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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

The Catholic Side of Henry James by Fussell, Edwin Sill
Thomas Browne and the Writing of Early Modern Science by Preston, Claire
The Complete Works of John Milton: Volume II: The 1671 Poems: Paradise Regain'd and Samson Agonistes by Milton, John
Isaac Rosenberg: 21st-Century Oxford Authors by
Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus by Botley, Paul
A History of Korean Literature by
Philosophical Chaucer: Love, Sex, and Agency in the Canterbury Tales by Miller, Mark
Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism by Stauffer, Andrew M., Andrew M., Stauffer
Best Books for Young Adults by Koelling, Holly
Hoefische Festkultur im Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV. by Sammler, Ingrid
Die Bewertung des Ruhrdeutschen im Ruhrgebiet: Eine Fragebogenerhebung im Raum Hattingen by Kuß, Bettina
The Recovery of History as a Dialogic Process: The Role of Judith in David Bradley's "The Chaneysville Incident" by Schmidt, Theresa
Sprachliche und inhaltliche Analyse des Hildebrandliedes by Reichardt, Sabine
Uwe Timms Roman "Der Schlangenbaum". Zum Umgang mit kultureller Alterität in postkolonialen Gesellschaften by Hochmann, Björn
Information Literacy Assessment by Neely, Teresa Y.
Samuel Beckett and the question of God in Waiting for Godot by Patkovszky, Patricia
Wordsworth's Political Writings by
Was Ist Textkritik? by
James Joyce: A Critical Guide by Spinks, Lee
Deleuze and Queer Theory by
Deleuze and Queer Theory by
James Joyce: A Critical Guide by Spinks, Lee
Ellernklipp - Nach einem Harzer Kirchenbuch by Fontane, Theodor
Schach von Wuthenow - Erzählung aus der Zeit des Regiments Gensdarmes by Fontane, Theodor
Von Zwanzig bis Dreißig - 1. Teil: Berlin 1840 - Mein Leipzig lob' ich mir - Bei Kaiser Franz - Der Tunnel über der Spree - Aus dem Berliner literaris by Fontane, Theodor
Von Zwanzig bis Dreißig - 2. Teil: Fritz, Fritz, die Brücke kommt - Der achtzehnte März - In Bethanien - Im Hafen by Fontane, Theodor
Deutschland - Ein Wintermärchen by Heine, Heinrich
Atta Troll - Ein Sommernachtstraum by Heine, Heinrich
Imagination in Robert Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy" (1621) and in Renaissance Thought by Schug, Linda
Kinder als Agenten des Bösen - William Goldings Roman "Lord of the Flies" by Patkovszky, Patricia
Henrik Ibsen "Gespenster" - Analyse der Form und des Inhalts unter dem Aspekt des Naturalismus by Ludwig, Kirsten
"Auschwitz oder Die Frage nach Gott": Politisch engagierte Dokumentarliteratur - dargestellt an Rolf Hochhuths "Der Stellvertreter" und "Heil Hitler!" by Hagemeister, Daria
Contemporary Scottish Literature by McGuire, Matt
Mapping World Literature: International Canonization and Transnational Literatures by Rosendahl Thomsen, Mads
Late Medieval Spanish Studies in Honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin by
Louis MacNeice and the Poetry of the 1930s by Brown, Richard Danson
Contemporary Scottish Literature by McGuire, Matt
Fictions of Globalization: Consumption, the Market and the Contemporary American Novel by Annesley, James
The Reception of Blake in the Orient by
Joyce and Company by Pierce, David
Adorno and Literature by
Romanticism, Literature and Philosophy: Expressive Rationality in Rousseau, Kant, Wollstonecraft and Contemporary Theory by Swift, Simon
A Jungian Study of Shakespeare: The Visionary Mode by Fike, M.
Fifteenth-Century Studies 34 by
Life Writing by Haslam, Sara, Neale, Derek
Life and Letters in the Ancient Greek World by Muir, John
Undertones of Insurrection: Music and Cultural Politics in the Modern German Narrative by Weiner, Marc
A Guide to English Literature by Bateson, F. W.
Liberating Medicine, 1720-1835 by
Guilty Money: The City of London in Victorian and Edwardian Culture, 1815-1914 by Michie, Ranald C.
