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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

Maria Graham: A Literary Biography by Akel, Regina
Der 'Titurel' Wolframs von Eschenbach im Fokus der intertextuellen Bezüge zum 'Parzival' by Mogk, Carsten
A Midsummer Night's Dream by White, Martin
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre by Lodge, Sara
Tom Stoppard's Arcadia by Fleming, John
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre by Lodge, Sara
The Reception of James Joyce in Europe by
Ghosts, Metaphor, and History in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude by Erickson, D.
Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East by Wise, C.
The North Shore Literary Trail: From Bradstreet's Andover to Hawthorne's Salem by Bierfelt, Kristin
The Politics of Writing: Julia Kavanagh, 1824-77 by Fauset, Eileen
Evelyn Sharp: Rebel Woman, 1869-1955 by John, Angela
Secret Identity Crisis: Comic Books and the Unmasking of Cold War America by Costello, Matthew J.
Slaves to Sweetness: British and Caribbean Literatures of Sugar by Plasa, Carl
Myth by Coupe, Laurence
Heroines of Jiangyong: Chinese Narrative Ballads in Women's Script by
Landscaping Postcoloniality. The Dissemination of Cameroon Anglophone Literature by Ashuntantang, Joyce B.
John Clare and the Place of Poetry by Gorji, Mina
Evelyn Sharp: Rebel Woman, 1869-1955 by John, Angela
The Golden Age of the Classics in America by Richard, Carl J.
Eulenspiegel. Eine Auswahl aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht Ins Neuhochdeutsche übertragen von Roland F. Lukner by Bote, Hermann
Autism and Representation by
This Business of Living: Diaries 1935-1950 by Pavese, Cesare
Constructing the Stalinist Body: Fictional Representations of Corporeality in the Stalinist 1930s by Livers, Keith A.
The Subject of Love: Hélène Cixous and the Feminine Divine by Renshaw, Sal
A Writer's Diary by Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Roots of Things: Essays by Kumin, Maxine
Classics and Contemporaries: Some Notes on Horror Fiction by Joshi, S. T.
Crime, Law and Society in the Later Middle Ages by
Exotic Moscow Under Western Eyes by Masing-Delic, Irene
Words as Swords: Verbal Violence as a Construction of Authority in Renaissance and Contemporary English Drama. by Sila, Senlen
Cosmopolitan Culture and Consumerism in Chick Lit by Smith, Caroline J.
A Writer's Eye: Collected Book Reviews by Welty, Eudora
Reid's Read-Alouds: Selections for Children and Teens by Reid, Rob
Future Imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the Movies by Vest, Jason P.
Under the Sign of the Shield: Semiotics and Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes by Zeitlin, Froma I.
The Comics Journal #296 by
Territory of Desire: Representing the Valley of Kashmir by Kabir, Ananya Jahanara
Worrying about China: The Language of Chinese Critical Inquiry by Davies, Gloria
Genders by Glover, David, Kaplan, Cora
Simplicissimus: The German Adventurer by Christof Von Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob
Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot by Taylor-Batty, Mark, Taylor-Batty, Juliette
Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History by Love, Heather
Freedom Come by Freeman, Diane
Freedom Come by Freeman, Diane
Absence Where as: Claude Cahun and the Unopened Book by Nathanaël
James Joyce in Context by
Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy Volume 27 by Waldrop, Keith
Virgil and the Mountain Cat: Poems Volume 25 by Lau, David
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism by
The Human Body in Contemporary Literatures in English: Cultural and Political Implications by
The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness, and the Creation of Roget's Thesaurus by Kendall, Joshua
The Republic in Print: Print Culture in the Age of U.S. Nation Building, 1770-1870 by Loughran, Trish
The Fantastic Horizon: Essays and Reviews by Schweitzer, Darrell
Phenomenology or Deconstruction?: The Question of Ontology in Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Ricoeur and Jean-Luc Nancy by Watkin, Christopher
With Deer =: Hos Radjur by Berg, Aase
Giovanni Milton E L'Italia (1907) by Allodoli, Ettore
Perizia Psichiatrica (1904) by Bonfigli, C., Mingazzini, Giovanni, Montesano, F.
