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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

German At A Glance: A New System On The Most Scientific Principles, For Universal Self-Tuition (1884) by Thimm, Franz J. L.
Matteo Bandello, Novellatore Lombardo: Studi (1899) by Morellini, Domenico
Letters On Literature V1 (1836) by Photius Junior, Sherlock, W.
German Lyrics (1853) by Brooks, Charles T.
Dramatic Miscellanies V2: Consisting Of Critical Observations On Several Plays Of Shakespeare (1783) by Davies, Thomas
Elementi Di Fisica Matematica A Sua Altezza Reale Ferdinando III (1799) by Canovai, Stanislao, Del-Ricco, Gaetano
Descrizione Della Villa Valguarnera (1785) by D. G. Bentivenga
Festive Notes On The History And Adventures Of The Renowned Don Quixote (1768) by Gayton, Edmund
Lessings Hamburgische Dramaturgie (1882) by Buschmann, Josef, Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
German Notes On Minor Tactics (1918) by Army War College
Dramatic Moments In American Diplomacy (1918) by Page, Ralph Walter
De Corpi Marini, Che Su' Monti Si Trovano: Della Loro Origine, E Dello Stato (1721) by Vallisnieri, Antonio
Elementi Di Geometria Piana E De Solidi E Di Trigonometria Piana E Sferica (1774) by Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe, Panizzoni, Aloisio
John Wiclif and His English Percursors (1881) by Lechler, Gotthard Victor
Descrizione Geografica Dell'Italia Ad Illustrazione Della Divina Commedia (1865) by Alighieri, Dante
Examination Questions In English, German, French, Spanish, 1901-1905 (1905) by College Entrance Examination Board
Elementi Di Matematica, Part 1-2: Ne' Quali Sono Con Miglior Ordine E Nuovo Metodo (1765) by Corsini, Odoardo
Dramatic Notes: An Illustrated Yearbook Of The Stage, 1882-1885 (1883) by Brereton, Austin
Notes Of Ben Jonson's Conversations With William Drummond Of Hawthornden: January, 1619 (1842) by Drummond, William, Jonson, Ben
Descrizione Geologica Della Campagna Romana (1884) by Mantovani, Paolo
Degl' Istorici Delle Cose Veneziane V2: I Quali Hanno Scritto Per Pubblico Decreto (1718) by Bembo, Pietro, Sabellico, Paruta, Paolo
Dantis Aligherii Divina Comoedia: Latinis Versibus (1874) by Pascalio-Marinelli, Josepho, Alighieri, Dante
Dramatic Notes: An Illustrated Yearbook Of The London Stage, 1880-1882 (1881) by Rideing, William H.
German Reading Book: A Companion To Schlutter's German Class Book (1876) by Moller, A.
Johnson's Lives Of The The English Poets, Abridged: With Notes And Illustrations (1797) by Johnson, Samuel
German Self-Taught: A New System Founded On The Most Simple Principles For Universal Self-Tuition (1905) by Thimm, Franz J. L.
Degli Aeroliti Ossia Delle Pietre Cadute Dal Cielo: Lettere Fisico-Meteorologiche All' Eccellentissimo Cavaliere Niccola Nicolini, Ministro Segretario by Morrone, Vincenzo
Key To First Latin Writer (1878) by Bennett, George Lovett
Disegno Del Doni, Partito In Piv Ragionamenti, Ne Quali Si Tratta Della (1549) by Doni, Anton Francesco
Dramatic Sketches By Sir Charles Rockingham (1866) by Rockingham, Charles
Dramatic Sketches By Sir Charles Rockingham (1866) by Rockingham, Charles
Degli Effetti Dell' Alienazione E Dell' Ipoteca: Della Cosa Comune Non Consentite Da Tutti I Condomini (1886) by Mirabelli, Giuseppe
Degli Occhiali Da Naso Inventati Da Salvino Armati (1738) by Manni, Domenico Maria
Histoire De L' Academie D' Arras (1872) by Van Drival, E.