Ted Hughes by Bassnett, Susan
Asian-American Writers by
Scale and Stairs by Ra, Heeduck
Beyond the Spanish Tragedy: A Study of the Works of Thomas Kyd by Erne, Lukas
Faulkner's Place by Millgate, Michael
Jasmine and Stars: Reading More Than Lolita in Tehran by Keshavarz, Fatemeh
Oriki'badan by Doh, Emmanuel Fru
Revenge Tragedies of the Renaissance by Clare, Janet
Las historias de Ricardo by Ibáñez Miguel López, Juan
Modern Short Fiction of Southeast Asia: A Literary History by
Yellowstone's Hot Legends and Cool Myths by Rath, Robert
Soul of a People: The Wpa Writers' Project Uncovers Depression America by Taylor, David A.
Playback: The Magic of William S. Burroughs by
Soul of a People: The WPA Writers' Project Uncovers Depression America by Taylor, David A.
Germans as Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic by
Unamuno: Abel Sanchez by
Eikoh Hosoe: Barakei by
Death Gods: An Encyclopedia of the Rulers, Evil Spirits, and Geographies of the Dead by Abel, Ernest L.
Statistical Panic: Cultural Politics and Poetics of the Emotions by Woodward, Kathleen
The Palm at the End of the Mind: Relatedness, Religiosity, and the Real by Jackson, Michael
Gender and the Poetics of Excess: Moments of Brocade by Ford, Karen Jackson
Sallust: Rome and Jugurtha by Hawthorn, J. R.
Timon of Athens: The Oxford Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William, Middleton, Thomas
Bajo El Cielo Peruano: The Devout World of Peralta Barnuevo by
Biographical Dictionary of Anthropologists by Stewart, William
Transnationalism and American Literature: Literary Translation 1773-1892 by Boggs, Colleen G.
Writing Captivity in the Early Modern Atlantic: Circulations of Knowledge and Authority in the Iberian and English Imperial Worlds by Voigt, Lisa
Rewriting Womanhood: Feminism, Subjectivity, and the Angel of the House in the Latin American Novel, 1887-1903 by Lagreca, Nancy
Rewriting Womanhood: Feminism, Subjectivity, and the Angel of the House in the Latin American Novel, 1887-1903 by Lagreca, Nancy
Ovid Revisited: The Poet in Exile by Claassen, Jo-Marie
Basic Elements Narrative by Herman, David
After Winter: The Art and Life of Sterling A. Brown by
Religion and Revelry in Shakespeare's Festive World by Jensen, Phebe
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of World War II by
The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Jefferson by
Modernism, the Market and the Institution of the New by Rosenquist, Rod
The Cambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe by
The Persistence of Modernism by Detloff, Madelyn
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of World War II by
The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin by
The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Jefferson by
The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin by
The Cambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe by
Indian English by Pingali, Sailaja
C. S. Lewis by Hannay, Margaret Patterson
Indian English by Pingali, Sailaja
Film Sequels: Theory and Practice from Hollywood to Bollywood by Jess-Cooke, Carolyn
Diary of a Pilgrimage by Jerome, Jerome K.
Writing the Rapture: Prophecy Fiction in Evangelical America by Gribben, Crawford
Reading "Rotkäppchen": Sexual Connotations in Perrault's "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" and Brothers' Grimm "Rotkäppchen" by Schicker, Juliane
A John Steinbeck Reader: Essays in Honor of Stephen K. George by
Meine Kinderjahre - Autobiographischer Roman by Fontane, Theodor
The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America by Hajdu, David
Adolescence, love and sex in James Joyce's short stories "Araby" and "An Encounter" by Müller, Sarah
Die Elemente des romantischen Romans am Beispiel von Ludwig Tiecks "Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen" by Claassen, Moritz Alexander
risus sacer - sacrum risibile: Interaktionsfelder von Sakralitaet und Gelaechter im kulturellen und historischen Wandel by
The Mystic Way in Postmodernity: Transcending Theological Boundaries in the Writings of Iris Murdoch, Denise Levertov and Annie Dillard by Yore, Sue
The Problems of Literary Translation; A Study of the Theory and Practice of Translation from English into Spanish by Sanchez, Maria T.
C. M. Wieland: "Menander und Glycerion" Ein moderner Briefroman in antikem Dekor by Arnold, Franziska
Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere by Brickhouse, Anna
The Dynamics of Genre: Journalism and the Practice of Literature in Mid-Victorian Britain by Liddle, Dallas
The Dark Ages by Ker, W. P.
Catholicism in the English Protestant Imagination: Nationalism, Religion, and Literature, 1660 1745 by Tumbleson, Raymond D.
