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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2008

Renaissance Drama by Clark, Sandra
In Sheep's Clothing: The Arcane, Profane and Subversive in Shakespeare by Stout, Sidney Wade
Renaissance Drama by Clark, Sandra
The Measureless Time of Joyce, Deleuze and Derrida by Borg, Ruben
George III and the Satirists from Hogarth to Byron by Carretta, Vincent
Limiting Secularism: The Ethics of Coexistence in Indian Literature and Film by Kumar, Priya
Review of Contemporary Fiction: XXVIII, #2: Dalkey Archive Annual 2 by O'Brien, John
Women's Fiction 1945-2005: Writing Romance by Philips, Deborah
An Unofficial Companion to the Novels of Terry Pratchett by
Estranging the Familiar: Toward a Revitalized Critical Writing by Atkins, G. Douglas
The Religions of the Book: Christian Perceptions, 1400-1660 by
Rudyard Kipling by Montefiore, Jan
Pacifism and English Literature: Minstrels of Peace by White, R.
The Fiction and Reality of Jan Struys: A Seventeenth-Century Dutch Globetrotter by Boterbloem, K.
English Historical Drama, 1500-1660: Forms Outside the Canon by Ravelhofer, Barbara
Reaganism, Thatcherism and the Social Novel by Hutchinson, C.
Burning Books by Fishburn, M.
Petrarch in Romantic England by Zuccato, E.
Accentuation and Interpretation by Schmitz, H.
Wilkie Collins: A Literary Life by Law, G., Maunder, A.
Screening Novel Women: From British Domestic Fiction to Film by Brosh, Liora
Vindiciæ Gallicæ: Defence of the French Revolution: A Critical Edition by Mackintosh, J.
The Interpersonal Idiom in Shakespeare, Donne, and Early Modern Culture by Selleck, N.
Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture by Levy, M.
Imperialism, Reform and the Making of Englishness in Jane Eyre by Thomas, S.
Transatlantic Print Culture, 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms by
London in Early Modern English Drama: Representing the Built Environment by Grantley, D.
Dickens and the Unreal City: Searching for Spiritual Significance in Nineteenth-Century London by Smith, K.
Charles Lamb, Coleridge and Wordsworth: Reading Friendship in the 1790s by James, Felicity
Anglo-Jewish Women Writing the Holocaust: Displaced Witnesses by Lassner, P.
A Katherine Mansfield Chronology by Norburn, R.
Political Theatre in Post-Thatcher Britain: New Writing, 1995-2005 by Kritzer, A.
Aristocratic Women and the Literary Nation, 1832-1867 by O'Cinneide, M.
National Myth and Imperial Fantasy: Representations of British Identity on the Early Eighteenth-Century Stage by Marshall, Louise H.
Hardy the Physician: Medical Aspects of the Wessex Tradition by Fincham, T.
Machinic Modernism: The Deleuzian Literary Machines of Woolf, Lawrence and Joyce by Monaco, B.
Le Gothic: Influences and Appropriations in Europe and America by Horner, Avril
Wallace Stevens Across the Atlantic by
Hegemony and Fantasy in Irish Drama, 1899-1949 by Murphy, P.
Transnational Women's Fiction: Unsettling Home and Homeland by Strehle, S.
British Labouring-Class Nature Poetry, 1730-1837 by Keegan, B.
Samuel Richardson, Dress, and Discourse by Oliver, K.
William Faulkner: A Literary Life by Rampton, D.
Shakespeare and War by
Language and Education in Japan: Unequal Access to Bilingualism by Kanno, Y.
Reading Joyce by Pierce, David
Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian Philosophers: Constructing the World by Nasim, O.
Lorca's Romancero Gitano: Eighteen Commentaries by Ramsden, Herbert
Approaches to Teaching Poe's Prose and Poetry by
The Oral Palimpsest: Exploring Intertextuality in the Homeric Epics by Tsagalis, Christos
Theodor Adorno by Wilson, Ross
Engines of the Imagination: Renaissance Culture and the Rise of the Machine by Sawday, Jonathan
The Victorian Press and the Fairy Tale by Sumpter, C.