Osservazioni Fitologiche Sopra Alcune Piante Esotiche Introdotte In Roma Fatte Nell' Anno 1788-1790 (1792) by Gilii, Filippo Luigi, Xuarez, Gaspare
German Sight Reading (1899) by Watson, Idelle B.
German Stories Retold: Grimms Marchen (1907) by Grimm, Wilhelm, Grimm, Jacob
Dei Capriccj Teatrali V1 (1786) by Greppi, Giovanni
Im Nibelungenlande: Mythologische Wanderungen (1877) by Mehlis, Christian
Jose Zorrilla: Estudio Critico-Biografico (1889) by Valbuena, Antonio De
De Gli Elementi Di Euclide Li Primi Sei Libri: Tradotti En Lingua Italiana (1686) by Euclid
Levia Gravia: 1861-1867 (1881) by Carducci, Giosue
German Submarine Warfare: A Study Of Its Methods And Spirit (1918) by Frost, Wesley
Dei Diplomati Italiani E Delle Relazione Diplomatiche Dell Italia Dal 1260 Al 1330 (1850) by Reumont, Alfred
Lettres De Voltaire A Madame Du Deffand: Au Sujet Du Jeune De Rebecque (1837) by Constant, Benjamin, Voltaire, Deffand, Marie Du
Dei Rapporti Giuridici Tra I Belligeranti Ed I Neutrali (1865) by Esperson, Pietro
Dei Reati Commessi All' Estero (1880) by Schiattarella, Raffaele
Entwurf Einer Deutschen Dichtkunst Zum Gebrauch Der Schulen (1758) by Dommerich, Johann Christoph
Imagination And Fancy Or Selections From The English Poets: Illustrative Of Those First Requisites Of Their Art, With Markings Of The Best Passages, C by Hunt, Leigh
D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae (1819) by Juvenal
Basnicke Spisy (1874) by Kalina, Josef Jaroslav
Dei Reati Estraterritoriali: Dissertazione (1875) by Paretti, Mauro
Essai Sur Letude De La Litterature (1762) by Gibbon, Edward
Decker's Dream: In Which, Being Rapt With A Poetical Enthusiasm, The Great Volumes Of Heaven And Hell Were Opened To Him, In Which He by Dekker, Thomas
Second German Reading Book: With Notes In English (1851) by Aue, Carl Eduard
Logrono: A Metric Drama In Two Acts (1877) by Cerny, Frederick
Del Genio Di F. Paolo Sarpi V1-2: In Ogni Facolta Scientifica (1785) by Griselini, Francesco
Lettres Familieres Du President de Montesquieu, Baron de La Brede, a Divers Amis D'Italie (1773) by Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Extrait de Roland L'Amoureux de Matheo Maria Boyardo, Comte de Scaniano (1780) by Tressan, Comte De, Boiardo, Matteo Maria
Germany Of Today (1915) by Fullerton, George Stuart
Coopers-Hill: A Poem (1709) by Denham, John
Essai Sur Le Caractere, Les Moeurs Et L'Esprit Des Femmes Dans Les Differents Siecles (1772) by Thomas, Antoine Leonard
Del Ghiaccio E Della Coagvlatione Trattati Del Padre Daniello Bartoli Della Compagnia Di Giesv (1682) by Bartoli, Daniello
Germany Unmasked: Or Facts And Coincidences Explanatory Of Her Real Views In Seeking To Wrest Schleswig From Denmark (1848) by Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias
Germany's Colonial Failure: Her Rule In Africa Condemned On German Evidence (1918) by MacLean, Frank
Goblin Market And Other Poems (1865) by Rossetti, Christina Georgina
Del Petrarca E Delle Sue Opere: Book 4 (1797) by Boni, Giovanni Battista Baldelli
Lettres Inedites De Guillaume Du Vair (1873) by Vair, Guillaume Du
Germany's Madness (1914) by Reich, Emil
Dritto Ecclesiastico Sicolo V1 (1828) by Giampallari, Luigi