Poetry and Music in Medieval France: From Jean Renart to Guillaume de Machaut by Butterfield, Ardis
Milton and Heresy by
Edmund Burke and Ireland: Aesthetics, Politics and the Colonial Sublime by Gibbons, Luke
Modernism, Mass Culture, and the Aesthetics of Obscenity by Pease, Allison
Bachelors, Manhood, and the Novel, 1850 1925 by Snyder, Katherine V.
Service and Dependency in Shakespeare's Plays by Weil, Judith
Depression, War, Disability Be Damned: Praise God by Lee, Thomas Jay
Gastronomia Di Arghestrato Frammenti (1842) by Archestratus
Canti Popolari Inediti, Umbri, Liguri, Piceni, Piemontesi, Latini (1855) by Marcoaldi, Oreste
Beowulf (1884) by
Fabulae Aesopi Selectae, Or Select Fables Of Aesop: With An English Translation, More Literal Than Any Yet Extant (1789) by Aesop
Favole D'Esopo (1864) by Aesop
C. Velleii Paterculi Quae Supersunt Ex Historiae Romanae Libris Duobus (1836) by Paterculus, Velleius
Gu 'N D' Thug I Speis Do 'N Armunn: Sgeul (1908) by Mac Cormaig, Iain
Diario Fiorentino Dal 1450 Al 1516 (1883) by Landucci, Luca, Badia, Jodoco Del
Arte Italiana Del Rinascimento: Saggi Critici (1891) by Frizzoni, Gustavo
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote Da La Mancha Compuesto Por Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra, Part 1, IV Bandchen (1894) by Saavedra, Miguel De Cervantes
L'Eneide Di Virgilio V1 (1804) by Virgil
Aritmetica Prattica (1686) by Clavius, Christoph
Fatti Politici E Militari Avvenuti Nello Scorso Anno 1762 E Nel Corrente 1763 (1763) by Amsterdam
Poetique: Avec Des Extraits De La Politique Et Des Problemes (1878) by Egger, E., Aristotle
Discours Sur Les Devoirs, Les Qualites Et Les Connaissances Du Medecin, Avec Un Cours D' Etudes (1787) by Gregory, Jean
Cronica Degli Imperatori Romani (1878) by Ceruti, Antonio
Delle Cinque Piaghe Della Santa Chiesa: Trattato Dedicato Al Clero Cattolico (1863) by Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio
Demosthenes V1: With An English Commentary (1859) by Demosthenes
Duncan's Itinerary Of Scotland: With The Principal Roads To London (1820) by Duncan, James
Australiana: Or My Early Life (1886) by Henty, Richmond
Costanza Monti Perticari: Studio Su Documenti Inediti (1903) by Romano, Maria Elisabetta
Divorzio E Socialismo (1902) by Federici, Emilio
Benedetto Menzini: E Le Sue Satire, Studio Critico (1901) by Rago, Salvatore
Bangala: Mokanda Na Boso (1903) by Baptist Missionary Society
Diritto Internazionale Privato E Diritto Transitorio (1904) by Cavaglieri, Arrigo
Facezie Di Lodovico Carbone Ferrarese (1900) by Carbone, Ludovico
Federation, Colonial And British: Being An Exposition Of The Federal Systems Of Switzerland, The United States Of America, Canada And Germany (1891) by Stuart-Cansdell, Charles
Arithmetica Mercantile (1645) by Lando, Giovanni Giacomo
Critica Militante (1907) by Cesareo, Giovanni Alfredo
Canti Del Friuli (1912) by Nievo, Ippolito
Gu 'N D' Thug I Speis Do 'N Armunn: Sgeul (1908) by Mac Cormaig, Iain
Caterina Percoto (1919) by Giovanni, Alessio Di
Cantores Euphorionis: Sulle Relazioni Tra Cicerone E I Poeti Della Nuova Scuola Romana (1904) by Gandiglio, Adolfo
Cavalieri Moderni (1905) by Salazar, Fanny Zampini
Costantinopoli (1905) by Amicis, Edmondo De
Familiar Talks On Some Of Shakespeare's Comedies (1886) by Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley
Essays From The Rambler And The Idler: With Passages From The Lives Of The Poets, Prayers And Meditations, And Other Writings (1901) by Johnson, Samuel
Brunetiana: Recueil Dedie A Jocrisse (1803) by Chainaye, Armand H. Ragueneau De La
Die Argonauten (1779) by Apollonius
Caitlin Ni Uallacain, Drama Naisiunta: A Play (1905) by Yeats, William Butler
Friars And Filipinos: An Abridged Translation Of Dr. Jose Rizal's Tagalog Novel, Noli Me Tangere (1900) by Rizal, Jose
Die Horen, Eine Monatsschrift: Jahrgang 1797 (1797) by
Hercules Furens (1810) by Hermann, Gottfried, Euripides
Early Jugoslav Literature, 1000-1800 (1922) by Stanoyevich, Milivoy Stoyan
Briefe Theodor Fontanes (1909) by Fontane, Theodor
Horatii Romani Porcaria: Seu De Coniuratione Stephani Porcarii Carmen Cum Aliis Eiusdem Quae Inveniri Potuerunt Carminibus (1907) by Horatius, Romanus
Essays On Modern Dramatists (1921) by Phelps, William Lyon
Bibelots (1904) by Poppenberg, Felix
Freidrich Schlegel Fragmente (1904) by Schlegel, Friedrich Von
Fedele: Ed Altri Racconti (1905) by Fogazzaro, Antonio
Back To Hampton Roads: Cruise Of The United States Atlantic Fleet From San Francisco To Hampton Roads, July 7, 1908 To February 22, 1909 (190 by Matthews, Franklin
Formen der Redewiedergabe in Zeitungstexten by Werner, Linda
The Prose of Life: Russian Women Writers from Khrushchev to Putin by Sutcliffe, Benjamin M.