Girgenti: Da Segesta A Selinunte (1903) by Rocco, Serafino, Mauceri, Enrico
Espiazione: Romanzo (1902) by Moriana, Leone Di
Pessimismo Orientale (1902) by Pizzi, Italo
Delitti Vecchi E Delitti Nuovi (1902) by Lombroso, Cesare
Impressioni D' America (1908) by Giacosa, Giuseppe
Dal Tuo Al Mio (1906) by Verga, Giovanni
Gnomologia Della Divina Commedia (1903) by Acquaticci, Giulio
Dalle Grandi Guerre: Grandi Capitani, La Campagna Del 1870 (1904) by Ferrario, Carlo
Origine Della Sovranita' Inglese Su Malta (1907) by Mifsud, Alfredo
Donna Juanita: Operetta In Tre Atti (1907) by Walzel, Camillo, Genee, Richard, Suppe, Franz Von
Elias Portolu: Romanzo (1903) by Deledda, Grazia
Lex Talionis: An Analysis Of The Forces Whose Resultant Produced The Treaty Of Versailles (1922) by Hills, Ralph Warren
Duello D'Anime: Romanzo (1911) by Neera
Geometria Metrica E Trigonometria (1918) by Pincherle, Salvatore
Dante E Boezio: Contributo Allo Studio Delle Fonti Dantesche (1905) by Murari, Rocco
Doveri Sociali, Dell'Eta Presente: Letture Educative Popolari (1903) by Vidari, Giovanni
El Imperio Jesuitico: Ensayo Historico (1907) by Lugones, Leopoldo
Goethes Gesprache Mit J. P. Eckermann V1 (1908) by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Eckermann, Johann Peter
Descrizione Compendiosa Dei Musei Dell'Antica Scultura: Greca E Romana Nel Palazzo Vaticano (1903) by Massi, E. G.
Il Valdarno: Da Firenze Al Mare (1906) by Carocci, Guido
Cycles Of Prosperity And Depression In The United States, Great Britain, And Germany: A Study Of Montly Data, 1902-1908 (1921) by Hansen, Alvin Harvey
Feticisti Carduccin: Con Lettere Di Mario Rapisardi E Pierre Gauthiez (1912) by Ladenarda, Enotrio
Franco Sacchetti: Novelliere (1902) by Francia, Letterio Di
Les Idees Morales De Victor Hugo (1908) by Souriau, Maurice Anatole
Goethe Im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert (1905) by Bolsche, Wilhelm
Little Plays Of St. Francis: A Dramatic Cycle From The Life And Legend Of St. Francis Of Assisi (1922) by Housman, Laurence
Elena: Poema Lirico, 1893-1897 (1901) by Garoglio, Diego
Dryden's Sir Martin Mar-All: In Bezug Auf Seine Quellen (1906) by Albrecht, L.
Gaisford Greek Prose, 1908: Warren Hastings' Defense Of His Administration In India (1908) by Hunter, Leslie Whitaker
Literatur: Drei Gespreche (1907) by Schaukal, Richard Von
Dagar Och Handelser: Tal, Uppsatser Och Fantasier (1912) by Heidenstam, Verner Von
Lessings Laokoon (1907) by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, Schmarsow, August
Ecce Poeta (1912) by Friedell, Egon
Georgii Lacapeni Epistulae X Priores Cum Epimerismis Editae (1910) by Lacapenus, Georgius, Lindstam, Sigfrid
Matthias Claudius Werke (1902) by Claudius, Matthias
Englishmen's Liberties, Rights, And Duties: Described In A Clear, Rational Manner (1816) by Anonymous
Della Tipografia Veronese: Saggio Storico-Letterario (1871) by Giuliari, Giambattista Carlo
Levia Gravia: 1861-1867 (1881) by Carducci, Giosue
Oeuvres De Joseph Droz, De L'Academie Francaise V2 (1826) by Droz, Joseph-Francois-Xavier
Della Tirannide Libri 2 (1848) by Alfieri, Vittorio
Gli Ezzelini Dante E Gli Schiavi: Roma E La Schiavitu Personale Domestica (1897) by Zamboni, Filippo
Exercises For Greek Verse (1833) by Squire, Edmund
Della Vera Sapienza V1 (1860) by Romano, Emidio
Thackeray's Lectures On The English Humorists Of The Eighteenth Century (1885) by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Don Carlos, Prince Royal Of Spain: A Historical Drama (1798) by Schiller, Friedrich
Lectures On The German Mineral Waters And On Their Rational Employment (1865) by Sutro, Sigismund
Exercises In Analysis And Parsing (1878) by Ripley, Mary A.
