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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2013

Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. III: The House of Fame: The Legend of Good Women, the Treatise on the Astrolabe with an Account of the Source by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 4.6-9 by
Enid Blyton at Old Thatch by Livingstone, Tess
Elizabeth Inchbald's Reputation: A Publishing and Reception History by Robertson, Ben P.
The Rash Resolve and Life's Progress: by Eliza Haywood by Stewart, Carol
Creating Postcolonial Literature: African Writers and British Publishers by Davis, C.
Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn: Intertextuality in the Work of Seamus Heaney, Tom Paulin and Medbh McGuckian by Schwerter, S.
The History of British Women's Writing, 1750-1830: Volume Five by
Erotic Memoirs and Postfeminism: The Politics of Pleasure by Gwynne, J.
Teaching Shakespeare Beyond the Centre: Australasian Perspectives by
Welsh Writing, Political Action and Incarceration: Branwen's Starling by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Translation and Fantasy Literature in Taiwan: Translators as Cultural Brokers and Social Networkers by Chung, Y.
Shakespeare and the Urgency of Now: Criticism and Theory in the 21st Century by
Sexy Blake by
The Postcolonial Country in Contemporary Literature by Loh, L.
A Harold Pinter Chronology by Baker, W.
Transgressive Fiction: The New Satiric Tradition by Mookerjee, R.
Natural Disasters and Victorian Empire: Famines, Fevers and the Literary Cultures of South Asia by Mukherjee, U.
Modernism and Nostalgia: Bodies, Locations, Aesthetics by
Reading Historical Fiction: The Revenant and Remembered Past by Mitchell, Kate
Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Nordic Noir on Page and Screen by
Class and the Canon: Constructing Labouring-Class Poetry and Poetics, 1780-1900 by
Middlebrow Feminism in Classic British Detective Fiction: The Female Gentleman by Schaub, M.
Charles Dickens and the Sciences of Childhood: Popular Medicine, Child Health and Victorian Culture by Boehm, K.
The Ecology of British Romantic Conservatism, 1790-1837 by Castellano, Katey
Visions of Britain, 1730-1830: Anglo-Scottish Writing and Representation by Mitchell, Sebastian
New Formalist Criticism: Theory and Practice by Bogel, F.
Shakespeare and Conflict: A European Perspective by
Chinese Literature and the Child: Children and Childhood in Late-Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction by Foster, K.
Coleridge and the Nature of Imagination: Evolution, Engagement with the World, and Poetry by Ward, D.
Social Reform in Gothic Writing: Fantastic Forms of Change, 1764-1834 by LeDoux, Ellen Malenas
Men of Feeling in Eighteenth-Century Literature: Touching Fiction by Wetmore, A.
Feminine Subjects in Masculine Fiction: Modernity, Will and Desire, 1870-1910 by Miller, M.
Literature, Journalism, and the Vocabularies of Liberalism: Politics and Letters, 1886-1916 by MacLeod, J.
Letters and Literacy in Hollywood Film by Gallafent, E.
The Contemporary Novel and the City: Re-Conceiving National and Narrative Form by Khanna, S.
Componential Analysis of Kinship Terminology: A Computational Perspective by Pericliev, V.
Jane Austen the Reader: The Artist as Critic by Murphy, O.
Romanticism and the Gold Standard: Money, Literature, and Economic Debate in Britain 1790-1830 by Dick, A.
Romantic Hellenism and Women Writers by Comet, N.
India in Britain: South Asian Networks and Connections, 1858-1950 by Nasta, Susheila
Debating Orientalism by Bernard, Anna, Attwell, David
Violence, Narrative and Myth in Joyce and Yeats: Subjective Identity and Anarcho-Syndicalist Traditions by Balinisteanu, T.
The Female Servant and Sensation Fiction: 'Kitchen Literature' by Steere, E.
Decadent Poetics: Literature and Form at the British Fin de Siècle by
Queer Narratives of the Caribbean Diaspora: Exploring Tactics by Pecic, Z.
BDSM in American Science Fiction and Fantasy by Call, L.
