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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2007

Reading the Exemplum Right: Fixing the Meaning of El Conde Lucanor by Burgoyne, Jonathan
Parallel Narratives: Function and Form in the Munich Illustrated Manuscripts of Tristan and Willehalm Von Orlens by Walworth, Julia C.
Its Happening to Me by Allen, R.
The Function of the Living Dead in Medieval Norse and Celtic Literature: Death and Desire by Smith, Gregg A.
Fuzzy Fiction by Hippolyte, Jean-Louis
American Literary Regionalism in a Global Age by Joseph, Philip
Imagining Our Time: Recollections and Reflections on American Writing by Simpson, Lewis P.
Visions of an Unseen World: Ghost Beliefs and Ghost Stories in Eighteenth Century England by Handley, Sasha
A.C. Bradley on Shakespeare's Tragedies: A Concise Edition and Reassessment by Russell-Brown, John
How to Write Fiction (and Think about It) by Graham, Robert
Wordsmithery: The Writer's Craft and Practice by Steel, Jayne
Iris Murdoch by Spear, Hilda D.
Plato's Symposium: Issues in Interpretation and Reception by
Paradise Earned: The Bacchic-Orphic Gold Lamellae of Crete by Tzifopoulos, Yannis
Consumption and Literature: The Making of the Romantic Disease by Lawlor, C.
The Gothic and the Rule of the Law, 1764-1820 by Chaplin, Sue
Romanticism's Debatable Lands by
Samuel Beckett and the Prosthetic Body: The Organs and Senses in Modernism by Tajiri, Y.
Decadence in the Late Novels of Henry James by Kventsel, A.
Blake, Modernity and Popular Culture by
Authorship in Context: From the Theoretical to the Material by
Wordsworth and Word-Preserving Arts: Typographic Inscription, Ekphrasis and Posterity in the Later Work by Simonsen, P.
Seamus Heaney: Poet, Critic, Translator by
Iris Murdoch: A Reassessment by
A Rossetti Family Chronology by Meacock, J., Chapman, A.
Queering Gothic in the Romantic Age: The Penetrating Eye by Fincher, M.
Romanticism and Form by
Consuming Texts: Readers and Reading Communities, 1695-1870 by Colclough, Stephen
Modern Irish Autobiography: Self, Nation and Society by
A Wilkie Collins Chronology by Baker, W.
The Writing of Anxiety: Imagining Wartime in Mid-Century British Culture by Stonebridge, L.
The Theatre of War: The First World War in British and Irish Drama by Kosok, H.
Reading Sensations in Early Modern England by Craik, K.
Metafiction and Metahistory in Contemporary Women's Writing by Heilmann, A., Llewellyn, M.
Fiction and Economy by
Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin: Experience and Form by Beasley-Murray, T.
Social Constructionist Identity Politics and Literary Studies by Gupta, S.
Postfeminist Gothic: Critical Interventions in Contemporary Culture by
The Postmodern Fairytale: Folkloric Intertexts in Contemporary Fiction by Smith, Kevin Paul
John Clare and the Imagination of the Reader by Chirico, P.
Drama and the Sacraments in Sixteenth-Century England: Indelible Characters by Coleman, D.
Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Life by Wagner-Martin, L.
Locating Woolf: The Politics of Space and Place by
Publishing in the First World War: Essays in Book History by
Politics of Romantic Theatricality, 1787-1832: The Road to the Stage by Worrall, D.
Sketches of the Nineteenth Century: European Journalism and Its "Physiologies," 1830-50 by Lauster, M.
Looking East: English Writing and the Ottoman Empire Before 1800 by MacLean, G.
Haunted Subjects: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and the Return of the Dead by Davis, C.
Coleridge and the Crisis of Reason by Berkeley, R.
Monstruos Que Hablan: El Discurso de la Monstruosidad En Cervantes by Miñana, Rogelio
Harlequin Empire: Race, Ethnicity and the Drama of the Popular Enlightenment by Worrall, David
Bram Stoker: A Literary Life by Hopkins, L.
The Hidden Treasure & Other Stories by Tagore, Rabindranath
How to Read Beauvoir by Sandford, Stella
Desiring Donne: Poetry, Sexuality, Interpretation by Saunders, Ben
Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights by Cheah, Pheng
Una Armonía de Caprichos: El Discurso de Respuesta En La Prosa de Rubén Darío by Solares-Larrave, Francisco
Der Chor in Der Alten Kom?die: Ritual and Performativit?t, Unter Besonderer Ber?cksichtigung Von Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusen Und Der Phallosliede by Bierl, Anton
Gautier d'Arras: Eracle by
Tacitus by Ash, Rhiannon
Yiddish Theatre: New Approaches by
Cervantes and Modernity: Four Essays on Don Quijote by Graf, Eric Clifford, Graf, E. C.
Environment and Embodiment in Early Modern England by Sullivan Jr, Garrett A.
Gilles Deleuze: Travels in Literature by Bryden, M.
Orwell in Context: Communities, Myths, Values by Clarke, B.
Agatha Christie: Power and Illusion by York, R. a.