De La Beaute: Discours Divers (1587) by Minut, Gabriel De
Metaphorae Aristophaneae (1891) by Noordewier, Michael Nassau
Economisti Contemporanei Italiani: Enrico Cernuschi (1876) by De Martiis, Salvatore Cognetti
Immanuel's Land: And Other Pieces (1876) by Cousin, Annie Ross
Eddastudien, Theil 1 (1889) by Hoffory, Julius
Kronika Polska (1829) by Miechowa, Maciej Z., Chwalczewski, Stanis'aw
Lettere Inedite Di Alcuni Illustri Accademici Della Crusca Che Fanno Testo Di Lingua (1837) by Accademia Della Crusca
Kronike Om Keiser Carl Magnus, Hvorledes Han Stedse Mandeligen Stred for Den Hellige Christelige Tro Med de Tolv Jaevninge, SOM Var Roland, Oliver, Tu by A. Th Nissen, Th Nissen
Elements Of Unity In The Homeric Poems (1900) by Farquhar, Edward
Epigrammata, 1520 (1892) by Cordus, Euricius
Elenchus: Plantarum Hor. Botanici J. Car. Dinegro, Observationibus Quoad Novas, Vel Rariores Species Passim Interjectis (1802) by Viviani, Domenico
Le Pastorelle D' Arcadia (1769) by Bodoni, Giambattista
Danish And English Idiomatic Phrases: And Dialogues Indispensable For A Rapid Acquisition Of The Danish Language (1857) by Lund, H.
Lettere Inedite Di Dotti Italiani Del Secolo XVI: Tratte Dagli Autografi Della Biblioteca Ambrosiana (1867) by Ceruti, Antonio
L'Infallibilita Pontificia: Ragionamenti Tre, Tenuti In Roma In Occasione Del Giubileo Pontificale (1871) by Gallerani, Alessandro
Drws Yr Eglwys Weledig: Wedi Ei Agor Yn Lled Y Pen, Fel Y Gallo Credinwyr A Phlant Bychain Ddyfod I Mewn (1799) by Jones, Thomas
Lettere Inedite Di Lodovico Antonio Muratori (1883) by Muratori, Lodovico Antonio
Delitti Legali: Romanzo (1891) by D'Arghi, Argo
Edippo A Colono: Dramma Per Musica In Tre Atti (1817) by Guillard, Nicolas Francois, Sacchini, Antonio
Elfrida, A Dramatic Poem: Written On The Model Of The Ancient Greek Tragedy (1752) by Mason, William
Linguistic Oppression In The German Empire (1918) by Barker, Ernest
Kulturhistoriska Studier (1881) by Strindberg, August
Lettere Inedite Di Principi E Principesse Della Casa Di Savoja (1879) by Campori, Giuseppe
Dell' Arte Poetica Ragionamenti Cinque (1768) by Zanotti, Francesco Maria
Exempla Latina, A First Construing Book: With Short Notes, Lexicon, And An Introduction To The Analysis Of Sentences (1879) by Glover, Frederick
Kural Of Tiruvalluver: High-Tamil Text With Translation Into Common Tamil And Latin, Notes And Glossary (1865) by Graul, Charles
Ezio: Drama (1732) by Metastasio, Pietro Antonio
Dell Arte Del Misvrare V1-2 (1682) by Cataneo, Girolamo
Milton's Paradise Lost, Books 1-2 (1896) by Milton, John
Della Storia E Della Condizione D'Italia Sotto Il Governo Degli Imperatori Romani (1840) by Garzetti, Giovanni Battista
Il Conte Di Cavour V1 (1873) by De Treitschke, Enrico
Domestic Tales And Allegories: Illustrating Human Life (1844) by More, Hannah
Jael: A Poetic Drama In One Act (1914) by Frank, Florence Kiper
Epiroticorum: Liber Primus (1854) by Semitelos, Demetrios Charles
Della Storiografia E Della Filosofia Della Storia Presso I Greci (1889) by Pais, Ettore
Artful Dodgers: Reconceiving the Golden Age of Children's Literature by Gubar, Marah
Prose: Essays And Letters by McInnis, C. Liegh
Representing Righteous Heathens in Late Medieval England by Grady, F.
