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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

Embodied: Victorian Literature and the Senses by Cohen, William a.
Phantasms of Matter: In Gogol (and Gombrowicz) by Oklot, Michal
Quick and Popular Reads for Teens by
Wear My Shoes, Please! by Muhammad, Patrick S.
Mystical Themes and Occult Symbolism in Modern Poetry: Wordsworth, Whitman, Hopkins, Yeats, Pound, Eliot, and Plath by Kim, Dal-Yong
How Slave Narratives Influenced American Literature: A Source for Herman Melville's Billy Budd by Jorif, Rolando Leodore
Julian Barnes by Holmes, Frederick M.
An Unexpected Light by Mahan, David C.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by White, Martin
Lacan and the Destiny of Literature: Desire, Jouissance and the Sinthome in Shakespeare, Donne, Joyce and Ashbery by Azari, Ehsan
C. S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil by Root, Jerry
The Politics of Samuel Johnson by Greene, Donald
The Philosophical Biographer: Doubt and Dialectic in Johnson's Lives of the Poets by Maner, Martin
Samuel Johnson and Three Infidels: Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot by Temmer, Mark J.
Samuel Johnson and the Sense of History by Vance, John a.
Samuel Johnson and the Age of Travel by Curley, Thomas M.
In Mind of Johnson: A Study of Johnson the Rambler by Davis, Philip
Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare: The Discipline of Criticism by Tomarken, Edward
Speak Useful Words or Say Nothing: Old Norse Studies by Harris, Joseph
Echoes of the Haitian Revolution, 1804-2004 by
An Unexpected Light by Mahan, David C.
Preparing for Spring by Regan, Nell
Swinging the Vernacular: Jazz and African American Modernist Literature by Borshuk, Michael
Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Esthetic, the Ethical, and the Religious in the Parisian Prowler by Kaplan, Edward K.
Richard II by Lopez, Jeremy
Richard II by Lopez, Jeremy
English Literary Stylistics by Gregoriou, Christiana
Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge, Jude the Obscure by Avery, Simon
Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge/Jude the Obscure by Avery, Simon
Modernisms: A Literary Guide, Second Edition by Nicholls, Peter
Modernisms: A Literary Guide, Second Edition by Nicholls, Peter
Jeanette Winterson by Andermahr, Sonya
Jeanette Winterson by Andermahr, Sonya
Boswell's Life of Johnson: New Questions, New Answers by
Bram Stoker: Dracula by Hughes, William
Julian Barnes by Holmes, Frederick M.
Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot by Taylor-Batty, Mark, Taylor-Batty, Juliette
The Rise of Multicultural America: Economy and Print Culture, 1865-1915 by Mizruchi, Susan L.
Childhood in Edwardian Fiction: Worlds Enough and Time by
The Forms of Renaissance Thought: New Essays in Literature and Culture by
Mobility and Modernity in Women's Novels: Women Moving Dangerously by Parkins, W.
Romanticism and Linguistic Theory: William Hazlitt, Language and Literature by Tomalin, M.
Conrad's Eastern Vision: A Vain and Floating Appearance by Yeow, A.
Performing Childhood in the Early Modern Theatre: The Children's Playing Companies (1599-1613) by Lamb, Edel
Shakespeare and Character: Theory, History, Performance, and Theatrical Persons by
British Literature of the Blitz: Fighting the People's War by Miller, K.
Quoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond the Tomb by Newstok, S.
Blake and Conflict by
Narrating Violence, Constructing Collective Identities: 'to Witness These Wrongs Unspeakable' by Chandra, G.
Gender, Professions and Discourse: Early Twentieth-Century Women's Autobiography by Etherington-Wright, C.
Gifts, Markets and Economies of Desire in Virginia Woolf by Simpson, K.
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History (Large Print Edition) by Coppee, Henry
Rhyming Reason: The Poetry of Romantic-Era Psychologists by Faubert, Michelle
William Blake and the Art of Engraving by Sung, Mei-Ying
Tattoo: Tatú by Chonchúir, Nuala
Gothic Shakespeares by
The Fourth Ghost: White Southern Writers and European Fascism, 1930-1950 by Brinkmeyer, Robert H.