Clarice Lispector: Novos Aportes Críticos by
The Performing Century: Nineteenth-Century Theatre's History by
Jorge Luis Borges: A Writer on the Edge by Sarlo, Beatriz
Afrique sur Seine: A New Generation of African Writers in Paris by Cazenave, Odile
Camb Companion Pushkin by
Wordsworths Philosophic Song by Jarvis, Simon
The Cambridge Companion to Pushkin by
Romancing the Vote: Feminist Activism in American Fiction, 1870-1920 by Petty, Leslie
Joyce's Voices by Kenner, Hugh
The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books by
Prophetarum Vitae Fabulosae by
Anthologia Lyrica by
Escritura Afropuertorriquena Y Modernidad by Santiago-Díaz, Eleuterio
Alejo Carpentier: Acá Y Allá by
How to Write Fiction (and Think about It) by Graham, Robert
A History of Icelandic Literature by
Life Is a Dream by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
As I Was Saying: A Chesterton Reader by Chesterton, G. K.
Should We Burn Babar?: Essays on Children's Literature and the Power of Stories by Kohl, Herbert R.
The Gospel According to Science Fiction: From the Twilight Zone to the Final Frontier by McKee, Gabriel
Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books by Corrigan, Maureen
Discernment of Revelation in the Gospel of Matthew by Shaw, Frances
Between National Fantasies and Regional Realities: The Paradox of Identity in Nineteenth-Century German Literature by Koch, Arne
Secret Sharers: Joseph Conrad's Cultural Reception in Germany by Fothergill, Anthony
American Elegy: The Poetry of Mourning from the Puritans to Whitman by Cavitch, Max
The Secret Wound: Love-Melancholy and Early Modern Romance by Wells, Marion A.
Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies by
Geoffrey Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales by
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's Poetry by
Synergieeffekte in der Fremdsprachenforschung: Empirische Zugaenge, Probleme, Ergebnisse = Synergieeffekte in Der Fremdsprachenforschung by
The Not So Blank Blank Page: The Politics of Narrative and the Woman Narrator in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century English Novel by Tsomondo, Thorell Porter
Language Family Oriented Perspective in Multilingual Grammar Design by Avgustinova, Tania
John Donne by Sugg, Richard
John Donne by Sugg, Richard
Accounting for Dante: Urban Readers and Writers in Late Medieval Italy by Steinberg, Justin
Modernist Literature: Challenging Fictions? by Mahaffey, Vicki
Our Living Manhood: Literature, Black Power, and Masculine Ideology by Murray, Rolland
Accounting for Dante: Urban Readers and Writers in Late Medieval Italy by Steinberg, Justin
Modernist Literature: Challenging Fictions? by Mahaffey, Vicki
Ballads and Songs by Davidson, John
Mishima on Stage: The Black Lizard and Other Plays Volume 59 by
British Fiction Today by
Novel Now by Bradford, Richard
Modernism by
Modernism by
Ashes Taken for Fire: Aesthetic Modernism and the Critique of Identity by Bell, Kevin M.
The Art of Revision in the Short Stories of V.S. Pritchett and William Trevor by Bloom, J.
Novel Now by Bradford, Richard
'Hamlet' Without Hamlet by de Grazia, Margreta
Heresy, Literature and Politics in Early Modern English Culture by
Against the Unspeakable: Complicity, the Holocaust, and Slavery in America by Mandel, Naomi
Against the Unspeakable: Complicity, the Holocaust, and Slavery in America by Mandel, Naomi
Alma Parens Originalis?: The Receptions of Classical Literature and Thought in Africa, Europe, the United States, and Cuba by
Fiction and the Incompleteness of History: Toni Morrison, V. S. Naipaul, and Ben Okri by Ying Zhu
The Resilient Female Body: Health and Malaise in Twentieth-Century France by
Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies by
British Fiction After Modernism: The Novel at Mid-Century by
British Fiction After Modernism: The Novel at Mid-Century by
Roman Satire by Hooley, Daniel
Deans and Truants: Race and Realism in African American Literature by Jarrett, Gene Andrew
Social Constructionist Identity Politics and Literary Studies by Gupta, S.
Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Difference, Populism, Revolution, Agitation by Arditi, Benjamin
Cue Ball City (and Other Bald Musings) by Johnson, Liam
Lukian. Gegen Den Ungebildeten Büchernarren: Ausgewählte Werke by Lucianus
Vorbericht Der Deutschen Aksumexpedition by Krencker, D., Littmann, E.
Voluptuous Philosophy: Literary Materialism in the French Enlightenment by Meeker, Natania
Mystery Writing in a Nutshell by McAleer, John, McAleer, Andrew
On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy: A Guide for the Unruly by Bruns, Gerald L.
The Cambridge Companion to Brecht by
Samuel Beckett and the Philosophical Image by Uhlmann, Anthony
A Natural History of Pragmatism: The Fact of Feeling from Jonathan Edwards to Gertrude Stein by Richardson, Joan
A Natural History of Pragmatism: The Fact of Feeling from Jonathan Edwards to Gertrude Stein by Richardson, Joan
Race, Nationalism and the State in British and American Modernism by Chu, Patricia E.