Horae Momenta Cravenae Or The Craven Dialect: Exemplified In Two Dialogues, Between Farmer Giles And His Neighbor Bridget (1824) by Carr, William
Fabeln, Epigrammen Und Erzahlungen (1786) by Kazner, Johann Friedrich August
De La Tragedie, Part 1: Pour Servir De Suite Aux Lettres A Voltaire (1784) by Voltaire, Clement, Jean Marie Bernard
Horace Epistles, Book 2: And Epistola Ad Pisones, Or Art Of Poetry (1880) by Horace
Exercises In Idiomatic Italian: Through Literal Translation From The English (1867) by Rossetti, Maria Francesca
Fables D'Antoine Vitallis (1796) by Vitallis, Antoine
The Insurrection in Dublin by Stephens, James
Dell'Accessione Per Dritto Romano Dell' Avvocato Bne Bartolomeo D'Ondes Rao (1874) by Rao, Bartolomeo D'Ondes
Francesco Dall'Ongaro (1873) by Barbiera, Carlo Raffaello
Dryden's Palamon And Arcite: Or The Knight's Tale From Chaucer (1913) by Chaucer, Geoffrey, Dryden, John
Notes On Greek Manuscripts In Italian Libraries (1890) by Allen, Thomas William
Eduardo Fabbri Ricordi (1887) by Pignocchi, Teodolinda Franceschi
Francesco Petrarca: A Novara E La Sua Aringa Ai Novaresi (1876) by Negroni, Carlo, Petrarca, Francesco
King Alfred's Orosius, Part 1: Old English Text And Latin Original (1883) by
Le Pratiche Delle Due Prime Mathematiche Di Pietro De Catani Da Siena (1546) by Cataneo, Pietro
Epistola Di Dante Alighieri: Al Popolo Fiorentino (1865) by Alighieri, Dante
Imogen: And Other Poems (1871) by Greene, William Batchelder
Exercises In The Composition Of Greek Iambic Verse: By Translation From English Dramatists (1879) by
Dell' Allegoria Principale Della Divina Commedia (1880) by Fenaroli, Giuliano
Lionello V1-2: O Delle Societa Secrete (1856) by Napoli
Impara L'Arte: Commedia In Tre Atti (1872) by Castelnovo, Leo Di
Dell' Andamento Delle Cose In Italia (1860) by Pianciani, Luigi
Epistolae Celeberrimorum Virorum: Nempe H. Grotii, G. J. Vossii, A. Schotti, J. Wouerii, D. Heinsii C. Gevartii, I. F. Gronouii, G. Patini, N. Heinsii by Brantii, Jani
D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae (1819) by Juvenal
Fumo: Nuovi Versi (1886) by Chiara, Stanislao De
Effusions Of Genius (1829) by Ribbans, Rebecca
Le Tartuffe Ou L'Imposteur: Comedie (1669) by Moliere
Dell' Arbitrio E Dell' Imputabilita (1886) by Michetti, Antonio
Le Razze Umane E Il Diritto Nella Questione Coloniale (1896) by Ghisleri, Arcangelo
Hornik: Almanah Kutnohorsky (1862) by Tiskem Bedricha Stybla
Dell' Architettura Egiziana: Dissertazione D' Un Corrispondente Dell' Accademia Delle Scienze Di Parigi, Membro Dell' Istituto Di Bologna (1786) by Belgrado, Jacopo
Histoire De Pierre De Provence: Et De La Belle Maguelonne (1776) by Castillon, Jean
Imperfect Hints Towards A New Edition Of Shakespeare: Written Chiefly In The Year 1782 (1787) by Felton, Samuel
Little Plays Of St. Francis: A Dramatic Cycle From The Life And Legend Of St. Francis Of Assisi (1922) by Housman, Laurence
The Theatrical Remembrancer: Containing A Complete List Of All The Dramatic Performances In The English Language (1788) by Egerton, Thomas, Egerton, John
Le Sandrin, Ou Verd Galand: Ou Sont Naivement Deduits Les Plaisirs De La Vie Rustique (1609) by Du Brueil, Antoine
Notes On Italy And Rhenish Germany: With Professional Notices Of The Climates Of Nice, Pisa, Florence, Rome, And Naples (1835) by Lee, Edwin
Dell' Arte Istorica (1859) by Mascardi, Agostino
Le Satire Di Q. Orazio Flacco (1759) by Horace, Corsetti, Francesco
Egitto (1897) by Cagni, Manfredo
Impressioni Letterarie (1875) by Molmenti, Pompeo G.