The Place of Fiction in the Time of Science: A Disciplinary History of American Writing by Limon, John
Secret Rites and Secret Writing: Royalist Literature, 1641 1660 by Potter, Lois, Lois, Potter
Shakespeare's Politics: A Contextual Introduction by Wells, Robin Headlam
August Wilson's Fences by Menson-Furr, Ladrica
Thomas Middleton, Renaissance Dramatist by O'Callaghan, Michelle
Thomas Middleton, Renaissance Dramatist by O'Callaghan, Michelle
Under His Hat: The Story of Alice and Her Real Life Hatter by Batey, Robert H.
Enlightenment and Change: Scotland 1746-1832 by Lenman, Bruce
Poetry and Truth; Variations on Holocaust Testimony by Schuchalter, Jerry
French and francophone women facing war- Les femmes face à la guerre by
Enlightenment and Change: Scotland 1746-1832 by Lenman, Bruce
Angelo Beolco (il Ruzante), La prima oratione by
Pier Paolo Pasolini: In Living Memory by
The West in a Nutshell by Monk, Paul
Dear Jb by Famuyiwa, Omolola Anne
Der spanische Schelmenroman und seine deutschen Verwandten by Depka Prondzinska, Danuta
Identitätskrisen in Kleists "Amphitryon" by Hacker, Nicolas
Kindheitskonzepte in der Literatur des hohen und späten Mittelalters by Pabst, Katja
Die Ehekonzeption in den Tristan-Fortsetzungen von Ulrich von Türheim und Heinrich von Freiberg by Späth, Christopher
Ambiguous Bodies: Reading the Grotesque in Japanese Setsuwa Tales by Li, Michelle Osterfeld
"Big Brother is Watching You": Strategien der Kontrolle und Überwachung in ausgewählten englischen Dystopien by Baum, Oliver
Dylan Thomas "A Visit to Grandpa's" - an Analysis by Moeller, Anja
Ulysses from Notes and Drafts to Editions and Revisions by Moeller, Anja
Jugendsprache und Neue Medien: SMS-Sprache by Mogk, Carsten
With an Iron Pen: Twenty Years of Hebrew Protest Poetry by
The Complete Poems of Sappho by
Das Bruderverhältnis und der Tod in Dieter Wellershoffs "Blick auf einen fernen Berg" by Wulff, Antje
Erziehung und Bildung in Frauenklöstern des hohen Mittelalters by Busch, Stefanie
Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" by Lemke, Melanie
Die deutschen Sprachgesellschaften des 17. Jahrhunderts by Hermes, Christoph
Aristoteles "Poetik" und Bertolt Brechts "Die Dreigroschenoper": Ein Vergleich by Reisyan, Patricia
Symbols in Context - The Mystic Egg in Doris Lessing's The Memoirs of a Survivor by Udvarhelyi, Kata
Inwiefern erfüllt die s-Fuge in Determinativkomposita die Merkmale/Kriterien einer Kompositionsfuge?: Ausarbeitung des Themas für die Magisterklausur by Nedelcheva, Elmira
Die wirkungsästhetische Theorie Wolfgang Isers by Zettwitz, Kristin
Ironie und Parodie in Thomas Manns Erzählung "Gladius Dei" by Kühbach, Alexander
Über Anna Katharina Hahns: "Ermislauh" - Erzählstrategien in Relation zum thematischen Fokus by Hellmold, Nele
Historische Fiktion und fiktive Historie: Gottfried Kellers Geschichtsbegriff anhand der Züricher Novellen by Haegeler, Thomas
Rechnen und Reden im Traum in Sigmund Freuds "Traumdeutung", Kapitel VI. "Die Traumarbeit": Eine vergleichende Untersuchung unter Einbeziehung von Bei by Lichte, Marijke
Hekatompathia (Paperback) by Watson, Thomas, Jr.
Analyse rhetorischer Stilmittel der faschistischen Rede. Joseph Goebbels Sportpalastrede by Rothmeier, Ines
Deleuze and History by
Poetry and Politics: The Life and Works of Juan Chi, A.D. 210 263 by Holzman, Donald
New Blossoms for Tomorrow by Richards, Althea
Deleuze and History by
Voices of the Nation: Women and Public Speech in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture by Levander, Caroline Field
The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound by North, Michael
The Politics and Poetics of Journalistic Narrative by Frus, Phyllis
Teaching Literary Theory Using Film Adaptations by Brown, Kathleen L.