Philosophy in the West Indian Novel by McKenzie, Earl
Approaches to Teaching Duras's Ourika by
Emmanuel Levinas by Hand, Seán
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick by Edwards, Jason
Jane Austen and Mozart: Classical Equilibrium in Fiction and Music by Wallace, Robert K.
Poetry, Politics and Culture: Essays on Indian Texts and Contexts by Kumar, Akshaya
Majesty and Humanity: Kings and Their Doubles in the Political Drama of the Spanish Golden Age by Forcione, Alban K.
Aesthetic Materialism: Electricity and American Romanticism by Gilmore, Paul
Bram Stoker - Dracula by Hughes, William
Heart in Conflict: Faulkner's Struggles with Vocation by Grimwood, Michael
American Jewish Fiction by Lambert, Josh Nathaniel
Maqam and Liturgy: Ritual, Music, and Aesthetics of Syrian Jews in Brooklyn by Kligman, Mark L.
Enacting Past and Present: The Memory Theaters of Djuna Barnes, Ingeborg Bachmann, and Marguerite Duras by Grobbel, Michaela M.
Sound and Light: La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela by
Contemporary Poetry by Brinton, Ian
Translating Empire: Jose Marti, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American Modernities by Lomas, Laura
Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso by Ovid
The Love Poems of John Donne by Donne, John
La Esclava Isaura by Guimarães, Bernardo
Persians. Seven Against Thebes. Suppliants. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus
Oresteia: Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides by Aeschylus
Modern Utopian Fictions from H. G. Wells to Iris Murdoch by Firchow, Peter Edgerly
James Baldwin's Turkish Decade: Erotics of Exile by Zaborowska, Magdalena J.
Escape from the Prison of Love: Caloric Identities and Writing Subjects in Fifteenth-Century Spain by Folger, Robert
Tom Stoppard's Arcadia by Fleming, John
Literary Taste: How to Form It by Bennett, Arnold
Waist Deep in Broom Sedge: A Collection of Essays, Short Stories, and Poems by Stratton, Jim
Waist Deep in Broom Sedge: A Collection of Essays, Short Stories, and Poems by Stratton, Jim
African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective by
Writing Ghana, Imagining Africa: Nation and African Modernity by Korang, Kwaku
The Clown of Armageddon: The Novels of Kurt Vonnegut by Freese, Peter
Fakers: Hoaxers, Con Artists, Counterfeiters, and Other Great Pretenders by Maliszewski, Paul
More Than a Memory: Reflections of Viet Nam by
La Fontaine's Complete Tales in Verse: An Illustrated and Annotated Translation by La Fontaine, Jean de
The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice by Lehrich, Christopher I.
Lesarten des "Doktor Faustus" by Rühlmann, Christiane
Shakespeare's Political and Economic Language by Thomas, Vivian
Austen's Emma by Hecimovich, Gregg A.
Gothic Fiction and 'The Turn of The Screw' by Voltz, Tilo
Arbitrariness and Complex Signs: A Thesis on the Relation between Arbitrariness and Motivation within Complex Linguistic Signs by Voltz, Tilo
Der Schriftsteller als Redner am Beispiel der Friedenspreisrede von Martin Walser by Rühlmann, Christiane
Effi Briest: eBook-Version by Fontane, Theodor
The Call Of The Wild by London, Jack
Ivanov by Chekhov, Anton
The Cherry Orchard: A Comedy in Four Acts by Chekhov, Anton
Mine-Haha: oder Über die körperlicher Erziehung der jungen Mädchen by Wedekind, Frank
Sozialismus by Weber, Max
Das Herrenrecht: Eine Novelle in Briefen by Spitzer, Daniel
Graf Albrecht von Werdenberg by Von Ittner, Joseph Albrecht
Ignaz Denner by Hoffmann, E. T. a.