Francisci Petrarchae Vita (1799) by Fabroni, Angelo
Long Heads And Round Heads: Or What's The Matter With Germany (1918) by Sadler, William Samuel
Dell' Arte Poetica Ragionamenti Cinque (1768) by Zanotti, Francesco Maria
Giulio Cesare: Tragedia (1847) by Shakespeare, William
Le Sculture E Le Pitture Di Antonio Canova (1796) by Tadini, Faustino
Dain Spioradail (1897) by Grannd, Padruig
Fisiologia Generale: Saggio Sulla Teoria Della Vita (1898) by Verworn, Max
Demosthenis Orationes De Republica Duodecim V2 (1755) by Demosthenes
Longfellow Leaflets: Poems And Prose Passages From The Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, For Reading And Recitation (1891) by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Les Entretiens Du Palais-Royal, Part 2 (1786) by Mercier, Louis-Sebastien
Pernette (1869) by de Laprade, Victor
Longfellow's Evangeline (1905) by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Dubrovacka Knjizevnost (1900) by Stojanovic, Ivan
Giunte Torinesi Al Vocabolario Della Crusca (1843) by Somis, Giovanni Battista
Giuseppe Garibaldi: Memorie Sulla Sua Vita (1882) by Venosta, Felice
Impressions Of Australia (1889) by Dale, Robert William
L'Italiana In Algeri: Comic Drama In Two Acts (1919) by Anelli, Angelo
Giuseppe Mazzini: Notizie Storiche (1863) by Luigi, Stefanoni
Milton's Paradise Lost, Books 1-2 (1896) by Milton, John
Ducal Haps: A Drama In Four Acts (1901) by Guerre, Frank De
Literary Hours: By Various Friends (1837) by Various Friends
Feste (1883) by Pasqualucci, Loreto, Bonafaccia, Augusto
Don Sebastian, King Of Portugal: A Lyric Drama In Five Acts (1864) by Scribe, Donizetti, Gaetano
Ellen Seymour: And Other Poems (1868) by Heath, Thomas
Literary Landmarks Of Boston: A Visitor's Guide To Points Of Literary Interest In And About Boston (1903) by Swift, Lindsay
Due Commedie E Una Novella Del Segretario Fiorentino (1733) by Machiavelli, Niccola
Le Tartuffe Epistolaire Demasque: Ou Epitre Tres-Familiere A M. Le Marquis Caraccioli (1777) by Bonnaud, Jacques Julien
Due Orazioni Di Francesco Filelfo In Lode Dello Illustrissimo Poeta Dante Alighieri (1867) by Filelfo, Francesco
Due Saggi Critici Sulla Nuova Scuola Penale V4: Biblioteca Francesco Paolo Richhizzi (1888) by Tuozzi, Pasquale
Festive Notes On The History And Adventures Of The Renowned Don Quixote (1768) by Gayton, Edmund
Gl' Italiani In Terra Santa: Reminiscenze E Ricerche Storich (1872) by Guarmani, Carlo
Le Tartuffe Ou L'Imposteur: Comedie (1669) by Moliere
Literary Landmarks Of Jerusalem (1895) by Hutton, Laurence
Notes On Shakespeare And Memorials Of The Urban Club: Comprising A Succinct Account Of The Life And Times Of The Great Dramatist (1877) by Jeremiah, John
Daisy's Necklace: And What Came Of It, A Literary Episode (1857) by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Alciphronis Rhetoris Epistolae, Graece Et Latine (1791) by Alciphron
Le Temple Du Goust (1733) by Voltaire
Dionysius Longinus On The Sublime (1739) by Longinus, Dionysius
Literary Landmarks Of Rome (1897) by Hutton, Laurence
Dal 48 Al 60: Ricordi Storici (1890) by Simoncini-Scaglione, Giovanni
Notes On Shakespeare's Workmanship (1917) by Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas
Gesuiti (1882) by Siano, Che Cosa
L'Avare, Comedie Par Monsieur De Moliere: The Miser, A Comedy, Now Done Into English (1732) by Moliere
De Metris Liber E Vetustis Thesauri Gulherbytani Membranis Antea Protulerat (1766) by Theodorus, Mallius
Der Patriot, Erstes Jahr: Reue Und Verbesserte Ausgabe, Mit Vollstandigem Register (1747) by Conrad Konig
Dal Molino Di Cerbaia A Cala Martina (1886) by
Glanlua: And Other Poems (1889) by Larminie, William
Jane The Quene: Being Some Account Of The Life And Literary Remains Of Lady Jane Dudley, Commonly Called Lady Jane Grey (1900) by Sidney, Philip
Michaelis Antonii Vassalli Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum, Sive, Grammatica Melitensis (1791) by Vassalli, Michele Antonio
Doric Lays And Lyrics (1870) by Thomson, James
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours V16: Devoted To Light And Entertaining Literature (1874) by Leslie, Frank
Dalle Novelle Di Canterbury (1897) by Chaucer, Geoffrey
How The Peasant Owner Lives In Parts Of France, Germany, Italy, Russia (1888) by Verney, Frances Parthenope
Literary Rambles: At Home And Abroad (1900) by Wolfe, Theodore Frelinghuysen
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