and French Vampire Narratives of the Nineteenth-Century Near East by Gibson, M.
Fictions of British Decadence: High Art, Popular Writing and the Fin de Siècle by MacLeod, Kirsten
The Rise of the Office Clerk in Literary Culture, 1880-1939 by Wild, J.
Frances Power Cobbe and Victorian Feminism by Hamilton, Susan
British Aestheticism and the Urban Working Classes, 1870-1900: Beauty for the People by Maltz, D.
Beckett, Literature and the Ethics of Alterity by Weller, S.
Christina Rossetti's Faithful Imagination: The Devotional Poetry and Prose by Roe, D.
The Reception of Derrida: Translation and Transformation by Thomas, M.
Contemporary Fiction and the Uses of Theory: The Novel from Structuralism to Postmodernism by Greaney, M.
English Funerary Elegy in the Seventeenth Century: Laws in Mourning by Brady, A.
Masquerade, Crime and Fiction: Criminal Deceptions by Peach, L.
Narrative Order, 1789-1819: Life and Story in an Age of Revolution by Edwards, G.
Moderating Masculinity in Early Modern Culture by Reeser, Todd W.
A Samuel Beckett Chronology by Pilling, J.
The Freedom of Fantastic Things: Selected Criticism on Clark Ashton Smith by
Mothers, Lovers, and Others: The Short Stories of Julio Cortázar by Schmidt-Cruz, Cynthia
Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology by Dinello, Daniel
Shakin' Up Race and Gender: Intercultural Connections in Puerto Rican, African American, and Chicano Narratives and Culture (1965-1995) by Sánchez, Marta E.
Selected Letters of Robert Penn Warren: Triumph and Transition, 1943-1952 by Warren, Robert Penn
Victorian Novel by James, Louis
Jacques Roubaud and the Invention of Memory by Poucel, Jean-Jacques F.
The I of History: Self-Fashioning and National Consciousness in Jules Michelet by Kogan, Vivian
Bucolic Metaphors: History, Subjectivity, and Gender in the Early Modern Spanish Pastoral by Hern�ndez-Pecoraro, Rosilie
Before Intimacy: Asocial Sexuality in Early Modern England by Gil, Daniel Juan
Beckett and Authority: The Uses of Cliché by Barry, Elizabeth
Pampille's Table: Recipes and Writings from the French Countryside from Marthe Daudet's Les Bons Plats de France by
Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction by Adamson, Lynda
Reading Matters: What the Research Reveals about Reading, Libraries, and Community by McKechnie, Lynne, Ross, Catherine
Shelby Foote: Novelist and Historian by Phillips, Robert L.
The Ankole Kingship Controversy. Regalia Galore Revisited by Doornbos, Martin R.
The Politics of Farce in Contemporary Spanish American Theatre by Meléndez, Priscilla
Labor and Workplace Issues in Literature by Johnson, Claudia Durst
Woman Without Background Music: Selected Poems of Delia Dominguez by Dominguez, Deila
Postmodern Sophistry: Stanley Fish and the Critical Enterprise by
The Life and Miracles of Thekla: A Literary Study by Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald
Mad Mary Lamb: Lunacy and Murder in Literary London by Hitchcock, Susan Tyler
Poetics and Rhetoric by Aristotle
The Victorian Novel by James, Louis
The Monster in the Mirror: Looking for H. P. Lovecraft by Waugh, Robert H.
Jane Austen in the Context of Abolition: 'a Fling at the Slave Trade' by White, G.
Blake and Modern Literature by Larrissy, E.
The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement by Reynolds, Barbara, Sayers, Dorothy L.
José María Arguedas: Hacia Una Poética Migrante by
Geopolíticas de la Cultura Finesecular En Buenos Aires, París Y México: Las Revistas Literarias Y El Modernismo by Pineda Franco, Adela
América Latina En La "Literatura Mundial" by
Gilberto Freyre e os estudos latino-americanos by
Writing Pancho Villa's Revolution: Rebels in the Literary Imagination of Mexico by Parra, Max
Lo Siniestro Se Sigue Riendo: En La Literatura de Lamborghini, Aira Y Carrera, Y En La Producción Cultural Poscrisis 2001 by Ros, Ofelia
Alien Matter: New and Selected Poems by Derieva, Regina
Masters of American Cookery: M. F. K. Fisher, James Beard, Craig Claiborne, Julia Child by Fussell, Betty
The Freedom of Fantastic Things: Selected Criticism on Clark Ashton Smith by
Further Papers on Dante by Sayers, Dorothy L., Reynolds, Barbara
Introductory Papers on Dante by Sayers, Dorothy L., Reynolds, Barbara
Faulkner and the Great Depression: Aesthetics, Ideology, and Cultural Politics by Atkinson, Ted
Making the Novel: Fiction and Society in Britain, 1660-1789 by Hammond, Brean, Regan, Shaun
Encounters with American Culture: Volume 2, 1973-1985 by Prescott, Peter
About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, & Five Interviews by Delany, Samuel R.