Consciousness in Modernist Fiction: A Stylistic Study by Sotirova, V.
Emily Dickinson: A Literary Life by Wagner-Martin, L.
Epistolary Encounters in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Diaries and Letters by Brindle, K.
Staged Transgression in Shakespeare's England by
Habit in the English Novel, 1850-1900: Lived Environments, Practices of the Self by O'Toole, S.
Victorian Celebrity Culture and Tennyson's Circle by MILLIM, A., Boyce, C., Finnerty, P.
Melancholy and Literary Biography, 1640-1816 by Darcy, J.
Victorian Time: Technologies, Standardizations, Catastrophes by
Disorientation: Muslim Identity in Contemporary Anglophone Literature by Santesso, E.
Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle: Multi-Media Afterlives by
The New War Plays: From Kane to Harris by Boll, J.
Writing Early Modern London: Memory, Text and Community by Gordon, A.
Women of Letters, Manuscript Circulation, and Print Afterlives in the Eighteenth Century: Elizabeth Rowe, Catharine Cockburn and Elizabeth Carter by Bigold, M.
Romanticism and the Rural Community by White, S.
Writing Postcommunism: Towards a Literature of the East European Ruins by Williams, D.
Storytelling: Critical and Creative Approaches by
Utopianism, Modernism, and Literature in the Twentieth Century by
The Invention of Deconstruction by Currie, M.
Romanticism and Blackwood's Magazine: 'An Unprecedented Phenomenon' by
Multilingualism in Modernist Fiction by Taylor-Batty, J.
Violence and the Limits of Representation by
The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Shelley by Garrett, M.
Performing European Memories: Trauma, Ethics, Politics by Gluhovic, Milija
Thomas Hardy and Desire: Conceptions of the Self by Thomas, Jane
Community in Twentieth-Century Fiction by
Landscape and Literature 1830-1914: Nature, Text, Aura by Ebbatson, R.
Performing Privacy and Gender in Early Modern Literature by Trull, M.
Women in Transit Through Literary Liminal Spaces by
The Postfeminist Biopic: Narrating the Lives of Plath, Kahlo, Woolf and Austen by Polaschek, B.
Romance on the Early Modern Stage: English Expansion Before and After Shakespeare by Mulready, Cyrus
'Post'-9/11 South Asian Diasporic Fiction: Uncanny Terror by Liao, P.
Twenty-First Century Fiction: What Happens Now by
Writing Lives in China, 1600-2010: Histories of the Elusive Self by Dryburgh, Marjorie, Dauncey, Sarah
Contemporary Women's Poetry and Urban Space: Experimental Cities by Skoulding, Z.
Literature of an Independent England: Revisions of England, Englishness and English Literature by
The History of British Women's Writing, 1690 - 1750: Volume Four by
American 'unculture' in French Drama: Homo Americanus and the Post-1960 French Resistance by Essif, Les
Rape in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy and Beyond: Contemporary Scandinavian and Anglophone Crime Fiction by
Thanking and Politeness in Japanese: Balancing Acts in Interaction by Ohashi, J.
The Intermedial Experience of Horror: Suspended Failures by Toikkanen, J.
Ecocriticism and Women Writers: Environmentalist Poetics of Virginia Woolf, Jeanette Winterson, and Ali Smith by Kostkowska, J.
Silence and Subject in Modern Literature: Spoken Violence by Olsson, U.
Reading Migration and Culture: The World of East African Indian Literature by Ojwang, Dan
Tennessee Williams by Bak, J.
New Formalisms and Literary Theory by
Postal Plots in British Fiction, 1840-1898: Readdressing Correspondence in Victorian Culture by Rotunno, L.
Vibratory Modernism by
The Landscapes of the Sublime 1700-1830: Classic Ground by Duffy, C.
The Celtic Revival in Shakespeare's Wake: Appropriation and Cultural Politics in Ireland, 1867-1922 by Putz, A.
The Aesthetics of Spectacle in Early Modern Drama and Modern Cinema: Robert Greene's Theatre of Attractions by Sager, J.