Peter Halket im Mashonalande by Schreiner, Olive
Pole Poppenspäler by Storm, Theodor
The Sea Wolf by London, Jack
Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Defoe, Daniel
Mary Austin and the American West by Goodman, Susan, Dawson, Carl
Searching for Cioran by Zarifopol-Johnston, Ilinca
Tragedy and Otherness; Sophocles, Shakespeare, Psychoanalysis by Ray, Nicholas
Critical Exchange; Art Criticism of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Russia and Western Europe by
Liminal Borderlands in Irish Literature and Culture by
Beowulf and Old Germanic Metre by Russom, Geoffrey
Conversion and Reform in the British Novel in the 1790s: A Revolution of Opinions by Markley, A.
England in 1815: A Critical Edition of the Journal of Joseph Ballard by
Representations of the Self from the Renaissance to Romanticism by
Christa Wolf's Utopian Vision: From Marxism to Feminism by Kuhn, Anna K.
Text and Picture in Anglo-Saxon England: Narrative Strategies in the Junius 11 Manuscript by Karkov, Catherine E.
Aelfric and the Cult of Saints in Late Anglo-Saxon England by Gretsch, Mechthild
Anglo-Saxon Crucifixion Iconography and the Art of the Monastic Revival by Raw, Barbara Catherine
England in 1815: A Critical Edition of the Journal of Joseph Ballard by
Early Modern Academic Drama by Streufert, Paul D.
Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive by
Irish Modernism and the Global Primitive by
Conversion and Reform in the British Novel in the 1790s: A Revolution of Opinions by Markley, A.
British Periodicals and Romantic Identity: The Literary Lower Empire by Schoenfield, M.
Virgil Made English: The Decline of Classical Authority by Caldwell, T.
British Periodicals and Romantic Identity: The Literary Lower Empire by Schoenfield, M.
Endimion, Campaspe, Sapho and Phao, Gallathea by Lyly, John
Theatre in the United States: Volume 1, 1750 1915: Theatre in the Colonies and the United States: A Documentary History by
Lacan, Language, and Philosophy by Grigg, Russell
The Great Bluff Street Sled Race by Moore, Robert L.
Murder 101: Essays on the Teaching of Detective Fiction by
The Great Depression and the Culture of Abundance: Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and Mass Culture in the 1930s by Barnard, Rita
Historiography and Ideology in Stuart Drama by Kamps, Ivo
Dante and the Franciscans: Poverty and the Papacy in the 'Commedia' by Havely, Nick
Theory of Literature and Other Critical Writings by Natsume, Sōseki
The Literary Works of Ou-Yang Hsui (1007 72) by Egan, Ronald C.
Performing Race and Torture on the Early Modern Stage by Thompson, Ayanna
Boys in Children's Literature and Popular Culture: Masculinity, Abjection, and the Fictional Child by Wannamaker, Annette
C.S. Lewis, Spinner of Tales by Gibson, Evan K.
Anti-Catholicism and Nineteenth-Century Fiction by Griffin, Susan M.
D. H. Lawrence and the Bible by Wright, T. R.
The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Schellenberg, Betty A.
Marriage, Violence and the Nation in the American Literary West by Handley, William R.
Conspiracy and Romance: Studies in Brockden Brown, Cooper, Hawthorne, and Melville by Robert S., Levine, Levine, Robert S.
The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland: 1800 1990 by
'A choice of nightmares': Der Trieb-Kultur-Konflikt in Texten von William Shakespeare, Emily Brontë, Joseph Conrad und Ian McEwan by Ester, Stephan
Weblogs - Chancen und Risiken für die deutsche Sprachkultur: Linguistische Untersuchung der deutschen Blogosphäre by Berger, Janusz
Zu Robert Menasse: "Selige Zeiten, brüchige Welt" by Werner, Linda
Zwei Grazer Fragmente der "Christherre-Chronik": Erst-Edition mit Erläuterungen zu Text und Überlieferung by Schwinger, Eva
The Inarticulate Renaissance: Language Trouble in an Age of Eloquence by Mazzio, Carla
From Paris to Pompeii: French Romanticism and the Cultural Politics of Archaeology by Blix, Göran
Jonathan's Thunder by Brown, Carol Jean
Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture: The Making of a Legend by
Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture: The Making of a Legend by
Cormac McCarthy: American Canticles by Lincoln, K.