Die Poesie der Liebe: Aufsaetze zur deutschen Liebeslyrik by
Gender and Medieval Drama by Normington, Katie
Middlemarch in the Twenty-First Century by
Exiled Royalties: Melville and the Life We Imagine by Milder, Robert
Virginia Woolf's Novels and the Literary Past by de Gay, Jane
Folklore in British Literature: Naming and Narrating in Women's Fiction, 1750-1880 by Wakefield, Sarah R.
Quixotic Fictions of the USA 1792-1815 by Wood, Sarah F.
The Edge of Modernism: American Poetry and the Traumatic Past by Kalaidjian, Walter
Language, Science and Popular Fiction in the Victorian Fin-de-Siècle: The Brutal Tongue by Ferguson, Christine
Securing the Commonwealth: Debt, Speculation, and Writing in the Making of Early America by Baker, Jennifer J.
Players of Shakespeare v5 by
Great Stories from Shakespeare by Lamb, Mary, Lamb, Charles
Living Things: Collected Poems by Porter, Anne
The American Transcendentalists: Essential Writings by Thoreau, Henry David, Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Arabic Poetry: Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition by Al-Musawi, Muhsin J.
The Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought by
How Novels Think: The Limits of Individualism from 1719-1900 by Armstrong, Nancy
How Novels Think: The Limits of Individualism from 1719-1900 by Armstrong, Nancy
Coming Out as a Bowie Fan in Leeds, Yorkshire, England by McCann, Mick
Acceptable Words: Essays on the Poetry of Geoffrey Hill by Wainwright, Jeffrey
The Oxford English Literary History: Volume 10: The Modern Movement (1910-1940) by Baldick, Chris
The Oxford English Literary History: Volume 13: 1948-2000: The Internationalization of English Literature by King, Bruce
The Oxford English Literary History: Volume 12: 1960-2000: The Last of England? by Stevenson, Randall
Beckett's Dantes: Intertextuality in the Fiction and Criticism by Caselli, Daniela
An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to That Island; And Memoirs of Pascal Paoli by Boswell, James
Figuring Genre in Roman Satire by Keane, Catherine
The Politics of Melancholy from Spenser to Milton by Kitzes, Adam
Mobile Homes: Spatial and Cultural Negotiation in Asian American Literature by Huang, Su-Ching
Das Suchen Der Zeit. Blätter Deutscher Zukunft. Band 3 by
Schiller Und Die Bibel: Nachklänge Zum Schillertage by Rosenthal, C. H.
Grammatik Der Rätoromanischen Mundarten by Gartner, Theodor
The Primacy of Vision in Virgil's Aeneid by Smith, Riggs Alden
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 12 by
The Geometry of Modernism: The Vorticist Idiom in Lewis, Pound, H.D., and Yeats by Hickman, Miranda B.
Victorian Interpretation by Anger, Suzy
Shakespeare's Humanism by Headlam Wells, Robin
The Modernist Novel and the Decline of Empire by Marx, John
Queer/Early/Modern by Freccero, Carla
'Pamela' in the Marketplace by Keymer, Thomas, Sabor, Peter
Camb History of American Theatre v1 by
A Critical Companion to Spenser Studies by Van Es, Bart
Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Feminist Narratology by Page, R.
The Rise of the Office Clerk in Literary Culture, 1880-1939 by Wild, J.
Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Feminist Narratology by Page, R.
Mordecai Richler: A Life in Ten Novels by Craniford, Ada
Experiencing the Garden in the Eighteenth Century by
Narrating Motherhood(s), Breaking the Silence: Other Mothers, Other Voices by
Character and Satire in Post War Fiction by Gregson, Ian
Granta 92 by
Middlemarch in the Twenty-First Century by
Cultural Agency in the Americas by
Literature, Art and the Pursuit of Decay in Twentieth-Century France by Timothy, Mathews, Mathews, Timothy
Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth-Century Culture by Hartley, Lucy
In the Company of Men: Representations of Male-Male Sexuality in Meiji Literature by Reichert, Jim
Overheard Voices: Address and Subjectivity in Postmodern American Poetry by Keniston, Ann
Remembering Maternal Bodies: Melancholy in Latina and Latin American Women's Writing by Trigo, B.