Discours Politiques De David Hume (1754) by Hume, David
French And German Socialism In Modern Times (1883) by Ely, Richard Theodore
E. Spenser: Interpretation und Vergleich von Sonett 54 und 71 by Kraetzig, Ann-Kathleen
Euripidis Medea: In Usum Studiosae Juventutis (1822) by Hermann, Gottfried, Elmsley, Petrus, Euripides
Dramas E Commedia Di Paolo Ferrari: Il Duello, Gli Uomini Serj, Marianna, Il Poltrone (1862) by Ferrari, Paolo
Fabulae Aesopi Selectae, Or Select Fables Of Aesop: With An English Translation, More Literal Than Any Yet Extant (1789) by Aesop
Fatti Politici E Militari Avvenuti Nello Scorso Anno 1762 E Nel Corrente 1763 (1763) by Amsterdam
Antignome Fisico-Matematiche Con Il Nuovo Orbe (1667) by Rossetti, Donato
Ballate: La Morte Di Adamo (1870) by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, Burger, Gottfried August
Phaedri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum, Libri Quinque (1838) by Phaedrus
Favole D'Esopo (1864) by Aesop
Facezie Di Lodovico Carbone Ferrarese (1900) by Carbone, Ludovico
Antwoord Op De Vraag: Voorgesteld Door Het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap Van Kunsten En Wetenschappen (1783) by Barneveld, Willem Van, Muller, Joachim Fredrik
Favorite English Poems V1, Chaucer To Pope: A Collection Of Some Of The Most Celebrated Poems In The Language (1863) by Sampson Low Son and Company
Facing The Hindenburg Line: Personal Observations At The Fronts And In The Camps Of The British, French, Americans, And Italians, During The Campa by Jenkins, Burris Atkins
Fragments And Specimens Of Early Latin: With Introductions And Notes (1874) by Wordsworth, John
Dissertation Sur L'Hyene, A L'Occasion De Celle Qui A Paru Dans Le Lyonnois Et Les Provinces Voisines, Vers Les Derniers Mois De 1754, Pendant 1755 Et by Tolomas, Charles-Pierre-Xavier
Bygone Derbyshire (1892) by
Federation, Colonial And British: Being An Exposition Of The Federal Systems Of Switzerland, The United States Of America, Canada And Germany (1891) by Stuart-Cansdell, Charles
Bygone Essex (1892) by
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Omnia V10 (1821) by Tacitus, Cornelius
Dissertazioni Sopra Varj Punti Interessanti D'Istoria V1: Ecclesiastica, Pontificia, E Canonica (1778) by Cenni, Gaetano
Essays From The Rambler And The Idler: With Passages From The Lives Of The Poets, Prayers And Meditations, And Other Writings (1901) by Johnson, Samuel
Eight Orations Of Cicero: Together With Selected Passages And Letters (1903) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Apologia Del V5, De La Historia Literaria De Espana: Con Dos Cartas Sobre El Mismo Asunto, Que Sirven De Introduccion (1779) by Mohedano, Pedro Rodriguez, Rafael, Father
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Sammtliche Schriften V8 (1855) by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Essays From The Times V1: Being A Selection From The Literary Papers Which Have Appeared In That Journal (1871) by Phillips, Samuel
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