Race and the Avant-Garde: Experimental and Asian American Poetry Since 1965 by Yu, Timothy
The Culture of Soft Work: Labor, Gender, and Race in Postmodern American Narrative by Hicks, H.
The Angel of Terror by Wallace, Edgar
A Torquato Tasso: Nel Terzo Centenario Dalla Morte, La Universita Di Padova (1895) by Crescini, Vincenzo
Alessandro Manzoni: Studio Biografico (1879) by De Gubernatis, Angelo
Alphonsus: Emperor Of Germany (1913) by Chapman, George
Altre Note Alla Divina Commedia (1903) by Federici, Silvio
In Defiance of God by Tyus, Clifford Simmie
Autobiografie E Vite De' Maggiori Scrittori Italiani Fino Al Secolo Decimottavo (1903) by Solerti, Angelo
A Book Of Danish Verse (1922) by
Alliteration Bei Aschylus (1902) by Stocker, Max
Anthology Of Massachusetts Poets (1922) by Braithwaite, William Stanley
A Toldi Monda Es Ket Idegen Eredetu Epizodja (1906) by Foti, Jozsef Lajos
A Selection From The Poems Of Giosue Carducci (1921) by Carducci, Giosue
A Short History Of Russian Literature (1921) by Shakhnovski
A Portrait In Crimsons: A Drama Novel (1889) by Barns, Charles Edward
Alcune Notizie Sul Plebiscito Delle Provincie Napolitane (1864) by Caranti, Biagio
Alcune Osservazioni Economico-Politiche Sull' Isola Di Malta (1825) by Michallef, Giovanni Antonio
An Analysis Of Wit And Humor (1884) by Fleet, F. R.
A Middle English Treatise On The Ten Commandments: Text, Notes, And Introduction (1911) by Royster, James Finch
A Study Of The Anglo-Saxon Poem, The Harrowing Of Hell: Grein Hollenfahrt Christi (1885) by Kirkland, James Hampton
A New Era Of Literature (1847) by R. Nicholson
A Choice Of Books From The Library Of Isabella Stewart Gardner, Fenway Court (1906) by Gardner, Isabella Stewart
Scenes From Euripides: Bacchae (1885) by Euripides
A Key To J. G. Tiarks's Exercises For Writing German (1846) by Tiarks, Johann Gerhard
A Pilgrimage To Stratford-Upon-Avon: The Birthplace Of Shakespeare (1850) by Grinfield, Charles Vaughan
A Vocabulary, In The Ceylon Portuguese, And English Languages: With A Series Of Familiar Phrases (1820) by Callaway, John
Bill Of The U. S. A. And Other War Verses (1918) by Duffield, Kenneth Graham
A Course Of Reading Drawn Up By James Kent (1840) by Kent, James
Abraham Lincoln And The Jews (1909) by Markens, Isaac
Accuse Contro Il Papismo (1870) by Desanctis, Luigi
A Letter To Benjamin Hawes: Being Strictures On The Minutes Of Evidence Taken Before The Select Committee On The British Museum (1836) by Edwards, Edward
A Run With The Tyndale Hounds: A Romantic Drama, In Two Acts (1884) by Crawshay, George, A. Fox
Aeneas Von Stymphalos, Ein Arkadischer Schriftsteller Aus Classischer Zeit (1877) by Hug, Arnold
Aeschyli Agamemno (1884) by Aeschylus
A Discourse Delivered Before The Pilgrim Society, At Plymouth, On December, 22, 1829 (1830) by Sullivan, William
Aeschyli Prometheus Vinctus Cum Scholiis Mediceis (1853) by Meineke, A., Aeschylus
Aeschylus-Studien (1879) by Frey, Karl
Ahn's First German Book: Being The First Division Of Ahn's Rudiments Of The German Language (1879) by Henn, Peter, Ahn, Franz
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