A Literary Revolution: In the Spirit of the Harlem Renaissance by
Literary Landscapes: From Modernism to Postcolonialism by
Labyrinths of Deceit: Culture, Modernity and Identity in the Nineteenth Century by Walker, Richard J.
William Blake by Vine, Steve
Women Writers of Children's Classics by Montefiore, Mary
Koldo Mitxelena: Selected Writings of a Basque Scholar by Mitxelena, Koldo
Koldo Mitxelena: Selected Writings of a Basque Scholar by Mitxelena, Koldo
Rattle Conversations: Interviews with Contemporary American Poets by Fox, Alan
The Imagination Unbound: Al-Adab Al-'Aja'ibi and the Literature of the Fantastic in the Arabic Tradition by Abu-Deeb, Kamal
Michaelmas Term by
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man: A Reference Guide by Hill, Michael, Hill, Lena
Watering the Sahara: Recollections of Paul Green from 1894 to 1937 by Spence, James R.
Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis: From Uneasy Engagements to Effective Critique by Greedharry, Mrinalini
Sappho in the Making: The Early Reception by Yatromanolakis, Dimitrios
Flannery O'Connor's Library: Resources of Being by Kinney, Arthur F.
Classics and the Bible: Hospitality and Recognition by Taylor, John
The Art of the Magic Striptease: The Literary Layers of George Garrett by Clabough, Casey
Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism by Jameson, Fredric
Literatura, Política Y Sociedad: Construcciones de Sentido En La Hispanoamérica Contemporánea: Homenaje a Andrés Avellaneda by
Thomas Hardy by Tomalin, Claire
Peculiar Crossroads: Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy, and Catholic Vision in Postwar Southern Fiction by O'Gorman, Farrell
Emmett Till in Literary Memory and Imagination by
Mysticism in English Literature by Spurgeon, Caroline Frances Eleanor
The World of Shakespeare's Sonnets: An Introduction by Matz, Robert
English Question: Or Academic Freedoms by Docherty, Thomas
Louis Auchincloss: A Writer's Life by Gelderman, Carol
Looking Inward: Devotional Reading and the Private Self in Late Medieval England by Bryan, Jennifer
The role of marriage in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' by Schmidt, Katrin
"Philosophische Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhängenden Gegenstände" von Schelling im Vergleich mit Go by Warneke, Christina
Franziskus als Zeichen der Endzeit in Bonaventuras Schriften by Enderlin, Renate
Modern Literary Criticism and Theory: A History by Habib, M. A. R.
Modern Literary Criticism and Theory: A History by Habib, M. A. R.
Leiden unter der Zeit: Der Umgang mit Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft in "Der letzte König von Orplid" by Seemann, Andreas
Gender roles and sexual morality in James Joyce's 'Dubliners' by Papadopoulou, Eleni
On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism After Structuralism by Culler, Jonathan
On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism by Culler, Jonathan
Rubinsteins Versteigerung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lebenssituationen deutscher Juden im Nachkriegsdeutschland by Warneke, Christina
Other Asias by Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
Funktion von Theater im Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit: Erfüllte das Theaterstück eine Funktion und wie sah sie möglicherweise aus? by Warneke, Christina
Analyse von Textsorten by Papadopoulou, Eleni
Das Ideal der romantischen Liebe im Roman Lucinde von Friedrich Schlegel by Papadopoulou, Eleni
The Flight from Desire: Augustine and Ovid to Chaucer by Edwards, R.
Exploring the Utopian Impulse: Essays on Utopian Thought and Practice by
Ghosts by Ibsen, Henrik
Nonverbale Kommunikation als Lerngegenstand in Rhetorikseminaren by Liebling, Patricia
Andrea Dworkin by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Proust's English by Karlin, Daniel
Crossroads Black Aegean Clpr C by Simpson, Michael, Goff, Barbara
Petrarch in Britain: Interpreters, Imitators, and Translators Over 700 Years by
Joyce's Misbelief by Gottfried, Roy K.