John Banville's Narcissistic Fictions by O'Connell, M.
Literature in the Public Service: Sublime Bureaucracy by Sullivan, C.
Women and Exile in Contemporary Irish Fiction by McWilliams, Ellen
Creating Romanticism: Case Studies in the Literature, Science and Medicine of the 1790s by Ruston, S.
The Moor and the Novel: Narrating Absence in Early Modern Spain by Quinn, Mary B.
The Writer on Film: Screening Literary Authorship by
Reinventing the Renaissance: Shakespeare and His Contemporaries in Adaptation and Performance by
Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760-1830 by Cook, Daniel
The Irish New Woman by O'Toole, Tina
Tennyson and the Fabrication of Englishness by Sherwood, M.
Shakespeare's Anti-Politics: Sovereign Power and the Life of the Flesh by Gil, D.
Friendship and Allegiance in Eighteenth-Century Literature: The Politics of Private Virtue in the Age of Walpole by Jones, Emrys
Second Language Identity in Narratives of Study Abroad by Bodycott, P., Benson, P., Barkhuizen, G.
The Novels of Walter Scott and His Literary Relations: Mary Brunton, Susan Ferrier and Christian Johnstone by Monnickendam, A.
The Rival Widows, or Fair Libertine (1735) by
Trauma Narratives and Herstory by
Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires: Dark Blood by
Perceiving Pain in African Literature by Norridge, Z.
Water and fire: The myth of the flood in Anglo-Saxon England by Anlezark, Daniel
Comics in French: The European Bande Dessinée in Context by Grove, Laurence
Under Postcolonial Eyes: Figuring the Jew in Contemporary British Writing by Sicher, Efraim, Weinhouse, Linda
Bad Form: Social Mistakes and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Puckett, Kent
Demosthenes' Neun philippische Reden by Demosthenes
Sense & Sensibility by Austen, Jane
Letters of George Sand, Vol. II (in Three Volumes) by Sand, George
The Postcolonial Short Story: Contemporary Essays by March-Russell, Paul, Awadalla, Maggie
Spectral Shakespeares: Media Adaptations in the Twenty-First Century by Calbi, M.
Tragically Speaking: On the Use and Abuse of Theory for Life by Nikolopoulou, Kalliopi
Shakespeare Up Close: Reading Early Modern Texts by
Mind-Travelling and Voyage Drama in Early Modern England by McInnis, D.
La Reterritorialización de Lo Humano: Una Teoría de Las Vanguardias Americanas by Bosshard, Marco Thomas
Alicia Kozameh: Ética, Estética, Y Las Acrobacias de la Palabra Escrita by
Full Teleón: Sierpes de León de Greiff by Mazzoldi, Bruno
Material Culture and Sedition, 1688-1760: Treacherous Objects, Secret Places by Pittock, M.
Letters of George Sand, Vol. III (in Three Volumes) by Sand, George
Unbecoming Americans: Writing Race and Nation from the Shadows of Citizenship, 1945-1960 by Keith, Joseph
Love for Sale: And Other Essays by Thompson, Clifford
Juan Criollo (Large Print Edition) by Loveira, Carlos
Literature and Architecture in Early Modern England by Myers, Anne M.
Georgette Heyer by Kloester, Jennifer
Rethinking Chineseness: Translational Sinophone Identities in the Nanyang Literary World by Tan, E. K.
Questions of Influence in Modern French Literature by
Transitions and Transformations: Literature, Politics, and Culture by Winduo, Steven Edmund
Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage by Wynne, C.
Cannibalism in Literature and Film by Brown, J.
Discourses of Ageing in Fiction and Feminism: The Invisible Woman by King, J.
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Literature by
Dime Novels and the Roots of American Detective Fiction by Bedore, P.
The Inhabited Ruins of Central Europe: Re-Imagining Space, History, and Memory by
Literary Politics: The Politics of Literature and the Literature of Politics by
The Rural Gothic in American Popular Culture: Backwoods Horror and Terror in the Wilderness by Murphy, B.