The Cambridge History of American Theatre by
American Theatre: 1870-1945 by
Caxton's Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing by
Museum Mediations: Reframing Ekphrasis in Contemporary American Poetry by Fisher, Barbara K.
Caxton's Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing by
Break, Blow, Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-Three of the World's Best Poems by Paglia, Camille
Cornell Woolrich from Pulp Noir to Film Noir by Renzi, Thomas C.
Dying for a Laugh: Disaster Movies and the Camp Imagination by Feil, Ken
(Eta-Kappa) by
(Lambda-Omikron) by
Helena Maria Viramontes en sus propias palabras by Rodriguez, Lydia Helena
Acting, Rhetoric, & Interpretation in Selected Novels by F. Scott Fitzgerald & Saul Bellow by Assadi, Jamal
Female Writers' Struggle for Rights and Education for Women in France- (1848-1871) by Dixon-Fyle, Joyce
The Book of Margery Kempe: Annotated Edition by
From Performance to Print in Shakespeare's England by
Two Vagabonds In Languedoc by Gordon, Jan, Gordon, Cora J.
From Performance to Print in Shakespeare's England by
Shakespeare's Friends by Pogue, Kate
Rupert Gray: A Tale in Black and White by
The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire by
Women on Stage in Stuart Drama by Tomlinson, Sophie
The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire by
From Modernism to Postmodernism: American Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century by Ashton, Jennifer
Zinaida Vengerova: In Search of Beauty: A Literary Ambassador between East and West by Neginsky, Rosina
The Man Who Ran Away and Other Stories of Trinidad in the 1920s and 1930s by Mendes, Alfred H.
The Decline and Fall of Virgil in Eighteenth-Century Germany: The Repressed Muse by Atherton, Geoffrey
Shakespeare's Theater of Likeness by Shoaf, R. Allen
Dressed in Fiction by Hughes, Clair
Outlander: 1983-1985 by Staver, Frederick
Voracious Children: Who Eats Whom in Children's Literature by Daniel, Carolyn
Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
The Captive Woman's Lament in Greek Tragedy by Dué, Casey
In Lieu of Memory: Contemporary Jewish Writing in France by Nolden, Thomas
Minstrelsy and Murder: The Crisis of Southern Humor, 1835-1925 by Silver, Andrew
The Enduring Legacy of Old Southwest Humor by
A Concise Companion to Chaucer by
Dressed in Fiction by Hughes, Clair
Selections from Layamon`s Brut by
Latin American Readings for a Cultural Age: Latin American Readings for a Cultural Age by Santi, E.
From Nature to Experience: The American Search for Cultural Authority by Lundin, Roger
"The Yellow Wall-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Dual-Text Critical Edition by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
The New Testament and Literature: A Guide to Literary Patterns by Cox, Stephen
Performing Women and Modern Literary Culture in Latin America: Intervening Acts by Unruh, Vicky
Selections from Plato by
Naked Angels: The Lives and Literature of the Beat Generation by Tytell, John
The Classical Trivium: The Place of Thomas Nashe in the Learning of His Time by McLuhan, Marshall
Writing Out of All the Camps: J.M. Coetzee's Narratives of Displacement by Wright, Laura
Lucian: Selected Dialogues by
National Identity in Russian Culture: An Introduction by
Managing Literacy Mothering America: Womens Narratives on Reading and Writing by Robbins, Sarah
Urban Revelations: Cities, Homes, and Other Ruins in American Literature, 1790-1860 by McNutt, Donald J.
Storyteller's Start-Up Book by MacDonald, Margaret Read
The Reception of David Hume in Europe by
Thomas Carlyle by Morrow, John
To the Glory of Her Sex: Women's Roles in the Composition of Medieval Texts by Ferrante, Joan M.
Storia del Ciceronianismo E Di Altre Questioni Letterarie Nell' Eta Della Rinascenza by Sabbadini, Remigio
British Poetry in the Age of Modernism by Howarth, Peter
Print and the Poetics of Modern Drama by Worthen, W. B.
Empire of Letters by Bannet, Eve Tavor
A Waka Anthology, Volume Two: Grasses of Remembrance by
Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature by Wootton, S.
The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer by Andrew, M.
The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer by Andrew, M.
Saint-Exupery: A Biography by Schiff, Stacy
Master and Man by Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich
The Delicious Vice by Allison, Young E.
The Gambler by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
To Build and Be Built: Landscape, Literature, and the Construction of Zionist Identity by Zakim, Eric
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources: Fascicule IX: P-Pel by
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