Johann Friedrich Cotta - der Verleger des 19.Jahrhunderts by Siegordner, Martin
A Historical Greek Reader: Mycenaean to the Koine by Colvin, Stephen
Lawrence Durrell: Between Love and Death, East and West by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Granta 39 by
Granta 42 by
Scribbling Women and the Short Story Form: Approaches by American and British Women Writers by
Women in Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" by Zielina, Katrin
Granta 100 by
Granta 19 by
Vergleichende Analyse von Roland Schimmelpfennigs Dramen "Vorher/Nachher" und "Push Up 1-3" by Töller, Melitta
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century English Poetry by
Women Readers in the Middle Ages by Green, D. H.
Analyse und Interpretation von Goethes "Gingo Biloba" by Siegordner, Martin
'The spectator and not the actor is the central focus of Brecht's stagecraft' by Ernst, Reni
Anna Wierzbickas "Natural Semantic Metalanguage". Theoretische Grundlagen und exemplarische Bedeutungsanalysen mithilfe der semantischen Primitiva by Fischer, Tim
Das Menschenbild in der französischen Klassik am Beispiel von La Rochefoucauld by Scheufler, Thomas
William Gibson's 'Neuromancer' and the relation between mind and body by Wegener, Franz
Die Erziehung des Helden - Eine Gegenüberstellung von Lanzelet und Parzival by Siegordner, Martin
You Gotta Laugh & Keep on Laughing by Martin, Jimmie H.
Jammer Van Leo! Verhalen Voor de Prullenbak by Peek, D. J.
Beckett at 100: Revolving It All by Ben-Zvi, Linda, Moorjani, Angela
Contact Zones: Memory, Origin, and Discourse in Black Diasporic Cinema by Petty, Sheila
Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography by Said, Edward
Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography by Said, Edward
Prime Green: Remembering the Sixties by Stone, Robert
Contemporary Arab American Women Writers: Hyphenated Identities and Border Crossings by Abdelrazek, Amal Talaat, Talaat Abdelrazek, Amal
Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra, Volume 5, Part 1 by Cope, T. A.
Der Name der Rose - Ein semiotischer Roman? by Esztegar, Balazs
Zur Lexikalisierung von Wortneubildungen: Chancen und Schranken by Fischer, Björn
Thomas Manns "Der Tod in Venedig" - Beschreibung von Aschenbachs Psyche anhand von Binäroppositionen by Esser, Matias
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Till Eulenspiegel im Literaturvergleich. Erich Kästners "Till Eulenspiegel" und "Ein kurtzweilig Lesen von Dil Ulenspiegel" im Nachdruck von 1515 by Warneke, Christina
Einheitsstiftende Themen und Motive in James Joyces "Dubliners" by Kilian, Maren Leonie
Battles And Enchantments: Retold From Early Gaelic Literature (1922) by O'Conor, Norreys Jephson
The North American Review V215, Part 1 (1922) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V215, Part 2 (1922) by North American Review Corporation
La Escuadra Del Almirante Cervera (1920) by Risco, Alberto
The Moki Snake Dance: A Popular Account Of That Unparalleled Dramatic Pagan Ceremony Of The Pueblo Indians Of Tuscan, Arizona (1901) by Hough, Walter
Verses By Alfred Gurney (1870) by Gurney, Alfred
Park Street Papers (1908) by Perry, Bliss
Observations And Reflections Made In The Course Of A Journey Through France, Italy And Germany V2 (1789) by Piozzi, Hester Lynch
North Cornwall Fairies And Legends (1906) by Tregarthen, Enys
The Dramatic Works Of George Colman V2 (1777) by Colman, George
The Nursery Rhyme Book (1897) by
The Poetical And Dramatic Works Of Oliver Goldsmith Now First Collected: With An Account Of The Life And Writings Of The Author (1780) by Goldsmith, Oliver
The North American Review V206, Part 1 (1917) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V115 (1872) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V179, Part 1 (1904) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V56 (1843) by North American Review Corporation, Dickens, Charles, Dumas, Alexandre