The Revolution in the Visual Arts and the Poetry of William Carlos Williams by Halter, Peter
The Hsi-Yu-Chi: A Study of Antecedents to the Sixteenth-Century Chinese Novel by Dudbridge, Glen
Romantic Colonization and British Anti-Slavery by Deirdre, Coleman, Coleman, Deirdre
Stories, Theories and Things by Brooke-Rose, Christine
Bret Easton Ellis "American Psycho" - Böse Literatur? by Sailer, Eva
"Der Rundfunk als Kommunikationsapparat": Zu Bertolt Brechts Radiolehrstück - Der Ozeanflug by Zeidler, Achim
Tragikomische Elemente in Dürrenmatts Stück "Der Besuch der alten Dame" by Schindler, Christina
In the Dark Room: Marguerite Duras and Cinema by
Tracing the Aesthetic Principle in Conrad's Novels by Levin, Y.
Tracing the Aesthetic Principle in Conrad's Novels by Levin, Y.
William Shakespeare: The Critical Heritage Volume 3 1733-1752 by
Madness in Twentieth-Century French Women's Writing; Leduc, Duras, Beauvoir, Cardinal, Hyvrard by Dow, Suzanne
Playing with Books: A Study of the Reader as Child by Morgenstern, John
Brave New Words by Prucher, Jeff, Wolfe, Gene
Die Figur des Hiob in den Werken von Joseph Roth und Scholem Alejchem: Zur Verarbeitung des Traditionsverlustes als Assimilationsfolge mit Hilfe des b by Grzesikowski, Stefan
Grid by Taylor, Paul
Fifty Famous Stories Retold by Baldwin, James
Unterrichtsmethodische Bearbeitung des Romans "Das Blütenstaubzimmer" von Zoe Jenny by Zeidler, Achim
The Word and Its Witness: The Spiritualization of American Realism by Jackson, Gregory S.
The English Girl Schools' Story: Subversive and Imaginative Constructs of a Traditional Conservative Literary Text by Humphrey, Judith
Le Clezio: A Literary Topography of New Departures, Poetic Adventure and Sensual Ecstasy--The Man and His Works by Redfern-West, Robert
Ananios of Kleitor by Economou, George
Prostituidas Por El Texto: Discurso Prostibulario En La Picaresca Femenina by Zafra, Enriqueta
Invisible Conversations: Religion in the Literature of America by
The Council of Heresy by Duncan, Andrew
Collected Later Poems of Alvaro de Campos: 1928-1935 by Pessoa, Fernando
Extending Hospitality: Giving Space, Taking Time: Paragraph Volume 32 Number 1 by
The Devil's Party: A Brief History of Satanic Abuse by Stableford, Brian
Slow Reading by Miedema, John
A Genealogy of Literary Multiculturalism by Douglas, Christopher
Between Gazes: Feminist, Queer, and Other Films by Elias, Camelia
Walking the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London: John Gay's Trivia (1716) by
Unfinished Rabbi: Selected Writings of Arnold Jacob Wolf by Wolf, Arnold
Empire lost: France and Its Other Worlds by
The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire by
Milton's Scriptural Reasoning by Donnelly, Phillip J.
The American 1930s by Conn, Peter
Wordsworth, Commodification, and Social Concern by Simpson, David
The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan by
The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire by
Enter Pursued by a Bear: The Unknown Plays of Shakespeare-Neville 2nd Edition by Casson, John
Simon J. Ortiz: A Poetic Legacy of Indigenous Continuance by
Truthful Pictures: Slavery Ordained by God in the Domestic, Sentimental Novel of the Nineteenth Century South by Capitani, Diane N.
Clemens Brentano und seine "Rheinmärchen": Ausarbeitung des Themas für die Magisterklausur by Nedelcheva, Elmira
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