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. by Hawkins, John
Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race by
Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race by
Hamlet Made Simple and Other Essays by Gontar, David P.
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. III: The House of Fame: The Legend of Good Women, the Treatise on the Astrolabe with an Account of the Source by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Letters of George Sand, Vol. I (in Three Volumes) by Sand, George
Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol. VII: Chaucerian and Other Pieces, Being a Supplement to the Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (in Seven Volu by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Bibliothèque Allemande, Journal de Littérature. Tome 2 by Sans Auteur
The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Lessons in Humility: 40 Years of Teaching by Dickins, Barry
Transnational Gothic: Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century by Elbert, Monika
Writing Beyond Prophecy: Emerson, Hawthorne, and Melville After the American Renaissance by Kevorkian, Martin
Manifesting Possible Futures: towards a new genre of literature by Woodcock, John C.
Scientific Sherlock Holmes: Cracking the Case with Science and Forensics by O'Brien, James
The Romance of Race: Incest, Miscegenation, and Multiculturalism in the United States, 1880-1930 by Sheffer, Jolie A.
The Romance of Race: Incest, Miscegenation, and Multiculturalism in the United States, 1880-1930 by Sheffer, Jolie A.
Baroque Sovereignty: Carlos de Sigüenza Y Góngora and the Creole Archive of Colonial Mexico by More, Anna
The Hemingway Short Story: A Study in Craft for Writers and Readers by Lamb, Robert Paul
Mark Twain and Male Friendship: The Twichell, Howells, and Rogers Friendships by Messent, Peter
A Hunt for Optimism by Shklovsky, Viktor
Daylight in the Yard by Rudyagin, Gennady
Die Begegnung von Faust und Helena in "Faust II" by Unterberger, Gisela
The Metaphysics of Text by Chaudhuri, Sukanta
The Tragi-Comedy of Victorian Fatherhood by Sanders, Valerie
New Essays on Umberto Eco by
National Life and Character in the Mirror of Early English Literature. by Edmund Dale by Dale, Edmund
Peter and Wendy by Barrie, James Matthew
A Christmas Carol: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas by Dickens, Charles
Tales of Mystery, Imagination, and Humour: And Poems by Poe, Edgar Allan
Silas Marner by Eliot, George
Casa Guidi Windows by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Poems by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
A Christmas Carol: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas by Dickens, Charles
The Eighteen-Seventies: Essays by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature. Edited by Harley Granville-Barker by
Henry VIII and His Afterlives: Literature, Politics, and Art. Edited by Mark Rankin, Christopher Highley, John N. King by
Native Americans and Anglo-American Culture, 1750-1850 by
The Eighteen-Sixties: Essays by the Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature. Edited by John Drinkwater by
An Anthology of the Poetry of the Age of Shakespeare. Edited by W.T. Young by
Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey by Bronte, Emily, Bronte, Anne, Bront, Anne
The Eighteen-Eighties: Essays by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature by
Spanish Ballads. Compiled by G. Le Strange by Le Strange, G.
Danish Ballads. Translated by E.M. Smith-Dampier by
Frauenquote, Betreuungsgeld und Homo-Ehe: Semantische Kämpfe im Geschlechterdiskurs seit der Bundestagswahl 2009 bis heute by Merk, Aljona
A History of Russian Thought by
Anniversary Essays on Tolstoy. Edited by Donna Tussing Orwin by
Ethics and Power in Medieval English Reformist Writing. Edwin D. Craun by Craun, Edwin D.
Writing to the King: Nation, Kingship, and Literature in England, 1250-1350. David Matthews by Matthews, David
Tudor Books and Readers: Materiality and the Construction of Meaning. Edited by John N. King by
Don Pedro Calderon by Cruickshank, Don W.
Darwin and the Memory of the Human: Evolution, Savages, and South America. Cannon Schmitt by Schmitt, Cannon
Modernity and the Reinvention of Tradition: Backing Into the Future. Stephen Prickett by Prickett, Stephen
Murderesses in German Writing, 1720-1860: Heroines of Horror. Susanne Kord by Kord, Susanne
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