The North American Review V57 (1843) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V173, Part 1 (1901) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V60 (1845) by North American Review Corporation
Germany: The Spirit Of Her History, Literature, Social Condition And National Economy (1838) by Hawkins, Francis Bisset
The North American Review V72 (1851) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V163 (1896) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V167 (1898) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V144 (1887) by North American Review Corporation
Selections From Manuscripts V3 (1874) by Hinton, James
The North American Review V168 (1899) by North American Review Corporation
The Californian And Overland Monthly: January-June, 1917 (1917) by The Overland Monthly Publishing Company
The North American Review V183, Part 2 (1906) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V82 (1856) by North American Review Corporation
Miss Nume Of Japan: A Japanese-American Romance (1899) by Watanna, Onoto
Shakespeare and the Origins of English by Rhodes, Neil
Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism by
The North American Review V174, Part 1 (1902) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V179, Part 2 (1904) by North American Review Corporation
Heinrich Heines Bild der Revolution in seiner Schrift "Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland" by Schilling, Barbara
Krieg und Humanität in Friedrich Schillers "Jungfrau von Orleans" by Fischer, Björn
Schillers "Oden an Laura" im Schlaglicht des Petrarkismus by Fischer, Björn
Literatur und Film - Aspekte der Verbindung zweier Medien by Fischer, Björn
Die Gestalt des Dionysos in Hölderlins Elegie "Brod und Wein" by Fischer, Björn
Männer- und Frauenfiguren / Geschlechterverhältnisse im Witiko by Schilling, Barbara
Die Bedeutung des Unbewussten in Arthur Schnitzlers Leutnant Gustl by Schilling, Barbara
Tolstoy and the Genesis of War and Peace by Feuer, Kathryn B.
Script Culture and the American Screenplay by Boon, Kevin Alexander
La relation problématique entre l'esthétique et l'éthique dans "Les faux-monnayeurs" et "Les caves du Vatican" d'André Gide by Warkus, Matthias
Walther von der Vogelweide - Der Sänger und seine Tätigkeit by Dubitzky, Yves
Re/Search 4/5: William S. Burroughs, Throbbing Gristle, Brion Gysin by
Grundlagen der mündlichen Kommunikation. Die Gesprächsanalyse by Wachauf, Theresa
"Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit" - zur narrativen Konstruktion von Zeit in der erzählenden Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts: Am Beispiel von Mic by Hammer, Ulrike
Gottesdienst und Frauendienst in den Liedern Rubins, Ulrichs von Liechtenstein und Hartmanns von Aue by Roth, Corinna
The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade by Miller, Christopher L.
"Pour un nouveau roman" von Alain Robbe-Grillet - Wegweiser oder Widerspruch? by Masalon, Kevin
Psychoanalyse und Kulturanalyse: Vom Nutzen eines Methodentransfers am Beispiel der tiefenhermeneutischen Literaturinterpretation und deren Anwendung by Thiele, Jana
The B-List: 2007 by Buffum, Steve
Literarische Konstruktionen weiblicher Identität: Eine Untersuchung zum Werk Elfriede Jelineks by Wedekind, Katy
Le texte comme prétexte - Eine Analyse der französischen Presserezeption von Michel Houellebecqs Roman "Les Particules Élémentaires" by Schaaf, Angela
Insister of Jacques Derrida by Cixous, Hélène
Positionen der Jelinek-Forschung: Beitraege zur Polnisch-Deutschen Elfriede Jelinek-Konferenz- Olsztyn 2005 by
Other Asias by Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
Universitäten im östlichen Mitteleuropa by
Listening on All Sides: Toward an Emersonian Ethics of Reading by Deming, Richard
Die Songtexte der Band Rammstein aus dem Blickfeld der Literaturwissenschaft by Spisla, David
Liebesdarstellung im Titurel by Schicker, Juliane
Insister of Jacques Derrida by Cixous, Hélène
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