Learning to Write Indian: The Boarding School Experience and American Indian Literature by Katanski, Amelia V.
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 5, Romanticism by
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 9, Twentieth-Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives by
The Culture of Slander in Early Modern England by Kaplan, M. Lindsay
'Hamlet' without Hamlet by de Grazia, Margreta
The Composition of Old English Poetry by Momma, Hal, Momma, H.
Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623: Third Series by Shakespeare, William
Victorian Literature and Culture by Moran, Maureen
Medieval Literature and Culture: A Student Guide by Galloway, Andrew
Victorian Literature and Culture by Moran, Maureen
Renaissance Literature and Culture by Steggle, Matthew, Hopkins, Lisa
Medieval Literature and Culture: A Student Guide by Galloway, Andrew
Companion to William Faulkner by
J.D. Salinger's the Catcher in the Rye: A Routledge Study Guide by Graham, Sarah
J.D. Salinger's the Catcher in the Rye: A Routledge Study Guide by Graham, Sarah
Dante: Poet of the Secular World by Auerbach, Erich
Key Terms in Latino/A Cultural and Literary Studies by Allatson, Paul
Shakespeares Sonnets by Callaghan, Dympna
Renaissance Literature and Culture by Hopkins, Lisa, Steggle, Matthew
Mr. William Shakespeare: Original And Early Editions Of His Quartos And Folios, His Source Books And Those Containing Contemporary Notices by Bartlett, Henrietta C.
Appreciation Of Literature And America In Literature by Woodberry, George Edward
The Life Of Shakespeare: Enquiries Into The Originality Of His Dramatic Plots And Characters by Skottowe, Augustine
Italian Romance Writers by Kennard, Joseph Spencer
Select Treatises Of Martin Luther In The Original German by Sears, Barnas, Luther, Martin
System Of Shakespeare's Dramas V1 by Snider, Denton J.
Scottish Reminiscences by Geikie, Archibald
Ten Selections From The Sketch-Book by Irving, Washington
Seven Lectures On Shakespeare And Milton by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Attic Theatre: A Description Of The Stage And Theatre Of The Athenians And Of The Dramatic Performances At Athens by Haigh, A. E.
Natural History In Shakespeare's Time: Being Extracts Illustrative Of The Subject As He Knew It by Seager, H. W.
A Universal Prayer: Death, A Vision Of Heaven And A Vision Of Hell by Montgomery, Robert
Shakespeare's Plots: A Study In Dramatic Construction by Fleming, William Hansell
Shakespeare In Music: A Collation Of The Chief Musical Allusions In The Plays Of Shakespeare With An Attempt At Their Explanation And Deriva by Elson, Louis Charles
A Defense Of Poetry, Music And Stage-Plays by Lodge, Thomas
The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington V3 by Madden, Richard Robert
The Poetical Works Of William B. Yeats V2: Dramatical Poems by Yeats, William B.
English Fiction From The Fifth To The Twentieth Century by Holliday, Carl
The Book Of Wonders, Marvelous And True: In Five Books by Southcott, Joanna
William Shakespeare: A Study In Elizabethan Literature by Wendell, Barrett
Irish Literature V1 by
Dramatic Opinions And Essays With An Apology V2 by Shaw, Bernard
Spanish Colonial Literature In South America by Moses, Bernard
The Thirteenth Chair: A Play In Three Acts by Veiller, Bayard
A Book Of Boyhoods: Chaucer To MacDowell by Fryer, Eugenie M.
The Divine Comedy Of Dante: A Handbook Of Six Lectures by Griggs, Edward Howard
English Childhood: Wordsworth's Treatment Of Childhood In The Light Of English Poetry From Prior To Crabbe by Babenroth, Adolph Charles
Body And Soul: A Play In Four Acts by Bennett, Arnold
Ausonius V2: With The Eucharisticus Of Paulinus Pellaeus by Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
Goethe's Literary Essays by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
The Collected Works Of George Moore V5 by Moore, George
Miscellanies: Embracing Reviews, Essays, And Addresses by Chalmers, Thomas
The Middle English Charters Of Christ by Spalding, Mary Caroline
Chess In Iceland And In Icelandic Literature: With Historical Notes On Other Table-Games by Fiske, Willard
The Christ Of Cynewulf, A Poem In Three Parts: The Advent, The Ascension, And The Last Judgment by Cynewulf
The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature Before 1700 by Atkinson, Geoffroy
Discourses And Essays by Shedd, William G. T.
Richard The Third And The Primrose Criticism by Bristol, Frank Milton
The Modern Study Of Literature: An Introduction To Literary Theory And Interpretation by Moulton, Richard Green
The Complete Works Of Joshuah Sylvester V1 by Sylvester, Josuah
Many Thoughts Of Many Minds: A Treasury Of Quotations From The Literature Of Every Land And Every Age by
Romantic Passages In Southwestern History: Including Orations, Sketches And Essays by Meek, A. B.
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